Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Girl!

Yo ho ho ho. H o ho ho. Lalal. Sooop.
Now that the crazy is out of the way, my mum just gave me some orange juice, but the only reason she did it, was because she wanted to recycle the carton. Tell me, does the end justify the means?
Urrg, I drank it, but it had all the rubbish bit at the end. I like the juicy bit at the begining.
So this week, my mum bought like...twenty necterines. It was great. There was the "perfectly ripe" variety, the "nearly ripe" variety, the "ripen in bowl" variety and the "keep in fridge" variety. I'm sure Megz is swooning at the idea of all these necterines.
Speaking of Megz, anyone else excited about Harry Potter? I sure am!

This week, I am seizing the moment, living for the day! Damn straight! So on Monday, I decided to cut my hair, I was all like "I'm going to cut my hair." It was actually because my hairdresser was all "I can't makei t because I have another appointment" and it was like.."what is this..????" I mean since when can hairdressers do that? Anyway, I decided to dye my hair, but I couldnt' find the right colours. I had honey, red, brown, orange. They all go with black too well. I wanted maybe a pale green, or a purple or pink or something, but no luck. Anyway, I decided if i couldn't dye it, I would cut it, so I got the scissors and started a hacking away. It went major triangular, but I quite like it. A bit like Selene in Underworld. Man am I concieted.

Then...then...Uh..I'm sure something happened. I know at some point during the week I yelled "Work that broom!" At this girl sweeping, and I asked one of my teachers "what's happening?" in way of greeting. Oh! and I stuck a bunch of post-its around school saying things like "This locker is HAUNTED." Also I kicked ass on this bio test and got my first full marks on a history paper! Man is that cool! And then I blew off school work to watch six consecutive episodes of Buffy.

So, good week. I only stayed at the hospital for two hours, served the tea and left, no small talk, not in the mood. Also, I arranged a placement in a residential home in the half term, more on that another time. And I read a poem called Ozymandias. You should read it. Man will it depress you.


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOT! Go sarah! I loooooooovelovelovelove the stickie note prank! And I demand that you photograph your new haircut and sent it to me so that I might see. Unless you already have, which is a possibility because I haven't checked my email in aaaages. :p

Anonymous said...

did you... ??? i know nothing anymore... not a single thing!!

BTW!!! its snowing if u have not noticed! :D... :( but what made be sad was... i came down switched on the TV and Ed was on and was like omg omg... but then i realised that its the 4th last episode i could murder myself!!! how come i never noticed it'd been coming on all this time, being its biggest fan and all... probably its only fan since whenever i ask anyone they say they never watched it in the holidays!

anyway... just thought i'd say hi since hotmail stopped allowing me to go read my messages the day after i read ur last one and therefore could not reply to it!
aw i love today... i just wish i could build a snowman... but i have noone to build him with!

love ju lotsh! mMinall xXxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hehe you and your nectarines
did you realise you sent me a blank text today? i thought it might symbolise snow or something XD
i still have no cred though
162 days and. . . less than 3 hours to go ^^