Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm back kiddies!

Oh I love you tiddlies, I come back, and look on my blog, and think zomg, ten comments! I am loved! Then I look, and it's a little banter between minal and Kat, followed by Jessica not really being able to spell. AH WELL. Y'all are still my homies.

Croatia was awesome, that was the first holiday I've been on in ages that I actually enjoyed. The really bad news is that I didnt' do any of my holiday homework and now I have to fit it into the next three days. Oh well. I am too lovely to have to do homework, surely there is a law?

The entirity of yesterday was spent travelling. First, we went by coach from our resort to the airport, one hour. Then at the airport, which was tiny they made us wait for ages, three hours. Then on the plane, we had the coolest pilot ever, I am going to be a pilot, it took two hours. When we arrived in Gatwick, there was the usual, blah blah waiting for luggage and then just waiting thing which was another hour. By the time we got to the exit, we'd missed our coach, so we booked onto the next one, which would be in two hours. We hung around the airport for the allocated time, and I bought a spiderman comic, it had a poster of spiderman and wolverine andI shall totally put it on my wall. Anyway, I was annoyed that I hadn't got my phone else I would have just texted and texted and so on and so forth. I read Lolita for a bit, and then we got in the coach which took...WAIT FOR IT, five hours. Oh a great five hours it was.

My brother told me a story about his friend, Gravity Ray, who is really fat, and people keep getting caught in his orbit. He says that this is a problem when going through doors.

I still have a cough, it's shocking just shocking. I am missing you all booies..I do not know why I called you booies. Anyway, KUDOS MINAL, on how evermany Astars you got, but no one knows what splashy got, it's a big fat secret.

Jess! Thanks for the necklace, it's lovely, I've wanted one like that for AGES.

Has everyone seen pictures of Yasamin and MooHa? And Matt and his as yet unnamed poppet? Here's Matt
And Here's Yas

Aren't they great? And The Sarah Puppet has been on adventures! All around London and Leeds I say! Thrilling! Here she is dancing

SCHOOL IS SOON...whooooooooaaa FREAK OUT


Ionix said...

Freak out? About school? Oh, you women! I cannae wait to go back to school! Finally, I'll be back with friends and actually doing something in a day!

And Friday is suit day! SUITS.

MINS! said...

My poppet is quite dirty now.

He's been places, MAAAAN.

Leeds Festival
Leeds Center
Norton College (for my interview)

Clockwork Squirrel said...

My Poppet watches me sleep ^_^