Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Here are two photos I took yesterday.

Do you know the story about the tulip? Everyone knows it really.
Basically, Sarah bought a tulip bulb, well, the guy didn't charge her because she looked so pitiful, buying a single tulip bulb. And her mother didn't believe it would grow, but it DID.
We've been placing bets on what colour it would be, and so HERE IT IS.

It's PEACH. With white on the edges. Isn't it goooorgeous? I think so too. I'm so proud, my first tulip!! I hope it grows back next year!

Here's the second photo, it's a bad one, you might have to open the picture in a new window to make it big enough. See the fence covered in ivy? The bit above the reflection of the picture of the sunflowers has a baby fox sleeping on it!! It was SO CUTE. I had to take a picture, even though it's rubbish quality.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah! I see your blog and your cute little fox- 'tis a nice picture. What I can't believe is that now our whole form has seen it and my psychology class! Well done, and say Hi to Edward for me! *withdrawal symptoms*

Duckie said...

You have a beautiful tulip.