I have continued to clean my room like there is no tomorrow. It is now in a ridiculous state of cleanliness, so much so that the letter that I recieved from Yasamin today looks very out of place, on my bed.
I did all my laundry yesterday, with no prompting from my mother! I washed my pjs, my towels, my sheets, my duvet and pillow cover, and my socks. And then I put them in the dryer, and then I put them back on my bed!
After that, I put on my nice clean things, and got into my nice clean bed and fell asleep.
I wonder if I've mentioned that I've taken up running? I have. Basically, it was tuesday, last tuesday, and I was thinking that I should do more exercise so I decided to go for a jog. When I got back I was completely disgusted with how awful I felt, and how out of breath I was, and how long it took for me to recover. I suppose the thing is that I'ver never had a weight problem so I've never really thought about seriously using. Also I was doing PE, and I walk from school, but now I'm not doing PE anymore, and walking isn't really cardio. In fact, normally I have to stop running because I'm out of breath before my muscles start complaining, so the point is that although yes, I do get tired, my whole cardiac system needs a work out! I've been jogging every night this week, a little more everyday. Tonight I think I'll go up and down the road, and I should feel pretty good about that.
Yesterday I had quite a lot to do, like, bio coursework and I had a french oral, but I managed to get it done, and watch an episode of buffy, and then go to bed at a decent hour. Tonight, I haven't really got any school work. I'll look over my biology, dna and all that jazz, but there's nothing specific.
Today I have my french oral. I sort of knew I was going to get it, but our teacher told us we would have it in french, so half the class was like "we don't," and half "we do." We missed the last few days before half term, which made the whole thing even more shakey, then yesterday I went into class and I got given my oral times! I was so shocked. Luckily we don't have to do a presentation, just five minutes talking about a stimulus, and five minutes talking about general conversation questions.
It turned out to be quite simple. I got a stimulus about kids who couldn't read, and there were four prompting points, so I answered those and then blabbed on about my education, which you can do. I had twenty minutes to prepare in the library, and so I pretty much read what I had written down.
For my general conversation questions I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to understand what he was asking, so the first question "tell me what you know about immigration in france" I just blabbed on and on and on and on, trailing off rather pathetically with "they have lots of problems, like...the riots, and....the..riots. yes." But it appears that I went on for over five minutes, so it was cool, and he didn't ask me anything else. He said that everything was great, like, tone and expression and reaction, but my grammar was quite weak, and I know that because I was too relaxed and I wasn't checking my agreements and stuff, but that will not be the case for my actually exam so it's cool.
We also got our common assessments back, and I got an A so wooopeee for meeee.
Anyone heard about OUR FRIEND MICHAEL? He was down on the weekend, but I cheered him UP I think. I also had a fabulous time on UE, which was nice, and Kiz is a lot nicer than I ever gave her credit for! She talks like Laura! "Well Random" indeed.
Madeline said that my posts do not have a point so I am making one here.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
My wall!
Today, I was tidying my room, then I got out of control, and started tidying like there was NO TOMORROW.
Anyway, then I started looking at my wall, the one I stick things on, on my wardrobe, and I decided to give it a tidy, because it was getting old and boring. So I took lots of bits down, and got lots of new things that I wanted to stick on it out.
The stuff I stick on there are things like newspaper articles that interest me, drawings I do, particularly funny comics, stickers, postcards, photos, anything that catches my eye. Today I mounted a couple of ticket stubs, made a collage of some edinburgish postcards that Melissaaaaaah sent me and dug up some photos of me in Tenerife.
Here are some pictures of the finished wall, after I stuck everything back on.
The first one is the collage of the edinburugian post cards.
This one has a lot of harry potter stuff, showing I'm a big geek. There's a pic of Ginny, a picture from D&G, a drawing I did, a few comics stuck together, and to the right of the date, there's a little rectangle which is a digimon card.
Then this one, at the top there are a lot of postcards, a making fiends sticker, a sea life scene, a birthday card my brother made me, and a letter from the society of failures.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at my wall. Below my wall, is my desk. My wall is a part of my wardrobe, and therefore I am able to stick things on it with blue tack. Soon, I may put a poster on the wall next to my wall. Can you believe this? It will be the first poster. THE FIRST.
