Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Take 1

Seeing as my film debut was greeted with such enthusiasm (two comments guys, come on! Step it up!) I decided to make another film. But now I'm getting deep, it's a DOCUMENTRY.

Anyway, I got a letter from the lovely Yasamin and sent off a reply along with two letters for Jessica :) I haven't had a letter from Melissah in a while, but I suppose it's because of exams. My mum seems bemused by the number of penfriends I now have.

I bought "For Esme-With Love and Squalor" for my brother, as he likes JD.Salinger and it's his beefday soon! Also, I finished reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" which I recommend to all of my friends. I loved it and I am reading it for the second time.

One of my favourite parts is this poem so I've typed it out and have taken to sending it to all of my friends if they have any sort of problem. To make the whole process easier, I'm going to post it below.

Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Chops"
because that was the name of his dog
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and a gold star
And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
and read it to his aunts
That was the year Father Tracy
took all the kids to the zoo
And he let them sing on the bus
And his little sister was born
with tiny toenails and no hair
And his mother and father kissed a lot
And the girl around the corner sent him a
Valentine signed with a row of X's
and he had to ask his father what the X's meant
And his father always tucked him in bed at night
And was always there to do it

Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Autumn"
because that was the name of the season
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and asked him to write more clearly
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because of its new paint
And the kids told him
that Father Tracy smoked cigars
And left butts on the pews
And sometimes they would burn holes
That was the year his sister got glasses
with thick lenses and black frames
And the girl around the corner laughed
when he asked her to go see Santa Claus
And the kids told him why
his mother and father kissed a lot
And his father never tucked him in bed at night
And his father got mad
when he cried for him to do it.

Once on a paper torn from his notebook
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
because that was the question about his girl
And that's what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
and a strange steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because he never showed her
That was the year that Father Tracy died
and he forgot how the end
of the Apostle's Creed went
And he caught his sister
making out on the back porch
And his mother and father never kissed
or even talked
And the girl around the corner
wore too much makeup
That made him cough when he kissed her
but he kissed her anyway
because that was the thing to do
And a three A.M he tucked himself into bed
his father snoring soundly

That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
he tried another poem
And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself an A
and a slah on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because this time he didn't think
he could reach the kitchen.

-The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Anonymous

Last but not least, I've written three chapters of my new parody-fic Hermione's Exceedingly Busy Day.
My lovely beta Megzwegzy is currently betarring the second and third chapters and I'm hoping to have one of them up by the end of the week. Please check it out and review!

Also, I love bubbles.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Biker

Today I thought I'd write a really long entry about my boyfriend, the biker.

We've been going for two or three weeks now, it's actually a really sweet story of how we met. So I was outside Phil's looking at the stars and he was outside smoking a joint, and we both noticed that there was a pringle on the floor, so I reached down to move it away, and he reached down to see if it was coated in cannabis, and we sort of banged heads. Then we both straightened up, a little embarrased, and he gave me the pringle which was totally cute, even though it wasn't coated in cannabis.
He's really sweet, and totally deep, we have these really great conversations. Like this one time, I was telling him that I thought Jalopeneo (sp?) peppers were the spiciest peppers ever, and he said that this one time, he'd had this really spicy red pepper and he thought that maybe that pepper was the spiciest, and I said that maybe the red pepper had been next to a spicy thing and retained some of it's spiciness, and then, he said something really deep, "It's like when you don't close the lid on the milk carton and it starts to smell like all the stuff in the fridge," god he's like so smart! He comes out with all these really interesting thoughts.
We're also totally like, connected. This one time, I was in the car, and I know he's a biker and so he should have a bike, not a car, and he does have a bike, but he figures that you need a car for when you do the shopping, even though he still lives with his mom and she does the shopping most of the time but he has a car just incase he ever needs to do the shopping. Anway, I was in the car and I say "God I'm so hungry, you know what I'd like to eat right now?" And he said "Chips," just like that, I didn't need to hint at him or anything! And also, this other time, we were sitting in Phil's and I was eating some chips because I always eat chips when we go to Phil's and I was just thinking that I could do with some ketchup and he totally pushed the ketchup towards me! Ok, he said it was so that he could engrave his initials into the table, but I know it was really because we have this really profound bond.
Also, he has this totally awesome tattoo, he has lots of tatoos actually. This one that he got when he broke up with his girlfriend, or his wife, but he says that if you are really drunk the wedding doesn't count, but he was really sad and a little stoned and he went to the tattoo parlour and got a tattoo of this beautiful black rose, but it's like, crying, and it's not crying regular tears, it's crying tears of blood. It was so beautiful but so sad that it made me cry, but not tears of blood, just regular tears. He got it done before we met, but he says that if we had already had met, he would have got it done for me.
He also proposed to me, so we're engaged until he can afford a wedding, which might take a while because he works at the cinema, not making films, although that's what he wants to do, he serves the popcorn and makes sure that people don't steal pick 'n mix. It was so sweet, the way he proposed. We were sitting in his car, and eating onion rings, which are my favourite thing if I can't get chips, and so I said I loved onion rings, and he said that he did to, and I said that when I got married I wanted loads of onion rings and he said he did too and then he passed me the onion rings which is totally symbolic and I nearly cried and even though he didn't say "Will You Marry Me," I know that he meant it.

