You might have noticed that my blog is looking rather sexy, thanks to Rob and his HTMLing skillz, I now have links and a guestbook! That's enough for me though, all this coding and stuffs makes my head hurt.
Anyway, please comment on my guestbook! I've also finally got myself a comic hoster that I can work with, I mean Jelly Creations died, and Keenspace is way confusing, so now I've got this dead duck thing, and hopefully it'll be good! You can see the next two parts of the Adventures of Super Hero Sarah there, which I hope you are enjoying.
It's always like this, I'm all, comic comic comic for a few days, and then I'm like, Com-ick?
Anyway, Erin is off the net for a week, and so will I be, as I am working at school! I'll still be drawing the comic, but I wont be putting it up till Friday. Sorry if you cannot wait that long!
Contrary to popular opinion, I am actually being a super hero. I have a cape and an "S" pinned to my top. I'm not sure if the "S" stands for Sarah, or Super, but if anyone asks I'm liable to say either!
I'm pretty pleased with the snazzing up of this blog. It's nice.
oh wait, I'm meant to be writing the bloggers manifesto!
The Bloggers Manifesto
1. You must update at least once a week
2. You must comment religiously on your fellow bloggers blogs
3. You must always be on the lookout for new bloggers to join the bloggers team
4. You must help me think of a name of the bloggers team
5 You must be in love with Draco Malfoy
That's all I can think of :)
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Dark and chaotic, slow and hypnotic, she comes into my mind

Hallo peoples! A short update, I'll update later properly, to say HI YAS. And to also show you what I'm working on. You can see this picture, well basically I am editting it amaking it look better in general. Tell me what you think!
Did some retail therapy, man that felt good!
Anyway, there is the picture, I was using water colours again. I need to add to her hair, and get my outlines and shadows a little darker so you can see them when it's scanned in. Isn't Ginny's bow cute?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
*cough* There's a Hermeverus i my throat

Today I swallowed a sherbet lemon whole! Shocking!
What's the russian word, meaning to disperse?
Anyway I am on the phone to Kitty-Kat right now. It's all good.
No doubt you have noticed that picture there. It's a Hermeverus, it's crap. I tried to draw it and it failed, then I painted it and that failed! In all it's sucky! I posted it so Laura appreciates the effort I made on her behalf! Actually, I bet she wanted someone way more ranchy. Ew. Just Ew.
I need to practice my romance scenes actually, but it's sooo hard!
And not to mention embarrasing.
I'm cooking fishy fingers right now, because I am a magnificent chef doncha know?
Anyway, this isn't a long blog, but I propose that the blogging club, members Sarah, Laura, Yasamin and Rob (Did anyone tell Rob?) Should make the club official by ....doing stuff. Like Rules and mottos and stuff. Yeah.
I can't afford to be neutral on a moving train!
And Adam, Rob's blog would only upset you!
'Cause I've been waiting for so long, to sing my teenage victory song...
Wowee, all of my friends have blogs! Laura, Yasamin and Bob! How awesome!
We are going to be like a blogging team or something! We'll be blogging like crazy! I'll just be like, blog blog blog blog.
So everyday, I can come online, check my blog and then comment on all of their blogs! It'll be awesomely cool!
Anyway, back to my blog. I did some biology revision yesterday, that was interupted by my friend kim.
Before she arrived we had the following text conversation
Kim: Happy valentines day!
Me: How sad, none of us have bfs, you and ellen should come round and we'll have a menagé trois.
Kim: I'm on my way
Me: Whaatttt???? I was kidding!!? You really thing I'd invite you over for a threesome?
And then she came around anyway...I mean you guys all know what a menagé trois is right? Clearly she didn't. We did some revision anyway, genes and whatnot.
Today I'm trying to do some maths, by going through the revision guide and just learning what I can't do. For example I haven't a clue about irrational numbers...well I do now, basically they are ugly. So if you see an ugly number, chances are it's irrational.
I'm doing percentages now, i mean I can do percentages but it's just a good idea to review. It's all pretty easy right now, but soon it'll get harrd. And I'll cry! Lots!
My mum asked me if I want to do Dentistry, I told her that it would be like staring into someones mouth all day, (now I think of it, it would be exactly that!) and she said that I would get alot of money! Shocking! I told her that I want to sit at home and watch chickflicks all day and she sighed at me!
