Today, once again Vicky and I ventured into the depths. I'd like to point out that she whacked me really hard on my arm in a twisted version of "hello" as soon as she saw me. She's all spazzy cause she accidently friend requested some guy she was stalking on facebook. Fortunately, all seems to have quieted down on that front, and the guy doesn't think she's a freak. Yet.
Today there were a few fairs on, fresher's fair, community fair and change the world fair. It was pretty funky, we got tonnes of freebies. We're a bit lonely, cause it's just the two of us for now, but hopefully we have our induction on thursday and we'll make more friends then.
Tomorrow is the Jobs fair and volunteering fair, but we're going in kinda late, because I'm lazy.
Oh, I think I saw Luke today! But I'm not sure....WHO EVEN KNOWS?
I had maths class in the evening, it was swell it was.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So I'm not feeling like blogging, but I should write some stuff about uni.
On Saturday, Vicky and I went to FOCSOC welcome day, which is for freshers off campus. We were late cause I wanted to get a planner from selfridges, but that's fine cause it was worth it, the planner's gorgeous. It's got pictures of cats on it. The cats are playing rock music.
Anyway, we made our way to the guild, talking to some random people on the way, vicky tried to limbo and failed, I laughed. We went down into the basement of the guild, which was like a haunted house, and then there was this room with a load of people our age in it.
The guy organising it gave us stickers, mine was "Ron Weasley" and Vicky's was "Clyde," and then we had to find our partners. I managed to find Harry, and Vicky found Bonnie and we had a short conversation with them, before mosying off into the "Sutton and Erdington" group.
The purpose of the group was so we could share taxis on our way back from the nights out...that none of us wanted to go to. vicky was like "I'd rather sleep" and it's so not my scene, so we were both out. We made friends with a couple of people, some people were cool, some people were nice, some people were a little confused by us, but oh well.
Anyway, we're going back in tomorrow, hopefully we'll have a nice time and maybe meet some people we know!
On Saturday, Vicky and I went to FOCSOC welcome day, which is for freshers off campus. We were late cause I wanted to get a planner from selfridges, but that's fine cause it was worth it, the planner's gorgeous. It's got pictures of cats on it. The cats are playing rock music.
Anyway, we made our way to the guild, talking to some random people on the way, vicky tried to limbo and failed, I laughed. We went down into the basement of the guild, which was like a haunted house, and then there was this room with a load of people our age in it.
The guy organising it gave us stickers, mine was "Ron Weasley" and Vicky's was "Clyde," and then we had to find our partners. I managed to find Harry, and Vicky found Bonnie and we had a short conversation with them, before mosying off into the "Sutton and Erdington" group.
The purpose of the group was so we could share taxis on our way back from the nights out...that none of us wanted to go to. vicky was like "I'd rather sleep" and it's so not my scene, so we were both out. We made friends with a couple of people, some people were cool, some people were nice, some people were a little confused by us, but oh well.
Anyway, we're going back in tomorrow, hopefully we'll have a nice time and maybe meet some people we know!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
I think I let things get a little out of perspective before. It's good to have friends that ground you, I just forget that sometimes. I'm lucky, really.
Today was a good day, I'm smiling.
Today was a good day, I'm smiling.
Friday, September 05, 2008
The madness slowly takes it's toll, lunging at me from behind the monitor when I least expect it. Four days without fanfictions, without so much as thinking of fanfictions, and I am not sure how much longer my sanity can hold up for.
I pacify my cravings for escapism with other medias, but another twenty six days of this may drive me over the edge. If i seem crazier than normal, you can assume the worst.
I really like sleeping. A lot. More than you'd think. It's nice when it's dark.
On another, just as blackening topic, I have a driving lesson tomorrow. If I don't pass my test soon, I'm going to have to take up residence in my wardrobe. Letters can be addressed to "The mirrored wardrobe" and slid between the gap of the door and the side of the wardrobe. I can make a nest in the coats, and sleep standing up; it wont be so bad.
