Gosh I'm sleepy today. I think ti's because I was outside doing this weird biology coursework. We have to count this species of plant, it's called Cats Ear. Basically it's freeezing outside, and therefore i expend a lot of energy keeping warm. Thus I am now exhausted.
Today I gave kimberly her secret santa, which was a comic book i made for her. I hope she liked it...I feel like she might have preferred if I had given her something like a dvd voucher, but that feels so impersonal.
It's Mohan's birthday today. she's actually nineteen which is weird, because I'm not eighteen yet. Aah I'd hate to be nineteen, I'm glad I'm still seventeen. I kinda wish I was sixteen!!!
Tomorrow I'm going to south africa, which should be good, I guess. Too bad that's two weeks without the internet...I'm gonna explodeee. Eeep biology, chemistry and history coursework. I think I've got it all down, but there is still a worry in my mind...oh well, worse case scenario i have to make it up in my exams. I can do that though, surely.
Yawwwn I'm so dozy, I think I'm going to go...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It's nearly christmas
for some reason this year listening to christmas songs makes me feel like gagging. It just seems so pathetic! And I really really can't stand it when people start singing to themselves, or with a group of friends. Man that pisses me off.
today Mush and Nandi left, we didn't really give them a good leaving party or anything, but it's harder now days, I don't know why, but we're not as....vivid as we used to be. Instead we just chatted a bit. I wrote them a letter that they can read wheneve and hopefully it'll cheer them and help them to remember us. To be honest, Mushana seems really gutted about leaving me for a month or so. I didn't realise she was so attached to me. It's not like I don't like her, I really do, but I suppose the fact that we're going to see each other after the holiday means that I wasn't so upset about the whole thing. but then that's me, since when have I been upset that I wouldn't see someone for a while? I remember when I was in year ten, Kat was really upset that she wouldn't see me over the christmas holidays and I didn't get why. I don't think that makes me a bad person or anything, just different.
I gave Mohan a ring this morning, to match the paper clip one that she made for me. Well, that Vicky made for her to give to me. It's just a pipe cleaner but she seems to like it, so that's cool. I had a chat with Alyesha and Rachel and I feel much better now. I guess I was blowing things out of proportion before. hehe, ya, sounds like me. I just sometimes get confused with what's real, and what's not, like what is serious and what I'm making up to amuse myself.
In chemistry today we learnt about nmr. I think I understood it to begin with, but now that we're given questions on it I'm completely confused. It's really annoying as well because Nicola isn't here, and Mohan never helps me. Minal would, but she doesn't completely get it either, so there's no point in asking her. Basically I need to figure some stuff out for myself. I suppose that's like life, right? You can't keep asking for directions, after a while you have to make up your own mind. Wow that's pretty deep, and you know I'm shallow as a dish. Well at least I pretend to be most of the time. I feel it makes things easier. And if you're stupid enough to believe that it's true, well that's youre loss, huh.
Do you know that if all of my friends died now, we'd all regret the same thing? it's not rocket science though, I mean everyone in our situation would regret it. I feel bad that anyone who reads my blog will wonder what the hell I'm doing. See I'm not writing it for people anymore, I'm writing it for myself. Yes I like it when people comment and by people I mean Yas or Megan, but it's okay if they don't, because it's good to get thoughts out on paper likes this. and I have a lot of thoughts!!!
The ground was frozen today, and I had to walk carefully on my way to school to avoid tripping. Fishy yelled my name and I turned around and waited for her on the road. I didn't realise she could yell so loud. Then we walked the rest of the way together, I like fishy, she's cool. I wonder if she likes being called Fishy, or if she'd prefer Fiona? She doesn't seem like the kind of person that would care.
I have the death note soundtrack stuck in my head.
today Mush and Nandi left, we didn't really give them a good leaving party or anything, but it's harder now days, I don't know why, but we're not as....vivid as we used to be. Instead we just chatted a bit. I wrote them a letter that they can read wheneve and hopefully it'll cheer them and help them to remember us. To be honest, Mushana seems really gutted about leaving me for a month or so. I didn't realise she was so attached to me. It's not like I don't like her, I really do, but I suppose the fact that we're going to see each other after the holiday means that I wasn't so upset about the whole thing. but then that's me, since when have I been upset that I wouldn't see someone for a while? I remember when I was in year ten, Kat was really upset that she wouldn't see me over the christmas holidays and I didn't get why. I don't think that makes me a bad person or anything, just different.
I gave Mohan a ring this morning, to match the paper clip one that she made for me. Well, that Vicky made for her to give to me. It's just a pipe cleaner but she seems to like it, so that's cool. I had a chat with Alyesha and Rachel and I feel much better now. I guess I was blowing things out of proportion before. hehe, ya, sounds like me. I just sometimes get confused with what's real, and what's not, like what is serious and what I'm making up to amuse myself.
In chemistry today we learnt about nmr. I think I understood it to begin with, but now that we're given questions on it I'm completely confused. It's really annoying as well because Nicola isn't here, and Mohan never helps me. Minal would, but she doesn't completely get it either, so there's no point in asking her. Basically I need to figure some stuff out for myself. I suppose that's like life, right? You can't keep asking for directions, after a while you have to make up your own mind. Wow that's pretty deep, and you know I'm shallow as a dish. Well at least I pretend to be most of the time. I feel it makes things easier. And if you're stupid enough to believe that it's true, well that's youre loss, huh.
Do you know that if all of my friends died now, we'd all regret the same thing? it's not rocket science though, I mean everyone in our situation would regret it. I feel bad that anyone who reads my blog will wonder what the hell I'm doing. See I'm not writing it for people anymore, I'm writing it for myself. Yes I like it when people comment and by people I mean Yas or Megan, but it's okay if they don't, because it's good to get thoughts out on paper likes this. and I have a lot of thoughts!!!
The ground was frozen today, and I had to walk carefully on my way to school to avoid tripping. Fishy yelled my name and I turned around and waited for her on the road. I didn't realise she could yell so loud. Then we walked the rest of the way together, I like fishy, she's cool. I wonder if she likes being called Fishy, or if she'd prefer Fiona? She doesn't seem like the kind of person that would care.
I have the death note soundtrack stuck in my head.
Monday, December 10, 2007
If this was a movie...
I couldn't sleep last night. It was the weirdest thing. I can't remember the last time I couldn't sleep. It all started off normally, at half ten I went offline and said to Mohan that I was going to sleep, turned off the computer, locked up the house and went upstairs. I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs and got into bed and then....and then I just didn't fall asleep! It's hard to know how long to wait before it becomes obvious that you're not falling asleep you know? I lay there for about an hour, thinking about things in my head, I was pretty happy actually, I was enjoying being me, that happens every now and then and I love the feeling.
After about an hour, I started to get annoyed, tossing and turning, eventually after lying with my face in the pillow for about ten minutes, I got up and fumbled around in the dark until I found my soap bubbles. I figured that soap bubbles would relax me, because I love them and everyone knows it. Unfortunately for me, the soap bubbles are harder to blow when you've got your retainer in and for some reason taking my retainer out didn't seem like a good idea. So I blew the bubbles a bit, but I couldn't see them so great what with it still being dark.
Eventually, I got back into bed, and lay there for a bit more, but I still couldn't sleep, so I opened the curtains and stared out of the window. Man it was so windy! I can't remember the last time it was that windy. And the trees were all skeletal and the clouds were out. It was actually really bright, I was surprised. Doesn't it get dark any more? It was reeeeaaally beautiful actually. I stared out for ages, and my breath misted up the window which was annoying, and eventually I started drifting off, so I figured I could go to sleep, so I lay back down, closed the curtains etc and tried to be as quiet as possible so that I didn't wake up my mum. I STILL couldn't sleep, so I figured I would read a boring book.
Of course, the time I couldn't sleep and wanted to read a boring book would be the time that I'd had my cambridge interview and therefore didn't have anything boring that I had to read. Also I didn't need to do anymore reading for my history, so I ended up reading some poetry by Emily Dickeson, out of the book that Yasamin gave me for my birthday. It was good you know, I haven't looked at the book in a while, not since about a month after I got it, and I was rereading all my favourites. I like the short ones the best, because each word is so important, you can imagine that if you changed one word the whole thing would fall apart. Reminds me of match stick houses actually, you know, like the models made out of match sticks. If you move one matchstick they all fall down, but you know, they're only matchsticks. I was reading the one about the bed, that turns out to be a grave, that Yasamin says is her favourite. I'm not sure if I'd read it before, I'm not really into sitting down and reading through a poetry book, I prefer reading bits and pieces here and there, so I don't think I've read the whole thing before. I skimmed through it all last night, just stopping at the poems that I wanted to read or that caught my eye. It's a pretty short book though, so I finished in about half an hour. Then I decided to read "The Time Traveller's Wife" which was okay for a bit, but it didn't really grip me and I was really aware of the awkward angle I was sitting at and how small the text is. I wonder if it's one of those books that you can only read once, and after that it's not the same, because I remember really enjoying it when I read it this summer. I used to go into the garden and lie on a beach towel and read it on the few sunny days.
I think I had a look through my bookshelf, but I didn't really want to read anything, I don't think. Eventually I got sick of not working and got some chemistry revision guide out and tried to learn something from that. I think it worked, let's see...
Aldehydes and ketones can be reduced by NABH(4)...surely that can't be the only thing that I learnt. I mean I stayed up for ages, I must have learnt something else...oh, I think I learnt the mechanism for the addition of the CN- nucleophile to an aldehydes. I'm ...confused. I must have learnt more than that, but that's all I can remember. Did I learn something about esters?
I remember that Paul Runs Down Many Paths. Which is what you do to identify a carbonyl compound. You add 2,4, DNP then you get an orange precipitate. After that you Purify, Recrystallise, Dry, and compare Melting Points to those of known compounds. Ah, surely I shoud know more than this...I guess not.
Eventually the chemistry tired me out and I went to sleep. Phenol..I know things about phenol. It acts like an acid because it can donate protons, that's because the oxygen's lone pair becomes part of the delocalised system, weakening the H-O bond so it's easily lost. It just reacts normally with alkalis, forming ionic salts just like you'd expect. Nothing particularly interesting there.
It's not my fault that Mohan is spending all her time reading porn. you know she acts like I'm into weird stuff, but she's far worse. I guess I respect that she admits it. I'm surprised that no one else is weirded out though. I guess that means that everyone is a secret pervert. Everyone. that means EVERYONE.
I have chemistry next with mr kearsey. I think mr kearsey likes me, he's lofffffly. He's a nice teacher. Unfortunately nicola isn't here today so I don't know who I'm going to copy in chemistry. I'll try and copy mohan's but she's not half as obliging as Nicola. Maybe i'll just steal nicola's and read it...I wonder if anyone will notice..and or care...
Tonight, I will study chemistry. that is all.
After about an hour, I started to get annoyed, tossing and turning, eventually after lying with my face in the pillow for about ten minutes, I got up and fumbled around in the dark until I found my soap bubbles. I figured that soap bubbles would relax me, because I love them and everyone knows it. Unfortunately for me, the soap bubbles are harder to blow when you've got your retainer in and for some reason taking my retainer out didn't seem like a good idea. So I blew the bubbles a bit, but I couldn't see them so great what with it still being dark.
Eventually, I got back into bed, and lay there for a bit more, but I still couldn't sleep, so I opened the curtains and stared out of the window. Man it was so windy! I can't remember the last time it was that windy. And the trees were all skeletal and the clouds were out. It was actually really bright, I was surprised. Doesn't it get dark any more? It was reeeeaaally beautiful actually. I stared out for ages, and my breath misted up the window which was annoying, and eventually I started drifting off, so I figured I could go to sleep, so I lay back down, closed the curtains etc and tried to be as quiet as possible so that I didn't wake up my mum. I STILL couldn't sleep, so I figured I would read a boring book.
Of course, the time I couldn't sleep and wanted to read a boring book would be the time that I'd had my cambridge interview and therefore didn't have anything boring that I had to read. Also I didn't need to do anymore reading for my history, so I ended up reading some poetry by Emily Dickeson, out of the book that Yasamin gave me for my birthday. It was good you know, I haven't looked at the book in a while, not since about a month after I got it, and I was rereading all my favourites. I like the short ones the best, because each word is so important, you can imagine that if you changed one word the whole thing would fall apart. Reminds me of match stick houses actually, you know, like the models made out of match sticks. If you move one matchstick they all fall down, but you know, they're only matchsticks. I was reading the one about the bed, that turns out to be a grave, that Yasamin says is her favourite. I'm not sure if I'd read it before, I'm not really into sitting down and reading through a poetry book, I prefer reading bits and pieces here and there, so I don't think I've read the whole thing before. I skimmed through it all last night, just stopping at the poems that I wanted to read or that caught my eye. It's a pretty short book though, so I finished in about half an hour. Then I decided to read "The Time Traveller's Wife" which was okay for a bit, but it didn't really grip me and I was really aware of the awkward angle I was sitting at and how small the text is. I wonder if it's one of those books that you can only read once, and after that it's not the same, because I remember really enjoying it when I read it this summer. I used to go into the garden and lie on a beach towel and read it on the few sunny days.
I think I had a look through my bookshelf, but I didn't really want to read anything, I don't think. Eventually I got sick of not working and got some chemistry revision guide out and tried to learn something from that. I think it worked, let's see...
Aldehydes and ketones can be reduced by NABH(4)...surely that can't be the only thing that I learnt. I mean I stayed up for ages, I must have learnt something else...oh, I think I learnt the mechanism for the addition of the CN- nucleophile to an aldehydes. I'm ...confused. I must have learnt more than that, but that's all I can remember. Did I learn something about esters?
I remember that Paul Runs Down Many Paths. Which is what you do to identify a carbonyl compound. You add 2,4, DNP then you get an orange precipitate. After that you Purify, Recrystallise, Dry, and compare Melting Points to those of known compounds. Ah, surely I shoud know more than this...I guess not.
Eventually the chemistry tired me out and I went to sleep. Phenol..I know things about phenol. It acts like an acid because it can donate protons, that's because the oxygen's lone pair becomes part of the delocalised system, weakening the H-O bond so it's easily lost. It just reacts normally with alkalis, forming ionic salts just like you'd expect. Nothing particularly interesting there.
It's not my fault that Mohan is spending all her time reading porn. you know she acts like I'm into weird stuff, but she's far worse. I guess I respect that she admits it. I'm surprised that no one else is weirded out though. I guess that means that everyone is a secret pervert. Everyone. that means EVERYONE.
I have chemistry next with mr kearsey. I think mr kearsey likes me, he's lofffffly. He's a nice teacher. Unfortunately nicola isn't here today so I don't know who I'm going to copy in chemistry. I'll try and copy mohan's but she's not half as obliging as Nicola. Maybe i'll just steal nicola's and read it...I wonder if anyone will notice..and or care...
Tonight, I will study chemistry. that is all.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Do you know my friend Megan? So the other day, she actually went to this exhibition of that Harry Potter book, and pretended that she actually ahd enough money to take part in the auction. She's funny, that Megan. See, she's dedicated. Dedicated enough to pretend to be an aristocrat who can afford to spend hundreds and hundreds of pounds on a book.
Right so, my fingers are kinda cold, so I can't type very well. But if I sit on them and warm them up, then I wont be able to type at all. So basically we have what they call a "catch Twenty Two Situation." Maybe there could be an epic play made of out my plight. I could star in it.
See, I would really like a phone with a ringtone, I feel it would be the epitome of expression, to have my favourite something play whenever anyone calls me. Yes, I am thinking of "pump it" by the Black Eyed Peas, just to be hillarious. But I can't do that because my phone is from the dark ages where you have monotonic ringtones. Yeah you heard me. But then if I get a new phone I wouldnt' be able to use my harry potter cover and I DO LOVE MY HARRY POTTER COVER.
