I am an ADDICT!
I saw the picture at the top of This and became inspired. I printed it off, and then made a copy of it which you can see here. I'm really pleased with it, as I copied and expanded. Obviously the original artist, there's more information about her on D&G.com is immensely talented and I wouldn't have been able to draw something like that without seeing it before, but I still like the end result.
This only actually took me a few minutes, although once I had finished I spent a bit of time doing shading and editting it.
Once I'd finished this, I thought I ought to practice my Draco skills, which are rubbish by the way, I much prefer drawing
You might notice that all of my pictures are in black and white, because I don't have access to any paints, and pencil crayons would probably ruin the effect. One of these days I'm going to have to work out how to use photoshop and edit my pictures there!
And after I drew that? No I still wasn't satisfied! I work hard at being obsessed! I drew a cute little D&G christmassy thing that you can see below. Yes I know I'm late, but who cares. It just sort of sprang to mind. It's more cartoonish than anything, but I like it.
I'm thinking that Draco looks a bit drunk though...well he'd have to be to consider kissing ginny! I love her cute little jumper! Oh and her freckles came out well.
I should really stop gushing about my crappy pictures! The only one I really like is the top one, and that's a copy of someone elses! But a good copy I think.
Tell me what you think!
And update on my life? I finished pokemon red! And by that I mean I defeated the elite four, not that I caught 150 pokemon.I mean who does that!? No one does that.
you're insane
hermysnape > draceginny
pokemon rocks though!
Yay you won!
I'm the biggest loser, I have Pokemon Yellow with ALLL the Pokémon!
And all 250 Pokémon on Gold! That's ALL the Pokémon there too :P
PS - Draco looks like he's wearing shoulder pads : P
WoW! Sarah, your pictures are REALLY GOOD.
Laura, PLEASE just stop with the Snape and Hermione!!! IT'S WRONG!!! WRONG I TELL YOU!
Draco is wearing shoulder pads because he's SO 80s, like me!
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