Anyway, then I started looking at my wall, the one I stick things on, on my wardrobe, and I decided to give it a tidy, because it was getting old and boring. So I took lots of bits down, and got lots of new things that I wanted to stick on it out.
The stuff I stick on there are things like newspaper articles that interest me, drawings I do, particularly funny comics, stickers, postcards, photos, anything that catches my eye. Today I mounted a couple of ticket stubs, made a collage of some edinburgish postcards that Melissaaaaaah sent me and dug up some photos of me in Tenerife.
Here are some pictures of the finished wall, after I stuck everything back on.
The first one is the collage of the edinburugian post cards.
This one has a lot of harry potter stuff, showing I'm a big geek. There's a pic of Ginny, a picture from D&G, a drawing I did, a few comics stuck together, and to the right of the date, there's a little rectangle which is a digimon card.
Monday, February 12, 2007
It's Graceland!
SOME of you might know that I am doing a week volunteering in a care home, near my house this week. What a good use of the half term, some of you might say. Others of you might say nothing, merely stare at me and squint slightly. Yes, I am talking about my cat. She says nothing, merely stares and squints slightly. I think this is because her cheek has gotten so fat it is interfering with her eye space.
Some would be concerned, but I always knew that Olive's fatness would end up consuming her, and I am sure she will be fully capable of rolling to her bowl and litter tray. And hey, if she can't always get to her bowl, that's not such a problem is it?
I feel quite shallow today, because although I spent the day with nine people with mental and physical disabilities, helping them, hanging out with them, and generally having a good time, I never realised how snobby I can be. This came to me when we started eating. So obviously it wsan't pretty, I mean it wasn't AWFUL, more like...say a five year old eating. But I was thinking this to console me, and it totally didn't, because I wouldn't want to watch a five year old eating either! Basically, I am horrid when it comes to anyone less capable than me. I realised that it's the same with people who aren't as smart as me, I just don't think they are worth it. Obviously I am more compassionate to the residents of the care home, but the same principle applies.
But I shall not get bogged down, it does make sense, and I wasn't exactly repulsed.
BUT, this cafe that we were eating at, is hireing volunteers, and I was like "i'm a volunteer!" so I'm totally going to get an application form. It would be awesome to work there. I'd be a waitress! It's like, this completely fair trade cafe, and it's really quaint and serves sandwiches and the staff are really friendly, so if I could work there it would be swell, 'specially as I could get tips, because I have a feeling I am costing mum quite a lot and it would be good if I could stop spending her money, and maybe earn some of my own, instead of EMA.
I came home, and mum still hasn't gone shopping, so I made pancakes, because you can make those with hardly anything in the house.
Some would be concerned, but I always knew that Olive's fatness would end up consuming her, and I am sure she will be fully capable of rolling to her bowl and litter tray. And hey, if she can't always get to her bowl, that's not such a problem is it?
I feel quite shallow today, because although I spent the day with nine people with mental and physical disabilities, helping them, hanging out with them, and generally having a good time, I never realised how snobby I can be. This came to me when we started eating. So obviously it wsan't pretty, I mean it wasn't AWFUL, more like...say a five year old eating. But I was thinking this to console me, and it totally didn't, because I wouldn't want to watch a five year old eating either! Basically, I am horrid when it comes to anyone less capable than me. I realised that it's the same with people who aren't as smart as me, I just don't think they are worth it. Obviously I am more compassionate to the residents of the care home, but the same principle applies.
But I shall not get bogged down, it does make sense, and I wasn't exactly repulsed.
BUT, this cafe that we were eating at, is hireing volunteers, and I was like "i'm a volunteer!" so I'm totally going to get an application form. It would be awesome to work there. I'd be a waitress! It's like, this completely fair trade cafe, and it's really quaint and serves sandwiches and the staff are really friendly, so if I could work there it would be swell, 'specially as I could get tips, because I have a feeling I am costing mum quite a lot and it would be good if I could stop spending her money, and maybe earn some of my own, instead of EMA.
I came home, and mum still hasn't gone shopping, so I made pancakes, because you can make those with hardly anything in the house.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Snow Day!