Really! I mean I'm fifteen without a purpose or direction...I don't owe anyone a f*cking explaination!
I know what you are all thinking. You are wondering how I haven't drawn another D/G pic. I'm afriad I have! But it's not really D/G, it's kinda G/T! How weird! It's only b
ecause Ginny went wrong, and I can't draw Draco anyway, so it ended up just, oh well just look at it! It's right there! Anyway, as usual comments are appreciated!
I would like to point out that Adam is a little perv! I am doing one of his fanfiction challenges, and you know what he set me to write?
A love scene with you and your favourite character Well first of all, no way am I writing porn! It's just so classless! I might write a romantic scene, with underlying love, but nothing obvious!
Laura, I'm still not going to draw you a Hermerverus. It's just wrong. Can't you google it if you're that desperate? Or draw one yourself!
We are going to be like a blogging team or something! We'll be blogging like crazy! I'll just be like, blog blog blog blog.
So everyday, I can come online, check my blog and then comment on all of their blogs! It'll be awesomely cool!
Anyway, back to my blog. I did some biology revision yesterday, that was interupted by my friend kim.
Before she arrived we had the following text conversation
Kim: Happy valentines day!
Me: How sad, none of us have bfs, you and ellen should come round and we'll have a menagé trois.
Kim: I'm on my way
Me: Whaatttt???? I was kidding!!? You really thing I'd invite you over for a threesome?
And then she came around anyway...I mean you guys all know what a menagé trois is right? Clearly she didn't. We did some revision anyway, genes and whatnot.
Today I'm trying to do some maths, by going through the revision guide and just learning what I can't do. For example I haven't a clue about irrational numbers...well I do now, basically they are ugly. So if you see an ugly number, chances are it's irrational.
I'm doing percentages now, i mean I can do percentages but it's just a good idea to review. It's all pretty easy right now, but soon it'll get harrd. And I'll cry! Lots!
My mum asked me if I want to do Dentistry, I told her that it would be like staring into someones mouth all day, (now I think of it, it would be exactly that!) and she said that I would get alot of money! Shocking! I told her that I want to sit at home and watch chickflicks all day and she sighed at me!
Really! I mean I'm fifteen without a purpose or direction...I don't owe anyone a f*cking explaination!
I know what you are all thinking. You are wondering how I haven't drawn another D/G pic. I'm afriad I have! But it's not really D/G, it's kinda G/T! How weird! It's only b

I would like to point out that Adam is a little perv! I am doing one of his fanfiction challenges, and you know what he set me to write?
A love scene with you and your favourite character Well first of all, no way am I writing porn! It's just so classless! I might write a romantic scene, with underlying love, but nothing obvious!
Laura, I'm still not going to draw you a Hermerverus. It's just wrong. Can't you google it if you're that desperate? Or draw one yourself!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm always dressed to kill....And I feel like I always do
I am an ADDICT!
I saw the picture at the top of This and became inspired. I printed it off, and then made a copy of it which you can see here. I'm really pleased with it, as I copied and expanded. Obviously the original artist, there's more information about her on D& is immensely talented and I wouldn't have been able to draw something like that without seeing it before, but I still like the end result.
This only actually took me a few minutes, although once I had finished I spent a bit of time doing shading and editting it.
Once I'd finished this, I thought I ought to practice my Draco skills, which are rubbish by the way, I much prefer drawing
You might notice that all of my pictures are in black and white, because I don't have access to any paints, and pencil crayons would probably ruin the effect. One of these days I'm going to have to work out how to use photoshop and edit my pictures there!
And after I drew that? No I still wasn't satisfied! I work hard at being obsessed! I drew a cute little D&G christmassy thing that you can see below. Yes I know I'm late, but who cares. It just sort of sprang to mind. It's more cartoonish than anything, but I like it.
I'm thinking that Draco looks a bit drunk though...well he'd have to be to consider kissing ginny! I love her cute little jumper! Oh and her freckles came out well.
I should really stop gushing about my crappy pictures! The only one I really like is the top one, and that's a copy of someone elses! But a good copy I think.
Tell me what you think!
And update on my life? I finished pokemon red! And by that I mean I defeated the elite four, not that I caught 150 pokemon.I mean who does that!? No one does that.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Don't make the killer/non-fatal mistake of assuming that the title of this update has anything to do with anything! Because it doesn't! Shocking!