I just ate a banana, and now the skin is empty. I wonder how it feels to be an empty banana skin. All your life you have a banana in you, you label yourself a banana, but then the banana is gone, and suddenly you're this "skin" you're just a covering not the real thing, not even half the real thing. You have this big identity shock right after you lose the only thing you could ever call family. Then you slowly blacken and rot. What a life.
Istanbul was nice but i feel the blue mosque could have been bluer. I haven't heard from Rachel or Kim in a long time. Rachel's on holiday somewhere, she should have gotten back today. Maybe she's mad that I missed her birthday party. I thought she would be happy since I paid a lot of attention to her gift, but she hasn't said anything, no messages or emails or anything. And I haven't spoken to Kim since results day, it's kinda hard to since she's glued to her boyfriend. Not that I blame her, that's normal I suppose. I figured out recently the reason all my friends think I hate boys, the reason I act like I do. It's because subconciously, I've always known that there's a part of my friend's lives that is completely separate from mine, the dating part specifically. It's something I can't understand, that I can't be a part of, and that I can't relate to, and I always knew sooner or later it was going to evolve, and become a bigger part. I suppose it boils down to them moving on, while I stay in the same place. I feel like that a lot, but I don't think it's a unique situation to me. I'm sure lots of people, maybe even the same friends, feel like that.
I've been feeling kind of stupid recently actually. I don't know why. Well I do, but I don't think the reasons are valid at all. I feel like I want to go on an identity holiday, you know, a holiday from being myself? Or maybe it's just late. I do get kinda whiney at night. It's a good thing no one's online
I pacify my cravings for escapism with other medias, but another twenty six days of this may drive me over the edge. If i seem crazier than normal, you can assume the worst.
I really like sleeping. A lot. More than you'd think. It's nice when it's dark.
On another, just as blackening topic, I have a driving lesson tomorrow. If I don't pass my test soon, I'm going to have to take up residence in my wardrobe. Letters can be addressed to "The mirrored wardrobe" and slid between the gap of the door and the side of the wardrobe. I can make a nest in the coats, and sleep standing up; it wont be so bad.
I just ate a banana, and now the skin is empty. I wonder how it feels to be an empty banana skin. All your life you have a banana in you, you label yourself a banana, but then the banana is gone, and suddenly you're this "skin" you're just a covering not the real thing, not even half the real thing. You have this big identity shock right after you lose the only thing you could ever call family. Then you slowly blacken and rot. What a life.
Istanbul was nice but i feel the blue mosque could have been bluer. I haven't heard from Rachel or Kim in a long time. Rachel's on holiday somewhere, she should have gotten back today. Maybe she's mad that I missed her birthday party. I thought she would be happy since I paid a lot of attention to her gift, but she hasn't said anything, no messages or emails or anything. And I haven't spoken to Kim since results day, it's kinda hard to since she's glued to her boyfriend. Not that I blame her, that's normal I suppose. I figured out recently the reason all my friends think I hate boys, the reason I act like I do. It's because subconciously, I've always known that there's a part of my friend's lives that is completely separate from mine, the dating part specifically. It's something I can't understand, that I can't be a part of, and that I can't relate to, and I always knew sooner or later it was going to evolve, and become a bigger part. I suppose it boils down to them moving on, while I stay in the same place. I feel like that a lot, but I don't think it's a unique situation to me. I'm sure lots of people, maybe even the same friends, feel like that.
I've been feeling kind of stupid recently actually. I don't know why. Well I do, but I don't think the reasons are valid at all. I feel like I want to go on an identity holiday, you know, a holiday from being myself? Or maybe it's just late. I do get kinda whiney at night. It's a good thing no one's online
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
1.28 AM
(01:05:18) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: oh my goodness sarakins
(01:05:22) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you#'re still here??
(01:06:18) SarahPuffles: kath aht
(01:06:19) SarahPuffles: 1I m
(01:06:21) SarahPuffles: sorry
