Looking back on my post from last night I decided I should really write a better one. I can't actually remember writing that, I just remember thinking "gosh I'm tired let me write about it on my blog" and seeing as it is pretty incoherent I might as well.
What happened, was I saw this competition to win Green Wing series 1, on DVD and after entering it, my brother was like "Sarah we don't have a DVD player" so then I went on loquax to find a competition for a DVD player and ended up entering like fifty. My fingers were so sore with typing my personal details.
My spanish oral is on Thursday, but I'm feeling pretty confident about it. I am now working on my daily routine answers once I've memorised my General conversation answers I'm set! I'm not trying to revise anything else right now, because I just want to wait 'till that's over. On Thursday evening I'll have to start revising for my French oral the following thursday, and after that, I'll start revising for Pe, ICT, English Lit and Spanish because they are the exams I have before the half term. See, I might not be doing alot of revision, but I know what is what is what I know!
I haven't got much to say because I'm writing alot in my real diary...only hello to Avia and Kiwi if they read this.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Bleh I've entered so many competitions today, maybe like fifty. The amount of times I've type my name, age, post code and answer is remarkable. I hope I win something. I bet I wont and then I will have to cry.
I called Melissah today and we had a lovely chat on the phone although she was actually out having a picnic with some people she doesn't really know and she confessed to me she hasn't seen the happy cow in months. I do like how easy it is to talk to Melissah, there are no awkward silences or nervous laughing. Infact we tend to talk over each other alot which is funny, because neither of us seem inclined to stop, and we just keep going until we become aware that it's a little silly :p Anyway, we have a lovely conversation and then I watched Green Wing again. For like, the eighth time.
Did anyone else see it!!?? I mean firstly, the whole Mac child thing does not make sense one little bit. Secondly, why must they introduce a child? Children ruin everything! Thirdly, oh my gosh does this mean Caroline is going to have slept with Guy in the next episode? Fourthly Oh my gosh what if she does???? Fifthly why is Mac fictional? Fifthly I can't really remember actually.
But Ooohhh my gosh it was a good episode! I can't wait until next weeks!
I saw the tail end of Dr Who today, it made minimal sense I am afraid but at least I got a nice view of David Tenant who is like, such a babe. Anyway, I am a little crazy, what with being half in love with Mac, and half in love with David Tennant I am awfully confused with pretty much everything and it's late and I'm babbling so yeah also, I squished some flowers in a book that I got from my garden, the flowers not the book because I got the books from my room and I don't think the flowers are dried yet though so I shan't post them until like a week later.
Tee hee hehehe
I called Melissah today and we had a lovely chat on the phone although she was actually out having a picnic with some people she doesn't really know and she confessed to me she hasn't seen the happy cow in months. I do like how easy it is to talk to Melissah, there are no awkward silences or nervous laughing. Infact we tend to talk over each other alot which is funny, because neither of us seem inclined to stop, and we just keep going until we become aware that it's a little silly :p Anyway, we have a lovely conversation and then I watched Green Wing again. For like, the eighth time.
Did anyone else see it!!?? I mean firstly, the whole Mac child thing does not make sense one little bit. Secondly, why must they introduce a child? Children ruin everything! Thirdly, oh my gosh does this mean Caroline is going to have slept with Guy in the next episode? Fourthly Oh my gosh what if she does???? Fifthly why is Mac fictional? Fifthly I can't really remember actually.
But Ooohhh my gosh it was a good episode! I can't wait until next weeks!
I saw the tail end of Dr Who today, it made minimal sense I am afraid but at least I got a nice view of David Tenant who is like, such a babe. Anyway, I am a little crazy, what with being half in love with Mac, and half in love with David Tennant I am awfully confused with pretty much everything and it's late and I'm babbling so yeah also, I squished some flowers in a book that I got from my garden, the flowers not the book because I got the books from my room and I don't think the flowers are dried yet though so I shan't post them until like a week later.
Tee hee hehehe
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Something Different
Today, just to be different, instead of writing my blog, I'm going to put up a picture of my real diary. It's a big black book that I write in.
I had to delete this picture because it was messing up my template :(
Isn't that nice? I've got a digital camcorder for my birthday, so you'll probably be getting more pictures from time to time.
