Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?
Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.
THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)
That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.
Your wellies are WAY cute!
I want to see the watering can too! :P
and that poppy is BEAUTIFUL
so is the new sign XP ;]
And the radishes...oh dear.
You know, I think Olive is only glaring because she has no wellies. Poor kitty. :(
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