Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Relax, fix yourself a Parissa

I am trying very hard not to be sarcastic, honestly I am. But it's so much fun, and people are soooo dim.

Tom/Ginny has got to be the most delicious pairing ever invented, and Laura thinks I'm insane, but I am most certainly not. Surely relying on dreams is the most sensible thing one can do in this day and age?

Anyway, I have a cough. The hospital thing went well, I don't think there is very much to say really.

I've finally gotten up to date with my correspondances, so hopefully I can continue like that.



Anonymous said...

Tom is delicious. I finished Teh Vair Secretive Diaryyyyyyyyyyy and it was unspeakably chilling. I BLOODY LOVE the author, if I could I would elope with her and eat her whole. And omg I could murder someone right now, why don't people keep their sites how they are FOREVER and NEVER change them!!!!!?!?! FICS CANNOT BE LOST LIKE THIS. I SHOULD HAVE SAVED THEM WHILE I HAD THE CHANCE. NOOOOOOOOOO. OF COURSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M ON ABOUT, I'M RANTING ABOUT MY FAVE REMUS/SIRIUS TRILOGY THAT I STAYED UP TILL 4:30 TO READ. well despite this utter injustice, i have discovered a new rec site that most consists of Harry/Draco and Remus/Sirius


loff ya


Anonymous said...


PS: I shall send death wishes to your cough : )

MINS! said...

I should show my sister this XD