Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So I'm not feeling like blogging, but I should write some stuff about uni.

On Saturday, Vicky and I went to FOCSOC welcome day, which is for freshers off campus. We were late cause I wanted to get a planner from selfridges, but that's fine cause it was worth it, the planner's gorgeous. It's got pictures of cats on it. The cats are playing rock music.

Anyway, we made our way to the guild, talking to some random people on the way, vicky tried to limbo and failed, I laughed. We went down into the basement of the guild, which was like a haunted house, and then there was this room with a load of people our age in it.

The guy organising it gave us stickers, mine was "Ron Weasley" and Vicky's was "Clyde," and then we had to find our partners. I managed to find Harry, and Vicky found Bonnie and we had a short conversation with them, before mosying off into the "Sutton and Erdington" group.

The purpose of the group was so we could share taxis on our way back from the nights out...that none of us wanted to go to. vicky was like "I'd rather sleep" and it's so not my scene, so we were both out. We made friends with a couple of people, some people were cool, some people were nice, some people were a little confused by us, but oh well.

Anyway, we're going back in tomorrow, hopefully we'll have a nice time and maybe meet some people we know!

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