Don't tell me, you've all just died, just died, dropped dead with the pain of not being able to read my blog at least once a week. I am sorry dear friends, I did not think that it would end like this. I thought we would all be alive, I thought, I thought, oh I'm just so sorry.
I have been away for two weeks in South Africa, visiting my family, and I thought Iw as going to do a really long post, with pictures and videos but I can't really be arsed. That's why I haven't posted until now, because I thought I was going to do a really interesting post, but just haven't gotten around to it.
A bit of an update in my life then.
Here is a video of Girls Gone Wild to delight and inform
On Wednesday, I went to Cadbury's world with my friends. Cadbury's world is where they make Cadbury's Dairy Milk, it cost us £7.60 and they gave us alot of free chocolate. Unfortunately, by the end of it I didn't want to ever see any chocolate ever again, and didn't even eat the free bars they gave. I only met my friends at the trainstation because I was under the impression that we were all going to have some kind of lesbian orgy, but I decided to stay and go to Cadbury's world, because surely orgies and chocolate are at least on par with each other. It was a very fun day, but my "friends" kept tickling me which caused me to cry out at one point, "Stop it, my kidney's have rights!" They took no notice of me. Rachel brought her french penfriend Helene, who is nice, but I get the feeling she thought that we were completely loco.
This Wednesday we are hoping to go to Drayton Manor, which is a nearby theme park. It should cost £15 each which is pretty good and I am tres excited. Olive is also excited because I will not bother her for an entire day. I desperately want to see Pirates of the Carribean 2, but I haven't organised it yet.

Next week I am going for a university thing, where I hang out at Birmingham Uni for a week and they smile benignly at me.
Kat has gone on holiday to Ukraine, to see her family and will be there for five weeks, so I might be on the internet a bit more, Megz introduced me to a really good fic, which I quickly realised was H/D, but was actually quite good. There was also a really good Ginny/Tom on it which was Neato.
I read Bridget Jones' Diary yesterday, and it was alot better than I had previously thought it would be, don't you know. I got it from the charity shop I work at for about 50p, so it was worthwhile.
I love youtube it is awesome! I have been watching Love Hina, and when I am finished, I am going to watch Negima, and then I am going to ask Matt to recommend something.
Recently I've been doing alot of gardening. The seeds that I sew in March are now growing nicely, but for some reason, when I was planting them, I planted three types, one in one area, and then two right on top of each other. I've been moving the ones that I put in one area around a bit, but I can't do anything with the ones on top of each other... I've called them Jessica, after Nevermore, because..actualyl I can't remember, but I called them Jessicas and that is that.
When I was at the airport, it was about 5.30 British time, I hadn't eaten in the past twelve hours, and I hadn't slept in the past 24, and the Charles de Gaulle Airport thought it was bloody hillarious to not let me on my flight, and then give me a flight three hours later, and then delay that flight by three hours, so everytime I fell utterly pissed off and wanted to scream "WHY ME" I kept thinking, don't ask, it'll ruin the magic, or something to that effect

I met alot of interesting people at various airports, but I spent the majority of my time either trying to sleep or talking to Picachu. Funnily enough, people didn't really seem to want to talk to me after they'd seen me talking to him. I suspect they were just jealous. On the right is a picture of Picachu, just chillin' in one of my cousins houses.
Also, all of my images are hosted by Putfile.
Shoutouts to..I don't know right now, but can I say, there are about seven of us who all have blogs, interesting blogs at that, I think we should make a club or something..or the rest of you should join the Duckie, Dobbie and Sarah Club that is around, because it is cool you know!
Laura is Dobbie, I am Duckie.
Not once in this blog did you use your real name...
I love that book, "his erection was hardly subtle, it was like a pencil case being jabbed into my thigh."
Come back on, I saw Pirates of the Carribean! I need to tell you about it, it's good. I was in Liverpool, the worst place in England and quite possibly the world.
Anyway, Orlando Bloom gets whipped. Bondage and whipping. XD
Oh dear. ; )
Picachu is the secks. Him and Torchic would be cool. Is Picachu more like Harry or Draco? Torchic is Draco.
Did those stains ever come out of your couch? Did you unchain Harry? :o Ohhhh dear.
Sugar Rush on Thursday, Kimmy takes horse tablets and passes out on the beach.
Saint - jaw - floor.
"Adam says -
Saint is the hawtest person on the continent!
Adam says -
But no match for you. : P
Meag says -
Nice save."
Come on MSN.
Adam x
You named them after me for two reasons:
1) you had just left the forum and wanted a way to remember me. I suggested planting flowers.
2) you planted them in march, my birthday is March 1 making it MY month. I own it. I am the supreme queen of the month. They were born in my month, they were named after me. :D
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