(01:06:22) SarahPuffles: fingers
(01:06:23) SarahPuffles: sleepy
(01:06:24) SarahPuffles: finers
(01:06:25) SarahPuffles: yo know
(01:06:27) SarahPuffles: when fingers get sleepy
(01:06:29) SarahPuffles: they make mistakes
(01:06:31) SarahPuffles: poor fingers :(
(01:06:33) SarahPuffles: how are you kat hat?
(01:06:39) SarahPuffles: Are you even there?
(01:06:44) SarahPuffles: am I talking to myself? *cries quietly*
(01:06:46) SarahPuffles: All alooooooooone
(01:06:51) SarahPuffles: there's no one hereeee besidee mmmeeeee
(01:06:57) SarahPuffles: I don't even know the rest of the song
(01:07:00) SarahPuffles: what a sad situation.
(01:07:01) SarahPuffles: *weeps*
(01:11:15) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lol so sosssrry
(01:11:19) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarakins I am there
(01:11:25) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I just went off to the bathroom..:$
(01:11:33) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?!
(01:11:42) SarahPuffles: she went to the bathroom! *to crowd&*
(01:11:44) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?
(01:11:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: the bathroom..:P
(01:11:50) SarahPuffles: Yes the bathroom. Now don't worryk kids, she came back!
(01:11:58) SarahPuffles: kids: if you say so miss sarah lady
(01:12:04) SarahPuffles: sarah: *friendly smile* don't worry!
(01:12:06) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: how was your day?? why are you still not in bed??
(01:12:16) SarahPuffles: pfft youre not the boss of me
(01:12:17) SarahPuffles: i can stay up
(01:12:19) SarahPuffles: if i want!
(01:12:22) SarahPuffles: I can stay up ALLLL Night
(01:12:24) SarahPuffles: if i want
(01:12:29) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: ooooooooooooh
(01:12:32) SarahPuffles: I think the question is KATHAT
(01:12:36) SarahPuffles: why aren't YOU asleep
(01:12:37) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lolams that;s lovely to know
(01:12:38) SarahPuffles: since it's my house.
(01:12:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: since I'm going to work tomorrow..:p
(01:12:55) SarahPuffles: Is it me?
(01:12:57) SarahPuffles: or is it hot in here
(01:13:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: because..I wanted to finish Nadja :$
(01:13:00) SarahPuffles: is it hot in oldbury?
(01:13:02) SarahPuffles: or old ham..
(01:13:03) SarahPuffles: where you live..
(01:13:09) SarahPuffles: that place. it's old.. I knwo that much..
(01:13:10) SarahPuffles: i think.
(01:13:20) SarahPuffles: I don't even know what number you live at KATCHAR!
(01:13:27) SarahPuffles: omg
(01:13:32) SarahPuffles: so i gosh kat
(01:13:39) SarahPuffles: Yesterday I was thinking about what you said
(01:13:42) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:13:44) SarahPuffles: about that lineee..
(01:13:49) SarahPuffles: by breton I think
(01:13:49) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I live on 38 broadway
(01:13:51) SarahPuffles: about the trees
(01:13:56) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: line? which line??oO
(01:13:56) SarahPuffles: 38! that's a lovely number!
(01:14:02) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yyyeees :D
(01:14:04) SarahPuffles: it's very sensible, but fun too
(01:14:07) SarahPuffles: Anyway
(01:14:09) SarahPuffles: I had this IMAGE in my head
(01:14:20) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:14:59) SarahPuffles: of a green hilltop, covered in shadow, but at the top, the first ray of sunrise streaming through, and people at the top, walking along, with the light behind them, like silleuettes
(01:15:51) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sillhouettes* :P
(01:15:55) SarahPuffles: And then.. the sea down below...colouring the air salty..
(01:15:57) SarahPuffles: and gosh I got so sad
(01:15:57) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: that's lovely sarakins,...
(01:16:03) SarahPuffles: because I wanted to be there so much! I wanted to be one of those people1
(01:17:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh...
(01:17:13) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarah you have an incredible imagination...
(01:17:21) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: really, you do!!!
(01:17:22) SarahPuffles: I wanted to see it.. feel the cold night be chased away by the sun..
(01:17:27) SarahPuffles: taste the salt on my lips!!
(01:17:36) SarahPuffles: squint into the skyline..
(01:17:52) SarahPuffles: booooo. fueeee. this is your fault kathat :(
(01:18:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: woah woooaaah sarakins :P
(01:18:13) SarahPuffles: I want a skyyyyyyy Kat
