Friday, April 20, 2007


Today I committed a crime. I felt very bad about my crime.

Basically, before school, I was studying in the library, translating some french newspaper articles that we were looking at in class. I was using this nice dictionary which was quite small, when the bell went. I had to go to registration, but I hated registration because you never DO anything there. You just sit. And say "present" and then sit.

Anyway, the librarian said "hello Sarah" and then left to get some coffee. So I committed a CRIME.

I stole the dictionary. A REFERENCE ONLY dictionary. I held it over the alarms so they didn't go off, and then left the library a criminal. It was shocking.

So, I translated the rest of the article, but then I started to get the guilt. I could hear the dictionary in my back whispering french verbs, like the tell-tale heart and it was terrifying!

Eventually, I had to give it back, so I got Kim to distract the librarian, which Kim did by going in and standing in front of the desk. The librarian didn't care. I tried to hold it over the alarm again, but I was worried that she'd see me holding it up so I pulled it down too early and it went off, and I was like "hehe, sorry that's me," because it does happen and the librarian couldn't care less.

She hadn't as I anticipated, noticed the dictionary missing, and prepared a council in front of which I would be reckoned. She just smiled mildly and said hello to me.

I put the dictionary back anyway.

And so ends my life of crime.