Today, once again Vicky and I ventured into the depths. I'd like to point out that she whacked me really hard on my arm in a twisted version of "hello" as soon as she saw me. She's all spazzy cause she accidently friend requested some guy she was stalking on facebook. Fortunately, all seems to have quieted down on that front, and the guy doesn't think she's a freak. Yet.
Today there were a few fairs on, fresher's fair, community fair and change the world fair. It was pretty funky, we got tonnes of freebies. We're a bit lonely, cause it's just the two of us for now, but hopefully we have our induction on thursday and we'll make more friends then.
Tomorrow is the Jobs fair and volunteering fair, but we're going in kinda late, because I'm lazy.
Oh, I think I saw Luke today! But I'm not sure....WHO EVEN KNOWS?
I had maths class in the evening, it was swell it was.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So I'm not feeling like blogging, but I should write some stuff about uni.
On Saturday, Vicky and I went to FOCSOC welcome day, which is for freshers off campus. We were late cause I wanted to get a planner from selfridges, but that's fine cause it was worth it, the planner's gorgeous. It's got pictures of cats on it. The cats are playing rock music.
Anyway, we made our way to the guild, talking to some random people on the way, vicky tried to limbo and failed, I laughed. We went down into the basement of the guild, which was like a haunted house, and then there was this room with a load of people our age in it.
The guy organising it gave us stickers, mine was "Ron Weasley" and Vicky's was "Clyde," and then we had to find our partners. I managed to find Harry, and Vicky found Bonnie and we had a short conversation with them, before mosying off into the "Sutton and Erdington" group.
The purpose of the group was so we could share taxis on our way back from the nights out...that none of us wanted to go to. vicky was like "I'd rather sleep" and it's so not my scene, so we were both out. We made friends with a couple of people, some people were cool, some people were nice, some people were a little confused by us, but oh well.
Anyway, we're going back in tomorrow, hopefully we'll have a nice time and maybe meet some people we know!
On Saturday, Vicky and I went to FOCSOC welcome day, which is for freshers off campus. We were late cause I wanted to get a planner from selfridges, but that's fine cause it was worth it, the planner's gorgeous. It's got pictures of cats on it. The cats are playing rock music.
Anyway, we made our way to the guild, talking to some random people on the way, vicky tried to limbo and failed, I laughed. We went down into the basement of the guild, which was like a haunted house, and then there was this room with a load of people our age in it.
The guy organising it gave us stickers, mine was "Ron Weasley" and Vicky's was "Clyde," and then we had to find our partners. I managed to find Harry, and Vicky found Bonnie and we had a short conversation with them, before mosying off into the "Sutton and Erdington" group.
The purpose of the group was so we could share taxis on our way back from the nights out...that none of us wanted to go to. vicky was like "I'd rather sleep" and it's so not my scene, so we were both out. We made friends with a couple of people, some people were cool, some people were nice, some people were a little confused by us, but oh well.
Anyway, we're going back in tomorrow, hopefully we'll have a nice time and maybe meet some people we know!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
I think I let things get a little out of perspective before. It's good to have friends that ground you, I just forget that sometimes. I'm lucky, really.
Today was a good day, I'm smiling.
Today was a good day, I'm smiling.
Friday, September 05, 2008
The madness slowly takes it's toll, lunging at me from behind the monitor when I least expect it. Four days without fanfictions, without so much as thinking of fanfictions, and I am not sure how much longer my sanity can hold up for.
I pacify my cravings for escapism with other medias, but another twenty six days of this may drive me over the edge. If i seem crazier than normal, you can assume the worst.
I really like sleeping. A lot. More than you'd think. It's nice when it's dark.
On another, just as blackening topic, I have a driving lesson tomorrow. If I don't pass my test soon, I'm going to have to take up residence in my wardrobe. Letters can be addressed to "The mirrored wardrobe" and slid between the gap of the door and the side of the wardrobe. I can make a nest in the coats, and sleep standing up; it wont be so bad.
I just ate a banana, and now the skin is empty. I wonder how it feels to be an empty banana skin. All your life you have a banana in you, you label yourself a banana, but then the banana is gone, and suddenly you're this "skin" you're just a covering not the real thing, not even half the real thing. You have this big identity shock right after you lose the only thing you could ever call family. Then you slowly blacken and rot. What a life.
Istanbul was nice but i feel the blue mosque could have been bluer. I haven't heard from Rachel or Kim in a long time. Rachel's on holiday somewhere, she should have gotten back today. Maybe she's mad that I missed her birthday party. I thought she would be happy since I paid a lot of attention to her gift, but she hasn't said anything, no messages or emails or anything. And I haven't spoken to Kim since results day, it's kinda hard to since she's glued to her boyfriend. Not that I blame her, that's normal I suppose. I figured out recently the reason all my friends think I hate boys, the reason I act like I do. It's because subconciously, I've always known that there's a part of my friend's lives that is completely separate from mine, the dating part specifically. It's something I can't understand, that I can't be a part of, and that I can't relate to, and I always knew sooner or later it was going to evolve, and become a bigger part. I suppose it boils down to them moving on, while I stay in the same place. I feel like that a lot, but I don't think it's a unique situation to me. I'm sure lots of people, maybe even the same friends, feel like that.
I've been feeling kind of stupid recently actually. I don't know why. Well I do, but I don't think the reasons are valid at all. I feel like I want to go on an identity holiday, you know, a holiday from being myself? Or maybe it's just late. I do get kinda whiney at night. It's a good thing no one's online
I pacify my cravings for escapism with other medias, but another twenty six days of this may drive me over the edge. If i seem crazier than normal, you can assume the worst.
I really like sleeping. A lot. More than you'd think. It's nice when it's dark.
On another, just as blackening topic, I have a driving lesson tomorrow. If I don't pass my test soon, I'm going to have to take up residence in my wardrobe. Letters can be addressed to "The mirrored wardrobe" and slid between the gap of the door and the side of the wardrobe. I can make a nest in the coats, and sleep standing up; it wont be so bad.
I just ate a banana, and now the skin is empty. I wonder how it feels to be an empty banana skin. All your life you have a banana in you, you label yourself a banana, but then the banana is gone, and suddenly you're this "skin" you're just a covering not the real thing, not even half the real thing. You have this big identity shock right after you lose the only thing you could ever call family. Then you slowly blacken and rot. What a life.
Istanbul was nice but i feel the blue mosque could have been bluer. I haven't heard from Rachel or Kim in a long time. Rachel's on holiday somewhere, she should have gotten back today. Maybe she's mad that I missed her birthday party. I thought she would be happy since I paid a lot of attention to her gift, but she hasn't said anything, no messages or emails or anything. And I haven't spoken to Kim since results day, it's kinda hard to since she's glued to her boyfriend. Not that I blame her, that's normal I suppose. I figured out recently the reason all my friends think I hate boys, the reason I act like I do. It's because subconciously, I've always known that there's a part of my friend's lives that is completely separate from mine, the dating part specifically. It's something I can't understand, that I can't be a part of, and that I can't relate to, and I always knew sooner or later it was going to evolve, and become a bigger part. I suppose it boils down to them moving on, while I stay in the same place. I feel like that a lot, but I don't think it's a unique situation to me. I'm sure lots of people, maybe even the same friends, feel like that.
I've been feeling kind of stupid recently actually. I don't know why. Well I do, but I don't think the reasons are valid at all. I feel like I want to go on an identity holiday, you know, a holiday from being myself? Or maybe it's just late. I do get kinda whiney at night. It's a good thing no one's online
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
1.28 AM
(01:05:18) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: oh my goodness sarakins
(01:05:22) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you#'re still here??
(01:06:18) SarahPuffles: kath aht
(01:06:19) SarahPuffles: 1I m
(01:06:21) SarahPuffles: sorry
(01:06:22) SarahPuffles: fingers
(01:06:23) SarahPuffles: sleepy
(01:06:24) SarahPuffles: finers
(01:06:25) SarahPuffles: yo know
(01:06:27) SarahPuffles: when fingers get sleepy
(01:06:29) SarahPuffles: they make mistakes
(01:06:31) SarahPuffles: poor fingers :(
(01:06:33) SarahPuffles: how are you kat hat?
(01:06:39) SarahPuffles: Are you even there?
(01:06:44) SarahPuffles: am I talking to myself? *cries quietly*
(01:06:46) SarahPuffles: All alooooooooone
(01:06:51) SarahPuffles: there's no one hereeee besidee mmmeeeee
(01:06:57) SarahPuffles: I don't even know the rest of the song
(01:07:00) SarahPuffles: what a sad situation.
(01:07:01) SarahPuffles: *weeps*
(01:11:15) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lol so sosssrry
(01:11:19) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarakins I am there
(01:11:25) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I just went off to the bathroom..:$
(01:11:33) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?!
(01:11:42) SarahPuffles: she went to the bathroom! *to crowd&*
(01:11:44) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?
(01:11:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: the bathroom..:P
(01:11:50) SarahPuffles: Yes the bathroom. Now don't worryk kids, she came back!
(01:11:58) SarahPuffles: kids: if you say so miss sarah lady
(01:12:04) SarahPuffles: sarah: *friendly smile* don't worry!
(01:12:06) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: how was your day?? why are you still not in bed??
(01:12:16) SarahPuffles: pfft youre not the boss of me
(01:12:17) SarahPuffles: i can stay up
(01:12:19) SarahPuffles: if i want!
(01:12:22) SarahPuffles: I can stay up ALLLL Night
(01:12:24) SarahPuffles: if i want
(01:12:29) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: ooooooooooooh
(01:12:32) SarahPuffles: I think the question is KATHAT
(01:12:36) SarahPuffles: why aren't YOU asleep
(01:12:37) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lolams that;s lovely to know
(01:12:38) SarahPuffles: since it's my house.
(01:12:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: since I'm going to work tomorrow..:p
(01:12:55) SarahPuffles: Is it me?
(01:12:57) SarahPuffles: or is it hot in here
(01:13:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: because..I wanted to finish Nadja :$
(01:13:00) SarahPuffles: is it hot in oldbury?
(01:13:02) SarahPuffles: or old ham..