So anyone in England knows that it's all snowtastic over here! I was so shocked when I woke up! It's great isn't it? Those few moments when you think "is it normally this bright?" and then you open the curtains and it's all covered in white. I didn't even go into the garden, because it looks so nice and I don't want to ruin it.
So it snowed yesterday early morning, I stayed up trying to see if it was going to, but I sucummed to slumber before the first flakes started to fall! Trust me hey?
Anyway, I was supposed to go to this French Conference at Birmingham University, and I was a bit annoyed about going because I ddin't want to miss school, as I would have missed some pivetol lessons, and teaching myself is a lot harder than it seems to begin with.
So I woke up on Thursday morning, and the first thing I did was establish the lines of contact avec Rachel, who was also supposed to be going. We arranged to meet previously at 9.45 at the station, but I wasn't sure if she was going. I wasn't too keen on going myself, because it seemed like a nice excuse not to go to the conference. But Rachel pretty much begged me to go, and I did have a cute winter outfit (more on that later) so I figured I might as well, otherwise I'd just spend all day online, and that would be a killer waste.
And to top it all off, we found out that school was closed, so I wouldn't even miss any lessons! Super!!! I was so thrilled I did a little jig. I was really not looking forward to trying to teach myself the concept of DNA translation.
While I was waiting for Rachel at the train station, I saw Aleysha and Cat go past in a train and Rachel and I arrived shortly after them, bumping straight into Kat who had come on the bus. Do you know how many universities have their own train station in England? I'll give you a clue, Birmingham University's Station is called "University Station." Anyway, I yelled "narrrrnia!" and suggested we look for a talking beaver, but they declined this.
Let me describe what we were all wearing.
I was wearing a grey woolen dress, grey trousers, my red doc marten boots which were fantastically water proof AND gave me added height, so my trousers didn't get wet, red gloves and a red hat. Very winterable.
Kat was wearing fashion boots, linen trousers, lady gloves (one of which she'd lost) and a jumper.
The poor dear.
At one point, I wondered why she was so ill-equipt for the snow, when surely Russia is colder than that. To this she had no answer. I gave her my gloves.
Alex was wearing boots which had completely soaked through, and I deigned to touch them, even though she offered the oppurtunity repeatedly.
Aleysha was wearing very long trousers which soaked up approximately eight litres of water and caused her to create a puddle everytime we stopped for a while.
Basically, I was glad that my mother is so good at buying me practical clothes.
It was really strange to be at the university. Some of my friends might remember that the last time I was there, I was attending the Summer School in the hottest week of the year, and now it was covered in snow! Amazing! The last time I saw the bell tower, it was backed on an azure sky, now it was all snowed on! We even ate our lunch in a cafe that I used to eat in!
Enough about that. The conference was very good, I enjoyed it, and I am pleased to say I understood a lot of what they were discussing. I had some musings while in the conference, here they are:
Musings of Sarah
Consider the Headscarf. Not only does it make mother, mother's friends and doting aunts think you are the human inc arnation of modesty, but it also acts as a handy head warmer, protection from all elements!
Also, a place to store cookies!
Perhaps biscuits are not a good idea, as crumbs could pose a problem.
But if the cookies are wrapped in cellophane?
Would not the rustling distrupt your thoughts?
Nay, it is your thoughts which should be wrapped in cellophane and hidden in your headscarf.
(commentary by Alex)
"Sarah Murano. Modest young woman or serial biscuit hider?" Critically anaylse this statment, and discuss whether it is justified or not (17) Quality of written comunication carries 3 marks.
The philosphical musings of Sarah Murano
As with polonecks, and halter neckts, the warmer and more practical the item of clothing, the less fashionable.
But what of the multicoloured monstrosity of a halter neck your mother bought you when you were twelve? Neither fashionable nor practical.
Perhaps it's soul was fashionable.
So when deciding clothes, one must look at it's innermost soul.
There are some more, but I'll leave it there, so as not to bore you to extinction.
We all went home on the train, which was fun enough even though we had to get off and on a couple of times, and my docs actually started to hurt quite a bit. When I got home, it was still snowing, and on the way back from the station, I (being a genius) pulled a snow covered branch down for closer inspection. Then let it go back up, covering me in snow. I shrieked. The old man behind me was not amused.
