Saturday, January 20, 2007

Late night on ward seven

So for the last two days, I've had like..hardly any lessons because my teachers are all AWOL so that suits me fine, after all, i just had three exams! It was pretty cool, is anyone else following the french elections? I'm rooting for Sarkozy, he's the man!....I cannot believe I just said that. Phew.

Also, I love love love Digimon. Although I've watched an unhealthy amount of it in the last week. So not my fault.

Last night, I was a bit worried about going to the hospital, because I hadn't gone in a while, what with being ill and then on holiday, so I was concerned that my placement might have gone to someone else, but luckily that didn't happen! There were SUCH nice people there yesterday. One guy noted the headscarf and said "thank you" in arabic, which obviously I don't speak, but I could understand that. Isn't that sweet? Making such an effort. And this other guy, was going on about how great it was that I was volunteering and helping the community and then there were these two old ladies who were such good fun, they were giggling about one of the doctors on duty and kept telling me how nice their tea was, which was good, because I'm very self concious about my tea. I put like, eight tea bags in for good measure, because there's nothing worse than weak tea! Practically everyone in the entire ward was drinking, so I made two pots, but I got round pretty fast either way, I'd arrived earlier as well, so I had a bit of time to spare. I spoke to the patients for a bit, but visiting hours were really over so most of them had company, and the others were a bit too drugged up to really hold up a conversation. Then I met this nice doctor lady, who asked if I wanted to do medicine, and when I said I was thinking about it, she was like "no no, don't do it" and said I should shadow her and see how awful it is. So I did shadow her and I found out that they still give morphine! I totally didn't know that! Ok, yes, only in small amounts but still. Anyway, it did seem kind of boring, with all the paper work, but it was still fun. I think I might organise a shadowing placement actually, to get to grips with it a bit more. But if I apply for medicine, not only is that the rest of my life, it also means I'd be going to Birmingham and I was kinda looking forward to moving out. This doctor said she went to the imperial college of london, which is awesome, and that was the only reason she moved out. I'd like to apply to Kings I think. At least one London university, but obviously I'm waiting on my results. Oooh it's all kicking off.
Wow, I was so busy this week. On monday I had islamic society, then on tuesday I had french club, and wednesday library duty! Next thursday we're starting a book club, so that should be really good. On the topic of books, I'm reading "The Three Musketeers" by Alex Durmas, although it's the abridged version, so it's much shorter. It's quite good, because it ties into my history lessons, what with the Duke of Buckingham, although it fails to point out that he's very odd. The characters are all kinda studs, and have mistresses and trysts and all kinds, sometimes consequtively! It's very shocking.
Mr Kearsey was going on about "how far how fast" in chemistry, and I copied it down, but I have like, no clue, so I'm going to read up on it. Infact, I have the book in my lap right now, so I should read up on it in a momento.
I bought Alex, La Haine for christmas and his birthday and really need to give it to him, but he's working alot these days, so there is not much of a chance.
I've made lots of new friends this week, or made people who I randomly see, into close friends although unfortunately the opposite seems true for Minal.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned underworld and underworld evolution. They are tres good films. Kate Beckinsale is awesome. Speaking of, someone stole Kim's pencil case yesterday, and I swear on Kate Beckinsale that it was not me!
Not much else to report. I'm worried that Megan has blocked me, PLEASE UNBLOCK ME PLUMCAKE! Also, I'm getting back to grips with my penfriends, all is good.



Anonymous said...

yes! come to london for uni! then i shall stalk you! i shall stalk you gooooooooood! :D

i'm real sorry about blocking you btw, that was stupid of me. sorry! i did unblock you yday, as you must have realised as we had that delightful conversation about the oc ^^ i have been blocking way too many people as of late. sorry again my nectarineish luvar Xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for your letters! I've sent you two, one via snail mail and one via e-mail. I hope you'll enjoy both.
I don't know when you come on MSN anymore. I feel like we haven't talked in aaaaages!

in other news, because I can't drink milk, I've taken to pouring orange juice on my cold cereal. It's insanely delicious. I know it sounds gross, but when you think of it, Cow lactation seems waaay more disgusting.