(01:18:23) SarahPuffles: So I saw an old lady today
(01:18:24) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: hang want to go to the seaside, sarah??
(01:18:29) SarahPuffles: yes.. and no
(01:18:37) SarahPuffles: I want.. you know
(01:18:39) SarahPuffles: you know....
(01:18:44) SarahPuffles: that time you were at the beach
(01:18:51) SarahPuffles: and you were on the top of the...hill...cliff... looking down?
(01:18:52) SarahPuffles: I want tAHT!
(01:19:02) SarahPuffles: I want to see it and breath it!
(01:19:10) SarahPuffles: I love my garden.. but I want more than this little SQUARE of greenery
(01:19:22) SarahPuffles: this little suburban, tamed rectangle
(01:21:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh sarah it's such a lovely dream..:)
(01:21:40) SarahPuffles: You know what I forgot...
(01:21:43) SarahPuffles: i forgot the wind.....
(01:21:50) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: what??
(01:21:56) SarahPuffles: the wind at the sea is so alive!! so rough and ..playful. :)
(01:22:05) SarahPuffles: the way it pulls at your clothes, like it's a little child...
(01:22:09) SarahPuffles: and it wants you to run with it
(01:22:11) SarahPuffles: WAAAAAAAAA
(01:22:14) SarahPuffles: fuuueeeee boooo :(
(01:23:30) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you know what sarah???
(01:23:39) SarahPuffles: WHAT!?
(01:23:59) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: You should put all wonderful and unfulfilled ideas in LQ..:):)
(01:24:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I'm sorry I'm sooo tired I gtg to bed now okay???:(
(01:24:36) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: talk to yo tomorrow hioopefully and do forgive my lack of attenton this evening
(01:24:57) SarahPuffles: you know what...
(01:25:00) SarahPuffles: I already did :P
(01:25:12) SarahPuffles: Its nice to know we're on the same wavelength.
(01:25:24) SarahPuffles: Ill catch you later, whenever that is :D Sorry about the insanity, I get tired. xxxxxxxxxx
(01:25:30) SarahPuffles: enjoy work! if possible..
(01:05:22) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you#'re still here??
(01:06:18) SarahPuffles: kath aht
(01:06:19) SarahPuffles: 1I m
(01:06:21) SarahPuffles: sorry
(01:06:22) SarahPuffles: fingers
(01:06:23) SarahPuffles: sleepy
(01:06:24) SarahPuffles: finers
(01:06:25) SarahPuffles: yo know
(01:06:27) SarahPuffles: when fingers get sleepy
(01:06:29) SarahPuffles: they make mistakes
(01:06:31) SarahPuffles: poor fingers :(
(01:06:33) SarahPuffles: how are you kat hat?
(01:06:39) SarahPuffles: Are you even there?
(01:06:44) SarahPuffles: am I talking to myself? *cries quietly*
(01:06:46) SarahPuffles: All alooooooooone
(01:06:51) SarahPuffles: there's no one hereeee besidee mmmeeeee
(01:06:57) SarahPuffles: I don't even know the rest of the song
(01:07:00) SarahPuffles: what a sad situation.
(01:07:01) SarahPuffles: *weeps*
(01:11:15) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lol so sosssrry
(01:11:19) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarakins I am there
(01:11:25) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I just went off to the bathroom..:$
(01:11:33) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?!
(01:11:42) SarahPuffles: she went to the bathroom! *to crowd&*
(01:11:44) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?
(01:11:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: the bathroom..:P
(01:11:50) SarahPuffles: Yes the bathroom. Now don't worryk kids, she came back!
(01:11:58) SarahPuffles: kids: if you say so miss sarah lady
(01:12:04) SarahPuffles: sarah: *friendly smile* don't worry!
(01:12:06) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: how was your day?? why are you still not in bed??
(01:12:16) SarahPuffles: pfft youre not the boss of me
(01:12:17) SarahPuffles: i can stay up
(01:12:19) SarahPuffles: if i want!
(01:12:22) SarahPuffles: I can stay up ALLLL Night
(01:12:24) SarahPuffles: if i want
(01:12:29) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: ooooooooooooh
(01:12:32) SarahPuffles: I think the question is KATHAT
(01:12:36) SarahPuffles: why aren't YOU asleep
(01:12:37) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lolams that;s lovely to know
(01:12:38) SarahPuffles: since it's my house.
(01:12:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: since I'm going to work tomorrow..:p
(01:12:55) SarahPuffles: Is it me?
(01:12:57) SarahPuffles: or is it hot in here
(01:13:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: because..I wanted to finish Nadja :$
(01:13:00) SarahPuffles: is it hot in oldbury?
(01:13:02) SarahPuffles: or old ham..
(01:13:03) SarahPuffles: where you live..