(01:13:03) SarahPuffles: where you live..
(01:13:09) SarahPuffles: that place. it's old.. I knwo that much..
(01:13:10) SarahPuffles: i think.
(01:13:20) SarahPuffles: I don't even know what number you live at KATCHAR!
(01:13:27) SarahPuffles: omg
(01:13:32) SarahPuffles: so i gosh kat
(01:13:39) SarahPuffles: Yesterday I was thinking about what you said
(01:13:42) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:13:44) SarahPuffles: about that lineee..
(01:13:49) SarahPuffles: by breton I think
(01:13:49) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I live on 38 broadway
(01:13:51) SarahPuffles: about the trees
(01:13:56) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: line? which line??oO
(01:13:56) SarahPuffles: 38! that's a lovely number!
(01:14:02) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yyyeees :D
(01:14:04) SarahPuffles: it's very sensible, but fun too
(01:14:07) SarahPuffles: Anyway
(01:14:09) SarahPuffles: I had this IMAGE in my head
(01:14:20) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:14:59) SarahPuffles: of a green hilltop, covered in shadow, but at the top, the first ray of sunrise streaming through, and people at the top, walking along, with the light behind them, like silleuettes
(01:15:51) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sillhouettes* :P
(01:15:55) SarahPuffles: And then.. the sea down below...colouring the air salty..
(01:15:57) SarahPuffles: and gosh I got so sad
(01:15:57) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: that's lovely sarakins,...
(01:16:03) SarahPuffles: because I wanted to be there so much! I wanted to be one of those people1
(01:17:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh...
(01:17:13) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarah you have an incredible imagination...
(01:17:21) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: really, you do!!!
(01:17:22) SarahPuffles: I wanted to see it.. feel the cold night be chased away by the sun..
(01:17:27) SarahPuffles: taste the salt on my lips!!
(01:17:36) SarahPuffles: squint into the skyline..
(01:17:52) SarahPuffles: booooo. fueeee. this is your fault kathat :(
(01:18:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: woah woooaaah sarakins :P
(01:18:13) SarahPuffles: I want a skyyyyyyy Kat
(01:18:23) SarahPuffles: So I saw an old lady today
(01:18:24) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: hang want to go to the seaside, sarah??
(01:18:29) SarahPuffles: yes.. and no
(01:18:37) SarahPuffles: I want.. you know
(01:18:39) SarahPuffles: you know....
(01:18:44) SarahPuffles: that time you were at the beach
(01:18:51) SarahPuffles: and you were on the top of the...hill...cliff... looking down?
(01:18:52) SarahPuffles: I want tAHT!
(01:19:02) SarahPuffles: I want to see it and breath it!
(01:19:10) SarahPuffles: I love my garden.. but I want more than this little SQUARE of greenery
(01:19:22) SarahPuffles: this little suburban, tamed rectangle
(01:21:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh sarah it's such a lovely dream..:)
(01:21:40) SarahPuffles: You know what I forgot...
(01:21:43) SarahPuffles: i forgot the wind.....
(01:21:50) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: what??
(01:21:56) SarahPuffles: the wind at the sea is so alive!! so rough and ..playful. :)
(01:22:05) SarahPuffles: the way it pulls at your clothes, like it's a little child...
(01:22:09) SarahPuffles: and it wants you to run with it
(01:22:11) SarahPuffles: WAAAAAAAAA
(01:22:14) SarahPuffles: fuuueeeee boooo :(
(01:23:30) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you know what sarah???
(01:23:39) SarahPuffles: WHAT!?
(01:23:59) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: You should put all wonderful and unfulfilled ideas in LQ..:):)
(01:24:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I'm sorry I'm sooo tired I gtg to bed now okay???:(
(01:24:36) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: talk to yo tomorrow hioopefully and do forgive my lack of attenton this evening
(01:24:57) SarahPuffles: you know what...
(01:25:00) SarahPuffles: I already did :P
(01:25:12) SarahPuffles: Its nice to know we're on the same wavelength.
(01:25:24) SarahPuffles: Ill catch you later, whenever that is :D Sorry about the insanity, I get tired. xxxxxxxxxx
(01:25:30) SarahPuffles: enjoy work! if possible..
(01:05:22) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you#'re still here??
(01:06:18) SarahPuffles: kath aht
(01:06:19) SarahPuffles: 1I m
(01:06:21) SarahPuffles: sorry
(01:06:22) SarahPuffles: fingers
(01:06:23) SarahPuffles: sleepy
(01:06:24) SarahPuffles: finers
(01:06:25) SarahPuffles: yo know
(01:06:27) SarahPuffles: when fingers get sleepy
(01:06:29) SarahPuffles: they make mistakes
(01:06:31) SarahPuffles: poor fingers :(
(01:06:33) SarahPuffles: how are you kat hat?
(01:06:39) SarahPuffles: Are you even there?
(01:06:44) SarahPuffles: am I talking to myself? *cries quietly*
(01:06:46) SarahPuffles: All alooooooooone
(01:06:51) SarahPuffles: there's no one hereeee besidee mmmeeeee
(01:06:57) SarahPuffles: I don't even know the rest of the song
(01:07:00) SarahPuffles: what a sad situation.
(01:07:01) SarahPuffles: *weeps*
(01:11:15) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lol so sosssrry
(01:11:19) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarakins I am there
(01:11:25) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I just went off to the bathroom..:$
(01:11:33) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?!
(01:11:42) SarahPuffles: she went to the bathroom! *to crowd&*
(01:11:44) SarahPuffles: The bathroom?
(01:11:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: the bathroom..:P
(01:11:50) SarahPuffles: Yes the bathroom. Now don't worryk kids, she came back!
(01:11:58) SarahPuffles: kids: if you say so miss sarah lady
(01:12:04) SarahPuffles: sarah: *friendly smile* don't worry!
(01:12:06) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: how was your day?? why are you still not in bed??
(01:12:16) SarahPuffles: pfft youre not the boss of me
(01:12:17) SarahPuffles: i can stay up
(01:12:19) SarahPuffles: if i want!
(01:12:22) SarahPuffles: I can stay up ALLLL Night
(01:12:24) SarahPuffles: if i want
(01:12:29) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: ooooooooooooh
(01:12:32) SarahPuffles: I think the question is KATHAT
(01:12:36) SarahPuffles: why aren't YOU asleep
(01:12:37) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: lolams that;s lovely to know
(01:12:38) SarahPuffles: since it's my house.
(01:12:48) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: since I'm going to work tomorrow..:p
(01:12:55) SarahPuffles: Is it me?
(01:12:57) SarahPuffles: or is it hot in here
(01:13:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: because..I wanted to finish Nadja :$
(01:13:00) SarahPuffles: is it hot in oldbury?
(01:13:02) SarahPuffles: or old ham..
(01:13:03) SarahPuffles: where you live..
(01:13:09) SarahPuffles: that place. it's old.. I knwo that much..
(01:13:10) SarahPuffles: i think.
(01:13:20) SarahPuffles: I don't even know what number you live at KATCHAR!
(01:13:27) SarahPuffles: omg
(01:13:32) SarahPuffles: so i gosh kat
(01:13:39) SarahPuffles: Yesterday I was thinking about what you said
(01:13:42) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:13:44) SarahPuffles: about that lineee..
(01:13:49) SarahPuffles: by breton I think
(01:13:49) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I live on 38 broadway
(01:13:51) SarahPuffles: about the trees
(01:13:56) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: line? which line??oO
(01:13:56) SarahPuffles: 38! that's a lovely number!
(01:14:02) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yyyeees :D
(01:14:04) SarahPuffles: it's very sensible, but fun too
(01:14:07) SarahPuffles: Anyway
(01:14:09) SarahPuffles: I had this IMAGE in my head
(01:14:20) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: yes??
(01:14:59) SarahPuffles: of a green hilltop, covered in shadow, but at the top, the first ray of sunrise streaming through, and people at the top, walking along, with the light behind them, like silleuettes
(01:15:51) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sillhouettes* :P
(01:15:55) SarahPuffles: And then.. the sea down below...colouring the air salty..
(01:15:57) SarahPuffles: and gosh I got so sad
(01:15:57) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: that's lovely sarakins,...
(01:16:03) SarahPuffles: because I wanted to be there so much! I wanted to be one of those people1
(01:17:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh...
(01:17:13) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: sarah you have an incredible imagination...
(01:17:21) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: really, you do!!!
(01:17:22) SarahPuffles: I wanted to see it.. feel the cold night be chased away by the sun..
(01:17:27) SarahPuffles: taste the salt on my lips!!
(01:17:36) SarahPuffles: squint into the skyline..
(01:17:52) SarahPuffles: booooo. fueeee. this is your fault kathat :(
(01:18:00) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: woah woooaaah sarakins :P
(01:18:13) SarahPuffles: I want a skyyyyyyy Kat
(01:18:23) SarahPuffles: So I saw an old lady today
(01:18:24) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: hang want to go to the seaside, sarah??
(01:18:29) SarahPuffles: yes.. and no
(01:18:37) SarahPuffles: I want.. you know
(01:18:39) SarahPuffles: you know....
(01:18:44) SarahPuffles: that time you were at the beach
(01:18:51) SarahPuffles: and you were on the top of the...hill...cliff... looking down?
(01:18:52) SarahPuffles: I want tAHT!
(01:19:02) SarahPuffles: I want to see it and breath it!
(01:19:10) SarahPuffles: I love my garden.. but I want more than this little SQUARE of greenery
(01:19:22) SarahPuffles: this little suburban, tamed rectangle
(01:21:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: gosh sarah it's such a lovely dream..:)
(01:21:40) SarahPuffles: You know what I forgot...
(01:21:43) SarahPuffles: i forgot the wind.....
(01:21:50) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: what??
(01:21:56) SarahPuffles: the wind at the sea is so alive!! so rough and ..playful. :)
(01:22:05) SarahPuffles: the way it pulls at your clothes, like it's a little child...
(01:22:09) SarahPuffles: and it wants you to run with it
(01:22:11) SarahPuffles: WAAAAAAAAA
(01:22:14) SarahPuffles: fuuueeeee boooo :(
(01:23:30) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: you know what sarah???
(01:23:39) SarahPuffles: WHAT!?
(01:23:59) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: You should put all wonderful and unfulfilled ideas in LQ..:):)
(01:24:17) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: I'm sorry I'm sooo tired I gtg to bed now okay???:(
(01:24:36) Katjusha:je me sens comme l'albatros... je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que c'est que ''chez moi'' je vous attends, juste vous..: talk to yo tomorrow hioopefully and do forgive my lack of attenton this evening
(01:24:57) SarahPuffles: you know what...
(01:25:00) SarahPuffles: I already did :P
(01:25:12) SarahPuffles: Its nice to know we're on the same wavelength.
(01:25:24) SarahPuffles: Ill catch you later, whenever that is :D Sorry about the insanity, I get tired. xxxxxxxxxx
(01:25:30) SarahPuffles: enjoy work! if possible..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Saga Recommences!
So I haven't updated for the last few days, but I HAVE been with the action making. Oh yes. As you can see, this is the site about three days ago when I started digging, and then realised it was far too dry. I had to move the frame, obviously, because the frame has to be slightly sunk in, thus the dug out section must be larger than the frame.

Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
Now, this is what the site looks like TODAY, after having been dug out, and then having the grass put back in, upside down. I'm just supposed to leave that now... On the sides, you can see stones that I picked out. Cause there were too many stones!

In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?

Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.

THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)

That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.
Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?
Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.
THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)
That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Saga Experiences a Mild Delay
So.. basically the next step in Project vegetable patch, was to dig out the grass.. unfortunately, due to the high temperatures and lack of rain, it's pretty much impossible. Thus I will have to wait a few days, for it to rain.
it SAID it was going to rain today! But nothing! not even a little shower.
So the NEW plan, is to go to the shops tomorrow and buy seeds, pesticides, compost (maybe) and get a book or two out of the library to do with gardening. And one about poetry you can read in the garden. I thought that might be a nice thing to do while I wait for it to rain.
Anyway, here are some photos of the garden instead, I took them about a month ago, but not much has changed.
These are our chives, which have flowered this year, they've got this lovely purple flowers that you can see, which produce seeds that drop on the pavement and then grow like weeds... so yeah. We can't eat them fast enough :P The sun is setting here, so it's turning some of them pink.

Chives again. Gosh, who would have thought a herb could be so pretty?

This is.. an unnamed plant. It's kinda boring if you want my opinion. Lots of little flowers.

This is quite nice, it's these red flowers (who knows what they are) shot through with wild long grasses. As a matter of fact, right now, they're shot through with LOADS of lavender. I might take a picture. Then again, there aren't so many red flowers now :P

Now my poppies! Many of you have heard of my poppy woes, mainly that they do not transplant well at all :( However, they're doing pretty well in the pot, some more opened today. So here's a nice picture.

And here's one of the new ones that opened today. I planted a mixture of poppy seeds, so most of them are different.

And this is the one I am proudest of! Basically, I started growing them in this ice cream tub but unfortunately, when I transplanted the bigger ones OUT of the tub, many of the remaining ones died, or became very small. However, this one, which is actually quite tiny, produced a lovely flower! It's white and pink. *smiles* I'm so proud of it!

Anyway, enough of me being a complete loser. Lol. What am I talking about? I never stop being a complete loser. Let's name my top five activities: gardening, reading, video games, writing a book where nothing happends and reading fanfiction. Hoyes.
Anyway. Enjoy the summer. :)
it SAID it was going to rain today! But nothing! not even a little shower.
So the NEW plan, is to go to the shops tomorrow and buy seeds, pesticides, compost (maybe) and get a book or two out of the library to do with gardening. And one about poetry you can read in the garden. I thought that might be a nice thing to do while I wait for it to rain.
Anyway, here are some photos of the garden instead, I took them about a month ago, but not much has changed.
These are our chives, which have flowered this year, they've got this lovely purple flowers that you can see, which produce seeds that drop on the pavement and then grow like weeds... so yeah. We can't eat them fast enough :P The sun is setting here, so it's turning some of them pink.
Chives again. Gosh, who would have thought a herb could be so pretty?
This is.. an unnamed plant. It's kinda boring if you want my opinion. Lots of little flowers.
This is quite nice, it's these red flowers (who knows what they are) shot through with wild long grasses. As a matter of fact, right now, they're shot through with LOADS of lavender. I might take a picture. Then again, there aren't so many red flowers now :P
Now my poppies! Many of you have heard of my poppy woes, mainly that they do not transplant well at all :( However, they're doing pretty well in the pot, some more opened today. So here's a nice picture.
And here's one of the new ones that opened today. I planted a mixture of poppy seeds, so most of them are different.
And this is the one I am proudest of! Basically, I started growing them in this ice cream tub but unfortunately, when I transplanted the bigger ones OUT of the tub, many of the remaining ones died, or became very small. However, this one, which is actually quite tiny, produced a lovely flower! It's white and pink. *smiles* I'm so proud of it!
Anyway, enough of me being a complete loser. Lol. What am I talking about? I never stop being a complete loser. Let's name my top five activities: gardening, reading, video games, writing a book where nothing happends and reading fanfiction. Hoyes.
Anyway. Enjoy the summer. :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Saga Begins!
This summer, I'm trying to make a vegetable patch! It's going to take a while, so I'll keep you updated here, with photos (if the batteries in my camera hold out :P) and stuffs!
Today, I started. I'm hoping to convert a patch of grass behind some shrubs to a vegetable patch. It'll be hidden by the shrubs so you shouldn't be able to see it from the house, but there should still be plenty of sunlight!
Here is the ever so professional sign that I made. It looks like it's painted in blood, I know :P

And here's the site SO FAR.
Today, I started. I'm hoping to convert a patch of grass behind some shrubs to a vegetable patch. It'll be hidden by the shrubs so you shouldn't be able to see it from the house, but there should still be plenty of sunlight!
Here is the ever so professional sign that I made. It looks like it's painted in blood, I know :P
And here's the site SO FAR.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Quote of the week
Me: My mom's abandoned me! She's gone! Gooooooone. I'm all alone.
Zara: She's only gone to Spiceland....
Zara: She's only gone to Spiceland....
Monday, July 21, 2008
oh that hirah girl
(21:22:38) *//~Hirah Nakamura!~your pretty noona 8D LULZ//*~YOU LOOK LIKE A NICOLAS CAGE(8)<3: when you're all old
(21:22:45) *//~Hirah Nakamura!~your pretty noona 8D LULZ//*~YOU LOOK LIKE A NICOLAS CAGE(8)<3: YOU CAN BE LIKE
(21:23:07) *//~Hirah Nakamura!~your pretty noona 8D LULZ//*~YOU LOOK LIKE A NICOLAS CAGE(8)<3: *@ GRANDCHILD* PLAY WITH YOUR COUSIN *pushes grandchild towards a sunflower*
(21:22:45) *//~Hirah Nakamura!~your pretty noona 8D LULZ//*~YOU LOOK LIKE A NICOLAS CAGE(8)<3: YOU CAN BE LIKE
(21:23:07) *//~Hirah Nakamura!~your pretty noona 8D LULZ//*~YOU LOOK LIKE A NICOLAS CAGE(8)<3: *@ GRANDCHILD* PLAY WITH YOUR COUSIN *pushes grandchild towards a sunflower*
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
lupe velez
Gosh, you wouldn't believe what just happened to me.
So I was really depressed about something, and my mom had had a bit of a go, and I was all sad, so I was in my room and I decided to go into my wardrobe. It's not like I normally do, but I figured it might be good to go in there and have a good cry.
Anyway, I get in the wardrobe, it's a slidey door one, with the lights off and the door slides shut and there I am. About twenty minutes pass, and I decide it's time to get out of the wardrobe, so I push the door to slide it and it opens, about two inches. Which is not big enough for me to get out.
So I'm like "Oh shit" because I'm stuck in a freaking wardrobe.
There are a few suggestions my mind throws up.
a. Call my mom.
However, since I've been crying for the last twenty minutes, I'm not looking so hot, not to mention that she'll wonder WHY I was in the wardrobe.
b. Call my brother.
Ditto my mom, as well as being mocked for being stuck in a wardrobe.
c. Stay there until morning.
But you know, I would still be discovered eventually, and also what if I needed the toilet?
And I'm like, what if they think I've been abducted because they can't find me? What if they think I've run away? I should have padded my bed so it looked like I was sleeping there.
So I try to push the door open a bit more, but it wont budge and Im really scared I'm going to break it so I stop. I'm fairly sure there's something in the way of it, so I try to feel around (cursing myself for turning out the light) for any obstructions, but I come up blank.
And it's been about another ten minute, and I'm still stuck. I wonder how long it will take for anyone to notice. And THEN finally, I realise that I've PUSHED some of my clothes into the door, stopping it from moving!! Elated, I move the clothes and push the door, rushing out into the fresh air. FREEEEEDOM.
Anyway. I feel much better about everything now.
So I was really depressed about something, and my mom had had a bit of a go, and I was all sad, so I was in my room and I decided to go into my wardrobe. It's not like I normally do, but I figured it might be good to go in there and have a good cry.
Anyway, I get in the wardrobe, it's a slidey door one, with the lights off and the door slides shut and there I am. About twenty minutes pass, and I decide it's time to get out of the wardrobe, so I push the door to slide it and it opens, about two inches. Which is not big enough for me to get out.
So I'm like "Oh shit" because I'm stuck in a freaking wardrobe.
There are a few suggestions my mind throws up.
a. Call my mom.
However, since I've been crying for the last twenty minutes, I'm not looking so hot, not to mention that she'll wonder WHY I was in the wardrobe.
b. Call my brother.
Ditto my mom, as well as being mocked for being stuck in a wardrobe.
c. Stay there until morning.
But you know, I would still be discovered eventually, and also what if I needed the toilet?
And I'm like, what if they think I've been abducted because they can't find me? What if they think I've run away? I should have padded my bed so it looked like I was sleeping there.
So I try to push the door open a bit more, but it wont budge and Im really scared I'm going to break it so I stop. I'm fairly sure there's something in the way of it, so I try to feel around (cursing myself for turning out the light) for any obstructions, but I come up blank.
And it's been about another ten minute, and I'm still stuck. I wonder how long it will take for anyone to notice. And THEN finally, I realise that I've PUSHED some of my clothes into the door, stopping it from moving!! Elated, I move the clothes and push the door, rushing out into the fresh air. FREEEEEDOM.
Anyway. I feel much better about everything now.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Career Options
Sarah: I think I'd be a good teacher. But getting a job sounds like a lot of work. *To Mother* You'll support me, wont you?
Mom: Yes. *smile*
Sarah: I mean, you'll support me with money, so I don't have to get a job, right?
Mom: Yes. *smile*
Sarah: I mean, you'll support me with money, so I don't have to get a job, right?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today, I repotted my Azelea which was still sulking, in the garden where it can hopefully have a jolly good time. I also adopted a small pine-like tree as my bonsai tree. It's very small. but it seems to be like that because it's in such a small pot, not because it's a bonsai tree. Is that cheating?
Mum spent a good hour and a bit calling Olive while she sat on the step and Olive lounged a few metres away. Mum was insistent that if she just varied her tone, or continued for long enough, Olive would heed her. It was not to be. I can't believe my mum has so much time on her hands.
Mum spent a good hour and a bit calling Olive while she sat on the step and Olive lounged a few metres away. Mum was insistent that if she just varied her tone, or continued for long enough, Olive would heed her. It was not to be. I can't believe my mum has so much time on her hands.
Friday, May 16, 2008
school is ova
I love study leave. It gives me so much time to do nothing. No troublesome school to get in the way of utter nothingness.
(23:06:31) Minal: yes... im dropping out of school and not turning up to all my exams just because u told me to do something
(23:06:48) SarahPuffles: minal
(23:06:51) SarahPuffles: you can't drop out of school
(23:06:54) SarahPuffles: school is over.. remember..
(23:06:31) Minal: yes... im dropping out of school and not turning up to all my exams just because u told me to do something
(23:06:48) SarahPuffles: minal
(23:06:51) SarahPuffles: you can't drop out of school
(23:06:54) SarahPuffles: school is over.. remember..
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Study Leave= Extended Internet Time
I was sitting, after watching the entire first season of Black Books, the extras, the outtakes, and the first episode with commentary, and I realised that oh my god I am a loser.
A buffer is a weak acid and it's salt. It opposes small changes in pH. If you drink acid, you die. That last bit I didn't learn from a textbook, it's just common sense.
A buffer is a weak acid and it's salt. It opposes small changes in pH. If you drink acid, you die. That last bit I didn't learn from a textbook, it's just common sense.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Here are two photos I took yesterday.
Do you know the story about the tulip? Everyone knows it really.
Basically, Sarah bought a tulip bulb, well, the guy didn't charge her because she looked so pitiful, buying a single tulip bulb. And her mother didn't believe it would grow, but it DID.
We've been placing bets on what colour it would be, and so HERE IT IS.

