Saturday, May 06, 2006

Green Wing!

I love Green Wing so much! Mac makes a totally cute dad, I'm coming around to the idea of Holly not being totally evil, and Guy was hillarious. Also, I need Sue White's sign. NEED IT. What makes the viewing expirience even more fun is that I text Melissa in the breaks and we share televisual insights.
My spanish oral went fine, but everyone else says that theirs went fine too, so I don't know what to think. I'm now practicing for my French oral which is next Thursday.
Yesterday we had an "English Party" in English, where we just ate alot really. It wasn't too bad and I decided that our entire school is about 5% lesbian.
I sent Yasamin her birthday pressente, but I couldn't speak to her on the phone :( Also, Nevviemore got my letter, and I hope she is going to write back soon, because Melissaah is pretty busy with exams and such. Perhaps I will send her a "Have fun studying" letter...hohum.
Anyway, little left to report on except that I got some awfully cute pajamas and my mum is trying to buy my affections which I have no problem with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes sariekins. In fact, I went to the post office today to mail it, but realized too late that it was sunday... :'(

If I don't get my butt out of bed 30 minutes earlier to send it off before work tomorrow, you can count on it in the mail on Tuesday fer sure. :)