I had to delete this picture because it was messing up my template :(
Isn't that nice? I've got a digital camcorder for my birthday, so you'll probably be getting more pictures from time to time.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I really want to go on msn but I musn't nooo why not I can't remember why damnit!
I gots a sexy black mini skirt
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Oooooone Hundreeed!
I gets no emails no more. It makes me cry in my heart.
The last four emails I gots are as follows:
I had to delete this because it was ugly.
How depressamundo are they?
The other day, I had a slight adventure. I was ouside with Olive in an attempt to get the worst of her moulting over outside instead of getting it off when I stroke her and either ending up with a ball of fluff in my mouth, (Go figure) or little fluff balls that float around the floor for weeks, being strangly evasive of the vaccum cleaner.
I was reading a book on the bench, which was rather pleasant when I realised that Olive was looking very pointedly above my head. I turned to see what was above my head, and I couldn't see anything, except for the fence. I turned back to point this out to my furry friend when she wiggled her bottom and I ducked, because when Olive wiggles her bottom it means she is preparing for a grand flying leap. Sure enough, she performed a grand flying leap right over my head and not quite onto the fence. She sort of reached it with her claws but not with the rest of her, and the rest of her is a significantly large mass. There was a short mad scramble but she got herself onto the fence. The problem was the fence was surrounded on my side of the garden by bushes, and had lots of obstacles in the way of just walking along it eg, THORNY PLANTS.
Olive was starting to look a little worried, so I decided I ought to rescue her. She's not really a street cat at all, I mean she's a house cat and she runs away from bees so she's nothing to boast about. I tried as I wanted but I couldn't get past the big bush infront of her current location, so I moved along a bit and tried to coax her, it woked, but I couldn't reach her. So going further along I gingerly pushed the spikey branches of a tree away and fearlessly plunged into the greenery in an attempt to rescue my dear olive. The idea was that i could get close to the fence and then move along it towards olive, but unfortunately she had other ideas and moved away from me. I considered just sitting there really still until she came close again but then I remembered the great spider clan that loved to sit in that bush. I got out of there sharpish. Once I had emerged it because rather obvious to me that Olive had gotton off the frence because I couldn't see her on it and I could hear some rather suspicious noises coming from the rose bush. I knelt down, and sure enough there was OLIVE!
I was about to crawl in and "rescue" her, when I noticed she was wiggling her bottom in a, I'm going to take a flying leap way. She was also looking at me in a "You look like a bird yum" way and then-
To do this retelling justices I must slow down time.
There I was, crouched in the grass looking for all the cats to see, a bird..(somehow) and Olive, apparently mistaking me for a bird was about to pounce on me. the second Olive moved she was shooting towards my head, to avoid her, I moved to the left, but unfortunately, she had never intended to harm me and moved to the left to avoid me. In short there was something of a collision.
And if it hurt me I hate to think what it did to her...
The last four emails I gots are as follows:
I had to delete this because it was ugly.
How depressamundo are they?
The other day, I had a slight adventure. I was ouside with Olive in an attempt to get the worst of her moulting over outside instead of getting it off when I stroke her and either ending up with a ball of fluff in my mouth, (Go figure) or little fluff balls that float around the floor for weeks, being strangly evasive of the vaccum cleaner.
I was reading a book on the bench, which was rather pleasant when I realised that Olive was looking very pointedly above my head. I turned to see what was above my head, and I couldn't see anything, except for the fence. I turned back to point this out to my furry friend when she wiggled her bottom and I ducked, because when Olive wiggles her bottom it means she is preparing for a grand flying leap. Sure enough, she performed a grand flying leap right over my head and not quite onto the fence. She sort of reached it with her claws but not with the rest of her, and the rest of her is a significantly large mass. There was a short mad scramble but she got herself onto the fence. The problem was the fence was surrounded on my side of the garden by bushes, and had lots of obstacles in the way of just walking along it eg, THORNY PLANTS.
Olive was starting to look a little worried, so I decided I ought to rescue her. She's not really a street cat at all, I mean she's a house cat and she runs away from bees so she's nothing to boast about. I tried as I wanted but I couldn't get past the big bush infront of her current location, so I moved along a bit and tried to coax her, it woked, but I couldn't reach her. So going further along I gingerly pushed the spikey branches of a tree away and fearlessly plunged into the greenery in an attempt to rescue my dear olive. The idea was that i could get close to the fence and then move along it towards olive, but unfortunately she had other ideas and moved away from me. I considered just sitting there really still until she came close again but then I remembered the great spider clan that loved to sit in that bush. I got out of there sharpish. Once I had emerged it because rather obvious to me that Olive had gotton off the frence because I couldn't see her on it and I could hear some rather suspicious noises coming from the rose bush. I knelt down, and sure enough there was OLIVE!
