Friday, December 31, 2004


I wanted to see if I can post pictures, not that I can find one of my SWEATER, but I could post a picture of a sweater, so you could see what it was like!

Ok, so its not my sweater, but it's a nice picture.

Sweaters! Part Two

In all the excitement of my criminal sleep-surfing activities, I completely forgot to write down what I did today.
That was a bad introduction, it gives the impression that I did alot today, but in actual fact very little happend.

I have come across this:
I am nothing without this pink novelty watch with sparkly diamanties on it, but it cost £10.00 to post to England! Can you believe it? I am outraged. What am I going to do?

I know what I am going to do. I am going to steal my mom's credit card, and use it to buy my watch! Then we will all win!
But then she will see the bill at the end of the month, and my plan will be foiled. Gah. How unfair, the watch would totally set off my outfit perfectly! Well you can't have everything I suppose. *prods pink woven friendship bracelet angrilly*
Life is so unfair.

My brother is bullying his friend into buying an X-box RIGHT NOW. HE is not even being discreet. He is telling him to buy it so that he, my brother, can play on it! Bet it will work. If not he will get one somehow. He has contacts.

I want that watch, but I shan't get it, it just isn't going to happen. I shouldn't even be on E-bay! It's too tempting, and nothing on there is likely to ever become mine. Unless Riaz buys it and gives it to me once he has played with it.
I doubt that is going to happen
I should stop looking on e-bay at all, what is the point of deluding myselt? But I must search on, why? Because UE is boring and I have nothing better to do.

I am looking at several sites right now, and one is on hieroglyphs, they are so complicated, it must be really difficult to translate them, unless you understand it yourself. It would be totally awsome if I could by some stroke of genius just look at them and click, but seeing as nothing about me is genius, I don't see that happening any time soon.
I thought about abandoning my quest for hieroglyphs, and learning something decent instead, but I think perhapsI should just look at my thoughts from another direction. Instead of thinking about hieroglyphs, I should just look at Eygpt. It's a topic, could be a good one. I wouldn't know I haven't studied it.

I don't suppose you have a clue what I am talking about. Well basically I thought I ought to use my internet time to look at something decent, so you know, like learn something. I don't really think that is going to happen. Even whenI am so bored I could throw rocks at my friends, learning things is a greater evil.

I am sure my friends would understand


I am so happy, I am wearing my New Sweater. I was complaining to my mother that I am running out of clothes, cause in the winter I am cold and have no sweaters, so my mom bought me several sweaters, and nowI have sweaters that I can wear! YAY.
You know sometimes, when your out fit is good, you just feel good in general. That is what I have going on RIGHT NOW. How cool. Tis.

I could talk about my jumper, I mean sweater, all day. It's a kinda pinky cream colour, with burberry stripes on it. They are horizontal. It is knitted methinks, but not like those horrible lumpy ones your gran knits for you. They suck, but I wanted that style because they are always uber warm!

Today has been great so far, except for my brother.

Before, when I was on the internet I was on my brother's laptop, that's because he used the main computer, but for some reason he has kicked me off.
I know the reason, it's because during my time on the laptop, several files containing viruses were down loaded. Now I know this sounds supicous, but I assure you I don't recall downloading ANY viruses. The only way this phenomenom can be explained is like this.
I have been Sleep Surfing the Internet! Yes I know, it's terrifying, who knows what sites I visited in my semi-concious state? Sadly I cannot tell you, and I may do it again, at any time....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What? What happend? The last thing I remember is typing, and then-
OH NO! I must have fallen asleep.
What petty crime may I have commited? I could have been anywhere! Downloaded anything! My internet life as it stands may be in dire peril, especially if I did infact download a virus some way some how.
If I never update again, you know my fate.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Angst of the Moment

Hehe, Laura has just brought this to my attention. In the angst of the moment there, when I was typing about never growing up and encouraging you to support the "Kill the Adults" Campaign, I wrote "I refuse to dye my hair black." Of course this isn't necessary as my hair is black, but I meant it symbolically. Of course.