A recapp of my day:
My mother and aunt look out of the window and have a conversation, the transcript follows:
"Wow, look at that tit!"
"My goodness! It's huge!"
" yes and so smooth"
"But look at the colour"
"I didn't know they came in that colour"
"It's a great tit isn't it?"
"Really? I thought it looked like a green one"
"Sarah, are you ok?
"Uh, yeah, mum, I'm fine, I just have to go and *runs away*"
I mean really, next thing they'll be reading Maxim and annotating the pictures!
So I came back from my aunts, throroughly revitalised and once again managing to do little, (none...) revision for my upcoming GCSEs which although I have become quite profficient in lecturing others in the importance off, I have yet to embark upon the voyage of bored- revision.
It has become apparent to me, that having ones own personal life drama is somewhat difficult with exams and such, on television this never seems to be a problem. Perhaps this is because the characters are fictional? I daresay, I have only ever seen Marissa (Of the O.C. Like DUH) doing her homework once! And that was in between generous quantities of tonsil tennis with Ryan (Can we say ewwwww?) and ..well shooting people.
I have planned to begin my revision tomorrow! Well actually, now I come to think of it, I previously intended to begin my revision yesterday, and then today, and then this afternoon, but right now it's tomorrow. I might as well just push it onto Wednesday, as that's the way it's going to go and we all know it, but thinking ahead is just not for studious studiers such as myself.
I've been thinking that it's about time I considered my career. Until recently, I was thinking of being a power mother, but now I am steering closer to being crazy cat lady. And before you say it's already been done, I'll give it an edge! Like hell I will! What will the edge be..Uh I dunno yet.
Wait! I have it, cats doing extreme sports, such as jumping through hoops of fire and such! Though possibly the RSPCA wont be so cool with that, but with the monarchy pretty much out of here, I can't see why they would hold sway. I also think being a recluse/looney might be good for my mind. I bet I wouldn't be distracted from my maths homework if I was a looney/recluse.
Ok, definitely from tomorrow I am going to become a reclusive looney. That way, I am sure to get my work done. My main duty is to draw several obsessive D/G pictures, (Several more) and try and persuade olive to jump through a hoop. Darn that cat. Everytime I try it, she looks at my with this "you fuckwit" look. I'm almost offended. I would be offended if I couldn't retailiate with a smooth wiggle of my opposable thumbs yep, I've definitely got the advantage! Sarah 1. Olive 0. Except then she sort of scratched my thumbs whilst I wiggled them rather overly energetically. But I bet it was cause she's stupid and thought they were mice or something. Really. As though I would hold a mouse. (Can we say eww...again?)
I'm getting a little jittery thinking about the massacaring of my pooor thumbs, which makes every stroke of the space bar painful for me. I think I should review my goals
1. Become a recluse
2. Look up dictionary definition of said profession (Wouldn't want to get it wrong and end up a plumber or something)
3. Stare at my nails a bit. Study whether depending on the angle that the light hits them, do they look shiner?
4. Do some maths..maybe. Or more likely pretend to, but instead doodle D/G pics in the "do not write in this margin" section of my practice papers.
5. Somehow convince olive to jump through the hoop. (Maybe pick her up and put her through it?)
Yeah, I think that's quite good..
HEY LOOK. A picyture. I quite like drawing. But I cannot draw Draco! Dunno why...I have no problems with pretty much anything else relating to him.
Today my hair status resembles a sort of black haystack. I mean it's not even a haystack, it's like you took a nest, a crows nest or something equally ugly, and then brushed it, and spraypainted it black. Oh and then put ridiculous amounts of volumising shampoo on it. My hair has a tendency to do that. It's just so big...apparently when I was younger it was really thin so we kept bobbing it in the hopes it would get thicker...AND IT DID AND NOW I AM A WALKING CROWS NEST AKA SARAH YIELD-SIGN MURANO . It's scandalous is what it is.
I am a-wondering whether I can be a heroine. I see no reason not to.
From this day forth, I shalt be a superher- I mean I shall be a looney, reclusive heroine.
Or at least for the rest of the half term.
Did anyone read all of this?
A recapp of my day:
My mother and aunt look out of the window and have a conversation, the transcript follows:
"Wow, look at that tit!"