It's PEACH. With white on the edges. Isn't it goooorgeous? I think so too. I'm so proud, my first tulip!! I hope it grows back next year!
Here's the second photo, it's a bad one, you might have to open the picture in a new window to make it big enough. See the fence covered in ivy? The bit above the reflection of the picture of the sunflowers has a baby fox sleeping on it!! It was SO CUTE. I had to take a picture, even though it's rubbish quality.

Do you know the story about the tulip? Everyone knows it really.
Basically, Sarah bought a tulip bulb, well, the guy didn't charge her because she looked so pitiful, buying a single tulip bulb. And her mother didn't believe it would grow, but it DID.
We've been placing bets on what colour it would be, and so HERE IT IS.
It's PEACH. With white on the edges. Isn't it goooorgeous? I think so too. I'm so proud, my first tulip!! I hope it grows back next year!
Here's the second photo, it's a bad one, you might have to open the picture in a new window to make it big enough. See the fence covered in ivy? The bit above the reflection of the picture of the sunflowers has a baby fox sleeping on it!! It was SO CUTE. I had to take a picture, even though it's rubbish quality.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Now Open to the Public
I've decided that since I'm a bit difficult to get a straight answer out of, it might be an idea to let all my friends have access to my blog, previously the address was a badly kept secret. However, now all my friends know it, so I'll be keeping my entries a little more politically correct. No more talking about my sleazy sex life, mkay?
So, ah, Welcome, I guess :)
So, ah, Welcome, I guess :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Gardener Diaries. Part Two
I could hardly sleep last night, thinking about the lack of composting being done in my composter. I mean it's like having a dish washer and putting your dirty dishes there but not turning it on. Or having a laptop and not using it. The lack of productivity is just heinous.
Olive woke me up this morning at nine o'clock, making a sound like a food processor for reasons unknown. But enough of this, to the point.
At approximately three forty, I put on my coat, welllies, outdoor headscarf and headed for the door.
Now my plan was to empty the composter of the little detritus it contained, dig up the earth and replant it, before refilling it with it's contents, cursing the gardener the whole time. The first problem I encountered was lack of shovel.
The Lack of Shovel Problem
Basically, lack of shovel put a bit of a hole in my plans. I could hardly dig up the earth with my little spade, nor could I effectively plant the composter.
First stop was the shed.
Or should it be: The Shed.
Otherwise known as the End Of The World For Junk We don't Want to Get Rid of. You know what I'm talking about. When you have items that you don't use and don't want to clutter up your room, they first go to the landing, then maybe to the kitchen. Sometimes they'll get shoved in a cupboard, sometimes under someone's bed. Eventually they get sent to either the loft or the shed. In my house, it's the shed.
I unlocked the door and peered in, trying to ignore thoughts of creepy spiders creeping around and maybe jumping on my head and creeping around there, and instead very quickly did a search for a shovel. None was apparent. I braved the shed for a few more seconds, before turning tail.
I know, I showed cowardice in the face of danger. If this was Lord of the Rings, I would have been all "SURE SAURON! Have the shiny ring! Just don't make me go with the creepy spiders, mkay?!"I'm fairly disgusted with myself, I can tell you.
But I still didn't have a shovel, so I had to go to get one from the neighbours, unfortunately I was obstructed by momom.
Me: I'm going next door.
momom: why?
me: to get a shovel
momom: oh no, you're not doing anything like that.
Momom was concerned for my wellbeing, thought that shovelling compost was a dangerous activity, etc. She tried to convince me to let the gardener handle it. She was SO on his side. Obviously he'd got to her first. Luckily I explained carefully (with necessary drama) the situation and she became a late convert to the Sarah V Gardener cause, becoming quite vocal and enthusiastic by the end, and let me go get the shovel.
At the neighbours house
me: Please can I borrow your shovel?
neighbour: what for? the compost?
me: I'm going to kill someone! (elderly couple walk past and stare at us, I smile manically)
neighbour: Well the shovel might dent a bit, I suggest a knife.
I did get the shovel, however.
End: Lack of Shovel Problem
So I picked up the unsteady composter and pretty much threw it away, letting the grass cuttings inside flop over. Then I set to work digging a hole to put the composter in, for added contact with the worms.
The first problem was ..well I don't know how to use a shovel. I tried stepping on it and letting it sink into the soil like they do on tv, but I wasn't heavy enough and nothing happened. Eventually I settled for bracing myself against the shed (the outside isn't scary) and pushing against the top of the shovel, and in this way managed to get it in a bit. Eventually I made something of a hole. I began to sympathise with the Gardender a little bit. I mean, I was motivated by .. justice.. really, and even I didn't dig for as long as I could have. I mean the ground was SOLID. And my back really started to hurt, and the shovel was heavy! The Gardener isn't motivated by justice, he's motivated by money to spend half the year in Australia, as is his custom, and since he wasn't being paid more for the composter, it's understandable.
Eventually the composter was buried, the compost refilled, and the shovel returned.
Phew. At least it's clear that I won.
Like to see him mess with me again.
Olive woke me up this morning at nine o'clock, making a sound like a food processor for reasons unknown. But enough of this, to the point.
At approximately three forty, I put on my coat, welllies, outdoor headscarf and headed for the door.
Now my plan was to empty the composter of the little detritus it contained, dig up the earth and replant it, before refilling it with it's contents, cursing the gardener the whole time. The first problem I encountered was lack of shovel.
The Lack of Shovel Problem
Basically, lack of shovel put a bit of a hole in my plans. I could hardly dig up the earth with my little spade, nor could I effectively plant the composter.
First stop was the shed.
Or should it be: The Shed.
Otherwise known as the End Of The World For Junk We don't Want to Get Rid of. You know what I'm talking about. When you have items that you don't use and don't want to clutter up your room, they first go to the landing, then maybe to the kitchen. Sometimes they'll get shoved in a cupboard, sometimes under someone's bed. Eventually they get sent to either the loft or the shed. In my house, it's the shed.
I unlocked the door and peered in, trying to ignore thoughts of creepy spiders creeping around and maybe jumping on my head and creeping around there, and instead very quickly did a search for a shovel. None was apparent. I braved the shed for a few more seconds, before turning tail.
I know, I showed cowardice in the face of danger. If this was Lord of the Rings, I would have been all "SURE SAURON! Have the shiny ring! Just don't make me go with the creepy spiders, mkay?!"I'm fairly disgusted with myself, I can tell you.
But I still didn't have a shovel, so I had to go to get one from the neighbours, unfortunately I was obstructed by momom.
Me: I'm going next door.
momom: why?
me: to get a shovel
momom: oh no, you're not doing anything like that.
Momom was concerned for my wellbeing, thought that shovelling compost was a dangerous activity, etc. She tried to convince me to let the gardener handle it. She was SO on his side. Obviously he'd got to her first. Luckily I explained carefully (with necessary drama) the situation and she became a late convert to the Sarah V Gardener cause, becoming quite vocal and enthusiastic by the end, and let me go get the shovel.
At the neighbours house
me: Please can I borrow your shovel?
neighbour: what for? the compost?
me: I'm going to kill someone! (elderly couple walk past and stare at us, I smile manically)
neighbour: Well the shovel might dent a bit, I suggest a knife.
I did get the shovel, however.
End: Lack of Shovel Problem
So I picked up the unsteady composter and pretty much threw it away, letting the grass cuttings inside flop over. Then I set to work digging a hole to put the composter in, for added contact with the worms.
The first problem was ..well I don't know how to use a shovel. I tried stepping on it and letting it sink into the soil like they do on tv, but I wasn't heavy enough and nothing happened. Eventually I settled for bracing myself against the shed (the outside isn't scary) and pushing against the top of the shovel, and in this way managed to get it in a bit. Eventually I made something of a hole. I began to sympathise with the Gardender a little bit. I mean, I was motivated by .. justice.. really, and even I didn't dig for as long as I could have. I mean the ground was SOLID. And my back really started to hurt, and the shovel was heavy! The Gardener isn't motivated by justice, he's motivated by money to spend half the year in Australia, as is his custom, and since he wasn't being paid more for the composter, it's understandable.
Eventually the composter was buried, the compost refilled, and the shovel returned.
Phew. At least it's clear that I won.
Like to see him mess with me again.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Gardener Diaries.
I do not know what my problem is! I am SUCH a mess for so many reasons. I mean I'm in good spirits because you know, it's all so stupid it's funny, but any minute now I'm going to have a breakdown. At least it'll be the hysterical laughing kind. I mean I'm kinda looking forward to it, you know? I bet my mum isn't.
The damn gardener and I are having a war. He doesn't know that I'm having a war with him at this point. I don't want to tell him because he'd either
a. Get annoyed and stop mowing our lawn,
b. get upset and stop mowing our lawn or
c. not hear me over the sound of the lawn mower.
It's like this, the gardener and I have never been on good terms, because he always appears in the garden when I'm not wearing my headscarf, because I don't wear it in the house, obviously. So he pops up all the time and I'm like "ARG! *falls out of chair."
But now it's personal.
See, I have a composter. And by that, I mean I have a hollow plastic cylinder with a lid and no bottom. You're supposed to 'plant' it in the ground, so the worms can get in , and it'll be steady an shit. HOWEVER the gardener, last year, when I got it, set it up before I could, and by set it up, i mean he just PUT it on some rocks (like you're supposed to do that!?!?!?) and was like "yes, it's done. "
I am so sure.
So then this year, he not only emptied it without first telling me but he AGAIN set it up, and put a load of grass in it. The problems are many fold.
1. You are supposed to PLANT IT. As I said! If you don't plant it, it wobbles. You know what I have now, a wobbling composter.
1b. In addition, the lack of planting, and the uneven ground means that there are some gaps between the bottom of the composter and the ground. So when I put in scraps, I get eggshells rolling out of the bottom.
1c. In addition to both of these points, the composter lacks stability if you don't 'plant' it. Therefore it's difficult to mix the contents of it without having the composter tipping over and spilling vegetable peelings all over the garden. Since mixing the compost is pretty much the second step in the important two step plan of composting, expecting compost without mixing is like expecting a snow day if you live on Mercury. It's not gonna happen.
2. You are supposed to 'work the earth' beneath the composter, so that the worms can get up from the soil into the compost and turn cucumber peel into soil. HOW ARE THE WORMS TO DO THIS IF THE GROUND IS ROCK HARD? Does he expect the worms to wear hard hats? The worms will not do this, I guarantee it.