I've been reading too many fanfictions, so that in my life now, I feel like it must be a fanfiction, as in the actions that people do must be motivated by deep emotions such as hate or love. Unless it's a crack fic. Actually that would be my life really as a fanfic. A crackfic, where everyone's crazy and there's no plot.
Yep, that sounds about right.
So we've got my friends, and the whole situation is a bit weird to be honest. Nandi and I don't understand a thing the other says, Mushana has officially lost it, Mohan hates me, for unknown reasons, Vicky apparently likes me but I've no idea why, Fishy keeps trying to put boxes on my head and Kim is ACTUALLY STUDYING. What is this? Treachery is what it is. Anyway, it's driving me crazy and I was crazy to begin with. My head is all bouncing around between trying to be normal, and trying to figure out what my friends are on about. The whole thing just go so ridiculous. I've never been part of a big group of friends before, you see. Generally I just have one or two friends who are completely devoted to me and would do anything for me. Not that it wouldn't be mutual, but it's different to the situation that I have here.
I suppose part of the problem is that I loveeee it in my head. I'm just so fun to spend time with. Except people don't get it when I start laughing about something I said. Maybe cause it's not particularly funny. Or maybe because they think I'm thinking perverted thoughts. I'm which not. I can laugh at things that aren't perverted, you know. It's happened maybe seven or eight times in my life so far.
Hah ah. Kuukukukukukuku. That was laughter in the style of this anime character called Orochimaru. He's weeeiiird.
Oh, so you know aldehydes, if you add acidified potassium dichromate to them, then they turn from orange to green. It's a good test.
Meeep, I should learn things, but I'm really not in the mood. Not that I ever am. Maybe I'll just go back to reading some fanfics..... Laterzzz
Right so, my fingers are kinda cold, so I can't type very well. But if I sit on them and warm them up, then I wont be able to type at all. So basically we have what they call a "catch Twenty Two Situation." Maybe there could be an epic play made of out my plight. I could star in it.
See, I would really like a phone with a ringtone, I feel it would be the epitome of expression, to have my favourite something play whenever anyone calls me. Yes, I am thinking of "pump it" by the Black Eyed Peas, just to be hillarious. But I can't do that because my phone is from the dark ages where you have monotonic ringtones. Yeah you heard me. But then if I get a new phone I wouldnt' be able to use my harry potter cover and I DO LOVE MY HARRY POTTER COVER.
I've been reading too many fanfictions, so that in my life now, I feel like it must be a fanfiction, as in the actions that people do must be motivated by deep emotions such as hate or love. Unless it's a crack fic. Actually that would be my life really as a fanfic. A crackfic, where everyone's crazy and there's no plot.
Yep, that sounds about right.
So we've got my friends, and the whole situation is a bit weird to be honest. Nandi and I don't understand a thing the other says, Mushana has officially lost it, Mohan hates me, for unknown reasons, Vicky apparently likes me but I've no idea why, Fishy keeps trying to put boxes on my head and Kim is ACTUALLY STUDYING. What is this? Treachery is what it is. Anyway, it's driving me crazy and I was crazy to begin with. My head is all bouncing around between trying to be normal, and trying to figure out what my friends are on about. The whole thing just go so ridiculous. I've never been part of a big group of friends before, you see. Generally I just have one or two friends who are completely devoted to me and would do anything for me. Not that it wouldn't be mutual, but it's different to the situation that I have here.
I suppose part of the problem is that I loveeee it in my head. I'm just so fun to spend time with. Except people don't get it when I start laughing about something I said. Maybe cause it's not particularly funny. Or maybe because they think I'm thinking perverted thoughts. I'm which not. I can laugh at things that aren't perverted, you know. It's happened maybe seven or eight times in my life so far.
Hah ah. Kuukukukukukuku. That was laughter in the style of this anime character called Orochimaru. He's weeeiiird.
Oh, so you know aldehydes, if you add acidified potassium dichromate to them, then they turn from orange to green. It's a good test.
Meeep, I should learn things, but I'm really not in the mood. Not that I ever am. Maybe I'll just go back to reading some fanfics..... Laterzzz
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Icha Icha Paradise
Typinggggg like there's no tomorrow...typing up a storm, oh look olive just came in to the room, hey olive, you rock. Even though you're just a cat and you don't listen to music and you've never been to a concert. i didn't mean it like that and you know it.
So right, I should be soooo revising, Chemistry yeah, cause I have this module test in january and you know what? I KNOW NOTHING. I mean this one time, I read that benzene had three delocalised pi bonds...then I became so disgusted with life I went upstairs to see if I could hang myself. Well I didn't, but I wanted to see if there was any where that I could have hung myself. Cause I heard that if you actually wanted to kill yourself you might find it harder than you thought, what with lack of beams, throwing up after ODing, it's all pretty tough.
Oh, I had this Cambridge interview the other day and my god I messed it up. It was SO BAD I would have done anything and I mean anything to have just not been there. To have been ANYWHERE ELSE. It's a bit scary to think like that..
Man it's raining, it's been raining all night and now it's still raining! England is a wet place to live in, you know. Oh check this, olive has turned her back on me. SHE TURNED HER BACK ON ME? she thinks she's too good well I'll show her. Wth this...rubber. *throws rubber* crap I missed. Damn.
I've been wondering...what noise does a moose make? I want to say "mook" but I dont think that's right..."mook" don't seem like a noise than an animal could make.
I think I have fat cheeks. Like...a ...hamster! Yeah, what if people notice my fat cheeks and call me a hamster? I could cut the cheeks off...but I don't want to do that !!! I think I like having fat cheeks. I'm not entirely certain but that's because I'm so fickle. I've been practicing sucking my cheeks in so that I look like I have a thin face but that makes me look constipated and it's better to look like a hamster than constipated. Actually it makes me look like a starved, constipated hamster. I dont know what's going on but I think I see hamsters when I look in the mirror and I'm SURE that's not what's supposed to happen right? RIGHT?
Urg, chemistryyyy...it's so boring, all all the weird things you have to learn..I don't know how Mohan and Nicola learn all this crappp. Yeah well, I can learn crap just like everyone else. DAMN STRAIGHT, they're not leaving me behind. I'll show them that I'm not a moron..they keep calling me a moron. Actually just Mohan but I think that's just an inferiority complex because she's aware that I'm just so clever brilliant and beeeeaaautiful. Yeah, I think she's crushing on me. Can't blame her, I AM gorgeous. But she's so not my type. She should go crush on Vicky. Haha, as though Vicky would be up for that. She'd freak out so fast...
My mum bought me these dried fruit things, well I asked her to because they looked pretty, but now she's all "they were really expensive." it's like...sultanas and cranberries. It's pretty yummy I guess, but then after a while it makes your mouth feel reallllly weird, like it's numb or something...and your tongue goes all dry and shit. It's a bit strange. So I just eat little bits at a time.
Speaking of my eating habits, I've learned to unpeel an orange so that you just get one longgggg spiral of peel. Hell yes. That takes skilllllz.. Maaaaan I should study...but I reallly don't want to...Studying is so troublesome, hehe.
So right, I should be soooo revising, Chemistry yeah, cause I have this module test in january and you know what? I KNOW NOTHING. I mean this one time, I read that benzene had three delocalised pi bonds...then I became so disgusted with life I went upstairs to see if I could hang myself. Well I didn't, but I wanted to see if there was any where that I could have hung myself. Cause I heard that if you actually wanted to kill yourself you might find it harder than you thought, what with lack of beams, throwing up after ODing, it's all pretty tough.
Oh, I had this Cambridge interview the other day and my god I messed it up. It was SO BAD I would have done anything and I mean anything to have just not been there. To have been ANYWHERE ELSE. It's a bit scary to think like that..
Man it's raining, it's been raining all night and now it's still raining! England is a wet place to live in, you know. Oh check this, olive has turned her back on me. SHE TURNED HER BACK ON ME? she thinks she's too good well I'll show her. Wth this...rubber. *throws rubber* crap I missed. Damn.
I've been wondering...what noise does a moose make? I want to say "mook" but I dont think that's right..."mook" don't seem like a noise than an animal could make.
I think I have fat cheeks. Like...a ...hamster! Yeah, what if people notice my fat cheeks and call me a hamster? I could cut the cheeks off...but I don't want to do that !!! I think I like having fat cheeks. I'm not entirely certain but that's because I'm so fickle. I've been practicing sucking my cheeks in so that I look like I have a thin face but that makes me look constipated and it's better to look like a hamster than constipated. Actually it makes me look like a starved, constipated hamster. I dont know what's going on but I think I see hamsters when I look in the mirror and I'm SURE that's not what's supposed to happen right? RIGHT?
Urg, chemistryyyy...it's so boring, all all the weird things you have to learn..I don't know how Mohan and Nicola learn all this crappp. Yeah well, I can learn crap just like everyone else. DAMN STRAIGHT, they're not leaving me behind. I'll show them that I'm not a moron..they keep calling me a moron. Actually just Mohan but I think that's just an inferiority complex because she's aware that I'm just so clever brilliant and beeeeaaautiful. Yeah, I think she's crushing on me. Can't blame her, I AM gorgeous. But she's so not my type. She should go crush on Vicky. Haha, as though Vicky would be up for that. She'd freak out so fast...
My mum bought me these dried fruit things, well I asked her to because they looked pretty, but now she's all "they were really expensive." it's like...sultanas and cranberries. It's pretty yummy I guess, but then after a while it makes your mouth feel reallllly weird, like it's numb or something...and your tongue goes all dry and shit. It's a bit strange. So I just eat little bits at a time.
Speaking of my eating habits, I've learned to unpeel an orange so that you just get one longgggg spiral of peel. Hell yes. That takes skilllllz.. Maaaaan I should study...but I reallly don't want to...Studying is so troublesome, hehe.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wild Sarizard Attacked!
I haven't much to say, you see and therefore I've not said much.
Ucas! Meeeeeep. And ramadan, oh the fasting! It makes me sleepy. But it's harder on the first days, after that it's okay. I'm a bit annoyed because we're going to someone else's house to break fast, but I suppose I'll get over it.
I'm supposed to be editting my book, but I do about a chapter and then get really really irritated. I hope it's cause I'm fasting.
School is school. I find myself clock watching more often than I like to. My friends are great thought. Homework seems to pass me straight by. And then I'm like what??? we had homework?? I didn't do it! I just hope that I do okay in the tests. I'm sure I should. I'm good at tests, right?
Year thirteen is strange, everything is a last, last first day, last open evening, last autumn assessments. I would have though it would be stranger having no one to look up to, but it's not.
I keep missing my stupid period, which is annoying because my mum keeps being on my case about it. What does she expect? I'm also super thin due to fasting, my stomach doesn't go OUT it goes DOWN! Isn't that cool?
University! Aaaaha. I don't know if it's for me, but I want to go anyway. I just want to have the funness, I'm not sure about the course. Maybe I should only apply for three year courses then? Or I'll change when I get on them. I'm just not really sure at all what I want to do.
I know I want to finish my book and send it to a few literary agents and hopefully get published, fingers crossed!
I think that's all, I lost Megan, no idea where she is or how she is but to be honest, I don't think I was making much of a difference anyway. Surprisingly, I wouldn't kill luke for breaking up with her, because I think I saw it coming or something. I would kill him for getting involved with her in the first place if he didn't think he would see it through, but I can't really blame him because Megan is really pretty and probably confused him with her femenine wiles. Yasamin troops on this week, alonnnnne with no cocktail.
Get ready for ISWEEK!
Ucas! Meeeeeep. And ramadan, oh the fasting! It makes me sleepy. But it's harder on the first days, after that it's okay. I'm a bit annoyed because we're going to someone else's house to break fast, but I suppose I'll get over it.
I'm supposed to be editting my book, but I do about a chapter and then get really really irritated. I hope it's cause I'm fasting.
School is school. I find myself clock watching more often than I like to. My friends are great thought. Homework seems to pass me straight by. And then I'm like what??? we had homework?? I didn't do it! I just hope that I do okay in the tests. I'm sure I should. I'm good at tests, right?
Year thirteen is strange, everything is a last, last first day, last open evening, last autumn assessments. I would have though it would be stranger having no one to look up to, but it's not.
I keep missing my stupid period, which is annoying because my mum keeps being on my case about it. What does she expect? I'm also super thin due to fasting, my stomach doesn't go OUT it goes DOWN! Isn't that cool?
University! Aaaaha. I don't know if it's for me, but I want to go anyway. I just want to have the funness, I'm not sure about the course. Maybe I should only apply for three year courses then? Or I'll change when I get on them. I'm just not really sure at all what I want to do.
I know I want to finish my book and send it to a few literary agents and hopefully get published, fingers crossed!
I think that's all, I lost Megan, no idea where she is or how she is but to be honest, I don't think I was making much of a difference anyway. Surprisingly, I wouldn't kill luke for breaking up with her, because I think I saw it coming or something. I would kill him for getting involved with her in the first place if he didn't think he would see it through, but I can't really blame him because Megan is really pretty and probably confused him with her femenine wiles. Yasamin troops on this week, alonnnnne with no cocktail.
Get ready for ISWEEK!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
As always I haven't been blogging. I think it's because I've been writing a lot, so I haven't been writing so much about me. Anyway, I've been talking a lot too so maybe I talked all the talk out of me.
I love the summer holidays, I feel like I spend all the summer holidays floating, you know?
I've been writing a lot, although I don't know how I'm ever going to get published at this rate. I just feel like I push my friends into reading my stuff even if they don't really like in.
On the plus side, I've written a lot of original fiction this summer and I prefer it to writing fanfics a l'instance.
How about peppermint tea. It makes your throat feel good!
Rachel and Kim are stars, brilliant brilliant friends. Kim is concerned about her boobs. Everyone, if you see Kim, tell her she had good boobs!!! It's what a friend would do.
I also miss Nandi and Mush but I think they should come back before school starts. It's a crime to miss school.
Okay, everyone, we are going to work this year. We all need to. No more sitting in the computer room and wasting time! We're going to STUDY in room 27 okay? OKAY? is that clear?
I can't believe we're going to university next year! (although rachel's dropping out to be a nail techincian) We're all so young, Fishy and Vicky can't go to university! They'll explode it! EXPLODE IT.
I love Megan, who is amaaaazing but thinks that she's shitty. But she's wrong! So wrong (call me, biatch)
That's all for now! Remember, this term STUDY STUDY STUDY!
I love the summer holidays, I feel like I spend all the summer holidays floating, you know?
I've been writing a lot, although I don't know how I'm ever going to get published at this rate. I just feel like I push my friends into reading my stuff even if they don't really like in.
On the plus side, I've written a lot of original fiction this summer and I prefer it to writing fanfics a l'instance.
How about peppermint tea. It makes your throat feel good!
Rachel and Kim are stars, brilliant brilliant friends. Kim is concerned about her boobs. Everyone, if you see Kim, tell her she had good boobs!!! It's what a friend would do.
I also miss Nandi and Mush but I think they should come back before school starts. It's a crime to miss school.
Okay, everyone, we are going to work this year. We all need to. No more sitting in the computer room and wasting time! We're going to STUDY in room 27 okay? OKAY? is that clear?
I can't believe we're going to university next year! (although rachel's dropping out to be a nail techincian) We're all so young, Fishy and Vicky can't go to university! They'll explode it! EXPLODE IT.
I love Megan, who is amaaaazing but thinks that she's shitty. But she's wrong! So wrong (call me, biatch)
That's all for now! Remember, this term STUDY STUDY STUDY!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Anything With a Postcode
Dang, I should write something. it's the summer holidays, and I've been getting up at midday. The perfect way to start the day. I generally try and get some reading done and then succumb to being useless. My brain is just not into it. It's also not into writing in this blog, so I had better think of something.
This years obsessions:
Doctor Who
David Tennant
I think that's it actually, not bad considering. Feel free to add any in a comment.
