Transcript from a conversation that took place half way through typing this entry.
(we were talking about how we only gave the Smiths four slices of cake, but Alex's girfriend Cara is there so maybe it should have been five)
me: well if I had a boyfriend they wouldn't give us more cake.
mum: you don't have a boyfriend.
me: I might.
mum: you don't.
me: I could have a boyfriend.
mum: I know you have a girlfriend.
me: *panics* (YOU WHAT??????? HOW DOES SHE KNOW?)
mum: Olive are you Sarah's girlfriend?
me: *RELIEF* although now I think of it, as if Olive would be my gf. The idea is pretty stupid.
Today was my eighteenth birthday party! Tomorrow is my actual birthday but the party was today. The whole thing was a bit last minute, starting in the Easter holiday when mum bought me this really cute dress and I was like "hm, i should have a party to wear this at" and I'd been thinking of having a party but I wasn't sure what to do because of all the different friends I have and obligations to invite people I don't really like etc.
Anyway, on Monday, I asked people about days and we finally settled on Sunday, then on Tuesday I wrote invitations and handed them out. I invited Rachel, Kim, Nicola, Vicky, Fishy, Mohan, Ramjeet, Nandi, Mushana, Charlotte, Jeskirat, Hirah, Fatima, Alysha, Catherine, Neela, Abby, Kat and Minal. So like, twenty people. Before hand, I was freaking out because I'd only told mum I'd sent twelve invitations, which was true, however I'd also doubled some of the invites up, not to mention invited a few people verbally.
Today, first thing I woke up WORRIED, then I went downstairs and read some fanfic while I ate breakfast. Then I helped mum prepare! We'd gone super shopping to tesco and bought LOADS of food.
I made slices of carrots, cucumber and celery to dip in the dips, some cocktail sticks with olives and feta cheese, jelly butterflies and iced a cake. And I did lots of useful stuff in between.
Mum made Riaz and I samosas for lunch, then we went to this Sunday circle.
When we got back it was quarter past three and Rachel and Kim were supposed to come at half three, the others at four. I said goodbye to Riaz who was going back to uni, then I hopped into the shower.
I got out of the shower and Riaz and mum had left, and got into my dress (with jeans and a vest top underneath) and started talking to myself about how nothing was ready and freaking out a little bit cause Rachel and Kim weren't showing. I had just convinced myself I had to iron my vest stop, when they arrived and I pulled them in. They wwere like CALM DOWN SARAH, then Mush and Nandi called and were like "sorry we can't come" and I was torn between "well that sucks" and "at least now there wont be twenty people in my house."
Rachel and Kim set up base in my room, and helped straighten my hair and do my makeup cause I'm awful with it. Then Hirah arrived so I intro-ed her and proved that she's real!!
Hm, I'm not sure what happened after that. I went back downstairs and a few more people started arriving, Fatimah Junaid and her sister Asma, and then Vicky. I'd like to point out that even though I asked everyone to bring cushions, hardly anyone complied. Upsetting.
I opened a few gifts. Rachel made me this beautiful photo albumn with some great memories, and a lovely card as well, she ought to drop out and dedicate her time to that instead I say.
Hirah bought me a nice wall scroll, with Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. I say Sakura but I'm really not sure she's there.. I was distracted by the others, obviously. Jeskirat arrived with chocolates which I will eat tomorrow, I suspect. Then Fishy arrived, although I think this is a bit out of order. I think they both arrived before the present opening, cause I remember fishy hitting my head with the wall scroll while I was looking at Rachel's gift.
Then, bizarrely, Rachel gave me a hat from her mum, which is like a cake with candles and plays "happy birthday" when you press the side. And I was wearing it and the door went so I sent someone to get it and they were like "there are children there!" and I was like "whatttt??? Children??" So I went there and it was Nasreen and her lovely children! I was so surprised! I mean yes on thursday I had repeatedly mentioned it was my birthday on monday, but I hadn't expected them to come and see me! They'd got me a lovely card. Hold on, I'll type it out.
"To Lovely Sara Moola on your 18th Birthday,
Happy Birthday Sarah.
Your a big girl now, seven years older than Maryam, ten years older than Haleema, twelve years older than Hamza and fourteen years older than Fatima. Ha ha ha. I know that would make you feel old. I hope you get what you want in your life and may Allah bless you with many more birthdays. Have a great day.
Lots o love, Maryam, Haleema, Hamza, Fatima and Family."
Then the party continued, we danced in the rain a little bit, then we played table tennis. We ordered pizza chatted lots, spun around, raced etc. Good fun it was. I got pretty tired at the end though!!!
Anyway. When I started writing this I was kinda teary for two reasons. ONE I miss Riaz MASSIVELY, it just sucks that he doesn't live at home. I hate it. Two is my mum's card, here I'll type it out:
"A daughter brings happiness as she grows.
A daughter as lovely as you brightens every day in so many ways..
...and grows more and more special with every year..
So proud to have a daughter like you."
Anyway, I actually started crying and mum pretended not to notice.
So. A very fun day. :)