We are going to be like a blogging team or something! We'll be blogging like crazy! I'll just be like, blog blog blog blog.
So everyday, I can come online, check my blog and then comment on all of their blogs! It'll be awesomely cool!
Anyway, back to my blog. I did some biology revision yesterday, that was interupted by my friend kim.
Before she arrived we had the following text conversation
Kim: Happy valentines day!
Me: How sad, none of us have bfs, you and ellen should come round and we'll have a menagé trois.
Kim: I'm on my way
Me: Whaatttt???? I was kidding!!? You really thing I'd invite you over for a threesome?
And then she came around anyway...I mean you guys all know what a menagé trois is right? Clearly she didn't. We did some revision anyway, genes and whatnot.
Today I'm trying to do some maths, by going through the revision guide and just learning what I can't do. For example I haven't a clue about irrational numbers...well I do now, basically they are ugly. So if you see an ugly number, chances are it's irrational.
I'm doing percentages now, i mean I can do percentages but it's just a good idea to review. It's all pretty easy right now, but soon it'll get harrd. And I'll cry! Lots!
My mum asked me if I want to do Dentistry, I told her that it would be like staring into someones mouth all day, (now I think of it, it would be exactly that!) and she said that I would get alot of money! Shocking! I told her that I want to sit at home and watch chickflicks all day and she sighed at me!
Really! I mean I'm fifteen without a purpose or direction...I don't owe anyone a f*cking explaination!
I know what you are all thinking. You are wondering how I haven't drawn another D/G pic. I'm afriad I have! But it's not really D/G, it's kinda G/T! How weird! It's only b

I would like to point out that Adam is a little perv! I am doing one of his fanfiction challenges, and you know what he set me to write?
A love scene with you and your favourite character Well first of all, no way am I writing porn! It's just so classless! I might write a romantic scene, with underlying love, but nothing obvious!
Laura, I'm still not going to draw you a Hermerverus. It's just wrong. Can't you google it if you're that desperate? Or draw one yourself!
Your Point? : P
Sowwie Sawah *pouts*
Can I have Sploosh's blog address? : P
Pwease *pouts more*
Adam xxx
I'm going to be posting old fics, so you can have a field day ; )
sarah! i am feeling extremely unloved! you haven't replied my e-mail for many days now =(
lofferly pictoids i must say! i do like the ginny/tom a lot, probably because of the colour, the copy of thingy was the best drawing drawing, bleh i'm not really making sense...
oh well happy late valentines day, i went to some underagers night at this club and it was shit hehe
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