Friday, December 15, 2006

There she goes.....there she goes again...

Alas, I am going on holiday, and by holiday I mean a religious pilgramage. I hope to achieve spiritual enlightenment, it would be swell. I should be back in about a month, all ready for my january exams. Not.

Also...also nothing. Megan, do not, I repeat, do not get drunk for no reason. You may get drunk on new years and christmas if absolutely necessary, but only with company, NO DRINKING ALONE. Vair sorry I can't be the first to talk to you!



Anonymous said...

awww, you're so sweet! i'll miss you.
have fun with the englightenmentness!
lobe you lots xXx

Anonymous said...

I sent out your holiday present last friday! I really, really hope you like it... I'll cry if you don't... :'(

I hope Charlotte told you all about my "OMG thank you" thing which lasted roughly 45 minutes online regardning the presents you sent me. I cannot stop talking about the mouse puppet. It's just the most adorable thing I've ever seen. And the money. How thoughtful! (not real money guys-- play money, to practice with for when I come to englandland some day) Ooh Ooh! And Romy and Michelle! I haven't seen it yet, but I've been wanting to. I shall be honest though... I just bought Twilight Princess, and I doubt I'll be using my TV for anything OTHER than rescuing Hyrule for the next few weeks here... Once my mission is accomplished though, I'm all over that movie! Perhaps I'll take it to watch with Grace. We've been doing movies a lot now that we're both on break... god, I've just out-posted Sarah. I'll stop. :p


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i know you're on holiday and yesterday was christmas day, but merry christmas anyway! *glomps* xXx

Anonymous said...

and a happy new year as well :)