Friday, February 10, 2006

Je suis un artiste

I really really like this picture, I hope you guys do too! It was inspired by the photobooth picture on check it out! I was going to do a ginny and Draco picture, but I can't ever draw guys, so it ended up as a Ginny..ginny picture, and neither looks like Ginny now. It actually looks like random girl, thinking about her pseudo both of them don't look the same. Because I cannot draw them both looking the same! I particularly like pseudo Ginny, and I am loving her skirt, I must say. I've also managed eyes, which I'm particularly pleased with.

I've mainly uploaded it to show the lovely joanna, who is lovely. By the way.

Today, was uneventful, but, I did a silly assembly on Colours this morning, though I'm not sure what I said...something about genes I am a-guessing? I managed to sneak in my maths coursework while my teacher wasn't looking! Thank goodness! If I haven't already mentioned it, I kinda fucked up my coursework, and therefore couldn't finish it, and handed it in incomplete. Luckily I stole some and finished it with the help of my lovely friend Rachel and my cat. Then I snuck it back in! Perfecto!


Anonymous said...

I like the smaller one better, c'est tres jolli, j'adore

I loff you!

Anonymous said...

great pics, the skirt is rather lovely.
sneaky with the maths coursework, hehe
you haff not replied my email =O

loff you lots

Anonymous said...

coooooooool :D

Two months with meag : P

Anonymous said...

That ish one sexy pic. I forgot you were a Draco/Ginny freak :p

Hope your ok xx