This years obsessions:
Doctor Who
David Tennant
I think that's it actually, not bad considering. Feel free to add any in a comment.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I've been watching Torchwood as of late. It's really pretty good, kinda off beat, but good at the same. I didn't expect to like Jack and the rest of the team half as much as I do! And I'm a loon, because I go around asking everyone I meet if they watch Doctor who and then going completely made if they do. Of course, Laura and I talk about the Whoverse non stop on line, and Megan and I chat away about it on the phone.
I just had a breif tussle with my friends. We went out to get some lunch, but I wanted a chocolate bar, not a sandwich and ran to buy it before my friends could stop me. Then they tried to get me to return it and buy something better, so I ran down the street screaming "SANCTUARY" and took a bite out of it. Hurrah! Civil liberties win!
My friends and I spend an unhealthy amount of time in the computer room. BLAH!
I just had a breif tussle with my friends. We went out to get some lunch, but I wanted a chocolate bar, not a sandwich and ran to buy it before my friends could stop me. Then they tried to get me to return it and buy something better, so I ran down the street screaming "SANCTUARY" and took a bite out of it. Hurrah! Civil liberties win!
My friends and I spend an unhealthy amount of time in the computer room. BLAH!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Here come the drums!
Yawn. I am so tired. Schoool should be illegal especially at this point in the school year. I mean, I took ages trying to wind down after my exams, but I think I went a bit too far, and now I'm just really sleepy. Sooo sleepy.
Some of my friends have discovered my online stories, which totally sucks, but I guess there's not much I can do about it. And I'm not going to write more here because the chances are they're going to read this. Because they have nothing better to do than stalk me. I'm like, famous.
So yesterday, my mum is like "when is your book coming out?" and I thought I'd written a book and my mum had secretly had it published and it was coming out soon, but she just meant when is Harry Potter Coming Out. That's the 22nd of July.
Urg, being a prefect is hard work. I have to do...speeches. And I am tired. I need to have a nap and then think about doing speeches. And helping on sports day.
I'm going to go now, before my friends run away without me.
Megan is the COOLEST.
Some of my friends have discovered my online stories, which totally sucks, but I guess there's not much I can do about it. And I'm not going to write more here because the chances are they're going to read this. Because they have nothing better to do than stalk me. I'm like, famous.
So yesterday, my mum is like "when is your book coming out?" and I thought I'd written a book and my mum had secretly had it published and it was coming out soon, but she just meant when is Harry Potter Coming Out. That's the 22nd of July.
Urg, being a prefect is hard work. I have to do...speeches. And I am tired. I need to have a nap and then think about doing speeches. And helping on sports day.
I'm going to go now, before my friends run away without me.
Megan is the COOLEST.
Monday, June 11, 2007
First day back
to be perfectly honest I had a bit of a crappy first day. I got in to a big argument about why ellen wasn't a bad person, and ended up saying that I supported the holocaust through some confusing link. Also, school was a bit pants and I didn't get enough sleep.
Urg, I did some lovely gardening, then there was this big thing between Melissah and Lottie and Jess, which I somehow got involved in. It's really none of my business..But I feel responsible, because they've all been such good friends to me at various points. I guess I side with Jess a little more, because she's the only one I'm in contact with right now. Melissah and Lottie sort of phased me out.
God, enough depressing things.
I'm reading bridget jones' diary again.
I had a lovely conversation on the phone with Megan, and I watched Hollyoaks.
Urg, I did some lovely gardening, then there was this big thing between Melissah and Lottie and Jess, which I somehow got involved in. It's really none of my business..But I feel responsible, because they've all been such good friends to me at various points. I guess I side with Jess a little more, because she's the only one I'm in contact with right now. Melissah and Lottie sort of phased me out.
God, enough depressing things.
I'm reading bridget jones' diary again.
I had a lovely conversation on the phone with Megan, and I watched Hollyoaks.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Year Twelve
Wow! I've pretty much finished year twelve! I've had my exams, two in each subject, and on monday I go back to school to start my year thirteen syllabus. It's just unbelievable, me, in year thirteen. Doing my A-Levels.
So let's summarise the year. I've made tonnes of new friends, and stayed in touch with most of my old ones which is something. I've probably got more work done than your average seventeen year old. And look at that, I'm seventeen! I wrote the Marmalade Chronicles which were fantastic, if you don't mind my saying. I did a ridiculous amount of extra curricular activities. I really go into Doctor Who :p I went out more than I'm used to, and I had a great time. I made some very responsible decisions, and I slept a lot.
I think I developed well as a person, and I've kept my temper remarkably well. I've also managed to tone down my bitchyness and not really been particularly mean to anyone, I don't think.
It's strange to have nothing to do, but School on Monday, and it'll be work work work. No idea what subject I'm dropping, and no idea what course I'm taking. I still want to develop as a person, I'm not finished yet, so I don't know what kind of person I'll be or what job would be most suited.
Kim and I are getting way excited about the 21st of July which is of course the release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Does anyone know what a Deathly Hallow could be? It sounds a bit like Godric's Hollow. Hallow, Hollow. It sounds like I'm talking on a telephone.
I got myspace, which means I have another website to go to.
My internet life is a bit dull right now, but my regular life is pretty good. On Thursday, Rachel came around to my house at about 2ish, and we met Kim and Ellen at school at 3.45. Then we all went to eat at this nice restaurant which is lovely, because it's never full and they never turn you away. It wasn't vair expensive either, even though we were completely full afterwards, and we got tricked into buying olives and bread. I didn't want to, but Ellen and Kim insisted that it would be free. Shows what THEY know. Lollerskates.
I think it's great when you get to a place where you stop wanting to be friends with someone, or wishing that you could meet someone, and start to really appreciate your friends, instead of constantly reaching for something you can't attain, you just float. I feel like this year I've gotten that with Rachel and Kim, who are lovely, both for different reasons, both equally.
I'm also at war with one of my friends. We've divided into two teams. There is team Sarah, and Team phishy. I kidnapped Team phishy's most treasured possessions and held them ransom, then they stole my lunch and stationary, next I have something big planned, but I cannot divulge any information here, for fear of it being intercepted.
Todays Doctor Who was vair scary. I was scared. Hummm I'm going to have some hot chocolate. Also, Jess sent me a lovely mixed tape and I did some gardening.
So let's summarise the year. I've made tonnes of new friends, and stayed in touch with most of my old ones which is something. I've probably got more work done than your average seventeen year old. And look at that, I'm seventeen! I wrote the Marmalade Chronicles which were fantastic, if you don't mind my saying. I did a ridiculous amount of extra curricular activities. I really go into Doctor Who :p I went out more than I'm used to, and I had a great time. I made some very responsible decisions, and I slept a lot.
I think I developed well as a person, and I've kept my temper remarkably well. I've also managed to tone down my bitchyness and not really been particularly mean to anyone, I don't think.
It's strange to have nothing to do, but School on Monday, and it'll be work work work. No idea what subject I'm dropping, and no idea what course I'm taking. I still want to develop as a person, I'm not finished yet, so I don't know what kind of person I'll be or what job would be most suited.
Kim and I are getting way excited about the 21st of July which is of course the release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Does anyone know what a Deathly Hallow could be? It sounds a bit like Godric's Hollow. Hallow, Hollow. It sounds like I'm talking on a telephone.
I got myspace, which means I have another website to go to.
My internet life is a bit dull right now, but my regular life is pretty good. On Thursday, Rachel came around to my house at about 2ish, and we met Kim and Ellen at school at 3.45. Then we all went to eat at this nice restaurant which is lovely, because it's never full and they never turn you away. It wasn't vair expensive either, even though we were completely full afterwards, and we got tricked into buying olives and bread. I didn't want to, but Ellen and Kim insisted that it would be free. Shows what THEY know. Lollerskates.
I think it's great when you get to a place where you stop wanting to be friends with someone, or wishing that you could meet someone, and start to really appreciate your friends, instead of constantly reaching for something you can't attain, you just float. I feel like this year I've gotten that with Rachel and Kim, who are lovely, both for different reasons, both equally.
I'm also at war with one of my friends. We've divided into two teams. There is team Sarah, and Team phishy. I kidnapped Team phishy's most treasured possessions and held them ransom, then they stole my lunch and stationary, next I have something big planned, but I cannot divulge any information here, for fear of it being intercepted.
Todays Doctor Who was vair scary. I was scared. Hummm I'm going to have some hot chocolate. Also, Jess sent me a lovely mixed tape and I did some gardening.
doctor who,
Harry Potter,
year twelve
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My teef hurt!
And so the saga of orthodontical therapy continues. Now I have rubber bands on my teeth, I use them to align my jaw. Man is it fun.
Did you know... I'm a prefect?! I KNOW. Amazing. Absolutely amaaaazing.
My french exchange student and I got on SO well. It was unbelievable is what it was. It was like we were telepathic. Miss Bennet is apparently arranging a return trip, but I do not know if my mum will let me go, because you know how my mum is. Weird, she is weird. Anyway, speaking of my mum, she is washing her hands in the sink. We just had the following conversation.
S: What are you doing?
M: I'm going to pray. Why?
S: Just curious.
M: I can't make your lunch now.
S: Okay, I was just asking.
M: Alright, I was just saying.
Anyway, I thinkt hat conversation was a bit weird.
Do you want to know about the reactions of alcohols? There's dehydration, oxidation, reaction with sodium, nucleophilic addtion and esterification. I could draw diagrams, but you might throw old fruit at me.
I'm updating, because Emily, who sits in front of me in French and asked me to record the status of her hair each day complained that i never did. Rachel and I did not think Emily was very cool, but after sitting with her for a few lessons, it became apparent that she is actually very cool. She smiles a lot and opens her eyes really wide.
It's study leave, don't you know? That means I get a month of holiays, with little exams in between, but they aren't for ages, so it's ALL COOOL.
I'm watching Azumanga Daioh again, which is awesome and everyone should watch it. Also, Fishy stole my popcorn! THEIF.
Did you know... I'm a prefect?! I KNOW. Amazing. Absolutely amaaaazing.
My french exchange student and I got on SO well. It was unbelievable is what it was. It was like we were telepathic. Miss Bennet is apparently arranging a return trip, but I do not know if my mum will let me go, because you know how my mum is. Weird, she is weird. Anyway, speaking of my mum, she is washing her hands in the sink. We just had the following conversation.
S: What are you doing?
M: I'm going to pray. Why?
S: Just curious.
M: I can't make your lunch now.
S: Okay, I was just asking.
M: Alright, I was just saying.
Anyway, I thinkt hat conversation was a bit weird.
Do you want to know about the reactions of alcohols? There's dehydration, oxidation, reaction with sodium, nucleophilic addtion and esterification. I could draw diagrams, but you might throw old fruit at me.
I'm updating, because Emily, who sits in front of me in French and asked me to record the status of her hair each day complained that i never did. Rachel and I did not think Emily was very cool, but after sitting with her for a few lessons, it became apparent that she is actually very cool. She smiles a lot and opens her eyes really wide.
It's study leave, don't you know? That means I get a month of holiays, with little exams in between, but they aren't for ages, so it's ALL COOOL.
I'm watching Azumanga Daioh again, which is awesome and everyone should watch it. Also, Fishy stole my popcorn! THEIF.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Happy Birthday Duckie!!!
Dear Yasamin is seventeen today. My how she's grown. I remember when she was just a calm little girl from Sheffield, now she is a calmer little girl from Sheffield.
The miracle about Yasamin is that I understand her accent. Even though she's from up north. Unlike certain accents that I could mention, such as Laura's. Laura's accent is INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE.
I am, in school and I am writing my blog, which is a crime, and I am sorry, but I suppose I should not go to jail for it, and therefore it is okay.
Today, I feel like I am coming down with the flu. I hope I get the flu on Saturday properly, and it is gone by Tuesday. Unfortunately, I have a french exchange student coming on Thursday night, so I hope I am able to lift my head and smile blearily at her. If not, I shall suggest she indulges in English Culture by watching my many recorded episodes of Doctor Who, while I lie, comatosed and drugged up on paracetamol.
It's due time that I got a cold or ill in general. I had it coming so I can't complain.
Remember when Ue died? That was shocking. It was down for like, four days. I went on UEH which is confusing to navigate, but I am an admin on it, so I like it. I hope no one realises this and demotes me. I do not think I could take this blow to my ego.
Jessica sent me my birthday present which I recieved yesterday. It was AMAZING. And weirdest thing, today, someone slipped a paper crane into my bag, which I found just now when I opened it. Strange huh?
My friends have pranked me in return for my pranking them shortly before the easter holidays. They demand brownies, so I shall give them brownies. Can't promise the brownies will be edible.
I'm pretty tired and should do some of my work, so I'm going to go, hello to all, hang in there to everyone doing their AS levels, once we're over these two weeks it should be plain sailing!!!
The miracle about Yasamin is that I understand her accent. Even though she's from up north. Unlike certain accents that I could mention, such as Laura's. Laura's accent is INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE.
I am, in school and I am writing my blog, which is a crime, and I am sorry, but I suppose I should not go to jail for it, and therefore it is okay.
Today, I feel like I am coming down with the flu. I hope I get the flu on Saturday properly, and it is gone by Tuesday. Unfortunately, I have a french exchange student coming on Thursday night, so I hope I am able to lift my head and smile blearily at her. If not, I shall suggest she indulges in English Culture by watching my many recorded episodes of Doctor Who, while I lie, comatosed and drugged up on paracetamol.
It's due time that I got a cold or ill in general. I had it coming so I can't complain.
Remember when Ue died? That was shocking. It was down for like, four days. I went on UEH which is confusing to navigate, but I am an admin on it, so I like it. I hope no one realises this and demotes me. I do not think I could take this blow to my ego.
Jessica sent me my birthday present which I recieved yesterday. It was AMAZING. And weirdest thing, today, someone slipped a paper crane into my bag, which I found just now when I opened it. Strange huh?
My friends have pranked me in return for my pranking them shortly before the easter holidays. They demand brownies, so I shall give them brownies. Can't promise the brownies will be edible.
I'm pretty tired and should do some of my work, so I'm going to go, hello to all, hang in there to everyone doing their AS levels, once we're over these two weeks it should be plain sailing!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Today I committed a crime. I felt very bad about my crime.
Basically, before school, I was studying in the library, translating some french newspaper articles that we were looking at in class. I was using this nice dictionary which was quite small, when the bell went. I had to go to registration, but I hated registration because you never DO anything there. You just sit. And say "present" and then sit.
Anyway, the librarian said "hello Sarah" and then left to get some coffee. So I committed a CRIME.
I stole the dictionary. A REFERENCE ONLY dictionary. I held it over the alarms so they didn't go off, and then left the library a criminal. It was shocking.
So, I translated the rest of the article, but then I started to get the guilt. I could hear the dictionary in my back whispering french verbs, like the tell-tale heart and it was terrifying!
Eventually, I had to give it back, so I got Kim to distract the librarian, which Kim did by going in and standing in front of the desk. The librarian didn't care. I tried to hold it over the alarm again, but I was worried that she'd see me holding it up so I pulled it down too early and it went off, and I was like "hehe, sorry that's me," because it does happen and the librarian couldn't care less.
She hadn't as I anticipated, noticed the dictionary missing, and prepared a council in front of which I would be reckoned. She just smiled mildly and said hello to me.
I put the dictionary back anyway.
And so ends my life of crime.
Basically, before school, I was studying in the library, translating some french newspaper articles that we were looking at in class. I was using this nice dictionary which was quite small, when the bell went. I had to go to registration, but I hated registration because you never DO anything there. You just sit. And say "present" and then sit.
Anyway, the librarian said "hello Sarah" and then left to get some coffee. So I committed a CRIME.
I stole the dictionary. A REFERENCE ONLY dictionary. I held it over the alarms so they didn't go off, and then left the library a criminal. It was shocking.