On top of this, I mean hello, it's my composter. I get that he's a gardener (although I doubt he has a phD in horticulture) but it doesn't mean he should just DO things. I had a leaflet and everything! It totally told me what needed doing! He didn't even read the leaflet! (He didn't even ask if I had one.)
And I accepted this all last year, but he's done it AGAIN. And he's started filling it with grass so I can't even take it away, work the earth below and plant it properly. so he thinks! I will not be stopped by something so insignificant. Instead, I'm going to EMPTY the composter and start from scractch. He came today, so he wont be back for a few days.
Teach him to mess with my compost.
The damn gardener and I are having a war. He doesn't know that I'm having a war with him at this point. I don't want to tell him because he'd either
a. Get annoyed and stop mowing our lawn,
b. get upset and stop mowing our lawn or
c. not hear me over the sound of the lawn mower.
It's like this, the gardener and I have never been on good terms, because he always appears in the garden when I'm not wearing my headscarf, because I don't wear it in the house, obviously. So he pops up all the time and I'm like "ARG! *falls out of chair."
But now it's personal.
See, I have a composter. And by that, I mean I have a hollow plastic cylinder with a lid and no bottom. You're supposed to 'plant' it in the ground, so the worms can get in , and it'll be steady an shit. HOWEVER the gardener, last year, when I got it, set it up before I could, and by set it up, i mean he just PUT it on some rocks (like you're supposed to do that!?!?!?) and was like "yes, it's done. "
I am so sure.
So then this year, he not only emptied it without first telling me but he AGAIN set it up, and put a load of grass in it. The problems are many fold.
1. You are supposed to PLANT IT. As I said! If you don't plant it, it wobbles. You know what I have now, a wobbling composter.
1b. In addition, the lack of planting, and the uneven ground means that there are some gaps between the bottom of the composter and the ground. So when I put in scraps, I get eggshells rolling out of the bottom.
1c. In addition to both of these points, the composter lacks stability if you don't 'plant' it. Therefore it's difficult to mix the contents of it without having the composter tipping over and spilling vegetable peelings all over the garden. Since mixing the compost is pretty much the second step in the important two step plan of composting, expecting compost without mixing is like expecting a snow day if you live on Mercury. It's not gonna happen.
2. You are supposed to 'work the earth' beneath the composter, so that the worms can get up from the soil into the compost and turn cucumber peel into soil. HOW ARE THE WORMS TO DO THIS IF THE GROUND IS ROCK HARD? Does he expect the worms to wear hard hats? The worms will not do this, I guarantee it.
On top of this, I mean hello, it's my composter. I get that he's a gardener (although I doubt he has a phD in horticulture) but it doesn't mean he should just DO things. I had a leaflet and everything! It totally told me what needed doing! He didn't even read the leaflet! (He didn't even ask if I had one.)
And I accepted this all last year, but he's done it AGAIN. And he's started filling it with grass so I can't even take it away, work the earth below and plant it properly. so he thinks! I will not be stopped by something so insignificant. Instead, I'm going to EMPTY the composter and start from scractch. He came today, so he wont be back for a few days.
Teach him to mess with my compost.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My Birthday Party!
Transcript from a conversation that took place half way through typing this entry.
(we were talking about how we only gave the Smiths four slices of cake, but Alex's girfriend Cara is there so maybe it should have been five)
me: well if I had a boyfriend they wouldn't give us more cake.
mum: you don't have a boyfriend.
me: I might.
mum: you don't.
me: I could have a boyfriend.
mum: I know you have a girlfriend.
me: *panics* (YOU WHAT??????? HOW DOES SHE KNOW?)
mum: Olive are you Sarah's girlfriend?
me: *RELIEF* although now I think of it, as if Olive would be my gf. The idea is pretty stupid.
Today was my eighteenth birthday party! Tomorrow is my actual birthday but the party was today. The whole thing was a bit last minute, starting in the Easter holiday when mum bought me this really cute dress and I was like "hm, i should have a party to wear this at" and I'd been thinking of having a party but I wasn't sure what to do because of all the different friends I have and obligations to invite people I don't really like etc.
Anyway, on Monday, I asked people about days and we finally settled on Sunday, then on Tuesday I wrote invitations and handed them out. I invited Rachel, Kim, Nicola, Vicky, Fishy, Mohan, Ramjeet, Nandi, Mushana, Charlotte, Jeskirat, Hirah, Fatima, Alysha, Catherine, Neela, Abby, Kat and Minal. So like, twenty people. Before hand, I was freaking out because I'd only told mum I'd sent twelve invitations, which was true, however I'd also doubled some of the invites up, not to mention invited a few people verbally.
Today, first thing I woke up WORRIED, then I went downstairs and read some fanfic while I ate breakfast. Then I helped mum prepare! We'd gone super shopping to tesco and bought LOADS of food.
I made slices of carrots, cucumber and celery to dip in the dips, some cocktail sticks with olives and feta cheese, jelly butterflies and iced a cake. And I did lots of useful stuff in between.
Mum made Riaz and I samosas for lunch, then we went to this Sunday circle.
When we got back it was quarter past three and Rachel and Kim were supposed to come at half three, the others at four. I said goodbye to Riaz who was going back to uni, then I hopped into the shower.
I got out of the shower and Riaz and mum had left, and got into my dress (with jeans and a vest top underneath) and started talking to myself about how nothing was ready and freaking out a little bit cause Rachel and Kim weren't showing. I had just convinced myself I had to iron my vest stop, when they arrived and I pulled them in. They wwere like CALM DOWN SARAH, then Mush and Nandi called and were like "sorry we can't come" and I was torn between "well that sucks" and "at least now there wont be twenty people in my house."
Rachel and Kim set up base in my room, and helped straighten my hair and do my makeup cause I'm awful with it. Then Hirah arrived so I intro-ed her and proved that she's real!!
Hm, I'm not sure what happened after that. I went back downstairs and a few more people started arriving, Fatimah Junaid and her sister Asma, and then Vicky. I'd like to point out that even though I asked everyone to bring cushions, hardly anyone complied. Upsetting.
I opened a few gifts. Rachel made me this beautiful photo albumn with some great memories, and a lovely card as well, she ought to drop out and dedicate her time to that instead I say.
Hirah bought me a nice wall scroll, with Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. I say Sakura but I'm really not sure she's there.. I was distracted by the others, obviously. Jeskirat arrived with chocolates which I will eat tomorrow, I suspect. Then Fishy arrived, although I think this is a bit out of order. I think they both arrived before the present opening, cause I remember fishy hitting my head with the wall scroll while I was looking at Rachel's gift.
Then, bizarrely, Rachel gave me a hat from her mum, which is like a cake with candles and plays "happy birthday" when you press the side. And I was wearing it and the door went so I sent someone to get it and they were like "there are children there!" and I was like "whatttt??? Children??" So I went there and it was Nasreen and her lovely children! I was so surprised! I mean yes on thursday I had repeatedly mentioned it was my birthday on monday, but I hadn't expected them to come and see me! They'd got me a lovely card. Hold on, I'll type it out.
"To Lovely Sara Moola on your 18th Birthday,
Happy Birthday Sarah.
Your a big girl now, seven years older than Maryam, ten years older than Haleema, twelve years older than Hamza and fourteen years older than Fatima. Ha ha ha. I know that would make you feel old. I hope you get what you want in your life and may Allah bless you with many more birthdays. Have a great day.
Lots o love, Maryam, Haleema, Hamza, Fatima and Family."
Then the party continued, we danced in the rain a little bit, then we played table tennis. We ordered pizza chatted lots, spun around, raced etc. Good fun it was. I got pretty tired at the end though!!!
Anyway. When I started writing this I was kinda teary for two reasons. ONE I miss Riaz MASSIVELY, it just sucks that he doesn't live at home. I hate it. Two is my mum's card, here I'll type it out:
"A daughter brings happiness as she grows.
A daughter as lovely as you brightens every day in so many ways..
...and grows more and more special with every year..
So proud to have a daughter like you."
Anyway, I actually started crying and mum pretended not to notice.
So. A very fun day. :)
(we were talking about how we only gave the Smiths four slices of cake, but Alex's girfriend Cara is there so maybe it should have been five)
me: well if I had a boyfriend they wouldn't give us more cake.
mum: you don't have a boyfriend.
me: I might.
mum: you don't.
me: I could have a boyfriend.
mum: I know you have a girlfriend.
me: *panics* (YOU WHAT??????? HOW DOES SHE KNOW?)
mum: Olive are you Sarah's girlfriend?
me: *RELIEF* although now I think of it, as if Olive would be my gf. The idea is pretty stupid.
Today was my eighteenth birthday party! Tomorrow is my actual birthday but the party was today. The whole thing was a bit last minute, starting in the Easter holiday when mum bought me this really cute dress and I was like "hm, i should have a party to wear this at" and I'd been thinking of having a party but I wasn't sure what to do because of all the different friends I have and obligations to invite people I don't really like etc.
Anyway, on Monday, I asked people about days and we finally settled on Sunday, then on Tuesday I wrote invitations and handed them out. I invited Rachel, Kim, Nicola, Vicky, Fishy, Mohan, Ramjeet, Nandi, Mushana, Charlotte, Jeskirat, Hirah, Fatima, Alysha, Catherine, Neela, Abby, Kat and Minal. So like, twenty people. Before hand, I was freaking out because I'd only told mum I'd sent twelve invitations, which was true, however I'd also doubled some of the invites up, not to mention invited a few people verbally.
Today, first thing I woke up WORRIED, then I went downstairs and read some fanfic while I ate breakfast. Then I helped mum prepare! We'd gone super shopping to tesco and bought LOADS of food.
I made slices of carrots, cucumber and celery to dip in the dips, some cocktail sticks with olives and feta cheese, jelly butterflies and iced a cake. And I did lots of useful stuff in between.
Mum made Riaz and I samosas for lunch, then we went to this Sunday circle.
When we got back it was quarter past three and Rachel and Kim were supposed to come at half three, the others at four. I said goodbye to Riaz who was going back to uni, then I hopped into the shower.
I got out of the shower and Riaz and mum had left, and got into my dress (with jeans and a vest top underneath) and started talking to myself about how nothing was ready and freaking out a little bit cause Rachel and Kim weren't showing. I had just convinced myself I had to iron my vest stop, when they arrived and I pulled them in. They wwere like CALM DOWN SARAH, then Mush and Nandi called and were like "sorry we can't come" and I was torn between "well that sucks" and "at least now there wont be twenty people in my house."
Rachel and Kim set up base in my room, and helped straighten my hair and do my makeup cause I'm awful with it. Then Hirah arrived so I intro-ed her and proved that she's real!!
