Seeing as Nadia has disappeared, and Tatiana is talking to my mum, ah well!!
Here's a piccy of Nadia on the left and Tatiana on the right. Why are there two of them? Well that's an interesting story!
So if anyone is wondering why I am not paying them attention, it's because I am spending some time with these lovely girls.
I have to do some spanish coursework tomorrow. Oh no. It will be so difficult. Just terrible. Do NOT know how I will possibly manage.
After school they say they will be doing some kind of dance for us! Wow! I mean, why are english people so boring really? I mean everyone else has something, we are just rude. How annoying. It seems to me that we spe

On the left is Tatiana and Nadia caught talking to my mom, hence their sort of "wtf" look. They say that they will upload the pictures that they've taken here onto their photolog and then they'll link me to it via an email! I am thinking of getting a photolog myself, but I ought to get a camera first really.
They take pictures of everything! It's really cool! Nadia is addicted to msn, not unlike a certain somebody I used to know. Cough. Myself. Cough.Tatiana also likes the internet (Nadia calls her Tatty! Como tierna!) but she doesn't seem as addicted. Earlier Nadia had a video conversation with her mum which was lovely. They've only been gone like, three days, but I bet they feel homesick. I really ought to take them upstairs, we haven't made Tatianas bed yet, so we ought to hurry!
I hope that when they leave, Tuesday morning, so not long really, we will keep in touch. Who knows, maybe I'll visit them someday! I know I wouldn't mind them staying here again, they're lovely, and I certainly wouldn't be bored with that kind of company.
Get this, while the rest of the group go back to Buenos Aires, Nadia is going to continue to Paris, stay in a hostel there, and then go to Rome. Then after that she's going to stay with family in Italie! Wow!
That kind of stuff does just not happen to people here. Especially not people who are afraid to leave their houses.
Also I am having a family crisis. I cannot deal with any other crisises because of this. If you are having a crisis, and it is in any relation to me, do not expect any fast solution.
w00t, first comment!
english people are so amazingly boring and unfriendly, i agree. okay some of them can be nice. but when you go abroad everyone is so kewl. they have all these nifty things and we are just this pointless who sing about a queen who doesn't do anything.
hahah i'll stop rambling now
i hope your family crisis works out and you are ok xx
Yay for foreigners! I'd just like you to know I haven't forgotten about you, I was writing to you today, but I was on a train and it made me feel travel sick, so I had to stop or throw up on a business man. I will finish it tomorrowz!
I emailed you lots in revenge! : P
Laura *makes irrestibly cute puppy dog eyes dace, making Sarah go "AAAWWW!"*
Can I pwetty pwease have spwoosh's blog address?
God! Spanish MSN freaks :D
It is amazing : P
I'll send you an invite for easter if it's not out by then :P
Good luck with everything :)
Hmmm...don't you lead une vie interessant?
Have you done any HULA-ing lately? I did the other day! :O
oh yeah ditto what laura said; i was going to say that before, honest and true, i just got carried away in my nonsense
much luv bruv
That ever familiar background. I've seen you do so much crap in that kitchen. XD
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