So, I translated the rest of the article, but then I started to get the guilt. I could hear the dictionary in my back whispering french verbs, like the tell-tale heart and it was terrifying!
Eventually, I had to give it back, so I got Kim to distract the librarian, which Kim did by going in and standing in front of the desk. The librarian didn't care. I tried to hold it over the alarm again, but I was worried that she'd see me holding it up so I pulled it down too early and it went off, and I was like "hehe, sorry that's me," because it does happen and the librarian couldn't care less.
She hadn't as I anticipated, noticed the dictionary missing, and prepared a council in front of which I would be reckoned. She just smiled mildly and said hello to me.
I put the dictionary back anyway.
And so ends my life of crime.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Marmalde's Birthday
When Marmalade turned ten, mum hired a huge bouncy castle that we set up on the front lawn. It was this great, red and green thing, and all the kids from our neighbourhood came to play on it. In the evening, when it was getting dark, they all went home, but Marmalade and I stayed out, we watched the sun go down while we were still bouncing, and we stayed until it was pitch black, and we couldn't see so we kept jumping into each other.
She's too old for that now of course.
This year, she turned thirteen, and she had a meal out with her friends. Marmalade has an enormous amount of friends. I'm not sure why, but she's charismatic, I suppose. She can talk and talk and talk, and I suppose some people must like that. They should try living with her, and having her talking and talking and talking at two AM when you're trying to get to sleep because you have a french oral the next day.
There were about twenty of them altogether, and I can only think that must have been what hell is like. I mean, twenty of Marmalade's annoying, preening, screaming friends, in one room? They're like those brightly coloured birds that screech at each other to communicate.
I'm getting earache just thinking about it.
Mum didn't want me to feel left out, so she suggested I go out with one of my friends to the same restaurant. As if I'd want to be anywhere near the freak show that is Marmalade and her groupies. The Loudest Show on Earth. Honestly.
I wanted to go with a couple of my friends to the cinema, but they've all disappeared off the face of the planet. I suppose that's an advantage to having bags of friends like Marmalade does, you can always count on at least one of them to want to go out, or to text you back, or to let you borrow their Deadly Nightshade nail polish with the glittery bits inside when you can't find yours. If you're into that sort of thing.
I didn't care though, I mean, mum was at Marmalade's party, and Marmalade was obviously there, but I had plenty to do. Strange how it all sort of got done quickly, even my algebra homework. The house was so quiet, I ended up just sitting by the radio, trying to find a coherent station through all the static.
When they finally got home, I felt so goofy that I ran upstairs and pretended to be doing some homework, just incase they came in to check on me. They didn't of course. It's like, big sis is always fine, she can take care of herself. Well yeah, I can, but sometimes I do like to be taken care of, you know?
Anyway, I heard Marmalade coming up the stairs, she takes them two at a time, at a ridiculously fast speed for someone who was out all evening. I hear her journey across the landing, the soft groan her door makes as she pushes it open, the tired creak of the loose floorboard, and the sigh of her mattress as she sits down.
Why do I have nothing better to do than use my hearing skills to stalk my sister?
I count to ten, so that it doesn't seem like I'm overly eager. Not that I am, a party's a party. I just want to know if she left me any cake. Which she totally should have. And I want to give her my present.
Ten. I sprint to my door, gift in hand, and then oh-so casually walk to her door. As a special birthday treat to her, I knock, instead of barging straight in. I probably should knock more, but barging straight in is a sister's right.
“Come in,” she calls, and I step in, closing the door behind me. Marmalade's still all dressed up, she's shrugged off her jacket, but her hair is in loose curls and she has more make up on that I'd have though mum would let her get away with.
I stare at her for a few moments, a realisation that I have an inability to communicate what I want to say causes a bubble of panic to well up in my chest, threatening to burst out of my mouth in a trail of babbling and confusion.
“Present time! Yay!” She says, knowing why I'm hear by the gift in my hand. She sits cross-legged on the bed, like she's about to start meditating. “Gimme gimme gimme!” She says, hands outstretched. It would be obnoxious, it should be, but it's not, because it's Marmalade.
She tears through the wrapping paper like a starved animal. I tut at her. She growls. Yes, she actually growls. My sister, ladies and gentlemen, a wild animal.
“It's a picture! Of me! When did you take it?”
“Mum took it idiot, I'm in there too.”
She pouts.
“The frame's nice, it matches my room, is it from Dorothy Perkins?”
“No dweeb, it's home made.”
An expression of disbelief.
“You made it? Yourself?”
“No, I asked the fairies to do it. The fairies that do your laundry and pick up your dirty dishes and throw away your Deadly Nightshade nail polish with glittery bits because it's so not your colour.”
She's not fazed.
“You made it for me?”
“Well yeah, it's your birthday isn't it?”
She throws her skinny arms around my neck, right had still clutching the frame, the corner is digging into my shoulder, and hugs me.
I pull back first, unsure what to do in the face of such affection, so I attempt to untangle myself.
“So how was the party?”
“It was alright. My friends were a bit crazy through. Reminded me of that time we went to the zoo and saw those exotic birds that screeched at each other.”
For a twelve- sorry, thirteen year old, Marmalade can sometimes be remarkably astute.
I'm hoping to put these up on fictionpress.com so watch this space for the url, if and when.
She's too old for that now of course.
This year, she turned thirteen, and she had a meal out with her friends. Marmalade has an enormous amount of friends. I'm not sure why, but she's charismatic, I suppose. She can talk and talk and talk, and I suppose some people must like that. They should try living with her, and having her talking and talking and talking at two AM when you're trying to get to sleep because you have a french oral the next day.
There were about twenty of them altogether, and I can only think that must have been what hell is like. I mean, twenty of Marmalade's annoying, preening, screaming friends, in one room? They're like those brightly coloured birds that screech at each other to communicate.
I'm getting earache just thinking about it.
Mum didn't want me to feel left out, so she suggested I go out with one of my friends to the same restaurant. As if I'd want to be anywhere near the freak show that is Marmalade and her groupies. The Loudest Show on Earth. Honestly.
I wanted to go with a couple of my friends to the cinema, but they've all disappeared off the face of the planet. I suppose that's an advantage to having bags of friends like Marmalade does, you can always count on at least one of them to want to go out, or to text you back, or to let you borrow their Deadly Nightshade nail polish with the glittery bits inside when you can't find yours. If you're into that sort of thing.
I didn't care though, I mean, mum was at Marmalade's party, and Marmalade was obviously there, but I had plenty to do. Strange how it all sort of got done quickly, even my algebra homework. The house was so quiet, I ended up just sitting by the radio, trying to find a coherent station through all the static.
When they finally got home, I felt so goofy that I ran upstairs and pretended to be doing some homework, just incase they came in to check on me. They didn't of course. It's like, big sis is always fine, she can take care of herself. Well yeah, I can, but sometimes I do like to be taken care of, you know?
Anyway, I heard Marmalade coming up the stairs, she takes them two at a time, at a ridiculously fast speed for someone who was out all evening. I hear her journey across the landing, the soft groan her door makes as she pushes it open, the tired creak of the loose floorboard, and the sigh of her mattress as she sits down.
Why do I have nothing better to do than use my hearing skills to stalk my sister?
I count to ten, so that it doesn't seem like I'm overly eager. Not that I am, a party's a party. I just want to know if she left me any cake. Which she totally should have. And I want to give her my present.
Ten. I sprint to my door, gift in hand, and then oh-so casually walk to her door. As a special birthday treat to her, I knock, instead of barging straight in. I probably should knock more, but barging straight in is a sister's right.
“Come in,” she calls, and I step in, closing the door behind me. Marmalade's still all dressed up, she's shrugged off her jacket, but her hair is in loose curls and she has more make up on that I'd have though mum would let her get away with.
I stare at her for a few moments, a realisation that I have an inability to communicate what I want to say causes a bubble of panic to well up in my chest, threatening to burst out of my mouth in a trail of babbling and confusion.
“Present time! Yay!” She says, knowing why I'm hear by the gift in my hand. She sits cross-legged on the bed, like she's about to start meditating. “Gimme gimme gimme!” She says, hands outstretched. It would be obnoxious, it should be, but it's not, because it's Marmalade.
She tears through the wrapping paper like a starved animal. I tut at her. She growls. Yes, she actually growls. My sister, ladies and gentlemen, a wild animal.
“It's a picture! Of me! When did you take it?”
“Mum took it idiot, I'm in there too.”
She pouts.
“The frame's nice, it matches my room, is it from Dorothy Perkins?”
“No dweeb, it's home made.”
An expression of disbelief.
“You made it? Yourself?”
“No, I asked the fairies to do it. The fairies that do your laundry and pick up your dirty dishes and throw away your Deadly Nightshade nail polish with glittery bits because it's so not your colour.”
She's not fazed.
“You made it for me?”
“Well yeah, it's your birthday isn't it?”
She throws her skinny arms around my neck, right had still clutching the frame, the corner is digging into my shoulder, and hugs me.
I pull back first, unsure what to do in the face of such affection, so I attempt to untangle myself.
“So how was the party?”
“It was alright. My friends were a bit crazy through. Reminded me of that time we went to the zoo and saw those exotic birds that screeched at each other.”
For a twelve- sorry, thirteen year old, Marmalade can sometimes be remarkably astute.
I'm hoping to put these up on fictionpress.com so watch this space for the url, if and when.
Princess Larmalade
When Marmalde was eight, she had an imaginary friend called Princess Larmalade.
It was in the summer holidays before school started, when Marmalade skipped out of the house, barefooted of course, laughing to an unseen companion. We assumed to begin with that it was purely one of Marmalade's newly acquired habits, something that she'd picked up in school until later that evening.
Marmalade, first down to the dinner table every night, drew up another chair before taking her usual seat, and then proceeding to have a conversation with an empty space. The thing was she was under the impression that the empty space was speaking back.
For the entire summer, Marmalade didn't go anywhere without Princess Larmalade. Once she made us wait for Princess before we went shopping, because Princess needed a new dress. When mum refused to spend the exorbitant price on a bridesmaids gown, Marmalade created dresses from paper. Huge paper templates, as big as her, decorated with sequins and paper bows and ribbons. They hung in her wardrobe, next to her own clothes like thin ghosts, shivering constantly in the air currents.
Marmalade took the Princess everywhere, not a second was spent away from her, always whispering something to her, laughing at something she'd said. In the evenings, she'd sometimes come to mum and I to relate some far fetched story about what she and her friend had spent the day doing. It was difficult to discern the truth from the lies, made even harder when she would allow Princess Larmalade to take up the narrative flow, and nod attentively at the silent commentary.
I've never known anyone with an imagination like Marmalade's. Even when she was younger, she used to tell awfully long fibs, it was never a problem though, because she couldn't keep a straight face. She'd bite her lip, and hold her breath, but she could never stop herself bursting into giggles, giggles that made her face light up and her right cheek dimple.
She still does it now, sometimes when she invites friends over, I walk past the room, on my way to get some water or something, not like I'm listening in, and I see them, all clustered around her, listening with dropped jaw to what she has to say. She laps it up of course, never could get enough attention, so she loves it, but, her stories are good. They can start with the smallest thing, and then they get longer, and go on, and twist and turn until you stop caring that she's lying blindly to you, all that's important is to know whether the one-eyed unicorn ever escaped from the Cyclops' lair, or if she learns to love him after all.
Of course it doesn't work on me. There's no use winding me a tale of where the goblins took my comb if I can see the broken teeth embedded in her green carpet, or suggesting that my mascara opened a portal to another realm and got lost there when her eyelashes are practically glued together with the stuff.
Still. It was sort of nice with Princess Larmalade.
She'd even argue with her, dramatic fights that flew from raging screams to the calm silence of the Princess' reply. I suppose that Princesses are trained from birth not to loose their temper. Once, I opened the door (I was going to ask if she'd seen my favourite pen) to a torrent of fury.
“You did, I saw you! Even after I said that you shouldn't! I told you and I told you and you didn't listen to me!”
A breeze flew through the room, ruffling the curtains.
“She did not!”
A floor board creaked.
“Did she? What did she say?”
A look of intense concentration.
A smile.
“That's OK then. Shall I push you on the swing?” And she swept past me, rushing out to play with royalty. Invisible royalty at that.
I actually tried making up an imaginary friend of my own, just to see, but I couldn't fabricate her well enough, and I eventually got bored of trying. I mean, it's not like I didn't have enough friends of my own, I didn't need to make them up.
Marmalade even took Princess Larmalade to the first day of school on a fresh September morning, carefully packing two lunches, peanut butter and jam for her, just jam for Princess who was allergic to peanut butter.
That afternoon she returned, all smiles and new stories and not a word of Princess Larmalade.
I later found the decomposing jam sandwiches, stuffed in her desk next to my favourite pen, and threw them out before it created a super being, part bread, part jam.
I mentioned Princess Larmalade to her yesterday.
“Remember your invisible friend? Princess Larmalade?” I asked, leaning oh-so casually on her door frame.
“I never had an invisible friend. And you're not supposed to just walk into my room, try knocking.”
“I'm not in your room, I'm leaning on your door frame, that's in the hall. I can stand in the hall if I want to.”
“Not leaning on my door frame you can't, there's such a thing as private property.”
“And there's such a thing as not being a brat,” I retort, but I left anyway.
Poor old Princess, it must be hard to be scorned by a commoner.
It was in the summer holidays before school started, when Marmalade skipped out of the house, barefooted of course, laughing to an unseen companion. We assumed to begin with that it was purely one of Marmalade's newly acquired habits, something that she'd picked up in school until later that evening.
Marmalade, first down to the dinner table every night, drew up another chair before taking her usual seat, and then proceeding to have a conversation with an empty space. The thing was she was under the impression that the empty space was speaking back.
For the entire summer, Marmalade didn't go anywhere without Princess Larmalade. Once she made us wait for Princess before we went shopping, because Princess needed a new dress. When mum refused to spend the exorbitant price on a bridesmaids gown, Marmalade created dresses from paper. Huge paper templates, as big as her, decorated with sequins and paper bows and ribbons. They hung in her wardrobe, next to her own clothes like thin ghosts, shivering constantly in the air currents.
Marmalade took the Princess everywhere, not a second was spent away from her, always whispering something to her, laughing at something she'd said. In the evenings, she'd sometimes come to mum and I to relate some far fetched story about what she and her friend had spent the day doing. It was difficult to discern the truth from the lies, made even harder when she would allow Princess Larmalade to take up the narrative flow, and nod attentively at the silent commentary.
I've never known anyone with an imagination like Marmalade's. Even when she was younger, she used to tell awfully long fibs, it was never a problem though, because she couldn't keep a straight face. She'd bite her lip, and hold her breath, but she could never stop herself bursting into giggles, giggles that made her face light up and her right cheek dimple.
She still does it now, sometimes when she invites friends over, I walk past the room, on my way to get some water or something, not like I'm listening in, and I see them, all clustered around her, listening with dropped jaw to what she has to say. She laps it up of course, never could get enough attention, so she loves it, but, her stories are good. They can start with the smallest thing, and then they get longer, and go on, and twist and turn until you stop caring that she's lying blindly to you, all that's important is to know whether the one-eyed unicorn ever escaped from the Cyclops' lair, or if she learns to love him after all.
Of course it doesn't work on me. There's no use winding me a tale of where the goblins took my comb if I can see the broken teeth embedded in her green carpet, or suggesting that my mascara opened a portal to another realm and got lost there when her eyelashes are practically glued together with the stuff.
Still. It was sort of nice with Princess Larmalade.
She'd even argue with her, dramatic fights that flew from raging screams to the calm silence of the Princess' reply. I suppose that Princesses are trained from birth not to loose their temper. Once, I opened the door (I was going to ask if she'd seen my favourite pen) to a torrent of fury.
“You did, I saw you! Even after I said that you shouldn't! I told you and I told you and you didn't listen to me!”