Then, when I got home, I painted my nails, for the first time in months!
All in all, it was a great day, I'm so glad rachel convinced me to go, because otherwise, I wouldn't have left the house! I had a really super snow day!
p.s. Jess is green
So it snowed yesterday early morning, I stayed up trying to see if it was going to, but I sucummed to slumber before the first flakes started to fall! Trust me hey?
Anyway, I was supposed to go to this French Conference at Birmingham University, and I was a bit annoyed about going because I ddin't want to miss school, as I would have missed some pivetol lessons, and teaching myself is a lot harder than it seems to begin with.
So I woke up on Thursday morning, and the first thing I did was establish the lines of contact avec Rachel, who was also supposed to be going. We arranged to meet previously at 9.45 at the station, but I wasn't sure if she was going. I wasn't too keen on going myself, because it seemed like a nice excuse not to go to the conference. But Rachel pretty much begged me to go, and I did have a cute winter outfit (more on that later) so I figured I might as well, otherwise I'd just spend all day online, and that would be a killer waste.
And to top it all off, we found out that school was closed, so I wouldn't even miss any lessons! Super!!! I was so thrilled I did a little jig. I was really not looking forward to trying to teach myself the concept of DNA translation.
While I was waiting for Rachel at the train station, I saw Aleysha and Cat go past in a train and Rachel and I arrived shortly after them, bumping straight into Kat who had come on the bus. Do you know how many universities have their own train station in England? I'll give you a clue, Birmingham University's Station is called "University Station." Anyway, I yelled "narrrrnia!" and suggested we look for a talking beaver, but they declined this.
Let me describe what we were all wearing.
I was wearing a grey woolen dress, grey trousers, my red doc marten boots which were fantastically water proof AND gave me added height, so my trousers didn't get wet, red gloves and a red hat. Very winterable.
Kat was wearing fashion boots, linen trousers, lady gloves (one of which she'd lost) and a jumper.
The poor dear.
At one point, I wondered why she was so ill-equipt for the snow, when surely Russia is colder than that. To this she had no answer. I gave her my gloves.
Alex was wearing boots which had completely soaked through, and I deigned to touch them, even though she offered the oppurtunity repeatedly.
Aleysha was wearing very long trousers which soaked up approximately eight litres of water and caused her to create a puddle everytime we stopped for a while.
Basically, I was glad that my mother is so good at buying me practical clothes.
It was really strange to be at the university. Some of my friends might remember that the last time I was there, I was attending the Summer School in the hottest week of the year, and now it was covered in snow! Amazing! The last time I saw the bell tower, it was backed on an azure sky, now it was all snowed on! We even ate our lunch in a cafe that I used to eat in!
Enough about that. The conference was very good, I enjoyed it, and I am pleased to say I understood a lot of what they were discussing. I had some musings while in the conference, here they are:
Musings of Sarah
Consider the Headscarf. Not only does it make mother, mother's friends and doting aunts think you are the human inc arnation of modesty, but it also acts as a handy head warmer, protection from all elements!
Also, a place to store cookies!
Perhaps biscuits are not a good idea, as crumbs could pose a problem.
But if the cookies are wrapped in cellophane?
Would not the rustling distrupt your thoughts?
Nay, it is your thoughts which should be wrapped in cellophane and hidden in your headscarf.
(commentary by Alex)
"Sarah Murano. Modest young woman or serial biscuit hider?" Critically anaylse this statment, and discuss whether it is justified or not (17) Quality of written comunication carries 3 marks.
The philosphical musings of Sarah Murano
As with polonecks, and halter neckts, the warmer and more practical the item of clothing, the less fashionable.
But what of the multicoloured monstrosity of a halter neck your mother bought you when you were twelve? Neither fashionable nor practical.
Perhaps it's soul was fashionable.
So when deciding clothes, one must look at it's innermost soul.
There are some more, but I'll leave it there, so as not to bore you to extinction.
We all went home on the train, which was fun enough even though we had to get off and on a couple of times, and my docs actually started to hurt quite a bit. When I got home, it was still snowing, and on the way back from the station, I (being a genius) pulled a snow covered branch down for closer inspection. Then let it go back up, covering me in snow. I shrieked. The old man behind me was not amused.
