Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Post for Adam

Lookie here! It's a whole entry for my buddy Adam. He's a little depressed right now. Then again, he always is! But be serious for a moment folks, this here comment is for Adam to feel happy, and to realise that I am not infact a murderer who is just posing as a little girl from Birmingham. I am in fact, a real girl from Birmingham. I know the fact that I often carry around sharp implements which appear to be coated in a red liquid have led several of you to wonder about my true identity, but be assured, the implements are blunted! And the red liquid is jam! Because I like eating my jam off sharp knives and the suchlike.

So now we have sorted that out, let's try and get Adam to be all happy.
Reasons to be Cheerful.
Life is fun! You should make the most of it. Just because the only way you can speak to super cool people like myself is by being on the internet, doesn't mean your life is sad, it means you are lucky, because you have a way to speak to said super cool people. Imagine some people, who may go their entire lives without so much as glancing at said super cool people. Believe it or not, some people will be this unlucky. Fortunately for you, you are not one of these people! You are Lucky Lucky Lucky.
Why else should you be cheerful. You should be cheerful because it's a good thing to be a hopeless romantic. Girls LIKE hopeless romantics, they do indeed.

Also, you should be happy that you live with Apes. Because this means you get to feel smarter than everyone else, everyday. And the chances are when you grow up someone who was a jerk to you now, will work for you! Hurray! Another reason to be happy

You should also be happy because your mom isn't constantly nagging you to get off the computer. GRAH. If she doesn't want to hurt her eyes, then SHE shouldn't use the computer.

That was a little offtopic. Basically, Adam should be happy and nice and everything. I'm going to put a bit of blogging here at the bottom. I'm missing Rob who is in Canada for unknown reasons...Luke is arguing with Jess which is a bummer. Jess is stressed. Anyway, talking to Tal who may read this so...yes, hello Tal. Sun's coming out i think. But it could be a lie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there u go sarah i hav commented lol

x*x*x < T * A * L ** R * O * X > x*x*x