Anyway, one of these days I've got to ask him his name! It's never come up in conversation you know. I bet it's something really really sensitive and romantic, like Mozart.


Because she rocks and is awesome.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Fear has a new ally...

coming soon

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Deep Breaths Ladies

*hyperventilates* I am still in shock about Mac and Green wing and oh god whyyyyyy!

It was so weird, as soon as the episode finished on that complete "OH MY GOD WTF" ending two of my friends called me with a "Why Sarah Why?" Thing. I watched the entire episode and although it's the most tasteful character death I've ever seen, it's still unbearable to watch! SOB.

Too distraught to write any more.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Skools out for the summer!

Kat under the cherry blossom (bubble gum) tree at school, Wot Larks!

Also, I recieved Jessica's letter today! I shall scan in the envelope it was lovely!

For any crazy people like Jess who think that you get stuff thrown at you in pe exams (hmm..) what it is, is 50% practical 10% coursework and 40% written exam on things like muscles, health, the body, social issues about sport, de blah de blah. Anyway, I giggled muchly over your idea.

I weely hope Melissah did wells in her exam!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Some photos from the last few days, my last days in compulsory education! None of me by the way.

Here's a picture of Rachel! Doesn't she look shocked! Along with Foiley and Charlie she made my PE expirience bearable. Without her I would have had to resort to having a ridiculous menstruation cycle.

Here's Kate! And Kat! Kat on left, Kate on right. Kat is looking strange because she just saw Ellie and I duet "Wind beneath my wings" It is enough to make anyone feel rather confused. She looks a bit odd there, she normally doesn't look like that.

Here's lots of the girls getting their shirts signed on the field. What a frivilous persuit!
I am sitting some way off having a picnic with my friends, which is a tradition we've been doing for four years, but suddenly everyone wants in!

And best of all, here are the ducks that somehow got themselves into our school...I get how the duck got in, but how did those ten ducklings manage it? The teachers used a variety of techniques, such as luring them with bread, to scooping them up with nets. It was actually quite cute.
Can anyone solve the mystery of how the ducks got in? If you can, I'll do something!


I'm feeling a little, or a lottle embarrassed by yesterdays update, but it was quite frank and honest so I shan't take it off, after all, some day I'll look back and say "What a sap, but at least I was frank and honest."
Today was the last day of school uniform for a week. Lol. I go on study leave after tomorrow afternoon.

I don't really feel like writing much, I feel gorgeous, my french oral went great and generally things are very good.

I'm a little sad about tomorrow but oh well.

Sorry about this abysmally short entry :p

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

An uncharachteristically depressed post

I know, it's terrible, the unsubduable Sarah is feeling rather depressed. Well not depressed, just sad, butI've had a good long cry and feel better now. Don't worry! It wasn't a whole "oh I'm going to fail my GCSEs" or a "My boyfriend broke up with me" or " I can't be with the guy I love" Boo hoo, it was a little more sensible than that. I'm going to write about it to purge myself of the expirience, don't feel as though you have to comment afterwards, I just want to get it out and I know most of us have trouble dealing with any kind of grief in all situations.

So I was looking for my tape (it was called "Franklin: the french turtle!") but I couldn't find it, instead, right at the back of my cupboard I found a blank tape. I put it in the player, expecting to see a series one episode of lost or something, but instead I realised it was a home video made before I was born.

