Saturday, December 02, 2006


so I wrote a really long blog, but then the computer messed up and I'm so not typing that all out again. To summarise, I've been gardening, I did some chemistry revision, the degree of the week is history and oriental studies and I am working on another project, featuring pikachu.


Anonymous said...

ergh! Don't you HATE IT when that happens? It happens to me all the time when I'm trying to email, or when I make a really great post for UE. It's like my computer can sense importance and a strong surge of emotion, and humors itself by crapping out on me just when I need it most.

And then by the time you're done with your amazing post you're emotionally drained, only to find that it didn't even post. And by then you don't care anymore.

*huggles poor sarah*

Your letter shall go out tomorrow, by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

gardening is goooooooooooood, i love pikachu have you see cabin fever i love dennis
woops i didn't tell my parents about parents evening shhhhhhhhhhhh
love u xXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

MINS! said...

I am a bad girl.