"My goodness! It's huge!"
" yes and so smooth"
"But look at the colour"
"I didn't know they came in that colour"
"It's a great tit isn't it?"
"Really? I thought it looked like a green one"
"Sarah, are you ok?
"Uh, yeah, mum, I'm fine, I just have to go and *runs away*"
I mean really, next thing they'll be reading Maxim and annotating the pictures!
So I came back from my aunts, throroughly revitalised and once again managing to do little, (none...) revision for my upcoming GCSEs which although I have become quite profficient in lecturing others in the importance off, I have yet to embark upon the voyage of bored- revision.
It has become apparent to me, that having ones own personal life drama is somewhat difficult with exams and such, on television this never seems to be a problem. Perhaps this is because the characters are fictional? I daresay, I have only ever seen Marissa (Of the O.C. Like DUH) doing her homework once! And that was in between generous quantities of tonsil tennis with Ryan (Can we say ewwwww?) and ..well shooting people.
I have planned to begin my revision tomorrow! Well actually, now I come to think of it, I previously intended to begin my revision yesterday, and then today, and then this afternoon, but right now it's tomorrow. I might as well just push it onto Wednesday, as that's the way it's going to go and we all know it, but thinking ahead is just not for studious studiers such as myself.
I've been thinking that it's about time I considered my career. Until recently, I was thinking of being a power mother, but now I am steering closer to being crazy cat lady. And before you say it's already been done, I'll give it an edge! Like hell I will! What will the edge be..Uh I dunno yet.
Wait! I have it, cats doing extreme sports, such as jumping through hoops of fire and such! Though possibly the RSPCA wont be so cool with that, but with the monarchy pretty much out of here, I can't see why they would hold sway. I also think being a recluse/looney might be good for my mind. I bet I wouldn't be distracted from my maths homework if I was a looney/recluse.
Ok, definitely from tomorrow I am going to become a reclusive looney. That way, I am sure to get my work done. My main duty is to draw several obsessive D/G pictures, (Several more) and try and persuade olive to jump through a hoop. Darn that cat. Everytime I try it, she looks at my with this "you fuckwit" look. I'm almost offended. I would be offended if I couldn't retailiate with a smooth wiggle of my opposable thumbs yep, I've definitely got the advantage! Sarah 1. Olive 0. Except then she sort of scratched my thumbs whilst I wiggled them rather overly energetically. But I bet it was cause she's stupid and thought they were mice or something. Really. As though I would hold a mouse. (Can we say eww...again?)
I'm getting a little jittery thinking about the massacaring of my pooor thumbs, which makes every stroke of the space bar painful for me. I think I should review my goals
1. Become a recluse
2. Look up dictionary definition of said profession (Wouldn't want to get it wrong and end up a plumber or something)
3. Stare at my nails a bit. Study whether depending on the angle that the light hits them, do they look shiner?
4. Do some maths..maybe. Or more likely pretend to, but instead doodle D/G pics in the "do not write in this margin" section of my practice papers.
5. Somehow convince olive to jump through the hoop. (Maybe pick her up and put her through it?)

Yeah, I think that's quite good..
HEY LOOK. A picyture. I quite like drawing. But I cannot draw Draco! Dunno why...I have no problems with pretty much anything else relating to him.
Today my hair status resembles a sort of black haystack. I mean it's not even a haystack, it's like you took a nest, a crows nest or something equally ugly, and then brushed it, and spraypainted it black. Oh and then put ridiculous amounts of volumising shampoo on it. My hair has a tendency to do that. It's just so big...apparently when I was younger it was really thin so we kept bobbing it in the hopes it would get thicker...AND IT DID AND NOW I AM A WALKING CROWS NEST AKA SARAH YIELD-SIGN MURANO . It's scandalous is what it is.
I am a-wondering whether I can be a heroine. I see no reason not to.
From this day forth, I shalt be a superher- I mean I shall be a looney, reclusive heroine.
Or at least for the rest of the half term.
Did anyone read all of this?
Friday, February 10, 2006
Je suis un artiste

I really really like this picture, I hope you guys do too! It was inspired by the photobooth picture on check it out! I was going to do a ginny and Draco picture, but I can't ever draw guys, so it ended up as a Ginny..ginny picture, and neither looks like Ginny now. It actually looks like random girl, thinking about her pseudo both of them don't look the same. Because I cannot draw them both looking the same! I particularly like pseudo Ginny, and I am loving her skirt, I must say. I've also managed eyes, which I'm particularly pleased with.