What it was, was my mum, my dad and my older brother, about six years before I was born, just sitting in our old house with their friends. It must have been a sweet thing for them to be doing back then, but with hindsight it was horribly to watch. Firstly, there was no sign of me in it, I don't mean that in a self involved "everything must be about me" kind of way, but it's just strange to see what your family was like before you came along. Secondly and alot worse, was how happy they were and I was just sitting there looking at them and comparing them to their modern counterparts and thinking how much better it would be for them if they could have stayed like that, like the people in the video. And then I was thinking that it was only after I was born that things really started to get shitty and that they would probably prefer if I had never been born and if they could stay the happy family in the video. Then I started thinking, not just remembering but really trying to believe all the stupid things I tried to believe as a child, like maybe my dad was a secret agent or a police officer or something that meant he had to pretend to die, and maybe his whole death was faked and one day he'd just walk into the kitchen and everything would be like he'd never left.

My mum and my dad had obviously only just been married in the picture, they had one child, my brother. He looked so happy, and I felt so bad for him, just thinking that in a few years he was going to loose his father, but he didn't realise then, and how many regrets he would have afterwards and how he would have to grow up without a father figure and how it would affect him and them I remembered that that was my brother and that's how he did grow up. Then I was looking at my mum and she was just married, and all housewivey and innocent and smiley and in love and it was horrid. She kept saying things like "We'll look at that in twenty years and smile" and I was just sitting thinking "No, in just 6 years everything will have changed and you'd probably give anything to go back now. I was crying so much and I was really worried that my mum would come in and see me because we've never really spoken about my dad's death and I didn't want her to see me cry because then she might start crying and I don't know what I'd do if that happend.

And it occured to me that it wasn't just the father from the video family that had died, it was the entire family and maybe I was the only alive one because the other two would never recover. And then the only thought that kept going through my head was how good their lives would have been without me, because without me they would have stayed the family in the video and I know that's stupid, and it's not true and my mum is probably happy to have me, but it seems more like a consolation prize, loose a husband and gain a daughter. oh dear I'm getting teary again and I'm going to be a big puffball tomorrow if this keeps up.

Urg I'm so sorry to bum you guys out, I know how horrid it is when other people write depressing things and you never know what to say even if you've expirienced something really simillar so I'll get it if no one comments but yeah.

French oral tomorrow so I'd better sleep.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Just a short post, I'm having quite a nice time wandering around the house in my dressing gown and crown of confidence, murmering french conversation answers under my breath.

The problem is speaking french after speaking spanish is like having a curry and then going back to a salad or something. That's a really bad analogy but oh well.

Anyway, I did one of those 100 question quizzes yesterday, and sent it to Laura. Laura sent it back and then sent me a 200 word quiz and she is crazy if she thinks I'm going to complete it and send it back.

I think I am doing pretty well with my revision, I go on study leave on Friday, and then we have a week of study leave. After that we have two english exams, PE, ICT and a spanish reading I think. Therefore I should be able to revise for them in that week. Then we have the half term holiday and after that we have the rest of the exams which I will have revised for in the half term. It's all very planned out. Biology and Chemistry are sound. History I can finish in a day, French and Spanish I just need to go over vocab, Maths just needs tweaking and I think that's about it. Hooray! Soon the holidays will be upon us. Soon my pretties.

Also, check out the new Crazy and Lazy by our very own Yasamin. I, as usual play a lovely key role as "the BookEater" although I find the fact she's fazed out my relationship with The Nameless one rather amusing and a little sad. Speaking of the Nameless one, I'm sure if you read my blog, you read his and you heard about Chaos. Wasn't it terrible? Pets are precious things...

Not much more to write about except that I am so sad because I'm having all of my last lessons, so it's like no more spanish lessons, no more PE lessons awww...I tried to skip pe by hiding in the showers with Monique, but sadly it failed.

Also, did you know that in a girls school, everyone is about 5% lesbian?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Later that day

Another update.

I've taken the liberty of making myself a Crown of Confidence. As featured here. If you are unfamilliar with the term, shame on you for not watching Green Wing.
The idea is that you put it on when you are feeling rubbish, or marginally less splendid and say:
Sarah Murano, you are a Queen
You are a leader!
You are the greatest human being to ever walk the planet.

