Silly blogspot, it’s not working,s o I’m typing this in word, and I’ll upload it later with any luck!
Once again, I’m not on ue, or on msn, but I’m a bit annoyed because Blogger isn’t working, which means I cannot update! And I know everyone, including me, was eagerly awaiting my update!
Today, when I got up, I felt crap, through lack of sleep, and I also felt a little sick, so when my mum suggested I stay at home I obviously wasn’t too bothered. I went to bed, and woke up two hours later feeling wonderful. I had a nice long shower and generally felt good.
My holiday brochure arrived! I love holiday brochures; I love looking at all the places! It’s so fun! You can pretend you are lying on a beach in the Mediterranean instead of being in England, it’s a wonderful feeling. I also like cutting out the pictures and sticking them onto other things, it’s just a cheery sort of activity I enjoy.
I managed to do a large amount of homework, so I’m pretty proud of myself. I’m fed up of silly Blogger, so I’m going to do something better and I’ll update tomorrow, with my wonderful creation.
Yes, this is the future, how completely shocking. It is a new and slightly scary place.
OMG, the phone has not stopped ringing today, I'm going slightly mad! It just wont stop, and everytime I end up answering and every time it's not for me. Le sigh.
I spoke to my brother last night and we decided that this weekend we might go shopping for cheap videos, which is great, and will get me out of the house. I'm having a good time today really. Look at what I've done.
1. Biology Revision
2. One Picture
3. One project
4. One comic
5. Adam's fic
6. A bit of the next chapter of my Lily/ Snape
I was particularly pleased with Adam's fic, I wrote it for this competition thing he set, and it was only a short piece. The link is here:
It took two days for me to write, and it has no plot, and is exceedingly short. So much so that after I wrote it I felt as though I probably shouldn't have posted it, and thought it was horribly inadequte, but my lovely readers, not only my ue friends who I normally force to read things, but a few loffly people off actually reviewd it saying they liked it which really made my day. I was pleased with it as a piece of writing, but I didn't think anyone else would particularly appreciate it.
For those of you curious about my comic, I'm moving it to keenspace, so it takes a while, it might be two weeks, believe me, it's not my fault, blame keenspace! But I see this as a good thing, I mean it gives me time to get a good amount of comics done, but not posted, so that I can update reguarly. I shall post the link here once it's all up and running, and it's going to be good! Barbie will be making several guest appearances.
Soem of you might know that I like cutting magazines up, infact I thin I mentioned it above. Well today I cut some of the Style magazine I get free with the Sunday times up, and then stuck it down, sort of, and made quite a nice picture, but I don't think it'd appeal to my readers, so I shan't post it here. Suffice to say it was rather good, and a good use of my time :)
Oooh my project. Well I'm sure you've seen my puppets by now, so get ready for this
Now I know, alot of you are sitting there going, WTF? I assure you in real life it's more obvious what it is. The words on the top, yes they are words, say "The Puppet Show" and there are curtains on either side. In the middle is a picture, mainly compiled of magazine cuttouts, actually, it's from a James Villa brochure that I ordered, and then stuck down. It's a beach scenery. Below that, you have all my of my puppets so far lined up, and you might just be able to see far left Joanna and far left Yasamin. Obviously if I was using the puppets, only two or three of them could appear on "stage" at the same time, as there just isn't enough room for them. The background with the beach scene is easily removable, but as of yet, I don't have any other backgrounds, so all you'd have is cardboard..I'm planning on making a forest one :) The idea being you lean the back ground against the wall, and then put on the floor a piece of paper, on which you draw a very rough picture. For this, it would be the beach, mainly sand, a bit of sea, and draw some people on. You then use your puppets there! It sounds awful, but it's really not! I'll explain in detail another time.
So! That's how I spent most of today! The next chapter of my Lily/Snape is coming along nicely, but anyone who reads my writing religiously might have noticed that it's become a lot more descriptive, and I like to think it's gotten better. This means it takes far longer to write chapters than it used to, as I'm actually putting more emotion and thought into what I write, unlike my blog whereI just write any old crap. I'd particularly like to thank Megz for always reviewing, she's a sweetie. And Laura..hallo.
Hope you are all well
I'm missing msn, the temptation to sign in offline is very strong.
Don't tempt me! I mustn't. No no, I mustn't.
What picture of my is that? I have GIANT hair. ;-;
Don't do it m'dear, you'll only feel lousy afterwards. As ever, your creativity astounds me. You should write a script for la Puppets and somehow film it and then, um. Upload it to the internet for us all to squee over. You could even put it to MUSAK. I was about to suggest something along the lines of a hilarious romantic comedy, but, um, seeing as all your puppets are girls it might end up a bit sapphic XD
*keels laura*
don't say that!
I want my puppet! I gave u a photo :P
Ugh, I'm off to cry
yes, well, I cannae deny that I am a sweetie. ^_^ hummm i feel pointless. although i'm going to get some homework done tonight because you've inspired me with all your getting stuff done ishness. i'll reply your e-mail in a momentio. humm humm hummmmmmmmmmmmm.
loff you lots
Let's all ignore Dillie again in the next entry.
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