Hm, I'm not sure what happened after that. I went back downstairs and a few more people started arriving, Fatimah Junaid and her sister Asma, and then Vicky. I'd like to point out that even though I asked everyone to bring cushions, hardly anyone complied. Upsetting.
I opened a few gifts. Rachel made me this beautiful photo albumn with some great memories, and a lovely card as well, she ought to drop out and dedicate her time to that instead I say.
Hirah bought me a nice wall scroll, with Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. I say Sakura but I'm really not sure she's there.. I was distracted by the others, obviously. Jeskirat arrived with chocolates which I will eat tomorrow, I suspect. Then Fishy arrived, although I think this is a bit out of order. I think they both arrived before the present opening, cause I remember fishy hitting my head with the wall scroll while I was looking at Rachel's gift.
Then, bizarrely, Rachel gave me a hat from her mum, which is like a cake with candles and plays "happy birthday" when you press the side. And I was wearing it and the door went so I sent someone to get it and they were like "there are children there!" and I was like "whatttt??? Children??" So I went there and it was Nasreen and her lovely children! I was so surprised! I mean yes on thursday I had repeatedly mentioned it was my birthday on monday, but I hadn't expected them to come and see me! They'd got me a lovely card. Hold on, I'll type it out.
"To Lovely Sara Moola on your 18th Birthday,
Happy Birthday Sarah.
Your a big girl now, seven years older than Maryam, ten years older than Haleema, twelve years older than Hamza and fourteen years older than Fatima. Ha ha ha. I know that would make you feel old. I hope you get what you want in your life and may Allah bless you with many more birthdays. Have a great day.
Lots o love, Maryam, Haleema, Hamza, Fatima and Family."
Then the party continued, we danced in the rain a little bit, then we played table tennis. We ordered pizza chatted lots, spun around, raced etc. Good fun it was. I got pretty tired at the end though!!!
Anyway. When I started writing this I was kinda teary for two reasons. ONE I miss Riaz MASSIVELY, it just sucks that he doesn't live at home. I hate it. Two is my mum's card, here I'll type it out:
"A daughter brings happiness as she grows.
A daughter as lovely as you brightens every day in so many ways..
...and grows more and more special with every year..
So proud to have a daughter like you."
Anyway, I actually started crying and mum pretended not to notice.
So. A very fun day. :)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Wedding! Part Two!
So day two of the wedding was a bit more vague than day one, where there had been an aim at least. This time we went there and I was immediately shoved once again to the girls house, where I found them all putting on makeup and such. They took a while to get ready, and then we went back to the bride's house where momom was still and they said something like "all the girls come and eat!" so I went to eat and it was VERY good. But it was in a garage as usual, so I was damn cold and shivering. After that, we flitted into the other two rooms, which were thankfully warmer. Mum was in one room with the ladies and I was in the other with the younger girls.
The bride was putting henna for the young girls which was nice, I like to watch, it's calming, I feel. I chattted a bit with a few people, but mainly just sat. Despite being a little boring, it was fun
Then yesterday was the actual wedding. one of my mum's friends dropped off a green indian outfit for me to wear, which was nice enough because I didn't have any. We went at lunchtime to set the tables, which was a bit of a wasted effort because there certainly were enough girls helping, but oh well.
The wedding started at six, and we got there. Riaz kindly said I looked like I was an old woman. i was wearing contact lenses and very high heels.
Inside, I couldn't ACTUALLY see very well. We milled around a little bit, mainly me trailing after mum and trying to find things to do to keep myself occupied. Eventually Zainab (a girl I went on hajj with, married into a family my mum is friends with) called me over because she didn't know anyone. We ate the food which was pretty good. Then the girl that I met at the Mendi found me, and was like "HI!" and I was like "well hello there."
For some reason she really took a shine to me and followed me a round for most of the evening. I told her lots of jokes, and then she told me some but they didn't really make sense. Then she wrote down her number for me on a napkin and I gave her my phone number too. She was a really nice kid...called me this morning actually. What a sweetie.
Then the bride came to meet us all, she looked really nice, wearing all red and gold. it's not my thing, but she was working it. Then she left, and we hung around for no real reason, cleaning up a little. Then we went outside and Riaz said "sorry auntie, have you seen my sister?" to me, and I glared muchly. At home, everyone was in great spirits. It was a very fun night.
In other news, my aunt and uncle brought my birthday present today. I don't know what it is, but i heard my mum saying "don't encourage her" so ... how interesting.
Oh oh, and in Naruto! Sasuke was all "yeah, you suck," and then RAN OFF AGAIN. For goodness sake. They are SO in denial. ONE TRUE PAIRING!
The bride was putting henna for the young girls which was nice, I like to watch, it's calming, I feel. I chattted a bit with a few people, but mainly just sat. Despite being a little boring, it was fun
Then yesterday was the actual wedding. one of my mum's friends dropped off a green indian outfit for me to wear, which was nice enough because I didn't have any. We went at lunchtime to set the tables, which was a bit of a wasted effort because there certainly were enough girls helping, but oh well.
The wedding started at six, and we got there. Riaz kindly said I looked like I was an old woman. i was wearing contact lenses and very high heels.
Inside, I couldn't ACTUALLY see very well. We milled around a little bit, mainly me trailing after mum and trying to find things to do to keep myself occupied. Eventually Zainab (a girl I went on hajj with, married into a family my mum is friends with) called me over because she didn't know anyone. We ate the food which was pretty good. Then the girl that I met at the Mendi found me, and was like "HI!" and I was like "well hello there."
For some reason she really took a shine to me and followed me a round for most of the evening. I told her lots of jokes, and then she told me some but they didn't really make sense. Then she wrote down her number for me on a napkin and I gave her my phone number too. She was a really nice kid...called me this morning actually. What a sweetie.
Then the bride came to meet us all, she looked really nice, wearing all red and gold. it's not my thing, but she was working it. Then she left, and we hung around for no real reason, cleaning up a little. Then we went outside and Riaz said "sorry auntie, have you seen my sister?" to me, and I glared muchly. At home, everyone was in great spirits. It was a very fun night.
In other news, my aunt and uncle brought my birthday present today. I don't know what it is, but i heard my mum saying "don't encourage her" so ... how interesting.
Oh oh, and in Naruto! Sasuke was all "yeah, you suck," and then RAN OFF AGAIN. For goodness sake. They are SO in denial. ONE TRUE PAIRING!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
So about a month ago, mum told me I was invited to a wedding. The idea of a wedding is kinda annoying to me. Firstly, I never know who is getting married, like my mum is friends with them, and she drags me to see them all the time, but I don't know any of them intimately, and half the time I can't put names to faces. To be honest, I've known them since I was in nappies, so it's a pretty poor showing on my party.
Anyway, she did tell me who was getting married, but since the name held no significance to me, I promptly forgot. Luckily for me, I was able to get around that by asking simply about "the wedding" and never "so and so's wedding" which I personally think was quite ingenius.
The thing about muslim weddings, is they're longer than English weddings, and consist of many days. The first day is the mendi, where you put on henna. Actually the bride to be has it put on her, then her sisters, then her friends and finally the little kid in the corner draws a snowflake in the middle of her palm.
That's what I went to today, so I carefully stayed BEHIND mother, and let her lead to the house that I should have really known but didn't. And when we got in there, there were several aunties who quickly asked me if I wanted to go "to the other house." I politely enquired as to what was in the other house, and was told "everyone is there." So, it made me wonder who exactly all the people that were clearly in this house were. Anyway, they kept looking at me as though I oughtn't to be there, so I waited until a kid that I DO know was going (mainly through a mutual acquaintance: my cat) and then followed her. On the way, we talked about the one thing we have in common (my cat) and then arrived at the house which was again, familiar to me but don't ask who lives there.
Inside, I hung about in the hallway, trying to look as though I knew what I was doing, and observed that in the kitchen there was a chocolate fountain that no one appeared to be eating from. When I asked about it, they said they were going to take it to the lounge. There were about five people that I pretended to know, and then I went to the lounge. To my HORROR, the lounge was PACKED with people sitting and staring at the door that I just walked through. And NONE of the faces were familiar. Thankfully, as I wavered in the doorway, knowing that it would look ridiculous to leave again (and go where?) one of my mum's friends who I can bear talking to called me over.
The funny part is I was completely shocked to see her despite my mother having told me several times she was coming, but I'd blanked it out entirely.
I sat and chatted to her for about an hour or so, then I went to pray, and when I came back she had GONE, mysteriously, you know. Then I started watching this woman who's daughter was demanding that she did a henna pattern on her hand. HOWEVER, when the mother started, the daughter complained again and again and again until she took it herself. I amused myself by telling her the pattern looked like a. a duck b. a duck with many legs c. a cat d. a group of bees. Finally the mother asked me where I was from, and upon saying "sutton" she said : Oh! Are you Nafesa's daughter?
"Why yes, I am" I said. I HAVE NO NAME. I am known only as THE DAUGHTER.
Anyway, it turned out I knew her VAGUELY through my mother talking about her, but had never met her and we chatted for a bit.
THEN the original disappearing auntie's daughter returned and told me my mother wanted me, and then her son who is about eight, was like "comeooooon" and pretty much (okay not really at all) challenged me to a race, so I'm wearing this long denim skirt and since he had a head start it was okay to race properly, and FINALLY caught up with him, of course as we went past this group of adults. Luckily it was dark and I don't think they saw my face hahahahaha.
Back in the "Empty" house, momom and I ate with some other ladies, and then momom decided to sit down and PRAY in their house. I was like ... can't you pray in your OWN house?
So then on our way out we stopped by the "girls" house and these girls that I DO NOT KNOW were like "hi Sarah! Where have you been?" and I was all friendly and shizz and all the time thinking: who are you???????????
Then we went home and the boiler is bust.
What will tomorrow bring? I don't know.
Anyway, she did tell me who was getting married, but since the name held no significance to me, I promptly forgot. Luckily for me, I was able to get around that by asking simply about "the wedding" and never "so and so's wedding" which I personally think was quite ingenius.