(01:13:09) SarahPuffles: that place. it's old.. I knwo that much..
(01:13:10) SarahPuffles: i think.
(01:13:20) SarahPuffles: I don't even know what number you live at KATCHAR!
(01:13:27) SarahPuffles: omg
(01:13:32) SarahPuffles: so i gosh kat
(01:13:39) SarahPuffles: Yesterday I was thinking about what you said
(01:13:42) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:13:44) SarahPuffles: about that lineee..
(01:13:49) SarahPuffles: by breton I think
(01:13:49) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I live on 38 broadway
(01:13:51) SarahPuffles: about the trees
(01:13:56) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: line? which line??oO
(01:13:56) SarahPuffles: 38! that's a lovely number!
(01:14:02) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yyyeees :D
(01:14:04) SarahPuffles: it's very sensible, but fun too
(01:14:07) SarahPuffles: Anyway
(01:14:09) SarahPuffles: I had this IMAGE in my head
(01:14:20) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:14:59) SarahPuffles: of a green hilltop, covered in shadow, but at the top, the first ray of sunrise streaming through, and people at the top, walking along, with the light behind them, like silleuettes
(01:15:51) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sillhouettes* :P
(01:15:55) SarahPuffles: And then.. the sea down below...colouring the air salty..
(01:15:57) SarahPuffles: and gosh I got so sad
(01:15:57) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: that's lovely sarakins,...
(01:16:03) SarahPuffles: because I wanted to be there so much! I wanted to be one of those people1
(01:17:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh...
(01:17:13) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarah you have an incredible imagination...
(01:17:21) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: really, you do!!!
(01:17:22) SarahPuffles: I wanted to see it.. feel the cold night be chased away by the sun..
(01:17:27) SarahPuffles: taste the salt on my lips!!
(01:17:36) SarahPuffles: squint into the skyline..
(01:17:52) SarahPuffles: booooo. fueeee. this is your fault kathat :(
(01:18:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: woah woooaaah sarakins :P
(01:18:13) SarahPuffles: I want a skyyyyyyy Kat
(01:18:23) SarahPuffles: So I saw an old lady today
(01:18:24) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: hang want to go to the seaside, sarah??
(01:18:29) SarahPuffles: yes.. and no
(01:18:37) SarahPuffles: I want.. you know
(01:18:39) SarahPuffles: you know....
(01:18:44) SarahPuffles: that time you were at the beach
(01:18:51) SarahPuffles: and you were on the top of the...hill...cliff... looking down?
(01:18:52) SarahPuffles: I want tAHT!
(01:19:02) SarahPuffles: I want to see it and breath it!
(01:19:10) SarahPuffles: I love my garden.. but I want more than this little SQUARE of greenery
(01:19:22) SarahPuffles: this little suburban, tamed rectangle
(01:21:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh sarah it's such a lovely dream..:)
(01:21:40) SarahPuffles: You know what I forgot...
(01:21:43) SarahPuffles: i forgot the wind.....
(01:21:50) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: what??
(01:21:56) SarahPuffles: the wind at the sea is so alive!! so rough and ..playful. :)
(01:22:05) SarahPuffles: the way it pulls at your clothes, like it's a little child...
(01:22:09) SarahPuffles: and it wants you to run with it
(01:22:11) SarahPuffles: WAAAAAAAAA
(01:22:14) SarahPuffles: fuuueeeee boooo :(
(01:23:30) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you know what sarah???
(01:23:39) SarahPuffles: WHAT!?
(01:23:59) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: You should put all wonderful and unfulfilled ideas in LQ..:):)
(01:24:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I'm sorry I'm sooo tired I gtg to bed now okay???:(
(01:24:36) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: talk to yo tomorrow hioopefully and do forgive my lack of attenton this evening
(01:24:57) SarahPuffles: you know what...
(01:25:00) SarahPuffles: I already did :P
(01:25:12) SarahPuffles: Its nice to know we're on the same wavelength.
(01:25:24) SarahPuffles: Ill catch you later, whenever that is :D Sorry about the insanity, I get tired. xxxxxxxxxx
(01:25:30) SarahPuffles: enjoy work! if possible..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Saga Recommences!
So I haven't updated for the last few days, but I HAVE been with the action making. Oh yes. As you can see, this is the site about three days ago when I started digging, and then realised it was far too dry. I had to move the frame, obviously, because the frame has to be slightly sunk in, thus the dug out section must be larger than the frame.

Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
Now, this is what the site looks like TODAY, after having been dug out, and then having the grass put back in, upside down. I'm just supposed to leave that now... On the sides, you can see stones that I picked out. Cause there were too many stones!

In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?

Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.

THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)

That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.
Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?
Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.
THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)
That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Saga Experiences a Mild Delay
So.. basically the next step in Project vegetable patch, was to dig out the grass.. unfortunately, due to the high temperatures and lack of rain, it's pretty much impossible. Thus I will have to wait a few days, for it to rain.
it SAID it was going to rain today! But nothing! not even a little shower.
So the NEW plan, is to go to the shops tomorrow and buy seeds, pesticides, compost (maybe) and get a book or two out of the library to do with gardening. And one about poetry you can read in the garden. I thought that might be a nice thing to do while I wait for it to rain.
Anyway, here are some photos of the garden instead, I took them about a month ago, but not much has changed.
These are our chives, which have flowered this year, they've got this lovely purple flowers that you can see, which produce seeds that drop on the pavement and then grow like weeds... so yeah. We can't eat them fast enough :P The sun is setting here, so it's turning some of them pink.

Chives again. Gosh, who would have thought a herb could be so pretty?

This is.. an unnamed plant. It's kinda boring if you want my opinion. Lots of little flowers.

This is quite nice, it's these red flowers (who knows what they are) shot through with wild long grasses. As a matter of fact, right now, they're shot through with LOADS of lavender. I might take a picture. Then again, there aren't so many red flowers now :P

Now my poppies! Many of you have heard of my poppy woes, mainly that they do not transplant well at all :( However, they're doing pretty well in the pot, some more opened today. So here's a nice picture.

And here's one of the new ones that opened today. I planted a mixture of poppy seeds, so most of them are different.

And this is the one I am proudest of! Basically, I started growing them in this ice cream tub but unfortunately, when I transplanted the bigger ones OUT of the tub, many of the remaining ones died, or became very small. However, this one, which is actually quite tiny, produced a lovely flower! It's white and pink. *smiles* I'm so proud of it!

Anyway, enough of me being a complete loser. Lol. What am I talking about? I never stop being a complete loser. Let's name my top five activities: gardening, reading, video games, writing a book where nothing happends and reading fanfiction. Hoyes.
Anyway. Enjoy the summer. :)
it SAID it was going to rain today! But nothing! not even a little shower.
So the NEW plan, is to go to the shops tomorrow and buy seeds, pesticides, compost (maybe) and get a book or two out of the library to do with gardening. And one about poetry you can read in the garden. I thought that might be a nice thing to do while I wait for it to rain.
Anyway, here are some photos of the garden instead, I took them about a month ago, but not much has changed.
These are our chives, which have flowered this year, they've got this lovely purple flowers that you can see, which produce seeds that drop on the pavement and then grow like weeds... so yeah. We can't eat them fast enough :P The sun is setting here, so it's turning some of them pink.
Chives again. Gosh, who would have thought a herb could be so pretty?
This is.. an unnamed plant. It's kinda boring if you want my opinion. Lots of little flowers.
This is quite nice, it's these red flowers (who knows what they are) shot through with wild long grasses. As a matter of fact, right now, they're shot through with LOADS of lavender. I might take a picture. Then again, there aren't so many red flowers now :P
Now my poppies! Many of you have heard of my poppy woes, mainly that they do not transplant well at all :( However, they're doing pretty well in the pot, some more opened today. So here's a nice picture.
And here's one of the new ones that opened today. I planted a mixture of poppy seeds, so most of them are different.
And this is the one I am proudest of! Basically, I started growing them in this ice cream tub but unfortunately, when I transplanted the bigger ones OUT of the tub, many of the remaining ones died, or became very small. However, this one, which is actually quite tiny, produced a lovely flower! It's white and pink. *smiles* I'm so proud of it!
Anyway, enough of me being a complete loser. Lol. What am I talking about? I never stop being a complete loser. Let's name my top five activities: gardening, reading, video games, writing a book where nothing happends and reading fanfiction. Hoyes.
Anyway. Enjoy the summer. :)
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