I've mainly uploaded it to show the lovely joanna, who is lovely. By the way.
Today, was uneventful, but, I did a silly assembly on Colours this morning, though I'm not sure what I said...something about genes I am a-guessing? I managed to sneak in my maths coursework while my teacher wasn't looking! Thank goodness! If I haven't already mentioned it, I kinda fucked up my coursework, and therefore couldn't finish it, and handed it in incomplete. Luckily I stole some and finished it with the help of my lovely friend Rachel and my cat. Then I snuck it back in! Perfecto!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Ce monde est merveilleux
Even if you can't always see it! It really can help piece of mind to see the good in everything. The walls that sometimes seem to trap you are keeping you safe.
Anyway, I'm reading a french novel called "Anna et son Orchestre" It's quite good.
Anyway, I'm reading a french novel called "Anna et son Orchestre" It's quite good.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Tatiana and Nadia Digame...

Seeing as Nadia has disappeared, and Tatiana is talking to my mum, ah well!!
Here's a piccy of Nadia on the left and Tatiana on the right. Why are there two of them? Well that's an interesting story!
So if anyone is wondering why I am not paying them attention, it's because I am spending some time with these lovely girls.
I have to do some spanish coursework tomorrow. Oh no. It will be so difficult. Just terrible. Do NOT know how I will possibly manage.
After school they say they will be doing some kind of dance for us! Wow! I mean, why are english people so boring really? I mean everyone else has something, we are just rude. How annoying. It seems to me that we spe

On the left is Tatiana and Nadia caught talking to my mom, hence their sort of "wtf" look. They say that they will upload the pictures that they've taken here onto their photolog and then they'll link me to it via an email! I am thinking of getting a photolog myself, but I ought to get a camera first really.
They take pictures of everything! It's really cool! Nadia is addicted to msn, not unlike a certain somebody I used to know. Cough. Myself. Cough.Tatiana also likes the internet (Nadia calls her Tatty! Como tierna!) but she doesn't seem as addicted. Earlier Nadia had a video conversation with her mum which was lovely. They've only been gone like, three days, but I bet they feel homesick. I really ought to take them upstairs, we haven't made Tatianas bed yet, so we ought to hurry!
I hope that when they leave, Tuesday morning, so not long really, we will keep in touch. Who knows, maybe I'll visit them someday! I know I wouldn't mind them staying here again, they're lovely, and I certainly wouldn't be bored with that kind of company.
Get this, while the rest of the group go back to Buenos Aires, Nadia is going to continue to Paris, stay in a hostel there, and then go to Rome. Then after that she's going to stay with family in Italie! Wow!
That kind of stuff does just not happen to people here. Especially not people who are afraid to leave their houses.
Also I am having a family crisis. I cannot deal with any other crisises because of this. If you are having a crisis, and it is in any relation to me, do not expect any fast solution.
Someone made a big boo today...
So incase you didn't catch my three second dash on msn, here is what REALLY happend.
I GOT KIDNAPPED BY ALIENS AND THEY Forced me to go on msn! They said if I didn't, they would..would..probe me! EWW.
Ok maaaybe not. I just didn't want my msn thingy to expire so I tried to sign in offline..which I clearly need to practice, as the next thing I know I have six msn conversations going "WTF." Believe me, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Anyway, it made me miss all of you lofflys even more! But I do wonder, why on earth are you online at 4PM? Shouldn't you be making a last minute attempt at homework? What's that? Shouldn't I? Yes. This is very true.
But luckily, Tatiana will be here soon, and then SHE can do my homework. Well just my spanish.
I'm reading the Sundaytimes because I'm cultured like that.
Darn those aliens!
I GOT KIDNAPPED BY ALIENS AND THEY Forced me to go on msn! They said if I didn't, they would..would..probe me! EWW.
Ok maaaybe not. I just didn't want my msn thingy to expire so I tried to sign in offline..which I clearly need to practice, as the next thing I know I have six msn conversations going "WTF." Believe me, I was thinking the exact same thing.