I was about to crawl in and "rescue" her, when I noticed she was wiggling her bottom in a, I'm going to take a flying leap way. She was also looking at me in a "You look like a bird yum" way and then-
To do this retelling justices I must slow down time.
There I was, crouched in the grass looking for all the cats to see, a bird..(somehow) and Olive, apparently mistaking me for a bird was about to pounce on me. the second Olive moved she was shooting towards my head, to avoid her, I moved to the left, but unfortunately, she had never intended to harm me and moved to the left to avoid me. In short there was something of a collision.
And if it hurt me I hate to think what it did to her...
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Well today has been just glorious.
I had a bit of a false start as I woke up rather late and heard my mother yelling up the stairs that I was a useless lazy girl, lovely. Then she and my brother left so I decided to go into the shower. Unfortunately the shower sucks, so I ended up standing in the shower cubicle pouring hot water over my head. Somehow I managed to get washed.
I ate my breakfast and read the rest of "I Capture The Castle." Mum came back with Riaz who had just passed his theory driving test and then she went out again which was fine by me. I read the last few pages of "I Capture the Castle" on the roof and returned to the house with throroughly windswept hair. It was rather a joke.
After lunch I did a whole unit of physics so I was rather pleased and then my revision for the day done I had some maths with my Tutor who only fell asleep twice and I managed to get full marks on a probablility question. Unfortunately I got near no marks on a simultaneous equation. It was one of those stupid ones where something equals x squared plus y squared and it just kills me. I then finally planted my seeds, if they are good I will find some way to take pictures of the plants. Unfortunately the patch that I have been allocated is far from being in direct sunlight but OH WELL.
After that I decided since mum was out again I would go up on the roof as I had realised I had nearly finished my journal, four pages left. I went out from my brother's bedroom window and had only been out there a while when the window slammed shut! I assumed my brother had partially closed it so that he wouldn't get a chill or whatnot so I persisted with my writing and musings and ho hummings. After I'd been out there some time (the weather was lovely, the wind a little boisterous but the sun was out and the clouds were the floaty kind) I heard the garage door open which was bad because it meant mom was home and she didn't like me being on the roof because it was too cold or something. So obviously I stopped writing and went to the window which was unfortunately closed and everyone knows you can't open windows from the outside because that would mean burglars and unfortunate little sisters would be able to get in. Weighing up my options I decided that I would be better off rescued and in trouble that frozen to the bone when Riaz finally remembered Olive wasn't the third member of the family and let me in. It's funny considering that I didn't really have any options being stranded on the roof and all.
First I tried knocking which thanks to good for nothing double glazed windows made little impression on the world. Then I looked vaguely around the roof to see if there was anyone in the vicinity that could be of aide. Oh yes I can imagine "excuse me sir, yes it's me, up here, I wondered could you go round to my house and inform my family that I am in fact stuck on the roof." I'm sure it would have gone down tremendously.
I scouted all around the roof and couldn't establish any even slightly safe way of getting off the roof without running a high risk of me being splatted on the floor. I tried knocking again and was pretty sure I could hear my brother and mother talking about me inside. Eventually, I lay on my stomach on the edge of the roof and knocked on the window of the kitchen by leaning over. May I mention that this was two metres up and there was only air between me and the cold kiss of concrete? After a moment that seemed to last for an age my brother's head appeared. I would have cried with the injustice of it all if my brother hadn't looked up and instead attributed the noise to some stupid bird that repeatedly flew into the window as if to assure itself that glass really does hurt. Luckily he didn't, and I was saved.
I went back to my room and finished the last page of my journal in peace. So I guess I ought to get a new one. After all, I've kept one for the last four years, it would be a pity to stop now.
I had a bit of a false start as I woke up rather late and heard my mother yelling up the stairs that I was a useless lazy girl, lovely. Then she and my brother left so I decided to go into the shower. Unfortunately the shower sucks, so I ended up standing in the shower cubicle pouring hot water over my head. Somehow I managed to get washed.