The thing about muslim weddings, is they're longer than English weddings, and consist of many days. The first day is the mendi, where you put on henna. Actually the bride to be has it put on her, then her sisters, then her friends and finally the little kid in the corner draws a snowflake in the middle of her palm.
That's what I went to today, so I carefully stayed BEHIND mother, and let her lead to the house that I should have really known but didn't. And when we got in there, there were several aunties who quickly asked me if I wanted to go "to the other house." I politely enquired as to what was in the other house, and was told "everyone is there." So, it made me wonder who exactly all the people that were clearly in this house were. Anyway, they kept looking at me as though I oughtn't to be there, so I waited until a kid that I DO know was going (mainly through a mutual acquaintance: my cat) and then followed her. On the way, we talked about the one thing we have in common (my cat) and then arrived at the house which was again, familiar to me but don't ask who lives there.
Inside, I hung about in the hallway, trying to look as though I knew what I was doing, and observed that in the kitchen there was a chocolate fountain that no one appeared to be eating from. When I asked about it, they said they were going to take it to the lounge. There were about five people that I pretended to know, and then I went to the lounge. To my HORROR, the lounge was PACKED with people sitting and staring at the door that I just walked through. And NONE of the faces were familiar. Thankfully, as I wavered in the doorway, knowing that it would look ridiculous to leave again (and go where?) one of my mum's friends who I can bear talking to called me over.
The funny part is I was completely shocked to see her despite my mother having told me several times she was coming, but I'd blanked it out entirely.
I sat and chatted to her for about an hour or so, then I went to pray, and when I came back she had GONE, mysteriously, you know. Then I started watching this woman who's daughter was demanding that she did a henna pattern on her hand. HOWEVER, when the mother started, the daughter complained again and again and again until she took it herself. I amused myself by telling her the pattern looked like a. a duck b. a duck with many legs c. a cat d. a group of bees. Finally the mother asked me where I was from, and upon saying "sutton" she said : Oh! Are you Nafesa's daughter?
"Why yes, I am" I said. I HAVE NO NAME. I am known only as THE DAUGHTER.
Anyway, it turned out I knew her VAGUELY through my mother talking about her, but had never met her and we chatted for a bit.
THEN the original disappearing auntie's daughter returned and told me my mother wanted me, and then her son who is about eight, was like "comeooooon" and pretty much (okay not really at all) challenged me to a race, so I'm wearing this long denim skirt and since he had a head start it was okay to race properly, and FINALLY caught up with him, of course as we went past this group of adults. Luckily it was dark and I don't think they saw my face hahahahaha.
Back in the "Empty" house, momom and I ate with some other ladies, and then momom decided to sit down and PRAY in their house. I was like ... can't you pray in your OWN house?
So then on our way out we stopped by the "girls" house and these girls that I DO NOT KNOW were like "hi Sarah! Where have you been?" and I was all friendly and shizz and all the time thinking: who are you???????????
Then we went home and the boiler is bust.
What will tomorrow bring? I don't know.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So it's like, what, twelve o'clock and yeah I just got up an hour ago but I get hungry, breakfast isn't really filling, you know? So I wonder downstairs, maybe grab a banana or something. Then I head back up because you know, the kitchen is empty. Except for the computer, but she's not a sentient being, is she?
Then it's like, half twelve and I come back down because yeah now I'm properly hungry and the banana did nothing, except left a kinda papery feeling in my mouth that didn't go even after I rinsed with mouthwash and man did that taste bad. FAR too minty. It's gotta be like sweet minty. Not DANGEROUS minty. It's too spearmint, not enough peppermint. And don't even get me started on Dental pH cause that stuff is LETHAL. And the kitchen is still empty. Well I say empty. There's you know, washing that my mum will be all "sarah can you take the washing out?" which means can you take it out of the washing machine, sort it put it into the drier, wait for twenty minutes, take it out of the drier, put it on the radiator.
But there's no food up for grabs.
I return to my room.
One oclock, this is definitely time to eat. I'm not even able to put off eating by doing work or staring at the ceiling or writing fanfics and lemme tell you, you're in a bad way when you can't write fanfics. Seriously. Those things write themselves. Not, that I would know. So seriously, there is no action in the kitchen. None what so ever. The stove is empty, unless you count my mum filling them with water and leaving them on there so that I think for one second there is a chance of leftovers and then lift the lid and realise the deception.
I return upstairs.
One thirty comes around and I'm back in the kitchen, eating a satsuma. For goodness sake those things are pretty much just water. I'm just kidding myself.
It's generally at two that I crack, and start raiding the cupboards for something that I can make. I hate sandwiches so it's generally pasta, potatoes or fish. It takes about half an hour at which point my brother and mother both enter. My brother having only awoken two hours previously has eaten breakfast and smelt food and come down. My mother, realising her evil plan has come to fruition has come to wallow in triumph.
And then she's all "Aww you're so good, cooking for yourself" and I'm like DON'T THINK I'M FALLING FOR THIS.
It's SO difficult these days.
Then it's like, half twelve and I come back down because yeah now I'm properly hungry and the banana did nothing, except left a kinda papery feeling in my mouth that didn't go even after I rinsed with mouthwash and man did that taste bad. FAR too minty. It's gotta be like sweet minty. Not DANGEROUS minty. It's too spearmint, not enough peppermint. And don't even get me started on Dental pH cause that stuff is LETHAL. And the kitchen is still empty. Well I say empty. There's you know, washing that my mum will be all "sarah can you take the washing out?" which means can you take it out of the washing machine, sort it put it into the drier, wait for twenty minutes, take it out of the drier, put it on the radiator.
But there's no food up for grabs.
I return to my room.
One oclock, this is definitely time to eat. I'm not even able to put off eating by doing work or staring at the ceiling or writing fanfics and lemme tell you, you're in a bad way when you can't write fanfics. Seriously. Those things write themselves. Not, that I would know. So seriously, there is no action in the kitchen. None what so ever. The stove is empty, unless you count my mum filling them with water and leaving them on there so that I think for one second there is a chance of leftovers and then lift the lid and realise the deception.
I return upstairs.
One thirty comes around and I'm back in the kitchen, eating a satsuma. For goodness sake those things are pretty much just water. I'm just kidding myself.
It's generally at two that I crack, and start raiding the cupboards for something that I can make. I hate sandwiches so it's generally pasta, potatoes or fish. It takes about half an hour at which point my brother and mother both enter. My brother having only awoken two hours previously has eaten breakfast and smelt food and come down. My mother, realising her evil plan has come to fruition has come to wallow in triumph.
And then she's all "Aww you're so good, cooking for yourself" and I'm like DON'T THINK I'M FALLING FOR THIS.
It's SO difficult these days.
Monday, March 24, 2008
6AM this morning...
Why... am I awake?
I was sleeping.. it was great.. and then and then.
Is there no justice in the world?
WHY BODY? why did you betray me like this?
What? You wanted to read Naruto Fanfics? But we DID that last night!
An insatiable thirst?? what the hell?
For goodness sake, we were dreaming about Naruto. Wasn't that good enough?
Well couldn't you have just waited?
Well that's just PEACHY.
I was sleeping.. it was great.. and then and then.
Is there no justice in the world?
WHY BODY? why did you betray me like this?
What? You wanted to read Naruto Fanfics? But we DID that last night!
An insatiable thirst?? what the hell?
For goodness sake, we were dreaming about Naruto. Wasn't that good enough?
Well couldn't you have just waited?
Well that's just PEACHY.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Today we (Vicky, Hirah, myself) finally managed to meet up. We've been planning it for months, since like.. December, pretty much, but then Hirah was having her January of studying, and we couldn't find a free weekend in February, but here we are!
Kim had a date with a boy (read as fictional cyborg) and thus Vicky and Fishy went to the cinema to stalk them first, but failed because they didnt turn up. Probably because Kim feared stalking or something. Anyway they met Nicola in Sutton. Nicola's preparing for university by buying recipe books. Can you imagine? She's preparing to go to university. She is preparing to be a student. God, I feel like I'm not really a person, half the time. Like I'm a comic character that only exists when they're making jokes, and doesn't really have a background story.
So I went to Chester Road station and waited for a bit. I had a great chat with the guy selling me tickets who it turns out spent six months in north africa doing what he thought was holiday repping and turned out to be arms smuggling. We discussed why babies are never hired for jobs and what a problem squirrels with switch knives are. Then there was this other guy who thought I went to his school, which I did, but I went about six years after him. Whatever, I must have one of those faces. We reminised a bit, and he said "sick" a lot which I figure must be a good thing.
I got on the train and we went to town. Vicky had her hair cut which was nice. We found Hirah hiding in WhSmiths and I literally glomped her. I felt my feet leave the floor which was totally the coolest. Marion was there too, with a bundle of yaoi for Vicky (you should have seen her eyes light up) and then Mohan turned up and off we went!
We headed to Shoguns, I was walking with Hirah and catching up. I love Hirah, she's a tremendously fun person to be around. You don't have to think about what you're saying or double meanings or crap, it's just randomness, pure and undiluted. I ordered a Yasai Yaki Soba, which the kind waiter taught me how to pronounce and I ate it ALL. I compensated from my lack of skill with the chopsticks by just holding the plate really close to my face. Hirah had prawns.
Sarah: Can I have a prawn?
Hirah: sure *gives breaded prawn*
S: *puts prawn in mouth, chews*
H: *continues eating*
S: Am I supposed to eat all of this?
H: NO! You can't eat the tail! It's inedible!
S: *panicking* Whaat?? What do I do with it???
H: spit it out!!
Eventually I put it in a napkin. Thanks Hirah.
We paid at Shoguns and Marion showed us her awesome drawings. She's so talented! She's going to do an art course, which is totally her calling, even if her style is underappreciated.
We went to Selfridges and Hirah co-erced me into sharing a chocolate nutty fudge sundae with her. Co-erced I tell you! I couldn't concentrate with her showing me those droolicious pictures! It was AWESOME. And then there was this couple who ordered one EACH and were like "you are so going to regret that" and they couldn't finish it of course. I couldn't completely finish and I had to leave Hirah to it.
S: I feel like an irresponsible parent walking out on their child.
H: Our child is doing A Levels! (I don't have a clue what she was on about)