Then, when I got home, I painted my nails, for the first time in months!
All in all, it was a great day, I'm so glad rachel convinced me to go, because otherwise, I wouldn't have left the house! I had a really super snow day!
p.s. Jess is green
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Girl!
Yo ho ho ho. H o ho ho. Lalal. Sooop.
Now that the crazy is out of the way, my mum just gave me some orange juice, but the only reason she did it, was because she wanted to recycle the carton. Tell me, does the end justify the means?
Urrg, I drank it, but it had all the rubbish bit at the end. I like the juicy bit at the begining.
So this week, my mum bought like...twenty necterines. It was great. There was the "perfectly ripe" variety, the "nearly ripe" variety, the "ripen in bowl" variety and the "keep in fridge" variety. I'm sure Megz is swooning at the idea of all these necterines.
Speaking of Megz, anyone else excited about Harry Potter? I sure am!
This week, I am seizing the moment, living for the day! Damn straight! So on Monday, I decided to cut my hair, I was all like "I'm going to cut my hair." It was actually because my hairdresser was all "I can't makei t because I have another appointment" and it was like.."what is this..????" I mean since when can hairdressers do that? Anyway, I decided to dye my hair, but I couldnt' find the right colours. I had honey, red, brown, orange. They all go with black too well. I wanted maybe a pale green, or a purple or pink or something, but no luck. Anyway, I decided if i couldn't dye it, I would cut it, so I got the scissors and started a hacking away. It went major triangular, but I quite like it. A bit like Selene in Underworld. Man am I concieted.
Then...then...Uh..I'm sure something happened. I know at some point during the week I yelled "Work that broom!" At this girl sweeping, and I asked one of my teachers "what's happening?" in way of greeting. Oh! and I stuck a bunch of post-its around school saying things like "This locker is HAUNTED." Also I kicked ass on this bio test and got my first full marks on a history paper! Man is that cool! And then I blew off school work to watch six consecutive episodes of Buffy.
So, good week. I only stayed at the hospital for two hours, served the tea and left, no small talk, not in the mood. Also, I arranged a placement in a residential home in the half term, more on that another time. And I read a poem called Ozymandias. You should read it. Man will it depress you.
Now that the crazy is out of the way, my mum just gave me some orange juice, but the only reason she did it, was because she wanted to recycle the carton. Tell me, does the end justify the means?
Urrg, I drank it, but it had all the rubbish bit at the end. I like the juicy bit at the begining.
So this week, my mum bought like...twenty necterines. It was great. There was the "perfectly ripe" variety, the "nearly ripe" variety, the "ripen in bowl" variety and the "keep in fridge" variety. I'm sure Megz is swooning at the idea of all these necterines.
Speaking of Megz, anyone else excited about Harry Potter? I sure am!
This week, I am seizing the moment, living for the day! Damn straight! So on Monday, I decided to cut my hair, I was all like "I'm going to cut my hair." It was actually because my hairdresser was all "I can't makei t because I have another appointment" and it was like.."what is this..????" I mean since when can hairdressers do that? Anyway, I decided to dye my hair, but I couldnt' find the right colours. I had honey, red, brown, orange. They all go with black too well. I wanted maybe a pale green, or a purple or pink or something, but no luck. Anyway, I decided if i couldn't dye it, I would cut it, so I got the scissors and started a hacking away. It went major triangular, but I quite like it. A bit like Selene in Underworld. Man am I concieted.
Then...then...Uh..I'm sure something happened. I know at some point during the week I yelled "Work that broom!" At this girl sweeping, and I asked one of my teachers "what's happening?" in way of greeting. Oh! and I stuck a bunch of post-its around school saying things like "This locker is HAUNTED." Also I kicked ass on this bio test and got my first full marks on a history paper! Man is that cool! And then I blew off school work to watch six consecutive episodes of Buffy.
So, good week. I only stayed at the hospital for two hours, served the tea and left, no small talk, not in the mood. Also, I arranged a placement in a residential home in the half term, more on that another time. And I read a poem called Ozymandias. You should read it. Man will it depress you.
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