As I have been becoming something of a v

I wrote a letter to Duckie and was telling Kat about it, and she was like "I'm glad you have tim, I've been revising" and I was like "No you haven't" because honestly, no one is revising so hard that they don't have any free time! And she insisted she was which is just strange...I expect it'll be reflected in her GCSEs but apparently she was studying maths all holiday...what do you even study for maths? I just did a few papers and looke dup the stuff I wasn't familliar with! Speaking of, I have Biology tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure that it'll be ok, as Biology is easy peasy I think. Lol. Hold that thought! Chemistry and Physics are next week and omigosh I still haven't started Physics, the bad bad Sarah that I am!
I'm thinking that I'll do a video tomorrow, of Kim and I attempting some frenzied Bio revision before the exam in the afternoon. I love afternoon exams, I just get to sleep and sleep and you know what? I loooove the sleep. My mum keeps telling me that my room is a mess, but she just doesn't appreciate the way it's organised...and I never really did get the whole bed making thing, I mean what's the point if you're just going to mess it up a few hours later? Speaking of, have you seen Erin's Blog? It has some great pictures of her room which is pretty cool! If you saw the "How to Fail Your GCSEs" video then you'll have seen my room and been able to appreciate the mess that is Sarah's natural Habitat.
The English exam today was a bit of a bore, I kept forgetting I was in an exam and talking to my pet snake, Belinda. She is very green and invisible. The hallucinations are brought on my stress I tell you. Stress I tell you! STRESS DAMNIT.
The weather was really good these past few days wasn't it? Wasn't it? I thought it was. It was rather nice and I took to blowing bubbles off the roof. I think everyone should buy houses where they can sit on the roof, they are mi

I'm feeling a bit sleepy now which is worrying because I've got Biology tomorrow and I was hoping to revise, but clearly that was an unfounded hope. The only exams this week are Biology, English, History and French. Bio and French I am not worried at. English I'll look over tomorrow, but History I really do need to get a move on with. I just can't take the exams seriously, they seem like some sort of really bad joke.
Has anyone seen Megz? I am thinking of making a "Have you seen this girl?" sign and sticking it up house? Because last I heard she was trying to achieve happiness or whatnot, and now suddenly she's completely disappeared off my radar! Perhaps she fell down a hole! I hear that that happens alot these days. There are two holes in my garden by the way, both of which are not very keep and not obvious as they are covered by grass. I do not know how they got there.
The other day, Olive was sitting in the garden and then this fox came and sat by her! I thought for sure that the fox would attempt to eat Olive or something, if not because of her weight then because of her name, but it just sort of looked at her. I think that because foxes hate dogs, and dogs hate cats, the fox probably thought that he and olive should be allies, with a common enemy, but as Yas would say, Olive is too much of a snob.

Also, Laura has expressed a desire to be called Dobbie, and we can do nothing but oblige her.
If you look to the left you can see some seedlings, the big ones closest to the camera are the biggest, the but clump behind is unfortunately a mixture of two lots of seeds...I'm not very good at gardening...Anyway! They are Jessicas! In honour of my friend Jessica! Obviously they haven't flowered yet, but there is still time! THERE IS STILL TIME. Speaking of, I should really thin them out but they are still a little delicate so I don't want to risk it.
I think I've just about run out of stupid things to write! Oh oh, the ue reunion, I am hoping to make an appeareance as it's on my 6 month anniversary, and I owe them that, but it's also the weekend before four very important exams, Maths, History, Chemistry and Physics, so I really can't afford to be an active member, even for a short time. I'm hoping to just go on, put in a nice post about hi everybody miss you and all that jazz, and then go again, because I really am going to be mondo busy this weekend. Gack, I'm trying not to think of it and following all of the rules to fail my gcses! Practice what you preach I say.
I sent off Duckie's letter today. Do you know that Duckie has a sister called Parrisa! Does that sound like a tropical drink or what!? I say it sounds like a tropical drink.
Oh oh and I'm doing a shout out to Kiwi because she reads my blog even though I'm not sure she actually knows who I am. HELLO THERE.
Also! Here is a link to a picture I drew today incase I am not even able to post a comment on ue.
That's thursday dobbie!
Anyway, I doooo know who you are! You're BookEater on UE! =D
That only took me like, three days to figure that out.. :p
*blush* I am alive really! I've been very mood swingy lately - I blame it on those damn hormones >.< I get upset, then I overreact and get all 'life is pointless and utter shit, let's just give up now' which is of course very silly and whatnot. Tonight is my night of getting things done, which is very rare for me, I procrastinate waaay too much, so tonight I am getting to the nitty gritty and getting everything DONE.
Most amusing blog entry ^.^ I love the long ones! Actually I must go back and watch all your videos, I never did that, y'know, because my family were all very around and would get very nosy about what I was watching. Hmm yes I'll do that now.
Plus your drawing is grrrreat (think: Tony the tiger) I love Belinda the snake XP
xXx loff you xXx
boohoo the picture link didn't work! That blog was so long! I nearly had to extend my 'revision break' from Food Tech. Yes Sarah; you mean that much to me! Hope you are having fun sunning yourself in S. Africa , by the time you get home we'll look like sisters!
ML Kimberlina
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