The other's ate doughnuts and then we went into boarders and Vicky looked at some Yaoi with Hirah. Then I came home on the train with Nicola! It was all groovy.
I only wish Kim or Rachel could have been there. And Mohan seemed pretty detached from everything, but I'm a bit crappy with people when they're feeling isolated or what not, so I couldn't think of anything to do.
Well that's about it. I spent the day yelling a lot. Hirah makes me abnormally loud.
The other day, Megan called me to ask for help buying Xavi a teeshirt. I was absolutely NO help. I think it's a good thing that I don't have a boyfriend.
S: Kim has a date today
Mum: really? so she's getting interested in boys now?
S: ..mum... we're all interested in boys. We hit puberty about six years ago and we've been interested in boys ever since. Would you prefer if we were interested in girls??
Kim had a date with a boy (read as fictional cyborg) and thus Vicky and Fishy went to the cinema to stalk them first, but failed because they didnt turn up. Probably because Kim feared stalking or something. Anyway they met Nicola in Sutton. Nicola's preparing for university by buying recipe books. Can you imagine? She's preparing to go to university. She is preparing to be a student. God, I feel like I'm not really a person, half the time. Like I'm a comic character that only exists when they're making jokes, and doesn't really have a background story.
So I went to Chester Road station and waited for a bit. I had a great chat with the guy selling me tickets who it turns out spent six months in north africa doing what he thought was holiday repping and turned out to be arms smuggling. We discussed why babies are never hired for jobs and what a problem squirrels with switch knives are. Then there was this other guy who thought I went to his school, which I did, but I went about six years after him. Whatever, I must have one of those faces. We reminised a bit, and he said "sick" a lot which I figure must be a good thing.
I got on the train and we went to town. Vicky had her hair cut which was nice. We found Hirah hiding in WhSmiths and I literally glomped her. I felt my feet leave the floor which was totally the coolest. Marion was there too, with a bundle of yaoi for Vicky (you should have seen her eyes light up) and then Mohan turned up and off we went!
We headed to Shoguns, I was walking with Hirah and catching up. I love Hirah, she's a tremendously fun person to be around. You don't have to think about what you're saying or double meanings or crap, it's just randomness, pure and undiluted. I ordered a Yasai Yaki Soba, which the kind waiter taught me how to pronounce and I ate it ALL. I compensated from my lack of skill with the chopsticks by just holding the plate really close to my face. Hirah had prawns.
Sarah: Can I have a prawn?
Hirah: sure *gives breaded prawn*
S: *puts prawn in mouth, chews*
H: *continues eating*
S: Am I supposed to eat all of this?
H: NO! You can't eat the tail! It's inedible!
S: *panicking* Whaat?? What do I do with it???
H: spit it out!!
Eventually I put it in a napkin. Thanks Hirah.
We paid at Shoguns and Marion showed us her awesome drawings. She's so talented! She's going to do an art course, which is totally her calling, even if her style is underappreciated.
We went to Selfridges and Hirah co-erced me into sharing a chocolate nutty fudge sundae with her. Co-erced I tell you! I couldn't concentrate with her showing me those droolicious pictures! It was AWESOME. And then there was this couple who ordered one EACH and were like "you are so going to regret that" and they couldn't finish it of course. I couldn't completely finish and I had to leave Hirah to it.
S: I feel like an irresponsible parent walking out on their child.
H: Our child is doing A Levels! (I don't have a clue what she was on about)
The other's ate doughnuts and then we went into boarders and Vicky looked at some Yaoi with Hirah. Then I came home on the train with Nicola! It was all groovy.
I only wish Kim or Rachel could have been there. And Mohan seemed pretty detached from everything, but I'm a bit crappy with people when they're feeling isolated or what not, so I couldn't think of anything to do.
Well that's about it. I spent the day yelling a lot. Hirah makes me abnormally loud.
The other day, Megan called me to ask for help buying Xavi a teeshirt. I was absolutely NO help. I think it's a good thing that I don't have a boyfriend.
S: Kim has a date today
Mum: really? so she's getting interested in boys now?
S: ..mum... we're all interested in boys. We hit puberty about six years ago and we've been interested in boys ever since. Would you prefer if we were interested in girls??
Friday, February 22, 2008
Legend of Zelda
Sarah: I have a crush on Link from Zelda.
Megan: Oh dear
Megan: Isn't he just like....a little elf man?
I Love Megan.
Megan: Oh dear
Megan: Isn't he just like....a little elf man?
I Love Megan.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Do you have a problem?
So yeah, there I am, happily tapping away at the computer. I'm nearly on fifty pages of "Living Quietly" so woo, go me!
Then my mum is all "you aren't talking to anyone you don't know are you?" and I'm all 'oh great mother's been reading the newspaper again.' man I wish she would stay away from those things. To be perfectly frank she can't handle the truth.
So I'm like "no mother I'm not talking to anyone I don't know" and then she starts talking about my other friends and how they are not online all the time and I am. Well duhhh.
To be fully honest i have no idea why I am always online. I don't know why I have more time than most people. I don't know what most people do with their day if they're not online. I know they can't be going out all day, no one does that. And if they're working....I don't think there's even enough work for them to be working on. So yes. Starting Monday I'm going to cut back on internetting. No more freaking fanfictions. I swear I've read half of It's really really bad...
Hokay, so that means no turning on the computer as soon as I get home from school. I will have to find other ways of amusing myself. Um Maybe I could...start scrapbooking? I really have no idea..
I wasn't going to watch naruto today because last week's really depressed me. You know it's pretty bad how completely obsessed I become with my fandoms..I don't think it's healthy. But there's not much I can do. Anyway I succumbed and it was okay, although there was some drug abuse!!
Vicky was all like "You should watch Bleach" and I'm like wow you really don't know me because goodness it's not a good idea to get Sarah into a NEW fandom. It's like going up to megan and offering to buy her soul in exchange for the season four boxset of Lost.
Hirah says she's going to dig a hold, then put in it a tin that says "nice hole" so that some day, someone will dig a hole, find it and be complimented.
If I get another cat, I'm goin to call it Itachi. It's just necessary.
Then my mum is all "you aren't talking to anyone you don't know are you?" and I'm all 'oh great mother's been reading the newspaper again.' man I wish she would stay away from those things. To be perfectly frank she can't handle the truth.
So I'm like "no mother I'm not talking to anyone I don't know" and then she starts talking about my other friends and how they are not online all the time and I am. Well duhhh.
To be fully honest i have no idea why I am always online. I don't know why I have more time than most people. I don't know what most people do with their day if they're not online. I know they can't be going out all day, no one does that. And if they're working....I don't think there's even enough work for them to be working on. So yes. Starting Monday I'm going to cut back on internetting. No more freaking fanfictions. I swear I've read half of It's really really bad...
Hokay, so that means no turning on the computer as soon as I get home from school. I will have to find other ways of amusing myself. Um Maybe I could...start scrapbooking? I really have no idea..
I wasn't going to watch naruto today because last week's really depressed me. You know it's pretty bad how completely obsessed I become with my fandoms..I don't think it's healthy. But there's not much I can do. Anyway I succumbed and it was okay, although there was some drug abuse!!
Vicky was all like "You should watch Bleach" and I'm like wow you really don't know me because goodness it's not a good idea to get Sarah into a NEW fandom. It's like going up to megan and offering to buy her soul in exchange for the season four boxset of Lost.
Hirah says she's going to dig a hold, then put in it a tin that says "nice hole" so that some day, someone will dig a hole, find it and be complimented.
If I get another cat, I'm goin to call it Itachi. It's just necessary.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Messy Break-Up
(22:45:11)*9mil: you're breaking up with me aren't you?
(22:45:14) Sarizard: ahhahah
(22:45:17) Sarizard: I'm sorry it's just not working
(22:45:21)*9mil: :'O
(22:45:22) Sarizard: I'm a free spirit baby
(22:45:25)*9mil: NOOOOO!
(22:45:26) Sarizard: I can't be tied down like this
(22:45:30)*9mil: *sobs*
(22:45:42)*9mil: *eats chocolate*
(22:45:52) Sarizard: I'm sorry...but did you really think it was going to work? You're a librarian, I'm a person who pretends to shop for jam
(22:45:59) Sarizard: we're really just like romeo and juliet
(22:46:01)*9mil: HAHAHAHAHA
(22:46:10) Sarizard: can't you see the modern day parallels?
(22:46:11)*9mil: I mean... *sobsob*
(22:46:25)*9mil: so... that's it then?
(22:46:27) Sarizard: ahahh
(22:46:27) Sarizard: um
(22:46:29) Sarizard: sorry
(22:46:34) Sarizard: Can't get any coherent thoughts out right now
(22:46:38) Sarizard: *Breaths*
(22:46:39)*9mil: FINE
(22:46:45)*9mil: *tears up your letter*
(22:46:47) Sarizard: NOOO
(22:46:50) Sarizard: but
(22:46:53)*9mil: >:\
(22:46:56) Sarizard: can I have custody of Hazelyn?
(22:47:02)*9mil: NO!
(22:47:04) Sarizard: dammmn
(22:47:10) Sarizard: thought it ws worth it to ask
(22:47:11)*9mil: you'll feed her imaginary jam. I know you will.
(22:47:25)*9mil: and she only likes MY cooking anyway.
(22:48:01) Sarizard: can you take Olive?
(22:48:27)*9mil: I'm not sure crackers would like the competition...
(22:48:33) Sarizard: Gaaaah
(22:48:34)*9mil: although crackers and olives make a lovely snack...
(22:48:41) Sarizard: this break up is not working out favourably for me
(22:48:58) Sarizard: and I'll lose my friends and family discount on...library books..
(22:45:14) Sarizard: ahhahah
(22:45:17) Sarizard: I'm sorry it's just not working
(22:45:21)*9mil: :'O
(22:45:22) Sarizard: I'm a free spirit baby
(22:45:25)*9mil: NOOOOO!
(22:45:26) Sarizard: I can't be tied down like this
(22:45:30)*9mil: *sobs*
(22:45:42)*9mil: *eats chocolate*
(22:45:52) Sarizard: I'm sorry...but did you really think it was going to work? You're a librarian, I'm a person who pretends to shop for jam
(22:45:59) Sarizard: we're really just like romeo and juliet
(22:46:01)*9mil: HAHAHAHAHA
(22:46:10) Sarizard: can't you see the modern day parallels?
(22:46:11)*9mil: I mean... *sobsob*
(22:46:25)*9mil: so... that's it then?
(22:46:27) Sarizard: ahahh
(22:46:27) Sarizard: um
(22:46:29) Sarizard: sorry
(22:46:34) Sarizard: Can't get any coherent thoughts out right now
(22:46:38) Sarizard: *Breaths*
(22:46:39)*9mil: FINE
(22:46:45)*9mil: *tears up your letter*
(22:46:47) Sarizard: NOOO
(22:46:50) Sarizard: but
(22:46:53)*9mil: >:\
(22:46:56) Sarizard: can I have custody of Hazelyn?
(22:47:02)*9mil: NO!
(22:47:04) Sarizard: dammmn
(22:47:10) Sarizard: thought it ws worth it to ask
(22:47:11)*9mil: you'll feed her imaginary jam. I know you will.
(22:47:25)*9mil: and she only likes MY cooking anyway.
(22:48:01) Sarizard: can you take Olive?
(22:48:27)*9mil: I'm not sure crackers would like the competition...
(22:48:33) Sarizard: Gaaaah
(22:48:34)*9mil: although crackers and olives make a lovely snack...
(22:48:41) Sarizard: this break up is not working out favourably for me
(22:48:58) Sarizard: and I'll lose my friends and family discount on...library books..
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