A breeze flew through the room, ruffling the curtains.
“She did not!”
A floor board creaked.
“Did she? What did she say?”
A look of intense concentration.
A smile.
“That's OK then. Shall I push you on the swing?” And she swept past me, rushing out to play with royalty. Invisible royalty at that.
I actually tried making up an imaginary friend of my own, just to see, but I couldn't fabricate her well enough, and I eventually got bored of trying. I mean, it's not like I didn't have enough friends of my own, I didn't need to make them up.
Marmalade even took Princess Larmalade to the first day of school on a fresh September morning, carefully packing two lunches, peanut butter and jam for her, just jam for Princess who was allergic to peanut butter.
That afternoon she returned, all smiles and new stories and not a word of Princess Larmalade.
I later found the decomposing jam sandwiches, stuffed in her desk next to my favourite pen, and threw them out before it created a super being, part bread, part jam.
I mentioned Princess Larmalade to her yesterday.
“Remember your invisible friend? Princess Larmalade?” I asked, leaning oh-so casually on her door frame.
“I never had an invisible friend. And you're not supposed to just walk into my room, try knocking.”
“I'm not in your room, I'm leaning on your door frame, that's in the hall. I can stand in the hall if I want to.”
“Not leaning on my door frame you can't, there's such a thing as private property.”
“And there's such a thing as not being a brat,” I retort, but I left anyway.
Poor old Princess, it must be hard to be scorned by a commoner.
The Marmalade Chronicles
As promised, here are the Marmalade Chronicles. Starting with the first one.
My sister Marmalade is back for the holidays.
She goes to a fancy boarding school because she didn't get on with the kids in her local secondary school. My local secondary school. It was all my fault of course. See, older siblings have long known and accepted the fact that it's always their fault. Instead of Mothers bringing up their children, it is actually the job of the older sibling. Not like in Victorian times when there were eighteen children and an over-worked mother who spent all day making stew and darning ragged tunics, but still, the older child is responsible for the younger one.
As if Marmalade needs looking after. Marmalade just got in one teeny tiny fight, and mum's pulling her out and enrolling her in that posh school. That never happened to me. And I got picked on plenty! There was this time that Melanie Slater stole my favourite lunch box, it had a picture of The Little Mermaid on it, and she stole it and drew a moustache on The Little Mermaid and then the next day I found it on my desk all full of toilet paper.
But did I get transferred?
Oh nooo, not me, not big sis. Only Marmalade, because she's special.
Like I care, I mean, who wants to be going to a snooty boarding school? I'd feel guilty that I was costing mum all the extra money.
Mum doesn't always call her Marmalade. She sometimes calls her “My Little Caterpillar,” which is just gross. It's because Marmalade used to like playing with bugs and stuff, and she made mum get her a green bedspread, and green curtains and a green rug. Again, I'd never do anything like this, because I'd feel guilty due to extra expense, but of course, Marmalade is so self-involved she only thinks of herself. Selfish little worm.
She's back for the holidays, Mum wanted me to go and pick her up on the train. Why should I? I was busy! I have exams! Marmalade is in year eight and she does nothing but mess around and send stupid little notes to her friends, and text her boyfriend.
Marmalade has a boyfriend. It's completely unbelievable. I mean, she's not even pretty. She's OK, if you like the whole long-blonde-hair-little-princess-butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth-thing, but she's so fake it's unbelievable. Seriously.
Her boyfriend's ugly anyway.
I ended up getting her on the train because mum's oh-so-busy, apparently. I got there, and I'm like, three minutes late, and she's standing there with all her suitcases around her.
“Hey Caterpillar.”
“Hey Pig.”
“I am not a pig.”
“Are too.”
“I'm not listening, I've risen above it.”
“As if.” Pause. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. C'mere worm.”
Marmalade's not bad, for an annoying little sister.
My sister Marmalade is back for the holidays.
She goes to a fancy boarding school because she didn't get on with the kids in her local secondary school. My local secondary school. It was all my fault of course. See, older siblings have long known and accepted the fact that it's always their fault. Instead of Mothers bringing up their children, it is actually the job of the older sibling. Not like in Victorian times when there were eighteen children and an over-worked mother who spent all day making stew and darning ragged tunics, but still, the older child is responsible for the younger one.
As if Marmalade needs looking after. Marmalade just got in one teeny tiny fight, and mum's pulling her out and enrolling her in that posh school. That never happened to me. And I got picked on plenty! There was this time that Melanie Slater stole my favourite lunch box, it had a picture of The Little Mermaid on it, and she stole it and drew a moustache on The Little Mermaid and then the next day I found it on my desk all full of toilet paper.
But did I get transferred?
Oh nooo, not me, not big sis. Only Marmalade, because she's special.
Like I care, I mean, who wants to be going to a snooty boarding school? I'd feel guilty that I was costing mum all the extra money.
Mum doesn't always call her Marmalade. She sometimes calls her “My Little Caterpillar,” which is just gross. It's because Marmalade used to like playing with bugs and stuff, and she made mum get her a green bedspread, and green curtains and a green rug. Again, I'd never do anything like this, because I'd feel guilty due to extra expense, but of course, Marmalade is so self-involved she only thinks of herself. Selfish little worm.
She's back for the holidays, Mum wanted me to go and pick her up on the train. Why should I? I was busy! I have exams! Marmalade is in year eight and she does nothing but mess around and send stupid little notes to her friends, and text her boyfriend.
Marmalade has a boyfriend. It's completely unbelievable. I mean, she's not even pretty. She's OK, if you like the whole long-blonde-hair-little-princess-butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth-thing, but she's so fake it's unbelievable. Seriously.
Her boyfriend's ugly anyway.
I ended up getting her on the train because mum's oh-so-busy, apparently. I got there, and I'm like, three minutes late, and she's standing there with all her suitcases around her.
“Hey Caterpillar.”
“Hey Pig.”
“I am not a pig.”
“Are too.”
“I'm not listening, I've risen above it.”
“As if.” Pause. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. C'mere worm.”
Marmalade's not bad, for an annoying little sister.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Bobble Gom
So what's been happening this week in the land of all things Sarah? It's been a fairly busy week, but then again, I guess it's been a fairly busy couple of weeks. Today as I was walking out of school, someone asked me what I was doing for the weekend and I was completely shocked, as I was under the impression that it was around Tuesday.
Schoolwise, I've been finding my lessons longer than usual. I think there's some kind of conspiracy to use magnets to slow down all of the watches so that time goes slower than usual. Each lesson is a drag of an hour, I can't remember the last time that I wasn't waiting it out.
On that note, there's revision to be started but I haven't really gotten around to it. I'm going to go to the library next Tuesday night and really get a head start on it. There's quite a bit of work to cover, but I've got about two months which isn't really bad.
This week was mainly dominated by the arrival of the French Penpal DVD. There is a class in a french Lycee, which is now twinned with our school, and so they made us a DVD. We were all mortified to see how well they did there's considering how rubbish ours were. Then there was the whole palava of the penpals themselves. We first decided that I could wait to get mine, so at first I was the girl “sans-correspondant” which was fine. Then one girl, Jessie, was paired up with me, because we are both apparently crazy. All I can say is that they have different levels of crazy in France because that girl is not a patch on me. Our msn conversation was as dry as a taco, so I was surprised the next day, when it turned out she'd added someone else from my school and they'd got on like a house on fire. Therefore I switched from Jessie to Jennifer. I Jennifer, however, doesn't have an email, so I'll be writing to her by mail. I hope she's a little more forthcoming than Jessie. It was a pity as well, because I was very excited about it.
Jess told me that her fish died, which is awful, because they were amazing fish. Aggie did all this decorating, she was a regular..I want to say one of the people from “Changing Rooms” but Jess wouldn't understand that reference, it being an English thing, therefore I shall refrain.
This week, in my frees, my friends and I have been planning a pretend trip to Hong Kong. We're going to fly there on a long haul, then stay in Vicky's uncle's house, which he doesn't use and go everywhere! Vicky wanted to go to Syal, and I wanted to go to Tokyo, so we reached a middle ground with Hong Kong.
For a lot of things this week, I've felt like I'm the one making the effort, and the other person in the relationship isn't responding. The penpal thing is one example, but I also do literacy mentoring, and I bought my mentee this nice folder with a pen and pad to write down new words, and she didn't even seem that pleased. That cost me lots of money!
There's this girl in year eight, who I know, because she is my ex-best friend's little sister. She's really smart, a regular super brain, and she has all these kooky ideas. I like her, but her friends don't really get her, in the way that she doesn't have any. I get that, I mean, in year eight it's difficult. Everyone is at different levels, some girls have matured, some have started dating, and others are behind. She's also not completely mastered the social skills. I don't mean she's no Camilla Parker Bowles, but she's struggling to be a Diana.
I've been going into the library every morning, causing me to be late for registration, to have a chat with Mrs Cox, and find out what is what. We had a good old argument about Prince Charles the other day. To be honest, I'm not so pro-royals, because I don't really think they represent England...at least they don't represent the youth! Maybe Harry and William, but still, they're expiriences are nothing like the average teenager's, after all, the rest of us didn't attend Eton, did we?
I leant someone my security pass this week, and she's not given it back. I'm so making her pay for it. I mean, I'm not spiteful, but you shouldn't borrow something unless you are willing to pay to replace it? Or if not, you should take super good care with it. And it costs money! Such a drag.
This month I've been roleplaying on ue. Is it just me, or is that place kind of dead? I mean, there's no one there..maybe twenty members or so. No new members. I guess because no books are coming out, but I didn't expect it to be so obvious.
Today on the way home from school, I got so happy because I saw the tulip buds forming. That's awesome, because it means that Tulips will be here soon. I adore tulips, they're my favourite flowers, I just know there are going to be some beautiful pink and yellow ones this year..I can't decide if I prefer the hybrids or pure breeds?
What does everyone think about wearing animals? I know it's always NO NO NO if it's a cute little sheep or mink, but today my friend was wearing crocodile skin for a belt. She argued that they weren't endangered, nor does the world need any more crocodiles. I don't think that's the point, it's still ethically warped to kill an animal for fashion. No one else seemed to think it was a bit deal, so I let it drop, but what's the view of the internet?
Arg, mum is nagging, so I'll wrap it up.
I got a volunteer thing in a fair trade coffee shop, which is awesome, and ties in with my hours at the charity shop, so I can go to both in one day, and it's every other Saturday, so no biggie.
Tomorrow there are some science master classes which want me to wake up early! Scandalous. I wanted to go to bed in a minute, but now that mum has told me to, if I go,it would be like I was giving in, so I'll have to stay up, but I really don't want to stay up, nor do I want to seem defeated. Should I sleep with the light on? Maybe not..that's a big waste of electricity. And she's going to hear the bed creak when I get on it. No wonder she bought me such a rubbish matress, it's so that she can keep tabs on me. Scandalous.
Rachel finished reading Twilight, soon it shall conquer the world! Now if only my librarian would order in New Moon!
Schoolwise, I've been finding my lessons longer than usual. I think there's some kind of conspiracy to use magnets to slow down all of the watches so that time goes slower than usual. Each lesson is a drag of an hour, I can't remember the last time that I wasn't waiting it out.
On that note, there's revision to be started but I haven't really gotten around to it. I'm going to go to the library next Tuesday night and really get a head start on it. There's quite a bit of work to cover, but I've got about two months which isn't really bad.
This week was mainly dominated by the arrival of the French Penpal DVD. There is a class in a french Lycee, which is now twinned with our school, and so they made us a DVD. We were all mortified to see how well they did there's considering how rubbish ours were. Then there was the whole palava of the penpals themselves. We first decided that I could wait to get mine, so at first I was the girl “sans-correspondant” which was fine. Then one girl, Jessie, was paired up with me, because we are both apparently crazy. All I can say is that they have different levels of crazy in France because that girl is not a patch on me. Our msn conversation was as dry as a taco, so I was surprised the next day, when it turned out she'd added someone else from my school and they'd got on like a house on fire. Therefore I switched from Jessie to Jennifer. I Jennifer, however, doesn't have an email, so I'll be writing to her by mail. I hope she's a little more forthcoming than Jessie. It was a pity as well, because I was very excited about it.
Jess told me that her fish died, which is awful, because they were amazing fish. Aggie did all this decorating, she was a regular..I want to say one of the people from “Changing Rooms” but Jess wouldn't understand that reference, it being an English thing, therefore I shall refrain.
This week, in my frees, my friends and I have been planning a pretend trip to Hong Kong. We're going to fly there on a long haul, then stay in Vicky's uncle's house, which he doesn't use and go everywhere! Vicky wanted to go to Syal, and I wanted to go to Tokyo, so we reached a middle ground with Hong Kong.
For a lot of things this week, I've felt like I'm the one making the effort, and the other person in the relationship isn't responding. The penpal thing is one example, but I also do literacy mentoring, and I bought my mentee this nice folder with a pen and pad to write down new words, and she didn't even seem that pleased. That cost me lots of money!
There's this girl in year eight, who I know, because she is my ex-best friend's little sister. She's really smart, a regular super brain, and she has all these kooky ideas. I like her, but her friends don't really get her, in the way that she doesn't have any. I get that, I mean, in year eight it's difficult. Everyone is at different levels, some girls have matured, some have started dating, and others are behind. She's also not completely mastered the social skills. I don't mean she's no Camilla Parker Bowles, but she's struggling to be a Diana.
I've been going into the library every morning, causing me to be late for registration, to have a chat with Mrs Cox, and find out what is what. We had a good old argument about Prince Charles the other day. To be honest, I'm not so pro-royals, because I don't really think they represent England...at least they don't represent the youth! Maybe Harry and William, but still, they're expiriences are nothing like the average teenager's, after all, the rest of us didn't attend Eton, did we?
I leant someone my security pass this week, and she's not given it back. I'm so making her pay for it. I mean, I'm not spiteful, but you shouldn't borrow something unless you are willing to pay to replace it? Or if not, you should take super good care with it. And it costs money! Such a drag.
This month I've been roleplaying on ue. Is it just me, or is that place kind of dead? I mean, there's no one there..maybe twenty members or so. No new members. I guess because no books are coming out, but I didn't expect it to be so obvious.
Today on the way home from school, I got so happy because I saw the tulip buds forming. That's awesome, because it means that Tulips will be here soon. I adore tulips, they're my favourite flowers, I just know there are going to be some beautiful pink and yellow ones this year..I can't decide if I prefer the hybrids or pure breeds?
What does everyone think about wearing animals? I know it's always NO NO NO if it's a cute little sheep or mink, but today my friend was wearing crocodile skin for a belt. She argued that they weren't endangered, nor does the world need any more crocodiles. I don't think that's the point, it's still ethically warped to kill an animal for fashion. No one else seemed to think it was a bit deal, so I let it drop, but what's the view of the internet?
Arg, mum is nagging, so I'll wrap it up.
I got a volunteer thing in a fair trade coffee shop, which is awesome, and ties in with my hours at the charity shop, so I can go to both in one day, and it's every other Saturday, so no biggie.
Tomorrow there are some science master classes which want me to wake up early! Scandalous. I wanted to go to bed in a minute, but now that mum has told me to, if I go,it would be like I was giving in, so I'll have to stay up, but I really don't want to stay up, nor do I want to seem defeated. Should I sleep with the light on? Maybe not..that's a big waste of electricity. And she's going to hear the bed creak when I get on it. No wonder she bought me such a rubbish matress, it's so that she can keep tabs on me. Scandalous.
Rachel finished reading Twilight, soon it shall conquer the world! Now if only my librarian would order in New Moon!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Wind's Nocturne
I am very busy, really busy, we're talking two extracurricular activities every lunchtime, sometimes at the same time. Here is a nice video to entertain you.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Clean sheets
I have continued to clean my room like there is no tomorrow. It is now in a ridiculous state of cleanliness, so much so that the letter that I recieved from Yasamin today looks very out of place, on my bed.