I ate my breakfast and read the rest of "I Capture The Castle." Mum came back with Riaz who had just passed his theory driving test and then she went out again which was fine by me. I read the last few pages of "I Capture the Castle" on the roof and returned to the house with throroughly windswept hair. It was rather a joke.
After lunch I did a whole unit of physics so I was rather pleased and then my revision for the day done I had some maths with my Tutor who only fell asleep twice and I managed to get full marks on a probablility question. Unfortunately I got near no marks on a simultaneous equation. It was one of those stupid ones where something equals x squared plus y squared and it just kills me. I then finally planted my seeds, if they are good I will find some way to take pictures of the plants. Unfortunately the patch that I have been allocated is far from being in direct sunlight but OH WELL.
After that I decided since mum was out again I would go up on the roof as I had realised I had nearly finished my journal, four pages left. I went out from my brother's bedroom window and had only been out there a while when the window slammed shut! I assumed my brother had partially closed it so that he wouldn't get a chill or whatnot so I persisted with my writing and musings and ho hummings. After I'd been out there some time (the weather was lovely, the wind a little boisterous but the sun was out and the clouds were the floaty kind) I heard the garage door open which was bad because it meant mom was home and she didn't like me being on the roof because it was too cold or something. So obviously I stopped writing and went to the window which was unfortunately closed and everyone knows you can't open windows from the outside because that would mean burglars and unfortunate little sisters would be able to get in. Weighing up my options I decided that I would be better off rescued and in trouble that frozen to the bone when Riaz finally remembered Olive wasn't the third member of the family and let me in. It's funny considering that I didn't really have any options being stranded on the roof and all.
First I tried knocking which thanks to good for nothing double glazed windows made little impression on the world. Then I looked vaguely around the roof to see if there was anyone in the vicinity that could be of aide. Oh yes I can imagine "excuse me sir, yes it's me, up here, I wondered could you go round to my house and inform my family that I am in fact stuck on the roof." I'm sure it would have gone down tremendously.
I scouted all around the roof and couldn't establish any even slightly safe way of getting off the roof without running a high risk of me being splatted on the floor. I tried knocking again and was pretty sure I could hear my brother and mother talking about me inside. Eventually, I lay on my stomach on the edge of the roof and knocked on the window of the kitchen by leaning over. May I mention that this was two metres up and there was only air between me and the cold kiss of concrete? After a moment that seemed to last for an age my brother's head appeared. I would have cried with the injustice of it all if my brother hadn't looked up and instead attributed the noise to some stupid bird that repeatedly flew into the window as if to assure itself that glass really does hurt. Luckily he didn't, and I was saved.
I went back to my room and finished the last page of my journal in peace. So I guess I ought to get a new one. After all, I've kept one for the last four years, it would be a pity to stop now.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
...wait..oh yeah!!
I've suddenly got the whole "prozzy Lozzy" and "Jazzy Yazzy" thing! It took it's sweet time I must say.
Anyway, yes I had a very fun encounter in Bham town center which I hate, but I was all happy because of the aforementioned encounter. I bought four books which of course makes me so happy! I bought
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Happy Ever After
So I shall have things to read! hurrah!
Laura, I would call you, but in the past our telephone conversations have not gone very well :p
Anyway, yes I had a very fun encounter in Bham town center which I hate, but I was all happy because of the aforementioned encounter. I bought four books which of course makes me so happy! I bought
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Happy Ever After
So I shall have things to read! hurrah!
Laura, I would call you, but in the past our telephone conversations have not gone very well :p
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I had a very fun encounter today. Which I told Megz about on the phone. She laughed at me of course.
More on this topic later.
More on this topic later.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Fricking stupid Gicksies. Revision=0.
Anyway, I am just posting a new comic, from the series I'm currently drawing. It's coloured, and most of them wont be, but it's also not as well drawn as I would have liked. As I keep drawing them they are inevitably getting better. They're very different from the traditional LASKI cartoons, but the jokes are the same sort of thing. Hope you like!
Anyway, I am just posting a new comic, from the series I'm currently drawing. It's coloured, and most of them wont be, but it's also not as well drawn as I would have liked. As I keep drawing them they are inevitably getting better. They're very different from the traditional LASKI cartoons, but the jokes are the same sort of thing. Hope you like!

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