Monday, May 15, 2006

Skools out for the summer!

Kat under the cherry blossom (bubble gum) tree at school, Wot Larks!

Also, I recieved Jessica's letter today! I shall scan in the envelope it was lovely!

For any crazy people like Jess who think that you get stuff thrown at you in pe exams (hmm..) what it is, is 50% practical 10% coursework and 40% written exam on things like muscles, health, the body, social issues about sport, de blah de blah. Anyway, I giggled muchly over your idea.

I weely hope Melissah did wells in her exam!


Anonymous said...

Mm Kat's hot.

Tell her to go call me : P

Love you all

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaa! *squeeee!*

I was wondering all day at work if you'd gotten your letter! The thought must have occured just as you opened your mailbox! I'm glad you like the envelope. The stupid postman covered fish #3 with a stamp. >:|

MINS! said...

Ha ha ha, it would be a good exam if you got stuff thrown at you.

I have just finished school, I shall get my pictures up as soon as I can, which will probably be Thursday XD xxxx

Anonymous said...

I still have another month of classes and I'm bitter as can be...

Anonymous said...

damn that's sexy

. . .and i guess the girl is too >.<

megz, supplying lame humour. . .
