Sunday, December 18, 2005

Today, another one.

What did I do today? Nothing. As I'm sure you wel know. I never do anything. I rarely leave the house, and when I do it's not to do anything interesting, nothing anyone else in my situation would to, and if it isn't it's only because they avoid embarking on such dull endevours.
I managed to completely blow minal off today, when she suggested meeting up in the holidays. I don't know why. I just did. I don't want to go and I don't know why. It's my fault.

I wrapped up my presents for my friends today, I can't wrap anything. I wrote their cards. My handwriting was barely legible. I bet they'll think I didn't put any effort in, but I did. I don't know why I couldn't write neatly, or use a bit more selotape. I bet their presents for me will be beautifully wrapped.

Mum suggested I take a friend to centre parks. I couldn't think of anyone I would take. My school friends would all get annoyed with me within a day, I'm constantly arguing with my friends from the circle, and I'm not surprised, I'm such a moody cow I'm shocked they don't just slap me. Even if I could take my internet friends I wouldn't. It's obvious that most of them don't like me. The conversations are so weak. I know they are getting bored of my whining all the time, and I have to stop, but I can't help it. I can help it. I'm just being selfish. I should be more cheerful. I bet in real life, they wouldn't be able to deal with say, ten minutes of my company. They'd be so bored and wish they'd never suggested a meet up.

Rob mentioned that I would be missing out on meeting him, Geo and Laura. I felt so bad that I didn't care. I'm not missing out, and they certainly aren't either. Everyone wins.

Adam and Meag are going out, that deserves a mention. I'm horribly jealous, because all Adam does is talk about Meag, but I suppose this is how he felt about Rob, but worse, because he liked me, and I only like him as a mother. Yes, he's my adopted son. Meag is super pretty. She has lovely blonde hair and a cute face. My hair is triangle shaped.

I have to go and play squash tomorrow, it's not going to be the most fun ever. I don't know. Knowing me I'll be really grumpy and argue with Kat, that'll just make everything perfect.

Actually, there is no actual arguing, just a ton of hard feelings and swallowing acid on my part. Because if I don't no one else will.

I'm on this new forum, full of like 24 year olds. That's me, in 8 years. How depressing. I almost hope someone shoots me. Almost. Maybe tomorrow I'll get hit by a car. I wonder what Ue will think. I hope they care. But they wont I suppose. No one on Ue even knows me any more. It's my own fault for not keeping up with the new members but I can't bear it.

That's all for now I think. Any more and I'll depress myself even more than I already have. Love and Peaches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you *goes in humph*