Obviously you insert your own name and change the Queen depending on your gender. It's quite fun! I think we should all make them and post them on our blogs. Mine is very pink as you can see and I am wearing it right now. I made it super big so it fits nicely and I slide it under my pony tail. I can hardly tell that it's there.

I wish I'd checked my emails last night, I got an email from Avia, who is a doll by the way, and apparently she left Ue. Her blog leaves no clues and I've emailed her back, but I don't know what's going on really...

Green Wing!

I love Green Wing so much! Mac makes a totally cute dad, I'm coming around to the idea of Holly not being totally evil, and Guy was hillarious. Also, I need Sue White's sign. NEED IT. What makes the viewing expirience even more fun is that I text Melissa in the breaks and we share televisual insights.
My spanish oral went fine, but everyone else says that theirs went fine too, so I don't know what to think. I'm now practicing for my French oral which is next Thursday.
Yesterday we had an "English Party" in English, where we just ate alot really. It wasn't too bad and I decided that our entire school is about 5% lesbian.
I sent Yasamin her birthday pressente, but I couldn't speak to her on the phone :( Also, Nevviemore got my letter, and I hope she is going to write back soon, because Melissaah is pretty busy with exams and such. Perhaps I will send her a "Have fun studying" letter...hohum.
Anyway, little left to report on except that I got some awfully cute pajamas and my mum is trying to buy my affections which I have no problem with.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

How I spent my PE lesson

And the little boys hair is all blond and curly and looks suspiciously like Macs
Mac: Does he remind you of..
Holly: Yeah, and there might be a very good reason for that
Mac: You think we ought to go and have a little chat?
Holly: Ok?Mac *Bends down to look at little boy*
Mac: And you are?
Holly: McKensieMAc: Mac-ensie


Caroline is in Mac's apartment lighting candles in a silk nightie. noises like someone opening the door, she sits on the pool tableMac walks in
Mac: Ah, great time
Caroline: Is it?
Holly: Oh hi, Caroline
Caroline *Runs and hides behind couch*
Holly: Nice nightie
Caroline: Thank you
Mac: We were just-
Caroline *Notices Mckensie*
Caroline: Who is this?
Holly: This is Mckensie, my son, Macs son, our son
Mac: Shit
Caroline *Starts to pick up her shoes and attempts to leave
Mac You don't have to go, I dont want you to go
Caroline: No you have to talk and I am also rather late for a dinner with my..uncle
Holly: You go to your uncle's dressed like that
Caroline: Naturally *hobbles towards the door*
Mac: *runs after her* here, take my coat (awwwwww)
Caroline: No I'll be fine
Mac: Ok, we'll talk about this tomorrow, I really dont know what to say
Caroline: That's a first
Mac: I do like the nightie
Holly: Do you have a bottle opener *holding bottle of wine*
Caroline *leaves*

Carolines flat, Guy and Caroline are playing poker, Guy is smoking a cigar and both seem drunk on hard liquor
Caroline: Right, we're playing this hand I think you're bluffing but I'm out of money so you're going to have to lend me some
Guy: I'm not lending you money
Caroline: Well what do you want? My toaster?
Guy: No
Caroline: I'll drive you to work for a week
Guy: No
Caroline, well I haven't got anything else
Guy *Apparently after some consideration A kiss?
Caroline: I fold
Guy: Your choice
Caroline: You';re bluffing
Guy: Yeah your right I am
Caroline: What kind of kiss
Guy: Just a kiss
caroline: not a snog
guy: no just a kiss
caroline *looks at cards* Ok, I'll see you for a kiss
Guy: well read these, and weep quite a lot *puts cards down*
Caroline *in shock* a full house?
Guy: that's right baby, a entirely repleat fixed abode
Caroline: fuck you weren't bluffing
guy: I never do, or do I?
Caroline:I have, three jokers
Guy: Jacks
Caroline: a four, and a hanged man
Guy: Another taro, Caro. Well hard cheese because you are now rather poor and owe me a kiss *puts down cards and moves glass of whiskey off table
Caroline *sighs* Fine get it over with *leans forward* Not a snog!
Guy: *shakes head meekly*
Caroline: A kiss. *purses lips rather tensely and leans forward*
Guy: *holds her collar and kisses her very sweetly, caroline begins to respond. Kiss ends*
Caroline: *Kisses guy*
Caroline and guy: With the makeyouty action

Can you believe Charlotte missed it so I had to type that ALL out?