Friday, June 02, 2006

Sarah's Guide To Life

Oh yes I'm really getting into this whole video thing! Today I have made another filmary marvel entitled How To Fail Your GCSEs (And Possibly Even Life)

Aside from that I am enjoying the sun as decently as possible and failing to revise. I'm trying to learn some formulas but it's all very hard work and I am so very very lazy.

There is zero communication going between myself and the internet barring my blog right now, which is good I suppose. Yasamin wants everyone to call her Duckie and I'm sure we all have the courtesy to oblige her.


Anonymous said...

haha! lol... nice music in the background :) very proffesional.

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly sarah, your videos have continually been the highlight of each day. :)

Anonymous said...

That. Was. Brilliant.

Kimia said...

Ach nein. I watched that entire Guide to Life and it corrupted me. D:

And did you say "Malfoy doing a unicorn"? o.O

Anyway, I LOVE your voice! It's all British and awesome. *wants to be British*