Monday, December 10, 2007

If this was a movie...

I couldn't sleep last night. It was the weirdest thing. I can't remember the last time I couldn't sleep. It all started off normally, at half ten I went offline and said to Mohan that I was going to sleep, turned off the computer, locked up the house and went upstairs. I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs and got into bed and then....and then I just didn't fall asleep! It's hard to know how long to wait before it becomes obvious that you're not falling asleep you know? I lay there for about an hour, thinking about things in my head, I was pretty happy actually, I was enjoying being me, that happens every now and then and I love the feeling.

After about an hour, I started to get annoyed, tossing and turning, eventually after lying with my face in the pillow for about ten minutes, I got up and fumbled around in the dark until I found my soap bubbles. I figured that soap bubbles would relax me, because I love them and everyone knows it. Unfortunately for me, the soap bubbles are harder to blow when you've got your retainer in and for some reason taking my retainer out didn't seem like a good idea. So I blew the bubbles a bit, but I couldn't see them so great what with it still being dark.

Eventually, I got back into bed, and lay there for a bit more, but I still couldn't sleep, so I opened the curtains and stared out of the window. Man it was so windy! I can't remember the last time it was that windy. And the trees were all skeletal and the clouds were out. It was actually really bright, I was surprised. Doesn't it get dark any more? It was reeeeaaally beautiful actually. I stared out for ages, and my breath misted up the window which was annoying, and eventually I started drifting off, so I figured I could go to sleep, so I lay back down, closed the curtains etc and tried to be as quiet as possible so that I didn't wake up my mum. I STILL couldn't sleep, so I figured I would read a boring book.

Of course, the time I couldn't sleep and wanted to read a boring book would be the time that I'd had my cambridge interview and therefore didn't have anything boring that I had to read. Also I didn't need to do anymore reading for my history, so I ended up reading some poetry by Emily Dickeson, out of the book that Yasamin gave me for my birthday. It was good you know, I haven't looked at the book in a while, not since about a month after I got it, and I was rereading all my favourites. I like the short ones the best, because each word is so important, you can imagine that if you changed one word the whole thing would fall apart. Reminds me of match stick houses actually, you know, like the models made out of match sticks. If you move one matchstick they all fall down, but you know, they're only matchsticks. I was reading the one about the bed, that turns out to be a grave, that Yasamin says is her favourite. I'm not sure if I'd read it before, I'm not really into sitting down and reading through a poetry book, I prefer reading bits and pieces here and there, so I don't think I've read the whole thing before. I skimmed through it all last night, just stopping at the poems that I wanted to read or that caught my eye. It's a pretty short book though, so I finished in about half an hour. Then I decided to read "The Time Traveller's Wife" which was okay for a bit, but it didn't really grip me and I was really aware of the awkward angle I was sitting at and how small the text is. I wonder if it's one of those books that you can only read once, and after that it's not the same, because I remember really enjoying it when I read it this summer. I used to go into the garden and lie on a beach towel and read it on the few sunny days.

I think I had a look through my bookshelf, but I didn't really want to read anything, I don't think. Eventually I got sick of not working and got some chemistry revision guide out and tried to learn something from that. I think it worked, let's see...
Aldehydes and ketones can be reduced by NABH(4)...surely that can't be the only thing that I learnt. I mean I stayed up for ages, I must have learnt something else...oh, I think I learnt the mechanism for the addition of the CN- nucleophile to an aldehydes. I'm ...confused. I must have learnt more than that, but that's all I can remember. Did I learn something about esters?

I remember that Paul Runs Down Many Paths. Which is what you do to identify a carbonyl compound. You add 2,4, DNP then you get an orange precipitate. After that you Purify, Recrystallise, Dry, and compare Melting Points to those of known compounds. Ah, surely I shoud know more than this...I guess not.

Eventually the chemistry tired me out and I went to sleep. Phenol..I know things about phenol. It acts like an acid because it can donate protons, that's because the oxygen's lone pair becomes part of the delocalised system, weakening the H-O bond so it's easily lost. It just reacts normally with alkalis, forming ionic salts just like you'd expect. Nothing particularly interesting there.

It's not my fault that Mohan is spending all her time reading porn. you know she acts like I'm into weird stuff, but she's far worse. I guess I respect that she admits it. I'm surprised that no one else is weirded out though. I guess that means that everyone is a secret pervert. Everyone. that means EVERYONE.

I have chemistry next with mr kearsey. I think mr kearsey likes me, he's lofffffly. He's a nice teacher. Unfortunately nicola isn't here today so I don't know who I'm going to copy in chemistry. I'll try and copy mohan's but she's not half as obliging as Nicola. Maybe i'll just steal nicola's and read it...I wonder if anyone will notice..and or care...

Tonight, I will study chemistry. that is all.

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