Saturday, December 17, 2005

Attack of the guilt

So I felt pretty guilty for not updating my blog, what with the few people who do read it. Goodness knows why, nothing ever happens to me, and nor do I have any insights like some.
For example, Megz does loads, Luke goes to parties all the time, Dillie has all these thoughts, and I just sit here typing into a forum where no on knows the first thing about me.

It's all really quite weird when you think about it, that they would be interested in anything that little of me would have to say.

Now, some other weird things.

I'm going to be 16 soon. Not so soon I should start freaking out, but soon enough for me to start writing ballads to my carefree years. Although, I never really had carefree days after I hit 13, and some mean girl at school told me what sex really was. God, who can be carefree with that hanging over them? I don't know, I sometimes roll in my bed, cursing that girl. Is she fictional? Will you ever know?

I love reading fantasy. I am well aware that it's rubbish and that I should spend my time in more profitable endevours, but I still love to pick up a tamora pierce book and then sift through it for a few hours. I like it I suppose, because it's escapsim. Television, movies, books and the internet give me a nice steady diet of escapism and I couldn't do without it. Even when I'm dried of my normal addiction, by running out of literature, or being banned from the net, I sit in my house and day dream, or better yet, really dream. Dreaming is the best. Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever. When I die, I hope it's like that, just sleeping.

I've got to think about my future whatever the hell that's going to be. I mean I have to choose my A Level subjects, which is a whole big important thing, but I dont really know what I'm going to choose, and if I do, to what end. I don't have an aim yet. And what makes the whole situation worse? Everything I worry about, has been done before. Countless students have wailed about not knowing what their calling is. My lack of originality is applaing. Why can't I think of anything better? I don't know. I blame myself. It's not my fault.

I did fairly well on my mocks. All A's and A*s so long as you don't count my B in PE and who the hell would anyway. I see no reason for it to spoil my fun, PE sucks anyway. If I go up a grade in everything, I shall be a very happy bunny. I'm sort of afraid to dream. Too good to be true really.

I'm looking forward to my post sixteen evening. For those of you unfammillar, it's where they talk about what I'll do after I'm sixteen. I have to apply to sixth forms, and I have to find out my predicted grades. My predicted grades are going to kick ass. Call me evil, I want to beat Squizzymick.

No one in my history class knows what Hyper inflation is except me. How stupid is that. It's not rocket science. I probably should tone down the whole arrogance thing. What with the not shopping at Asda, looking down in anyone who plays sport, and staying inside the house all day, I really shouldn't be making fun of the people in my history class. Hyper Inflation is a really difficult concept to grasp. *Snort* Yeah right.


Anonymous said...



Meag's sweet sixteen is like next month : P

Ohhh dear....

What do guys get? A Rugged Sixteen? : )

Of course i know what they get!

Condoms : D

see you later - adam xxx

Ionix said...

"Although, I never really had carefree days after I hit 13, and some mean girl at school told me what sex really was."

You were let off at 13? We got told at forkin' 11!