I did all my laundry yesterday, with no prompting from my mother! I washed my pjs, my towels, my sheets, my duvet and pillow cover, and my socks. And then I put them in the dryer, and then I put them back on my bed!
After that, I put on my nice clean things, and got into my nice clean bed and fell asleep.
I wonder if I've mentioned that I've taken up running? I have. Basically, it was tuesday, last tuesday, and I was thinking that I should do more exercise so I decided to go for a jog. When I got back I was completely disgusted with how awful I felt, and how out of breath I was, and how long it took for me to recover. I suppose the thing is that I'ver never had a weight problem so I've never really thought about seriously using. Also I was doing PE, and I walk from school, but now I'm not doing PE anymore, and walking isn't really cardio. In fact, normally I have to stop running because I'm out of breath before my muscles start complaining, so the point is that although yes, I do get tired, my whole cardiac system needs a work out! I've been jogging every night this week, a little more everyday. Tonight I think I'll go up and down the road, and I should feel pretty good about that.
Yesterday I had quite a lot to do, like, bio coursework and I had a french oral, but I managed to get it done, and watch an episode of buffy, and then go to bed at a decent hour. Tonight, I haven't really got any school work. I'll look over my biology, dna and all that jazz, but there's nothing specific.
Today I have my french oral. I sort of knew I was going to get it, but our teacher told us we would have it in french, so half the class was like "we don't," and half "we do." We missed the last few days before half term, which made the whole thing even more shakey, then yesterday I went into class and I got given my oral times! I was so shocked. Luckily we don't have to do a presentation, just five minutes talking about a stimulus, and five minutes talking about general conversation questions.
It turned out to be quite simple. I got a stimulus about kids who couldn't read, and there were four prompting points, so I answered those and then blabbed on about my education, which you can do. I had twenty minutes to prepare in the library, and so I pretty much read what I had written down.
For my general conversation questions I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to understand what he was asking, so the first question "tell me what you know about immigration in france" I just blabbed on and on and on and on, trailing off rather pathetically with "they have lots of problems, like...the riots, and....the..riots. yes." But it appears that I went on for over five minutes, so it was cool, and he didn't ask me anything else. He said that everything was great, like, tone and expression and reaction, but my grammar was quite weak, and I know that because I was too relaxed and I wasn't checking my agreements and stuff, but that will not be the case for my actually exam so it's cool.
We also got our common assessments back, and I got an A so wooopeee for meeee.
Anyone heard about OUR FRIEND MICHAEL? He was down on the weekend, but I cheered him UP I think. I also had a fabulous time on UE, which was nice, and Kiz is a lot nicer than I ever gave her credit for! She talks like Laura! "Well Random" indeed.
Madeline said that my posts do not have a point so I am making one here.
I did all my laundry yesterday, with no prompting from my mother! I washed my pjs, my towels, my sheets, my duvet and pillow cover, and my socks. And then I put them in the dryer, and then I put them back on my bed!
After that, I put on my nice clean things, and got into my nice clean bed and fell asleep.
I wonder if I've mentioned that I've taken up running? I have. Basically, it was tuesday, last tuesday, and I was thinking that I should do more exercise so I decided to go for a jog. When I got back I was completely disgusted with how awful I felt, and how out of breath I was, and how long it took for me to recover. I suppose the thing is that I'ver never had a weight problem so I've never really thought about seriously using. Also I was doing PE, and I walk from school, but now I'm not doing PE anymore, and walking isn't really cardio. In fact, normally I have to stop running because I'm out of breath before my muscles start complaining, so the point is that although yes, I do get tired, my whole cardiac system needs a work out! I've been jogging every night this week, a little more everyday. Tonight I think I'll go up and down the road, and I should feel pretty good about that.
Yesterday I had quite a lot to do, like, bio coursework and I had a french oral, but I managed to get it done, and watch an episode of buffy, and then go to bed at a decent hour. Tonight, I haven't really got any school work. I'll look over my biology, dna and all that jazz, but there's nothing specific.
Today I have my french oral. I sort of knew I was going to get it, but our teacher told us we would have it in french, so half the class was like "we don't," and half "we do." We missed the last few days before half term, which made the whole thing even more shakey, then yesterday I went into class and I got given my oral times! I was so shocked. Luckily we don't have to do a presentation, just five minutes talking about a stimulus, and five minutes talking about general conversation questions.
It turned out to be quite simple. I got a stimulus about kids who couldn't read, and there were four prompting points, so I answered those and then blabbed on about my education, which you can do. I had twenty minutes to prepare in the library, and so I pretty much read what I had written down.
For my general conversation questions I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to understand what he was asking, so the first question "tell me what you know about immigration in france" I just blabbed on and on and on and on, trailing off rather pathetically with "they have lots of problems, like...the riots, and....the..riots. yes." But it appears that I went on for over five minutes, so it was cool, and he didn't ask me anything else. He said that everything was great, like, tone and expression and reaction, but my grammar was quite weak, and I know that because I was too relaxed and I wasn't checking my agreements and stuff, but that will not be the case for my actually exam so it's cool.
We also got our common assessments back, and I got an A so wooopeee for meeee.
Anyone heard about OUR FRIEND MICHAEL? He was down on the weekend, but I cheered him UP I think. I also had a fabulous time on UE, which was nice, and Kiz is a lot nicer than I ever gave her credit for! She talks like Laura! "Well Random" indeed.
Madeline said that my posts do not have a point so I am making one here.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
My wall!
Today, I was tidying my room, then I got out of control, and started tidying like there was NO TOMORROW.
Anyway, then I started looking at my wall, the one I stick things on, on my wardrobe, and I decided to give it a tidy, because it was getting old and boring. So I took lots of bits down, and got lots of new things that I wanted to stick on it out.
The stuff I stick on there are things like newspaper articles that interest me, drawings I do, particularly funny comics, stickers, postcards, photos, anything that catches my eye. Today I mounted a couple of ticket stubs, made a collage of some edinburgish postcards that Melissaaaaaah sent me and dug up some photos of me in Tenerife.
Here are some pictures of the finished wall, after I stuck everything back on.
The first one is the collage of the edinburugian post cards.
This one has a lot of harry potter stuff, showing I'm a big geek. There's a pic of Ginny, a picture from D&G, a drawing I did, a few comics stuck together, and to the right of the date, there's a little rectangle which is a digimon card.
Then this one, at the top there are a lot of postcards, a making fiends sticker, a sea life scene, a birthday card my brother made me, and a letter from the society of failures.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at my wall. Below my wall, is my desk. My wall is a part of my wardrobe, and therefore I am able to stick things on it with blue tack. Soon, I may put a poster on the wall next to my wall. Can you believe this? It will be the first poster. THE FIRST.
Anyway, then I started looking at my wall, the one I stick things on, on my wardrobe, and I decided to give it a tidy, because it was getting old and boring. So I took lots of bits down, and got lots of new things that I wanted to stick on it out.
The stuff I stick on there are things like newspaper articles that interest me, drawings I do, particularly funny comics, stickers, postcards, photos, anything that catches my eye. Today I mounted a couple of ticket stubs, made a collage of some edinburgish postcards that Melissaaaaaah sent me and dug up some photos of me in Tenerife.
Here are some pictures of the finished wall, after I stuck everything back on.
The first one is the collage of the edinburugian post cards.
This one has a lot of harry potter stuff, showing I'm a big geek. There's a pic of Ginny, a picture from D&G, a drawing I did, a few comics stuck together, and to the right of the date, there's a little rectangle which is a digimon card.
Monday, February 12, 2007
It's Graceland!
SOME of you might know that I am doing a week volunteering in a care home, near my house this week. What a good use of the half term, some of you might say. Others of you might say nothing, merely stare at me and squint slightly. Yes, I am talking about my cat. She says nothing, merely stares and squints slightly. I think this is because her cheek has gotten so fat it is interfering with her eye space.
Some would be concerned, but I always knew that Olive's fatness would end up consuming her, and I am sure she will be fully capable of rolling to her bowl and litter tray. And hey, if she can't always get to her bowl, that's not such a problem is it?
I feel quite shallow today, because although I spent the day with nine people with mental and physical disabilities, helping them, hanging out with them, and generally having a good time, I never realised how snobby I can be. This came to me when we started eating. So obviously it wsan't pretty, I mean it wasn't AWFUL, more like...say a five year old eating. But I was thinking this to console me, and it totally didn't, because I wouldn't want to watch a five year old eating either! Basically, I am horrid when it comes to anyone less capable than me. I realised that it's the same with people who aren't as smart as me, I just don't think they are worth it. Obviously I am more compassionate to the residents of the care home, but the same principle applies.
But I shall not get bogged down, it does make sense, and I wasn't exactly repulsed.
BUT, this cafe that we were eating at, is hireing volunteers, and I was like "i'm a volunteer!" so I'm totally going to get an application form. It would be awesome to work there. I'd be a waitress! It's like, this completely fair trade cafe, and it's really quaint and serves sandwiches and the staff are really friendly, so if I could work there it would be swell, 'specially as I could get tips, because I have a feeling I am costing mum quite a lot and it would be good if I could stop spending her money, and maybe earn some of my own, instead of EMA.
I came home, and mum still hasn't gone shopping, so I made pancakes, because you can make those with hardly anything in the house.
Some would be concerned, but I always knew that Olive's fatness would end up consuming her, and I am sure she will be fully capable of rolling to her bowl and litter tray. And hey, if she can't always get to her bowl, that's not such a problem is it?
I feel quite shallow today, because although I spent the day with nine people with mental and physical disabilities, helping them, hanging out with them, and generally having a good time, I never realised how snobby I can be. This came to me when we started eating. So obviously it wsan't pretty, I mean it wasn't AWFUL, more like...say a five year old eating. But I was thinking this to console me, and it totally didn't, because I wouldn't want to watch a five year old eating either! Basically, I am horrid when it comes to anyone less capable than me. I realised that it's the same with people who aren't as smart as me, I just don't think they are worth it. Obviously I am more compassionate to the residents of the care home, but the same principle applies.
But I shall not get bogged down, it does make sense, and I wasn't exactly repulsed.
BUT, this cafe that we were eating at, is hireing volunteers, and I was like "i'm a volunteer!" so I'm totally going to get an application form. It would be awesome to work there. I'd be a waitress! It's like, this completely fair trade cafe, and it's really quaint and serves sandwiches and the staff are really friendly, so if I could work there it would be swell, 'specially as I could get tips, because I have a feeling I am costing mum quite a lot and it would be good if I could stop spending her money, and maybe earn some of my own, instead of EMA.
I came home, and mum still hasn't gone shopping, so I made pancakes, because you can make those with hardly anything in the house.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Snow Day!
So anyone in England knows that it's all snowtastic over here! I was so shocked when I woke up! It's great isn't it? Those few moments when you think "is it normally this bright?" and then you open the curtains and it's all covered in white. I didn't even go into the garden, because it looks so nice and I don't want to ruin it.
So it snowed yesterday early morning, I stayed up trying to see if it was going to, but I sucummed to slumber before the first flakes started to fall! Trust me hey?
Anyway, I was supposed to go to this French Conference at Birmingham University, and I was a bit annoyed about going because I ddin't want to miss school, as I would have missed some pivetol lessons, and teaching myself is a lot harder than it seems to begin with.
So I woke up on Thursday morning, and the first thing I did was establish the lines of contact avec Rachel, who was also supposed to be going. We arranged to meet previously at 9.45 at the station, but I wasn't sure if she was going. I wasn't too keen on going myself, because it seemed like a nice excuse not to go to the conference. But Rachel pretty much begged me to go, and I did have a cute winter outfit (more on that later) so I figured I might as well, otherwise I'd just spend all day online, and that would be a killer waste.
And to top it all off, we found out that school was closed, so I wouldn't even miss any lessons! Super!!! I was so thrilled I did a little jig. I was really not looking forward to trying to teach myself the concept of DNA translation.
While I was waiting for Rachel at the train station, I saw Aleysha and Cat go past in a train and Rachel and I arrived shortly after them, bumping straight into Kat who had come on the bus. Do you know how many universities have their own train station in England? I'll give you a clue, Birmingham University's Station is called "University Station." Anyway, I yelled "narrrrnia!" and suggested we look for a talking beaver, but they declined this.
Let me describe what we were all wearing.
I was wearing a grey woolen dress, grey trousers, my red doc marten boots which were fantastically water proof AND gave me added height, so my trousers didn't get wet, red gloves and a red hat. Very winterable.
Kat was wearing fashion boots, linen trousers, lady gloves (one of which she'd lost) and a jumper.
The poor dear.
At one point, I wondered why she was so ill-equipt for the snow, when surely Russia is colder than that. To this she had no answer. I gave her my gloves.
Alex was wearing boots which had completely soaked through, and I deigned to touch them, even though she offered the oppurtunity repeatedly.
Aleysha was wearing very long trousers which soaked up approximately eight litres of water and caused her to create a puddle everytime we stopped for a while.
Basically, I was glad that my mother is so good at buying me practical clothes.
It was really strange to be at the university. Some of my friends might remember that the last time I was there, I was attending the Summer School in the hottest week of the year, and now it was covered in snow! Amazing! The last time I saw the bell tower, it was backed on an azure sky, now it was all snowed on! We even ate our lunch in a cafe that I used to eat in!
Enough about that. The conference was very good, I enjoyed it, and I am pleased to say I understood a lot of what they were discussing. I had some musings while in the conference, here they are:
Musings of Sarah
Consider the Headscarf. Not only does it make mother, mother's friends and doting aunts think you are the human inc arnation of modesty, but it also acts as a handy head warmer, protection from all elements!
Also, a place to store cookies!
Perhaps biscuits are not a good idea, as crumbs could pose a problem.
But if the cookies are wrapped in cellophane?
Would not the rustling distrupt your thoughts?
Nay, it is your thoughts which should be wrapped in cellophane and hidden in your headscarf.
(commentary by Alex)
"Sarah Murano. Modest young woman or serial biscuit hider?" Critically anaylse this statment, and discuss whether it is justified or not (17) Quality of written comunication carries 3 marks.
The philosphical musings of Sarah Murano
As with polonecks, and halter neckts, the warmer and more practical the item of clothing, the less fashionable.
But what of the multicoloured monstrosity of a halter neck your mother bought you when you were twelve? Neither fashionable nor practical.
Perhaps it's soul was fashionable.
So when deciding clothes, one must look at it's innermost soul.
There are some more, but I'll leave it there, so as not to bore you to extinction.
We all went home on the train, which was fun enough even though we had to get off and on a couple of times, and my docs actually started to hurt quite a bit. When I got home, it was still snowing, and on the way back from the station, I (being a genius) pulled a snow covered branch down for closer inspection. Then let it go back up, covering me in snow. I shrieked. The old man behind me was not amused.
Then, when I got home, I painted my nails, for the first time in months!
All in all, it was a great day, I'm so glad rachel convinced me to go, because otherwise, I wouldn't have left the house! I had a really super snow day!
p.s. Jess is green
So it snowed yesterday early morning, I stayed up trying to see if it was going to, but I sucummed to slumber before the first flakes started to fall! Trust me hey?
Anyway, I was supposed to go to this French Conference at Birmingham University, and I was a bit annoyed about going because I ddin't want to miss school, as I would have missed some pivetol lessons, and teaching myself is a lot harder than it seems to begin with.
So I woke up on Thursday morning, and the first thing I did was establish the lines of contact avec Rachel, who was also supposed to be going. We arranged to meet previously at 9.45 at the station, but I wasn't sure if she was going. I wasn't too keen on going myself, because it seemed like a nice excuse not to go to the conference. But Rachel pretty much begged me to go, and I did have a cute winter outfit (more on that later) so I figured I might as well, otherwise I'd just spend all day online, and that would be a killer waste.