Anyway, it made me miss all of you lofflys even more! But I do wonder, why on earth are you online at 4PM? Shouldn't you be making a last minute attempt at homework? What's that? Shouldn't I? Yes. This is very true.
But luckily, Tatiana will be here soon, and then SHE can do my homework. Well just my spanish.
I'm reading the Sundaytimes because I'm cultured like that.
Darn those aliens!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
If a pentagon can be split into three triangles, why do I hate maths coursework?
Blogggininnng. I am blooggggining. That is not a word! I am writing blogining because it would be a word if had written the dictionary.
So hohoho
Nothing to report really.
Parents evening is next week, that should be a blast...oh and I have to have a post sixteen interview about coming back to the sixth form. How fun. I have to tell them what I am going to bring to the sixth form. Killer shoes. I am going to bring killer shoes to the sixth form
Omigosh, so yesterday in English, Denise sort of moved her arm, and oh so accidently on purpose revealed a slightly self mutilated wrist, so I was like "Denise...what did you do to your wrist?" and she covered it up and was like "I was bored." now correct me if I'm wrong, but is that the most bullshitting excuse ever? So I said "Don't show kat" because who knows what Kat would do. It's not like she's naive or anything, but half the time she'll put on a big show for her own amusement which is all fine and dandy, but giving Denise the attention she wanted was probably not the best idea. So anyway, Eventually Kat sees it, and she yelps and jumps and goes "OMG" and hyperventilates which is like so overreacting if you ask me, but she seemed to thknk it was normal. So then Denise was all like hahaahaha. Finally we convinced Kat that Denise got in a ferocious bout with her cat.
Cutting yourself, is not that worst thing you can do, heck, it has it's upsides right? Cutting yourself for attention is a little pathetic. Cutting yourself because youre bored is like OMFG GET BROADBAND. Seriously, if anyone needs to get addicted to a message board, it's her. You wouldn't believe the crapt hat comes out of that girls mouth.
But who knows, maybe it's all true, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, and I'm going to hell for doubting her.
I spent last night playing a french boardgame. It's pretty cool, you get delt four cards, and then each have a town on them, with some information about the town. Then you play on this big map, and you start at Paris. The aim of the game is to move around the map, through all of your destinations, and then return to Paris, the first one there is the winner. What makes it difficult is that everytime you reach a destination you have to take a yellow card, which gives you an instruction to put your piece somewhere on the map. This can be good if you end up somewhere that you want to be, or bad if you were like, two places away from your final destination.
But I was playing it properly, which meant everytime I landed on a place I had to read the card in french about the location, and then speak in french the whole time. On one hand it was totally cool, I mean french totally rocks. And I feel SO contental when I speak it, and I am not that bad I must say 93% you know! On the other hand, when I've been revising all day, (hello, GCSEs are in like 12 weeks! Eek!) and then learning spanish vocab all evening, translating reams of french isn't my ideal way to spend the hour before I got to bed. I swear, if I had been awake enough to dream last night, I would have been dreaming about frenchness. Or french cheese!
Ohhh my gawwdd! Really cool interesting news like wow! So this Sunday, there are these argentinians coming from Barker College in Buenos Ares (sp?) and they are going to be playing hockey against my school! I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT play hockey for anything, but they needed a place to stay so I volunteered. I am providing an establishment for Tatiana Vanesa. I mean how pretty is that name!!?? Where'd I get off with a name like Sarah? I speak spanish pretty well, so it should be excellent for my practise, and she goes to a school where fifty percent of the lessons are taught in English so there wont be any misunderstandings I think.
I'd probably be better equipted to speak to someone french, as phrases like, "si tu voudrai" and "c'est le jour de toi," but I'm sure I'll be able to get a bit of spanish in my head in time for tomorrow afternoon. It's going to be like, the best! Bad news though, I'll have to clean my room!
Well I have to go study now, becauseI have work at 1.30 and then I have swimming at six and if you didn't realise my GCSEs are soon!
If anyone knows, could they pass on to me squirrelmick's predicted grades? It would be most appreciated. Mine kick ass by they way.
If I actually get them, I'll be dancing the charleston on a flagpole.
JOOOOOOOOOo why do you not email me? My heart grows sick from not speaking to you!
Lawla! That girl at school? Called Laura? She thinks I am way weird.
Megz, you didn't call, I sob.