Growing up

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I feel like I ought to make a personal statement.
When you are young, people around you are always trying to look older, be older. You know? Like girls wearing make up and high heels and short skirts. If you ask me, a whole lot of trouble comes about just because people want to be older, or act older. Smoking for one. Loads of people do it for the image. And that image is an older one. People do stupid things to act older.
Even if it's not older directly, there is something about moving on that I don't like so I hereby declare, I refuse to grow up.
I refuse to wear short skirts and hoop earrings, I refuse to giggle about boys, I refuse to take responsiblity for my actions and to clear up the messes I get into. I refuse to stop depending on others, I refuse to copy those around me. I refuse to revel in newfound freedom, I refuse to slam doors on my famiy. I refuse to dye my hair black and listen to angry music, I refuse not only to grow up, but to do anything that causes people to account for my actions by whispering worriedly to each other "it's because she's growing up". I refuse all this and anything else that people call signs of growing up.
I will do my very best to stay as I am until a time comes when I have no choice, and it's either move on or get washed away.
I suppose there will come a time when I really regret this statement, but with any luck, I'll remember how I feel right now, as I type. My attitude towards adulthood, and perhaps remember some of my memories.
As far as I am concerned, I am in no hurry to grow up. What does the future hold except uncertainty and anxiety? What is there to lose out on by hanging on to youth? As far as I can tell, I am prfectly happy the way I am, and I feel absolutly no need to change. So whether I am 14, 15, 16 or 18, you can take if from me, I most certainly wont be a woman. I'll be as I am right now, a girl foreer. I see youth as a gift, not a curse. If I die today, I wont feel any regret, knowing the best years of my life are mostly behind me.

Shopping-It's the Internet Way or No way

Just got back from shopping. I went to the Bullring, cause I actually wanted to shop. Sutton is awsome if you ask me, quaint. You know your way around and you know what you can get where, but if you actually want clothes like I do for my appointment at the Hyiot then you are better off going to the Bullring where there are so many shops you could die.

ANYWAY, that is besides the poin. The point is, I was walking around and there were all these people, and I felt so stupid, a 14 year old shopping with her mom, (As if I was going to fork out the £70 for my skirt) and to make things worse I looked pathetic, being ill and all. I was walking around. We sat down and mom said I should choose something to eat. I walked along this row of food joints, there were loads of them, but I didn't really feel like anything. And I get to the end and there's WaterStones and I was so tempted to just walk in there and curl up! I felt a little disgusted with myself, I was making the whole thing into such an ordeal, but I felt like this was some kind of inane torture system.

It's not like anyone would be watching, looking for me to slip up, but it really felt like that. Even stranger, I didn't want to go into new shops, the ones mom dragged me into I was really eager to get out of, but once back in H'nM, everything was fine and familiar.

Maybe it's cos I was just not feeling well, but it really freaked me out. I think I am going to shop from home from now on. It's the internet all the way.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


I totally forgot to introduce my cat!
She is black and heavy. She always seems heavier than she looks.

Ah there is also, as a part of my internet family, a few friends from The Dancing Dove, but I doubt I will talk to them here so it matters not.


I realised I didn't describe the rest of my family before. The rest of my family being my internet family.

They mostly circulate on UE. There's my best friend on the interenet, that is of course Laura. We have quite a few things in common, even though she lives in Yorkshire, and may or may not be a duke. Anyway, then there is Freshdil, or Madeline, she and I have a straange thing to do with invisble friends who may or may not exisist, and my real life friends who can't type.
Lucy, she like me, loves Homestar runner, and we freaquenly quote teengirlsquad.
Jess, is just cool to talk to
Opium I like to think of as my dsyfunctional brother, who I beg to go to functions with me so I wont be alone :p
Tornado I like to hang out well if you know me, you know what I mean by that. Tornado being around usually livens things up, at least for me
Lastly for now is Ryan, another d00d, who just hangs around and gets angry with everyone except me and his girlfriend. I think this can be explained because we are both totally awsome.

Shall edit this list if the need arises. Happy people?

Fan Fictions

I had FINALLY finished updating my fan fic. It's on ly a page long update, but I am not feeling too good so I think it's enough under the circumstances. I'm not exactly thrilled about the chapter, I mean nothing happens in it, but it's not as if I can have Joren strutting his stuff in every chapter. As much as I would LOVE to.
But I am very proud, I hope I get lots of reviews. It's near pathetic how excited I get when I get a review. They are only little comments saying how much someone likes my work but I get SO happy when I see them!