And to top it all off, we found out that school was closed, so I wouldn't even miss any lessons! Super!!! I was so thrilled I did a little jig. I was really not looking forward to trying to teach myself the concept of DNA translation.
While I was waiting for Rachel at the train station, I saw Aleysha and Cat go past in a train and Rachel and I arrived shortly after them, bumping straight into Kat who had come on the bus. Do you know how many universities have their own train station in England? I'll give you a clue, Birmingham University's Station is called "University Station." Anyway, I yelled "narrrrnia!" and suggested we look for a talking beaver, but they declined this.
Let me describe what we were all wearing.
I was wearing a grey woolen dress, grey trousers, my red doc marten boots which were fantastically water proof AND gave me added height, so my trousers didn't get wet, red gloves and a red hat. Very winterable.
Kat was wearing fashion boots, linen trousers, lady gloves (one of which she'd lost) and a jumper.
The poor dear.
At one point, I wondered why she was so ill-equipt for the snow, when surely Russia is colder than that. To this she had no answer. I gave her my gloves.
Alex was wearing boots which had completely soaked through, and I deigned to touch them, even though she offered the oppurtunity repeatedly.
Aleysha was wearing very long trousers which soaked up approximately eight litres of water and caused her to create a puddle everytime we stopped for a while.
Basically, I was glad that my mother is so good at buying me practical clothes.
It was really strange to be at the university. Some of my friends might remember that the last time I was there, I was attending the Summer School in the hottest week of the year, and now it was covered in snow! Amazing! The last time I saw the bell tower, it was backed on an azure sky, now it was all snowed on! We even ate our lunch in a cafe that I used to eat in!
Enough about that. The conference was very good, I enjoyed it, and I am pleased to say I understood a lot of what they were discussing. I had some musings while in the conference, here they are:
Musings of Sarah
Consider the Headscarf. Not only does it make mother, mother's friends and doting aunts think you are the human inc arnation of modesty, but it also acts as a handy head warmer, protection from all elements!
Also, a place to store cookies!
Perhaps biscuits are not a good idea, as crumbs could pose a problem.
But if the cookies are wrapped in cellophane?
Would not the rustling distrupt your thoughts?
Nay, it is your thoughts which should be wrapped in cellophane and hidden in your headscarf.
(commentary by Alex)
"Sarah Murano. Modest young woman or serial biscuit hider?" Critically anaylse this statment, and discuss whether it is justified or not (17) Quality of written comunication carries 3 marks.
The philosphical musings of Sarah Murano
As with polonecks, and halter neckts, the warmer and more practical the item of clothing, the less fashionable.
But what of the multicoloured monstrosity of a halter neck your mother bought you when you were twelve? Neither fashionable nor practical.
Perhaps it's soul was fashionable.
So when deciding clothes, one must look at it's innermost soul.
There are some more, but I'll leave it there, so as not to bore you to extinction.
We all went home on the train, which was fun enough even though we had to get off and on a couple of times, and my docs actually started to hurt quite a bit. When I got home, it was still snowing, and on the way back from the station, I (being a genius) pulled a snow covered branch down for closer inspection. Then let it go back up, covering me in snow. I shrieked. The old man behind me was not amused.
Then, when I got home, I painted my nails, for the first time in months!
All in all, it was a great day, I'm so glad rachel convinced me to go, because otherwise, I wouldn't have left the house! I had a really super snow day!
p.s. Jess is green
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Girl!
Yo ho ho ho. H o ho ho. Lalal. Sooop.
Now that the crazy is out of the way, my mum just gave me some orange juice, but the only reason she did it, was because she wanted to recycle the carton. Tell me, does the end justify the means?
Urrg, I drank it, but it had all the rubbish bit at the end. I like the juicy bit at the begining.
So this week, my mum bought like...twenty necterines. It was great. There was the "perfectly ripe" variety, the "nearly ripe" variety, the "ripen in bowl" variety and the "keep in fridge" variety. I'm sure Megz is swooning at the idea of all these necterines.
Speaking of Megz, anyone else excited about Harry Potter? I sure am!
This week, I am seizing the moment, living for the day! Damn straight! So on Monday, I decided to cut my hair, I was all like "I'm going to cut my hair." It was actually because my hairdresser was all "I can't makei t because I have another appointment" and it was like.."what is this..????" I mean since when can hairdressers do that? Anyway, I decided to dye my hair, but I couldnt' find the right colours. I had honey, red, brown, orange. They all go with black too well. I wanted maybe a pale green, or a purple or pink or something, but no luck. Anyway, I decided if i couldn't dye it, I would cut it, so I got the scissors and started a hacking away. It went major triangular, but I quite like it. A bit like Selene in Underworld. Man am I concieted.
Then...then...Uh..I'm sure something happened. I know at some point during the week I yelled "Work that broom!" At this girl sweeping, and I asked one of my teachers "what's happening?" in way of greeting. Oh! and I stuck a bunch of post-its around school saying things like "This locker is HAUNTED." Also I kicked ass on this bio test and got my first full marks on a history paper! Man is that cool! And then I blew off school work to watch six consecutive episodes of Buffy.
So, good week. I only stayed at the hospital for two hours, served the tea and left, no small talk, not in the mood. Also, I arranged a placement in a residential home in the half term, more on that another time. And I read a poem called Ozymandias. You should read it. Man will it depress you.
Now that the crazy is out of the way, my mum just gave me some orange juice, but the only reason she did it, was because she wanted to recycle the carton. Tell me, does the end justify the means?
Urrg, I drank it, but it had all the rubbish bit at the end. I like the juicy bit at the begining.
So this week, my mum bought like...twenty necterines. It was great. There was the "perfectly ripe" variety, the "nearly ripe" variety, the "ripen in bowl" variety and the "keep in fridge" variety. I'm sure Megz is swooning at the idea of all these necterines.
Speaking of Megz, anyone else excited about Harry Potter? I sure am!
This week, I am seizing the moment, living for the day! Damn straight! So on Monday, I decided to cut my hair, I was all like "I'm going to cut my hair." It was actually because my hairdresser was all "I can't makei t because I have another appointment" and it was like.."what is this..????" I mean since when can hairdressers do that? Anyway, I decided to dye my hair, but I couldnt' find the right colours. I had honey, red, brown, orange. They all go with black too well. I wanted maybe a pale green, or a purple or pink or something, but no luck. Anyway, I decided if i couldn't dye it, I would cut it, so I got the scissors and started a hacking away. It went major triangular, but I quite like it. A bit like Selene in Underworld. Man am I concieted.
Then...then...Uh..I'm sure something happened. I know at some point during the week I yelled "Work that broom!" At this girl sweeping, and I asked one of my teachers "what's happening?" in way of greeting. Oh! and I stuck a bunch of post-its around school saying things like "This locker is HAUNTED." Also I kicked ass on this bio test and got my first full marks on a history paper! Man is that cool! And then I blew off school work to watch six consecutive episodes of Buffy.
So, good week. I only stayed at the hospital for two hours, served the tea and left, no small talk, not in the mood. Also, I arranged a placement in a residential home in the half term, more on that another time. And I read a poem called Ozymandias. You should read it. Man will it depress you.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Rocking Boots
Today, check this out, I went out! OuT. As in, left the house, not to do charity work or for school, or attend a religious function, or go to see friends of my mother. Actually out of my own accord. I went to the shopping centre, the one in town, not the one in birmingham, because mum doesn't like me going there, blah blah. I was supposed to be going with Louise and Charlotte and Neela, because Neela and I are engaged and we were meant to be buying the ring. Unfortunatemente, Neela has come down with a horrid virus, and Charlotte's mom and brother have the same thing, so she wasn't so keen on coming with and obviously Neela was out.
So that just left myself and Lou, which was really better, because it's a bit of a bummer to go shopping with a load of people, because they all want to do different things and it's a bit crappy. Either way, it was fine for me, particuliarment as Louise lives quite close to me, and has kooky fashion sense.
I actually arrive only seven minutes late, which was amazing, and I was vair proud of myself
crap, I forgot about this...never mind.
I got some wonder woman underwear, and a tee that says "hip to be square" with a pic of spongebob on it.
So that just left myself and Lou, which was really better, because it's a bit of a bummer to go shopping with a load of people, because they all want to do different things and it's a bit crappy. Either way, it was fine for me, particuliarment as Louise lives quite close to me, and has kooky fashion sense.
I actually arrive only seven minutes late, which was amazing, and I was vair proud of myself
crap, I forgot about this...never mind.
I got some wonder woman underwear, and a tee that says "hip to be square" with a pic of spongebob on it.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
So, tonight was post sixteen evening. That's where all the students who want to come to our school for the last two years of education before university can come and look around. Most of the students are internal, so they know the school and are just interested in the specific subject areas, but we get a few students who are the smart cookies in their schools and are considering transferring in. It's a bit of a nerve wracking time, because you have to make the choice whether or not you're going to leave your friends to do something on your own, and even if that's a brave sentiment, it might not necessarily be the best thing to do. Also, it's terrifying. I stayed on at my school, and I'm so thrilled that I did, because everything here fits, I've got my niche, but it also means that I can't really understand how those girls are feeling, as they walk around.
I always volunteer to help out at open evenings, so it made sense to volunteer for post sixteen evenings. Every year I volunteer as a guide, which means you put on your good uniform, you polish your schools and then take a group around your school, answering questions and showing them what they want to see. It can be difficult, because sometimes the people in your group have colliding interests, or sometimes no interests at all! I enjoy guiding because I'm genuinely enthusiastic about our school and passionate about my subjects. As a guide, I can offer insights, answer questions, reassure them and basically, make conversation. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm pretty good at making conversation. Basically, if I had a calling in life, it would be guiding, or bothering patients in hospitals. Either way, it's a captive audience, and all that talking means I'm not a blabber mouth later on, because I've used up all my conversational skill.
Granted, I've scared a whole lot of potential students. I can't help it! I become relaxed, and there is no thought process when I start speaking. A lot of things which seem funny, are really not, and a lot of things I find funny which again are really not. Luckily, more recently I feel as though I am able to distinguish between what is, and what isn't suitable to say, what's being quirky, and what's being weird, how far you can push the normal social boundaries before people become uncomfortable. Little by little, I'm improving.
So tonight, Kat came to my house first, actually, I'll just go through my day. I woke up this morning with an epiphany. I realised that I had triple booked myself. I was supposed to be doing biology coursework from nine to twelve thirty in the morning, going to a talk on oxbridge at eleven and going to the orthodontist at half past. It's amazing how I had before this not put the thoughts together. I'd spoken about going to the talk, about having to go to the orthodontist and I was very aware of my coursework, but it was only when I woke up that I realised what had happened, and how I was now supposed to be in three places at once. I immediately made a plan. I couldn't cancel biology, nor orthodontist, but I could get someone to tell me about the talk, so I crossed that off my schedule. Unfortunately, that still left me supposed to be at the dentists when I was carrying out an experiment. I mused over the problem while eating my breakfast ( not covered in orange juice- ewww) and alighted on a small fact which could be my saving grace. Someone had mentioned that if you finished the coursework, you could go, you didn't have to stay for the full three and a half hours. However, that would mean for me, finished everything in less than two hours, almost half the time it would take everyone else. I'm not going to outline my biology coursework, but I decided that if instead of doing my repeats after the original experiment, I could do them all together, collect all three sets of data, and finish early enough for my to catch the bus to the surgery which was a risky business in itself, given my prowess at getting the bus.
I started my biology coursework in school, and surprisingly it all ran smoothly, barring a smashing glass incident ( I swear test tubes used to be made out of stronger stuff) and I actually finished before eleven. My teacher looked at my skeptically when I asked if there was anything further for me to do, but after looking at my results said that I had finished the experiment in the shortest time anyone had ever done it, and gotten accurate results. I scampered off out of school, it was second period, and I intended to get back in time to catch the end of the third. After getting the bus ( he charged me a pound, so not fair) I arrived at the surgery, tried to open the door (wrong one genius) then walked calmly through the sliding door. I was called in fairly quickly and although I had been hoping to get the dastardly things taken off, he just put a new set on, a tighter one! Obviously my teeth immediately started to feel tense but I put on a brave face. It was at this point that I realised I didn't have enough money to get back to school (darn that bus driver) so I decided that since my house was within walking distance, I would go home instead, get some paracetamol and then let my mom take me back. While I was walking, I realised that the next three periods I had were history, lunch and then a free, which I was supposed to speak to the french assistant in. I had already missed the beginning of history, but I wasn't worried, as I'm fairly adept at history, and could easily catch up. Lunch would probably be easier at home, not to mention cheaper, and I hated spending that free period with the french assistant.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I decided to ditch school.
Yeah you heard me, DITCH SCHOOL. As in, not going to a lesson, because I don't feel like it! I've gotta say I've never done it before, and man is it empowering!
Truth be told, I spent that extra three hours drafting out a french essay on multiculturalisme, but at least I wasn't stuck in school with the stupid french assistant, having to give my opinion on having pets!
I resurfaced in school for sixth period, which was Chemistry, and I kinda needed to be in the class because no one takes it seriously, and thus no one has notes for me to copy up. I was in amazing spirits, having spent the previous three hours eating cookies and enthusiastically colour coding my notes (french law= blue, french politics= red) and basically had a super time. Unfortunately my classmates thought I was high.
So there you have it, ditching class, IS healthy.
Kat and I walked home, we were having a really good time, I think, although I'm sure she was upset about something or other and man does that girl walk slowly. When we got home, Kat amused herself in my room, tinkering with all my stuff and lounging around on my bed, while I changed and then we had tomato soup. Kat's never had tomato soup, can you believe?? She thought it was amazing, as it is. I reassured her that she'd have plenty when she went to university. We watched a french film and then got ready for the post sixteen evening.
Post sixteen evening always makes me feel patriotic about my school. Seriously, by the end I was very close to handcuffing myself to a pillar and refusing to leave. It just feels so great, it's like..my second home. I love love love school. I never wake up in the morning and say "uuuh I don't want to go to schoooool." Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed, and sometimes I don't want to go to a lesson, but I never don't want to go to school. Just thinking about graduating depresses me.
To begin with, I took a family around and met my friends in different rooms. I love that friendly feeling I get when I say hi to my friends in the corridor, and I can see how perfectly I fit in to school, how nice it all is. After that I spent some time in history, with my history homegirls, who were at first appalled at my skipping class, but soon lightened up. Then I went to french and did a double act with Kat, which seemed to go down quite well although I'm sure some teachers were laughing at us. I swung by the library for a little while and gushed about how I loved it before returning to history and chatting to potential historians, while sharing tidbits about the more scandalous side of history. For example, when Louise XIV was in Paris as a child, he fell in a fountain and was too short so he couldn't get out and was eventually found there in the evening. The girl I mentioned that to laughed, but said it couldn't possibly be relevant, to which I retorted that it actually was relevant and that I'd used it in an essay. FYI, it was one of the reasons he created Versailles and moved out of the capital.
At the end of the night, after some more historical bonding, I met up with Kat and her mum, who dropped me home and I wrote this! What a day! Tomorrow is the first day of book club, set up by Nandi. I'm the secretary!! No clue what I do as secretary. I finished reading the musketeers which was great, a very good all round story, I was sad to see it end. I'm currently battling with "far from the maddening crowd" by Hardy, which is difficult, but the plot pulls me on. Haven't had any time to read today, and shan't if I want to get to bed at a decent hour.
I recieved a letter from Yasamin, and also a lot of glitter, I shall reply to you m'dear, but not tonight, as obviously I've been vair vair busy. I also got an email from Jess, in which she revealed that if you live in California, your life is like a montage from the OC. (honest Megz :p)
I hope Melissaaaaaaaaah is betttaaaaar.
Does anyone know what a wolfkin is?