Melissaaaaah I hope your essay is dancing ccrazy! Did you take history for Alevel?
& Adam, for someone who misses me so much, I haven't had an email from you in weeeks! And what about the whole fanfic thing!?
P.S. I had a dream that you replaced me with Bangzz
So hohoho
Nothing to report really.
Parents evening is next week, that should be a blast...oh and I have to have a post sixteen interview about coming back to the sixth form. How fun. I have to tell them what I am going to bring to the sixth form. Killer shoes. I am going to bring killer shoes to the sixth form
Omigosh, so yesterday in English, Denise sort of moved her arm, and oh so accidently on purpose revealed a slightly self mutilated wrist, so I was like "Denise...what did you do to your wrist?" and she covered it up and was like "I was bored." now correct me if I'm wrong, but is that the most bullshitting excuse ever? So I said "Don't show kat" because who knows what Kat would do. It's not like she's naive or anything, but half the time she'll put on a big show for her own amusement which is all fine and dandy, but giving Denise the attention she wanted was probably not the best idea. So anyway, Eventually Kat sees it, and she yelps and jumps and goes "OMG" and hyperventilates which is like so overreacting if you ask me, but she seemed to thknk it was normal. So then Denise was all like hahaahaha. Finally we convinced Kat that Denise got in a ferocious bout with her cat.
Cutting yourself, is not that worst thing you can do, heck, it has it's upsides right? Cutting yourself for attention is a little pathetic. Cutting yourself because youre bored is like OMFG GET BROADBAND. Seriously, if anyone needs to get addicted to a message board, it's her. You wouldn't believe the crapt hat comes out of that girls mouth.
But who knows, maybe it's all true, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, and I'm going to hell for doubting her.
I spent last night playing a french boardgame. It's pretty cool, you get delt four cards, and then each have a town on them, with some information about the town. Then you play on this big map, and you start at Paris. The aim of the game is to move around the map, through all of your destinations, and then return to Paris, the first one there is the winner. What makes it difficult is that everytime you reach a destination you have to take a yellow card, which gives you an instruction to put your piece somewhere on the map. This can be good if you end up somewhere that you want to be, or bad if you were like, two places away from your final destination.
But I was playing it properly, which meant everytime I landed on a place I had to read the card in french about the location, and then speak in french the whole time. On one hand it was totally cool, I mean french totally rocks. And I feel SO contental when I speak it, and I am not that bad I must say 93% you know! On the other hand, when I've been revising all day, (hello, GCSEs are in like 12 weeks! Eek!) and then learning spanish vocab all evening, translating reams of french isn't my ideal way to spend the hour before I got to bed. I swear, if I had been awake enough to dream last night, I would have been dreaming about frenchness. Or french cheese!
Ohhh my gawwdd! Really cool interesting news like wow! So this Sunday, there are these argentinians coming from Barker College in Buenos Ares (sp?) and they are going to be playing hockey against my school! I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT play hockey for anything, but they needed a place to stay so I volunteered. I am providing an establishment for Tatiana Vanesa. I mean how pretty is that name!!?? Where'd I get off with a name like Sarah? I speak spanish pretty well, so it should be excellent for my practise, and she goes to a school where fifty percent of the lessons are taught in English so there wont be any misunderstandings I think.
I'd probably be better equipted to speak to someone french, as phrases like, "si tu voudrai" and "c'est le jour de toi," but I'm sure I'll be able to get a bit of spanish in my head in time for tomorrow afternoon. It's going to be like, the best! Bad news though, I'll have to clean my room!
Well I have to go study now, becauseI have work at 1.30 and then I have swimming at six and if you didn't realise my GCSEs are soon!
If anyone knows, could they pass on to me squirrelmick's predicted grades? It would be most appreciated. Mine kick ass by they way.
If I actually get them, I'll be dancing the charleston on a flagpole.
JOOOOOOOOOo why do you not email me? My heart grows sick from not speaking to you!
Lawla! That girl at school? Called Laura? She thinks I am way weird.
Megz, you didn't call, I sob.
Melissaaaaah I hope your essay is dancing ccrazy! Did you take history for Alevel?
& Adam, for someone who misses me so much, I haven't had an email from you in weeeks! And what about the whole fanfic thing!?
P.S. I had a dream that you replaced me with Bangzz
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