Monday, March 20, 2006

I have everything. Again

This post has been editted so that my friends can't get into my head

Rhetorical questions. Anyway, while my family in S.A have been getting on with the funeral, I've been reading fanfics. What a lovely niece I am. I read about this guy in the newspaper yesterday who is in the Labour party. He's bought a section of the amazon rainforest and so has prohibitted logging there. It is a really good idea, as it's an individual taking responsibility for ther world. Imagine if Starbucks and McDonalds and all the other big corporations did that, I bet there wouldn't be enough rainforest to go around. The rainforest provides 20% of the worlds oxygen, and 30% of it's freshwater, so it's a little worrying that it's going to dissappear some time soon. When you think about it, the earth is just like Venus, except a few hundred years behind. Venus suffers from extreme Green House Effects. It's so hot there because of it's atmosphere and no life could survive there if it wanted. The earth is so lucky, amazingly lucky to have been formed with all of the correct variables for life to exist, and yet we are polluting it. I'm polluting it right now, but that's not relevant as I'm a heartless person who cares only for herself anyway. I'm going to try and be as green as possible. I've heard that if they pu wind turbines in the North Sea they could generate enough electricity for the entire Uk, but I don't know if it's true and there are surely loads of complications.

I'm going to go and meditate, after I've done some chemistry.

Number of times I've said "I hate Everything" today:9
Number of times I've thought "I hate Everything" today:16


MINS! said...

We've been through this Sarah. You heart is just as much a working organ as mine or anyone else's is. (Actually, probably more than mine, what with mine being a faulty one). It's better that you realise you don't have grief than pretend you do. If I died I wouldn't want people who didn't really care suddenly start caring because I was dead.

Oh, and what you said about you'd be really shy if you ever met me.
My cousin is a reclusive lesbian. She hasn't been to school in over a year, and she doesn't talk to anyone. I can get her to talk to me though.

Sarah, you'd be a pice of cake. Not an inkblot.

Kimia said...

Hi! This is in response to the comment you left me on my blog. I'm Kiwi (aka KiwiMarshmallow on UE) I found your blog through Laura's blog. How did you find mah blog? I'm saying blog a lot, aren't I?

Anyway...I'm a lot similar to you in the way that I can't cry or feel sad when things like that happen. I usually feel terrible about it, but I know that I don't not have a heart....XD

Anonymous said...

My high school environmental club did a similar thing to the south american guy. We raised a few thousand dollars, and then went and bought some rainforest. It's not a lot (like you said, mcdonald's or starbucks would run out of forest to buy) but rest assured that there are five acres of rainforest where it will be forever illegal to log, with my club's name on it.
However other clubs used this organization too, so collectively we might have a few hundred acres, or even more. I don't know. Now that I think about it, I'd like to find out what the company is called, because then I could tell you how much rainforest is permanently protected. :)

Anonymous said...

oops. that was me, Jessica, by the way. :p