Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ooh Lookie!

You might have noticed that my blog is looking rather sexy, thanks to Rob and his HTMLing skillz, I now have links and a guestbook! That's enough for me though, all this coding and stuffs makes my head hurt.
Anyway, please comment on my guestbook! I've also finally got myself a comic hoster that I can work with, I mean Jelly Creations died, and Keenspace is way confusing, so now I've got this dead duck thing, and hopefully it'll be good! You can see the next two parts of the Adventures of Super Hero Sarah there, which I hope you are enjoying.

It's always like this, I'm all, comic comic comic for a few days, and then I'm like, Com-ick?

Anyway, Erin is off the net for a week, and so will I be, as I am working at school! I'll still be drawing the comic, but I wont be putting it up till Friday. Sorry if you cannot wait that long!

Contrary to popular opinion, I am actually being a super hero. I have a cape and an "S" pinned to my top. I'm not sure if the "S" stands for Sarah, or Super, but if anyone asks I'm liable to say either!

I'm pretty pleased with the snazzing up of this blog. It's nice.

oh wait, I'm meant to be writing the bloggers manifesto!

The Bloggers Manifesto

1. You must update at least once a week
2. You must comment religiously on your fellow bloggers blogs
3. You must always be on the lookout for new bloggers to join the bloggers team
4. You must help me think of a name of the bloggers team
5 You must be in love with Draco Malfoy

That's all I can think of :)


Ionix said...

Religious, sch.. Coniferous!

Dooki said...


MINS! said...

I do agree with the Blogger's Manifesto!!! Apart from the Draco Malfoy thing- not going to happen dear.

For now, when it's just me, you, Laura and Rob, we are the Mayprils, BECAUSE WE ARE!!!!

Ionix said...

I think that no.

Consider this less of failure, and more of a lesson.

A lesson that Pokemon was cool 6 years ago.

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