it SAID it was going to rain today! But nothing! not even a little shower.
So the NEW plan, is to go to the shops tomorrow and buy seeds, pesticides, compost (maybe) and get a book or two out of the library to do with gardening. And one about poetry you can read in the garden. I thought that might be a nice thing to do while I wait for it to rain.
Anyway, here are some photos of the garden instead, I took them about a month ago, but not much has changed.
These are our chives, which have flowered this year, they've got this lovely purple flowers that you can see, which produce seeds that drop on the pavement and then grow like weeds... so yeah. We can't eat them fast enough :P The sun is setting here, so it's turning some of them pink.
Chives again. Gosh, who would have thought a herb could be so pretty?
This is.. an unnamed plant. It's kinda boring if you want my opinion. Lots of little flowers.
This is quite nice, it's these red flowers (who knows what they are) shot through with wild long grasses. As a matter of fact, right now, they're shot through with LOADS of lavender. I might take a picture. Then again, there aren't so many red flowers now :P
Now my poppies! Many of you have heard of my poppy woes, mainly that they do not transplant well at all :( However, they're doing pretty well in the pot, some more opened today. So here's a nice picture.
And here's one of the new ones that opened today. I planted a mixture of poppy seeds, so most of them are different.
And this is the one I am proudest of! Basically, I started growing them in this ice cream tub but unfortunately, when I transplanted the bigger ones OUT of the tub, many of the remaining ones died, or became very small. However, this one, which is actually quite tiny, produced a lovely flower! It's white and pink. *smiles* I'm so proud of it!
Anyway, enough of me being a complete loser. Lol. What am I talking about? I never stop being a complete loser. Let's name my top five activities: gardening, reading, video games, writing a book where nothing happends and reading fanfiction. Hoyes.
Anyway. Enjoy the summer. :)
junaidy and I saw it!!!!
yeah but as we all know the nothing that happens in the book is very nice nothing, happy nothing if you will =] xxxxxxxx nice pics m'loffly xxxxx
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