I'm still at home inside wasting the holidays. Thankfully I can eat normally now though, the antibiotics had made me feel horrible before. I mean, I couldn't even eat CHOCOLATE! I just sat, looking at this tin of roses mournfully.

I think I have a serious English essay in for Tuesday, but I really don't want to do it, I haven't done anything fun in these holidays, I don't see why I have to do a horrible essay. I don't even know what to write in the damn thing. Instead of making notes when I was in class, I was playing noughts and crosses with Kat. At least she is probably just as bad as I am.

But then again, she will cram all night and do really well. And end up with like 18 pages. I don't know how people write about stupid topics for 18 pages. i really don't I have tried so many times to make my writing longer, but no matter how many times I repeat my self I can never write very much.

That is a lie I suppose, as I am writing an awful lot right now, but I mean to say, when I have some work to be done, an english essay, or an investagation, I can write it all in about 2 pages. Then my friends al come in with like 17 pages. And of course I freak out and get less marks than then predicatably. Actually, nowdays I don't freak out, there doesn't seem to be much point. Though I notice that on purpose or not, some of my friends seem to try to make me freak out, by repeating the samething over and over again. Eg.

Have you done you're math coursework?


You haven't done it

Doesn't look likeit

Seriously, you haven't done the coursework?

No, I haven't

You do realise we have Mrs Irvine for that don't you

Oh fall over.

I doubt my friend will realise who she is, and I doubt even more that she was purposefully trying to make me worry. I did of course freak out eventurally, though not as much as I could have. Though that isn't saying much.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

All about me

Ah, that title has been done so many times it hurts.

Ok, wel there is me, Dooki, I have an 18 year old brother who has geon off to uni, leaving me, to all intents and purposes an only child. My mother is very over protective, but also loathes the internet. I believe this has something to do with the fact that the internet took away her sack of gold, but those reports have yet to be confirmed. Anyway. That's my family. Any other prominent members that come up in my life story can be put it as they arise.

My friends in real life. My best friend lives next door to me, and has done since I was about 3, we have lots in common, despite going to different schools, he goes to the local comp, I go to the girl's grammar. My other friends are mainly at school.
There is Kat, she is a little weird, can sing very nicely though.
She winds me up like hell, and I am pretty sure she knows what she is doing, but thinks it better to act dumb.
There's my three in my class, it isn't mine, but I'm in it so that should count for something. We have been friends since year seven and hang out alot. That's Minal, Gurpreet and myself. I always try and get Minal to do stuff she doesn't want to do. And she always does it, but really slowly.
Candy is in another year but great. She is really smart, but you don't mind when she beats you in tests, and when you're me, someone's always beating you in a test.
I have other friends, Kim, I walk home with, she's funny and strange, but mostly funny, no mostly strange. Anyway, I feel no need to put the rest of my friends in, as they are unlikely to come and see it so why bother?


Coudn't think of a title for this, I don't particularly see the point of thinking up a nice fancy title name. I mean it's probably been done so many times before!
My first entry was mondo short, probably because I thought I had completely messed this up, I wanted to see if I could see it. Catch my drift?
Probably no, not many people do, not that I am shy or anything.
Who am I kidding? I am completely transparent, according to my friends I carry my heart on my sleeve, sort of person that doesn't know when to shut up and if you don't find a way to make them stop talking, they'll talk themselves into deep water.

I haven't quite worked out the purpose of a blog or journal, on the internet.
I figure of course people can look at it, but out of the thousands and thousands of entries, why would people pick out mine? As with most things, Laura sortedt his out for me, I'll explain Laura later. So you show people that you know these blogs so they can see your feelings?
I don't see the point in that to be honest, couldn't you just tell them?
I think if I force anyone to read this, they will die of boredom. I've only had it a few minutes, and I've already babbled everywhere.

Shall explain people, family, friends, my weird internet family in next entry.
Which will most probably be in the next five minutes.

First Post

My first post.
I'm so proud.
Well I'm actually not so proud, because it's not so hard just to post now is it? Loads of people have done it.

Aha, but not me!
I'm really bad at blogs and stuff. I had a live journal once, first I couldn't work out how to post in it, then I lost the password. I used it for a whole 15 minutes.
What a great 15 minutes that was.