Sunday, August 28, 2005

Food Diary

To be different, I have done a food diary for today

For breakfast, I had Nesquik cereal, with orange juice
I went bowling, but was hungry so I got fish and chips from wiimpy
Then we finished bowling, and I had a buffet, so that was, a burger, a kebab, some rice, salad, chips and a bit of lamb I think, I'm really not sure.
Then my mom dragged me away, so we went to this person's house and ate some nice cakes.
Then I went home, and ate a yorkie. THEN I had a necterine.
I just ate that.
It was so good.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Same Old Same Old

Ok, today, I am really going to try to put a bit of myself into the blog entry, I'm going to try to be personal. Oh who am I kidding? I'm going to write the same sort of crap I always do.
Yes. So tody, I'm battling a cold. I think I'm holding my own a bit today. I mean, I can't believe I'm getting a cold, the second of the summer! I'm drinking hot beverages, and sleeping alot. I'm gong to sleep in a bit, and am about to have a coffee.

Urg, this always happens. I can't be bothered to finish. So who cares

Oh, Hi to Megz, who is sexy.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

About Pies

I'm quite hungry this morning. I just had a pie. I'd like to have another pie, I have about five pies. I've just eaten a pie. It was very nice. I get my pies from the pie shop. It's rather close to my house. I go there every day, sometimes twice a day. Once, there was this time I didn't even leave the pie shop! I just kept buying pies all day long! Sometimes I get the pies delivered, but that cost extra money, and I could use that money to buy pies. Gawd I love that pie shop. I have to go now. I need to get something to eat. Maybe grab a pie. Whoa, I'm out of pies, I had better go to the pie shop. Toodles.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I think I went a bit mad on my rage there. Appologies to all.


So todays, I dyed my hair. But itw as not alone of course. I had two trusted friends who did it. I wasn't really going tod o it today, because I suddenly decided I liked my hair, but then I thought, oh screw it I might as well.
Riaz and mom were out today, they were with the neighbours at Riaz's new accomodation.
Damnination, I just remembered that tomorrow MR Stupid SMITH has to come around and teach me stupid math.

Math is STUPID by the way. Just incase you hadn't picked up on that angle, I REFUSE TO DO WORK YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DARN YOU MR SMITH .

Monday, August 15, 2005

Good Morning Sunnnshine

Heylo everybody. Today is a good day. A bit of a boring day, but a good day because I am feeling HAPPY.

My brother wnats to know ifI am blogging so I said that I totally am.

Oho, some people have come around. my mom's friends. They have two children, I am going to frolic barefoot with them in the garden. I'll update properly later.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Post for Adam

Lookie here! It's a whole entry for my buddy Adam. He's a little depressed right now. Then again, he always is! But be serious for a moment folks, this here comment is for Adam to feel happy, and to realise that I am not infact a murderer who is just posing as a little girl from Birmingham. I am in fact, a real girl from Birmingham. I know the fact that I often carry around sharp implements which appear to be coated in a red liquid have led several of you to wonder about my true identity, but be assured, the implements are blunted! And the red liquid is jam! Because I like eating my jam off sharp knives and the suchlike.

So now we have sorted that out, let's try and get Adam to be all happy.
Reasons to be Cheerful.
Life is fun! You should make the most of it. Just because the only way you can speak to super cool people like myself is by being on the internet, doesn't mean your life is sad, it means you are lucky, because you have a way to speak to said super cool people. Imagine some people, who may go their entire lives without so much as glancing at said super cool people. Believe it or not, some people will be this unlucky. Fortunately for you, you are not one of these people! You are Lucky Lucky Lucky.
Why else should you be cheerful. You should be cheerful because it's a good thing to be a hopeless romantic. Girls LIKE hopeless romantics, they do indeed.

Also, you should be happy that you live with Apes. Because this means you get to feel smarter than everyone else, everyday. And the chances are when you grow up someone who was a jerk to you now, will work for you! Hurray! Another reason to be happy

You should also be happy because your mom isn't constantly nagging you to get off the computer. GRAH. If she doesn't want to hurt her eyes, then SHE shouldn't use the computer.