This blog entry is ovvva
I always volunteer to help out at open evenings, so it made sense to volunteer for post sixteen evenings. Every year I volunteer as a guide, which means you put on your good uniform, you polish your schools and then take a group around your school, answering questions and showing them what they want to see. It can be difficult, because sometimes the people in your group have colliding interests, or sometimes no interests at all! I enjoy guiding because I'm genuinely enthusiastic about our school and passionate about my subjects. As a guide, I can offer insights, answer questions, reassure them and basically, make conversation. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm pretty good at making conversation. Basically, if I had a calling in life, it would be guiding, or bothering patients in hospitals. Either way, it's a captive audience, and all that talking means I'm not a blabber mouth later on, because I've used up all my conversational skill.
Granted, I've scared a whole lot of potential students. I can't help it! I become relaxed, and there is no thought process when I start speaking. A lot of things which seem funny, are really not, and a lot of things I find funny which again are really not. Luckily, more recently I feel as though I am able to distinguish between what is, and what isn't suitable to say, what's being quirky, and what's being weird, how far you can push the normal social boundaries before people become uncomfortable. Little by little, I'm improving.
So tonight, Kat came to my house first, actually, I'll just go through my day. I woke up this morning with an epiphany. I realised that I had triple booked myself. I was supposed to be doing biology coursework from nine to twelve thirty in the morning, going to a talk on oxbridge at eleven and going to the orthodontist at half past. It's amazing how I had before this not put the thoughts together. I'd spoken about going to the talk, about having to go to the orthodontist and I was very aware of my coursework, but it was only when I woke up that I realised what had happened, and how I was now supposed to be in three places at once. I immediately made a plan. I couldn't cancel biology, nor orthodontist, but I could get someone to tell me about the talk, so I crossed that off my schedule. Unfortunately, that still left me supposed to be at the dentists when I was carrying out an experiment. I mused over the problem while eating my breakfast ( not covered in orange juice- ewww) and alighted on a small fact which could be my saving grace. Someone had mentioned that if you finished the coursework, you could go, you didn't have to stay for the full three and a half hours. However, that would mean for me, finished everything in less than two hours, almost half the time it would take everyone else. I'm not going to outline my biology coursework, but I decided that if instead of doing my repeats after the original experiment, I could do them all together, collect all three sets of data, and finish early enough for my to catch the bus to the surgery which was a risky business in itself, given my prowess at getting the bus.
I started my biology coursework in school, and surprisingly it all ran smoothly, barring a smashing glass incident ( I swear test tubes used to be made out of stronger stuff) and I actually finished before eleven. My teacher looked at my skeptically when I asked if there was anything further for me to do, but after looking at my results said that I had finished the experiment in the shortest time anyone had ever done it, and gotten accurate results. I scampered off out of school, it was second period, and I intended to get back in time to catch the end of the third. After getting the bus ( he charged me a pound, so not fair) I arrived at the surgery, tried to open the door (wrong one genius) then walked calmly through the sliding door. I was called in fairly quickly and although I had been hoping to get the dastardly things taken off, he just put a new set on, a tighter one! Obviously my teeth immediately started to feel tense but I put on a brave face. It was at this point that I realised I didn't have enough money to get back to school (darn that bus driver) so I decided that since my house was within walking distance, I would go home instead, get some paracetamol and then let my mom take me back. While I was walking, I realised that the next three periods I had were history, lunch and then a free, which I was supposed to speak to the french assistant in. I had already missed the beginning of history, but I wasn't worried, as I'm fairly adept at history, and could easily catch up. Lunch would probably be easier at home, not to mention cheaper, and I hated spending that free period with the french assistant.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I decided to ditch school.
Yeah you heard me, DITCH SCHOOL. As in, not going to a lesson, because I don't feel like it! I've gotta say I've never done it before, and man is it empowering!
Truth be told, I spent that extra three hours drafting out a french essay on multiculturalisme, but at least I wasn't stuck in school with the stupid french assistant, having to give my opinion on having pets!
I resurfaced in school for sixth period, which was Chemistry, and I kinda needed to be in the class because no one takes it seriously, and thus no one has notes for me to copy up. I was in amazing spirits, having spent the previous three hours eating cookies and enthusiastically colour coding my notes (french law= blue, french politics= red) and basically had a super time. Unfortunately my classmates thought I was high.
So there you have it, ditching class, IS healthy.
Kat and I walked home, we were having a really good time, I think, although I'm sure she was upset about something or other and man does that girl walk slowly. When we got home, Kat amused herself in my room, tinkering with all my stuff and lounging around on my bed, while I changed and then we had tomato soup. Kat's never had tomato soup, can you believe?? She thought it was amazing, as it is. I reassured her that she'd have plenty when she went to university. We watched a french film and then got ready for the post sixteen evening.
Post sixteen evening always makes me feel patriotic about my school. Seriously, by the end I was very close to handcuffing myself to a pillar and refusing to leave. It just feels so great, it's like..my second home. I love love love school. I never wake up in the morning and say "uuuh I don't want to go to schoooool." Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed, and sometimes I don't want to go to a lesson, but I never don't want to go to school. Just thinking about graduating depresses me.
To begin with, I took a family around and met my friends in different rooms. I love that friendly feeling I get when I say hi to my friends in the corridor, and I can see how perfectly I fit in to school, how nice it all is. After that I spent some time in history, with my history homegirls, who were at first appalled at my skipping class, but soon lightened up. Then I went to french and did a double act with Kat, which seemed to go down quite well although I'm sure some teachers were laughing at us. I swung by the library for a little while and gushed about how I loved it before returning to history and chatting to potential historians, while sharing tidbits about the more scandalous side of history. For example, when Louise XIV was in Paris as a child, he fell in a fountain and was too short so he couldn't get out and was eventually found there in the evening. The girl I mentioned that to laughed, but said it couldn't possibly be relevant, to which I retorted that it actually was relevant and that I'd used it in an essay. FYI, it was one of the reasons he created Versailles and moved out of the capital.
At the end of the night, after some more historical bonding, I met up with Kat and her mum, who dropped me home and I wrote this! What a day! Tomorrow is the first day of book club, set up by Nandi. I'm the secretary!! No clue what I do as secretary. I finished reading the musketeers which was great, a very good all round story, I was sad to see it end. I'm currently battling with "far from the maddening crowd" by Hardy, which is difficult, but the plot pulls me on. Haven't had any time to read today, and shan't if I want to get to bed at a decent hour.
I recieved a letter from Yasamin, and also a lot of glitter, I shall reply to you m'dear, but not tonight, as obviously I've been vair vair busy. I also got an email from Jess, in which she revealed that if you live in California, your life is like a montage from the OC. (honest Megz :p)
I hope Melissaaaaaaaaah is betttaaaaar.
Does anyone know what a wolfkin is?
This blog entry is ovvva
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Late night on ward seven
So for the last two days, I've had like..hardly any lessons because my teachers are all AWOL so that suits me fine, after all, i just had three exams! It was pretty cool, is anyone else following the french elections? I'm rooting for Sarkozy, he's the man!....I cannot believe I just said that. Phew.
Also, I love love love Digimon. Although I've watched an unhealthy amount of it in the last week. So not my fault.
Last night, I was a bit worried about going to the hospital, because I hadn't gone in a while, what with being ill and then on holiday, so I was concerned that my placement might have gone to someone else, but luckily that didn't happen! There were SUCH nice people there yesterday. One guy noted the headscarf and said "thank you" in arabic, which obviously I don't speak, but I could understand that. Isn't that sweet? Making such an effort. And this other guy, was going on about how great it was that I was volunteering and helping the community and then there were these two old ladies who were such good fun, they were giggling about one of the doctors on duty and kept telling me how nice their tea was, which was good, because I'm very self concious about my tea. I put like, eight tea bags in for good measure, because there's nothing worse than weak tea! Practically everyone in the entire ward was drinking, so I made two pots, but I got round pretty fast either way, I'd arrived earlier as well, so I had a bit of time to spare. I spoke to the patients for a bit, but visiting hours were really over so most of them had company, and the others were a bit too drugged up to really hold up a conversation. Then I met this nice doctor lady, who asked if I wanted to do medicine, and when I said I was thinking about it, she was like "no no, don't do it" and said I should shadow her and see how awful it is. So I did shadow her and I found out that they still give morphine! I totally didn't know that! Ok, yes, only in small amounts but still. Anyway, it did seem kind of boring, with all the paper work, but it was still fun. I think I might organise a shadowing placement actually, to get to grips with it a bit more. But if I apply for medicine, not only is that the rest of my life, it also means I'd be going to Birmingham and I was kinda looking forward to moving out. This doctor said she went to the imperial college of london, which is awesome, and that was the only reason she moved out. I'd like to apply to Kings I think. At least one London university, but obviously I'm waiting on my results. Oooh it's all kicking off.
Wow, I was so busy this week. On monday I had islamic society, then on tuesday I had french club, and wednesday library duty! Next thursday we're starting a book club, so that should be really good. On the topic of books, I'm reading "The Three Musketeers" by Alex Durmas, although it's the abridged version, so it's much shorter. It's quite good, because it ties into my history lessons, what with the Duke of Buckingham, although it fails to point out that he's very gay...how odd. The characters are all kinda studs, and have mistresses and trysts and all kinds, sometimes consequtively! It's very shocking.
Mr Kearsey was going on about "how far how fast" in chemistry, and I copied it down, but I have like, no clue, so I'm going to read up on it. Infact, I have the book in my lap right now, so I should read up on it in a momento.
I bought Alex, La Haine for christmas and his birthday and really need to give it to him, but he's working alot these days, so there is not much of a chance.
I've made lots of new friends this week, or made people who I randomly see, into close friends although unfortunately the opposite seems true for Minal.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned underworld and underworld evolution. They are tres good films. Kate Beckinsale is awesome. Speaking of, someone stole Kim's pencil case yesterday, and I swear on Kate Beckinsale that it was not me!
Not much else to report. I'm worried that Megan has blocked me, PLEASE UNBLOCK ME PLUMCAKE! Also, I'm getting back to grips with my penfriends, all is good.
Also, I love love love Digimon. Although I've watched an unhealthy amount of it in the last week. So not my fault.
Last night, I was a bit worried about going to the hospital, because I hadn't gone in a while, what with being ill and then on holiday, so I was concerned that my placement might have gone to someone else, but luckily that didn't happen! There were SUCH nice people there yesterday. One guy noted the headscarf and said "thank you" in arabic, which obviously I don't speak, but I could understand that. Isn't that sweet? Making such an effort. And this other guy, was going on about how great it was that I was volunteering and helping the community and then there were these two old ladies who were such good fun, they were giggling about one of the doctors on duty and kept telling me how nice their tea was, which was good, because I'm very self concious about my tea. I put like, eight tea bags in for good measure, because there's nothing worse than weak tea! Practically everyone in the entire ward was drinking, so I made two pots, but I got round pretty fast either way, I'd arrived earlier as well, so I had a bit of time to spare. I spoke to the patients for a bit, but visiting hours were really over so most of them had company, and the others were a bit too drugged up to really hold up a conversation. Then I met this nice doctor lady, who asked if I wanted to do medicine, and when I said I was thinking about it, she was like "no no, don't do it" and said I should shadow her and see how awful it is. So I did shadow her and I found out that they still give morphine! I totally didn't know that! Ok, yes, only in small amounts but still. Anyway, it did seem kind of boring, with all the paper work, but it was still fun. I think I might organise a shadowing placement actually, to get to grips with it a bit more. But if I apply for medicine, not only is that the rest of my life, it also means I'd be going to Birmingham and I was kinda looking forward to moving out. This doctor said she went to the imperial college of london, which is awesome, and that was the only reason she moved out. I'd like to apply to Kings I think. At least one London university, but obviously I'm waiting on my results. Oooh it's all kicking off.
Wow, I was so busy this week. On monday I had islamic society, then on tuesday I had french club, and wednesday library duty! Next thursday we're starting a book club, so that should be really good. On the topic of books, I'm reading "The Three Musketeers" by Alex Durmas, although it's the abridged version, so it's much shorter. It's quite good, because it ties into my history lessons, what with the Duke of Buckingham, although it fails to point out that he's very gay...how odd. The characters are all kinda studs, and have mistresses and trysts and all kinds, sometimes consequtively! It's very shocking.
Mr Kearsey was going on about "how far how fast" in chemistry, and I copied it down, but I have like, no clue, so I'm going to read up on it. Infact, I have the book in my lap right now, so I should read up on it in a momento.
I bought Alex, La Haine for christmas and his birthday and really need to give it to him, but he's working alot these days, so there is not much of a chance.
I've made lots of new friends this week, or made people who I randomly see, into close friends although unfortunately the opposite seems true for Minal.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned underworld and underworld evolution. They are tres good films. Kate Beckinsale is awesome. Speaking of, someone stole Kim's pencil case yesterday, and I swear on Kate Beckinsale that it was not me!
Not much else to report. I'm worried that Megan has blocked me, PLEASE UNBLOCK ME PLUMCAKE! Also, I'm getting back to grips with my penfriends, all is good.
Kate Beckinsale,
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bitesized exams! Dellllish
So there's this book, it's called Twilight and it's so good. Seriously, I read like, three paragraphs and then have to close the book and hyperventilate for a while before I can calm down. Meagan reccomended it to me, tis fantastical.
I had two exams this week, chemistry and biology which went fairly well, I think. I don't think I'm going to repeat them unless I get a C or less.
Urrg, I've got nothing to say so I wont bore you, life is great, but not so great that I can write about it being great. Different kinds of great.
Uuurg got to do biology coursework.
I had two exams this week, chemistry and biology which went fairly well, I think. I don't think I'm going to repeat them unless I get a C or less.
Urrg, I've got nothing to say so I wont bore you, life is great, but not so great that I can write about it being great. Different kinds of great.
Uuurg got to do biology coursework.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Did I die?
Perchance no! I GOT HOME MY GOD HOME ROCKS SO HARD! Don't you just LOVE LOVE LOVE home? My god I love home. At home, right, you have like, your bed, and your shoes and your clothes and I am SO GODDAMN THRILLED ABOUT BEING HOME I THINK I MIGHT CRY. After I sleep for about three thousand years it's going to be great yayayayayyyyayay.
Megan, I am working on the assumption that you did not, in fact, get drunk alone this christmas holidays, so GO YOU YAYAYAY I was thinking about you lots and lots like jelly tots.
In saudi arabia, despite having kick ass hotels and cheap room service and nazguls, they don't really do christmas.
I was also living in a refugee camp for a week and I didn't get pregnant, I don't think. Go me!!!!
MEllissaaaah I looooove the stuff you sent me! Unfortunately if you take unsuitable literature to saudi arabia you can get arrested, so I have not read it yet. Olive is still at alex's so she has not got her toys yet.
The mail has been been sent to the post office cause we were away, but I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY STUFF. Jess, you better have liked your gift, we went through PERIL. damn near got thrown out of a library. A library which has probably sent me a fine by now....
Urrrg, we got so badly ripped off. How can people rip you off on the hajj? I do not know, but it soooo happend. Man did we get ripped off.
Megan, I am working on the assumption that you did not, in fact, get drunk alone this christmas holidays, so GO YOU YAYAYAY I was thinking about you lots and lots like jelly tots.
In saudi arabia, despite having kick ass hotels and cheap room service and nazguls, they don't really do christmas.
I was also living in a refugee camp for a week and I didn't get pregnant, I don't think. Go me!!!!
MEllissaaaah I looooove the stuff you sent me! Unfortunately if you take unsuitable literature to saudi arabia you can get arrested, so I have not read it yet. Olive is still at alex's so she has not got her toys yet.
The mail has been been sent to the post office cause we were away, but I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY STUFF. Jess, you better have liked your gift, we went through PERIL. damn near got thrown out of a library. A library which has probably sent me a fine by now....
Urrrg, we got so badly ripped off. How can people rip you off on the hajj? I do not know, but it soooo happend. Man did we get ripped off.
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