Cough cough cough.
I have a little cough, in my little chest, and every time I cough it leaves a little pain, cough cough cough, there it goes again.
Anyway, now that you all are aware that I have a cough, onto more important things!
My hair is being huge. It's really quite upsetting. I should try and iron it or something, but I cannot be bothered, it shall have to remain as a huge black cloud around my head.
My new word is Riddlelicious, which is obviously awesome, and everyone thinks so. Laura has been reading a very strange fic t

Laura doesn't blog anymore, did you know? It's shocking, she's a whore isn't she? If she blogged more maybe I wouldn't have had to get rid of her blog from the list on the side!
Everyone should look at the new blogs by the way. We've got a new generation of bloggers.
My mum wants me to go to Bham centre in a minute, so I'll just put these nature pictures up. I took them yesterday because I'm arty.
I wanted this to be a longer entry but I don't really think it will be.
Has anyone seen Megz? I know she wasn't on yesterday and that's hardly anything to get in a tizz about, and she may have been online but I can't remember, but still. And she hasn't updated her Msnspace. Megz is the only exception to the All the cool kids are on blogspot rule. Because she's a very cool kid.

I ate like, two necterines yesterday, and then I ate lots of cookies. Shocking.
There's a fair on Sunday at a park, so I'm going to go, and I've invited Hirah so hopefully she'll come too! It'll be swell.
I'm writing a story for my friend Blair from summer camp, but it's difficult. Writing is hard. Did everyone read that Hagrid story that my brother wrote? If not I'll post it here.
hagrid called the telephone man
"'ello? Is 'agrid."
"Hello hagrid."
Hagrid say : "You want window?, I got window, two window."
"Oh, I see, am I on the phone?"
Hagrid was confused.
"You want window? I got two window, window one? Window one very big."
it's very deep isn't it?
Did everyone hear about Bad Poppet? A very bad poppet indeed.
Here's a must read story, it's not quite Tom/Ginny, but it's certainly worth a gander. And I know it's in the restricted section so you have to sign up and pretend that you're 20, but it really is worth it. And signing up only takes two ticks.
Tom teaches Ginny about the Birds and the Bees
One of the most important things in life, is to know what your favourite Harry Potter Ship is. It certainly is the biggest window to the soul. And never ever speak to anyone who says that it's Harry/Ginny, likewise to people who just look at you like you're mad. They weren't worth you're time anyway.
Three weeks to GCSEs I'm not obsessed at all.
It surely was a secksy fic.
Now I know about masurbating i will go and touch myself. KKK?
best ship is sirius/remus.
anyhow, what're you on?
i swear i was on and talked to you yesterdayyyy
oh well
it is nice to be loved *beams*
i'm going to portugal for a week tomorrow so i'll like see you next saturday/sunday for a good catch up on the sexy parseltongue front
oh also you stole my entry title! it was mine first!
all our nectarines have gone wrinkly
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