Saturday, May 20, 2006

Deep Breaths Ladies

*hyperventilates* I am still in shock about Mac and Green wing and oh god whyyyyyy!

It was so weird, as soon as the episode finished on that complete "OH MY GOD WTF" ending two of my friends called me with a "Why Sarah Why?" Thing. I watched the entire episode and although it's the most tasteful character death I've ever seen, it's still unbearable to watch! SOB.

Too distraught to write any more.


Anonymous said...

Happy one year anniversary of us knowing each other.

Not that you actually remembered!

Come on and talk, all I have to talk is Laura.

Who's on a bench.

Dooki said...

of course I remembered..shifty eyes. How the hell did you remember?! And I cannot come on and talk! I have exams. But be cool. At least your parent didn't give away the school uniform you have to wear tomorrow.