That was a little offtopic. Basically, Adam should be happy and nice and everything. I'm going to put a bit of blogging here at the bottom. I'm missing Rob who is in Canada for unknown reasons...Luke is arguing with Jess which is a bummer. Jess is stressed. Anyway, talking to Tal who may read this so...yes, hello Tal. Sun's coming out i think. But it could be a lie.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

For Minal Part Two

So Anyway, it's just this day we had ages ago. Back when you didn't worry so much, but you did worry about things that didn't matter. We'd been planning this thing for a while, even though it's more fun to do things spur of the moment, our parents weren't the kinds who would be enthusiastic about "Spur of the Moment" Activities. They liked to plan everything out, to the last detail, and if possible, cancel it because it's a) Too much trouble b)Too expensive c) Too much of a waste of time.

But we'd planned, and planned, and rescheduled. And now we were ready for our trip. We'd planned a trip to stratford, it was a cute place, and we'd wanted to go for a while. The plan was that we'd go there, and then we'd have a picnic, walk around, then my mom would drive us back. It had taken absolutely ages, because when I'd first asked my mom about it, she'd given me that "I Hope You Aren't Expecting This To Work Because You Know How Busy I Am" look, but I was having none of it. I was fed up of my mom being the only mom who couldn't take her daughter anywhere, which she totally is. So we arranged it so that Minal's mom would take us, drop us off, then my mom would pick us up.

Monday, August 08, 2005

For Minal...

I'm not going to write a whole long story or any crap like that, partly because the sequence of events I'm about to relate don't end up as a story, there's no moral and no adventure and no climax to speak of. It's just something that happend to me one summer, when life wasn't so boring and the world wasn't so cold

Friday, August 05, 2005


Sigh, Ue is SO slow today. Just about no one is on. Possibly the most boring thing ever doncha know. I hate it when that happens. The problem is, that everyone seems to do things in their summer holidays. It's not really very summery, so not really summery enough to be doing anything anyway, but what I mean is, people are busy. Laura isn't online which is awful cause I really really want to talk to her. Jo is still in america which is dead evil. I wish she would come back! It's quite odd, Jo and I get on very well, I haven't got on so well with someone since, well since Laura. But Laura is always busy now, or she's at Luke's or she's with Luke. It's pretty much all the same thing.
At least this is giving me an oppurtunity to talk to more people. I now talk to Megz, Violet18, and SnicketChicket, even though I don't talk to them that much, some of them are really cool.
I started up my competition thing on Ue, and itlooks like it would be ok. At least it gives me a little something to do, as there isn't that many places to post on Ue right now.

Apparently, while I was away there was a huge blip and a whole lot of chaos. I feel bad that I wasn't there to sort it out, but I guesss it wasn't my fault, be being on a different continent to my computer.

I am wearing my "delilah" outfit for fun, because you know, it's fun. Riaz will probably come back and sigh at me, because I am wearing my Delilah outfit, but I like it so there.

Dillie finished my family's website, it's so cool! Alex and John both think so, and Alex and John rarely think that things are cool, so that's something of an achievement.

I think I maybe slightly addicted to hairspray. Speaking of which, I need to buy some more.

Today, I was hungry, so I ate the only ripe necterine, but then I was still hungry so I put the second necterine in the sun to ripen, while I at the first. Once I had finished the first, I was able to eat the second, do you see how that works?

I finally am eating some decent food. My mom and brother still aren't home yet, I made myself a burger and chips, but I couldn't find a bun so sadly, just with ketchup. The burger is very hot and I feel bad that I am eating fast food because even though I wont put on weight, I will still get spots and spots are evil. I must drink alot of water later. Lots and lots. See, I will, I will!

Cuddles is doing a crazy competition called the "Munchable Member of the Month" Which is cool, but I invented the name. I'm helping too! I voted for fricky cause she was feeling icky. That rhymes.

I take absolutely ages to write my blog entry you know. It's like those history essays, I do them just before I go to bed, but I start them as soon as I get home from school. Man this burger is spicy I need more water. And ketchup for my chips.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Copy Cat

I'm going to copy Rob and do one of those things where you describe people you know.

Kat: She's mad. And no doubt she'll take over the world. Starting with Russia.

Kim: She's so cool. And she has killer fashion sense doncha know?

Rob: I dreamt about him TWICE in a WEEK. Which must be a total new record or something. He's cool, from LONDON. But he doesn't HIYAH! when he Karatays D:

Rachel: She has such long hair. It's long I tells you.

Leonard: You smell

Laura: Where are you Laura? WHERE?

Madeline: You don't pronounce the E. It's not french. Anyone would know that.

Frickative: She doesn't really have myleen in the cellar. It's the wardrobe.

Nevermore: Ah, we both lost our minds at around the same time.

Luke: He should get himself a girlfriend

Matt: Is a cat.

Jozina: I miss her cause she is in the america.