Friday, February 22, 2008

Legend of Zelda

Sarah: I have a crush on Link from Zelda.
Megan: Oh dear
Megan: Isn't he just like....a little elf man?

I Love Megan.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Do you have a problem?

So yeah, there I am, happily tapping away at the computer. I'm nearly on fifty pages of "Living Quietly" so woo, go me!
Then my mum is all "you aren't talking to anyone you don't know are you?" and I'm all 'oh great mother's been reading the newspaper again.' man I wish she would stay away from those things. To be perfectly frank she can't handle the truth.
So I'm like "no mother I'm not talking to anyone I don't know" and then she starts talking about my other friends and how they are not online all the time and I am. Well duhhh.
To be fully honest i have no idea why I am always online. I don't know why I have more time than most people. I don't know what most people do with their day if they're not online. I know they can't be going out all day, no one does that. And if they're working....I don't think there's even enough work for them to be working on. So yes. Starting Monday I'm going to cut back on internetting. No more freaking fanfictions. I swear I've read half of It's really really bad...

Hokay, so that means no turning on the computer as soon as I get home from school. I will have to find other ways of amusing myself. Um Maybe I could...start scrapbooking? I really have no idea..


I wasn't going to watch naruto today because last week's really depressed me. You know it's pretty bad how completely obsessed I become with my fandoms..I don't think it's healthy. But there's not much I can do. Anyway I succumbed and it was okay, although there was some drug abuse!!

Vicky was all like "You should watch Bleach" and I'm like wow you really don't know me because goodness it's not a good idea to get Sarah into a NEW fandom. It's like going up to megan and offering to buy her soul in exchange for the season four boxset of Lost.

Hirah says she's going to dig a hold, then put in it a tin that says "nice hole" so that some day, someone will dig a hole, find it and be complimented.

If I get another cat, I'm goin to call it Itachi. It's just necessary.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Messy Break-Up

(22:45:11)*9mil: you're breaking up with me aren't you?
(22:45:14) Sarizard: ahhahah
(22:45:17) Sarizard: I'm sorry it's just not working
(22:45:21)*9mil: :'O
(22:45:22) Sarizard: I'm a free spirit baby
(22:45:25)*9mil: NOOOOO!
(22:45:26) Sarizard: I can't be tied down like this
(22:45:30)*9mil: *sobs*
(22:45:42)*9mil: *eats chocolate*
(22:45:52) Sarizard: I'm sorry...but did you really think it was going to work? You're a librarian, I'm a person who pretends to shop for jam
(22:45:59) Sarizard: we're really just like romeo and juliet
(22:46:01)*9mil: HAHAHAHAHA
(22:46:10) Sarizard: can't you see the modern day parallels?
(22:46:11)*9mil: I mean... *sobsob*
(22:46:25)*9mil: so... that's it then?
(22:46:27) Sarizard: ahahh
(22:46:27) Sarizard: um
(22:46:29) Sarizard: sorry
(22:46:34) Sarizard: Can't get any coherent thoughts out right now
(22:46:38) Sarizard: *Breaths*
(22:46:39)*9mil: FINE
(22:46:45)*9mil: *tears up your letter*
(22:46:47) Sarizard: NOOO
(22:46:50) Sarizard: but
(22:46:53)*9mil: >:\
(22:46:56) Sarizard: can I have custody of Hazelyn?
(22:47:02)*9mil: NO!
(22:47:04) Sarizard: dammmn
(22:47:10) Sarizard: thought it ws worth it to ask
(22:47:11)*9mil: you'll feed her imaginary jam. I know you will.
(22:47:25)*9mil: and she only likes MY cooking anyway.
(22:48:01) Sarizard: can you take Olive?
(22:48:27)*9mil: I'm not sure crackers would like the competition...
(22:48:33) Sarizard: Gaaaah
(22:48:34)*9mil: although crackers and olives make a lovely snack...
(22:48:41) Sarizard: this break up is not working out favourably for me
(22:48:58) Sarizard: and I'll lose my friends and family discount on...library books..

Monday, February 11, 2008

A conversation with my mother

Sarah: Heyyyyy Mum.
Mum: Why are you wearing those ears?
Sarah: *strokes cat ears* What's wrong with them?
Mum: You're wearing them all the time now.
Sarah: Yes...
Mum: But why?
Sarah: Because I like them...
Mum: you want to be a cat?
Sarah: Well cats ARE pretty cool...
Mum: I am not happy about this.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I grew it!!

From a bulb!! I'm so proud!

I don't know what it's called because I threw away the label so I wouldn't see what it would look like.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

My arm hurts, but that's okay

Today was Hirah's party! I met Hirah at this summer school two years ago, and we have spoken on msn a lot but not seen each other since! She invited myself and Vicky to her birthday party, and we've been deliberating all week whether or not we could go because we didn't know how to get there.
So Hirah sent us these really strange instructions, telling us how to get there from birmingham, and we decided we would go after all. First, Vicky and I met up near my house and we got the bus. I'm always a bit worried about being with Vicky. See on the one hand I really respect her because she's completely comfortable with her personality but is very straightforward she wont pretend she agrees with you just to get along so it's a bit scary. Also I'm always worried we wont have anything to say to each other...because we only made friends this year really. But it was cool. We always have a surprising amount in common.
Anyway, we got the bus into the town, I tried to ask for a day saver, and managed to say "can i have one of those special tickety things," while vicky muttered "adult day saver" to me.

We reached town and Vicky managed to get us on the bus, we made a big deal of trying to explain where we were going, because Hirah's instructions didn't say, so we were like "uhmmm..we're supposed to get off after we see a Lidl and a DFS" etc, and eventually I blurted out "Moseley Village!" and the bus driver was like coooool. So then we sat down. And on the seats next to us there was this guy with a skateboard.

So the instructions said we should go out of town, and we were like hmm are we out of town yet, cause we could SEE town, but we were still in a pretty town like place. So I'm all "Are we in town?" And I saw that guy sitting across and was like "hey dude?" And he looked up! which I took as a good sign and started to ask him if he thought we were still in town. He said maybe, but then we got talking. Didn't help that Vicky was hysterical behind me.

Eventually he got off the bus and waved at us. It was great. I'm glad there are people like that in the world.

Then we managed to get off at the right stop by some miracle, and we trekked to Hirah's house. Her house is awesome, her room is like some shrine for hello kitty. I had a great time there was a bouncy castle and I sang Tainted Love on karoke!!! Me! Karoke! Vicky was the quietest I have ever seen her, but she seemd to be enjoying herself too which is good.

Hirah's parents gave us a lift back to the station and then we caught buses Vicky was very nice and waited with me. Birmingham is nice at night all dark and everything is lit up and the air is cold but good. I liked it very much.

I had a good day :)