Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Saga Recommences!

So I haven't updated for the last few days, but I HAVE been with the action making. Oh yes. As you can see, this is the site about three days ago when I started digging, and then realised it was far too dry. I had to move the frame, obviously, because the frame has to be slightly sunk in, thus the dug out section must be larger than the frame.

Behold the new and prettier sign! Some people mentioned lack of colour, so THERE YOU GO.
Now, this is what the site looks like TODAY, after having been dug out, and then having the grass put back in, upside down. I'm just supposed to leave that now... On the sides, you can see stones that I picked out. Cause there were too many stones!

In a different part of the garden, on an unrelated note, here are my onions! They're just regular cooking onions that started growing, instead of cooking, so I planted them. They look like they might flower. It's a bit tricky to see, but I've got the staked up, else they'll flop all over the place. Also, slugs LOVE THEM. To slugs, onions are like.. candy floss. Irresistable. Seriously. I put down pellets, thinking I would find a few dead slugs, but there were about TWENTY. And that was only the first time. I did it again a few days ago and there were still about ten! Where do they come from? I don't know. I feel bad killing them, but what can I do?

Here are my extremely stylish wellies, covered in dust, and being glared at by Olive, who you can see in the top right hand corner.

THIS is a beautiful poppy that I grew. it's MAGNIFICIENT, no? You thought poppies were always red? WRONG. This is a gorgeous one. Unfortunately, they have short lives, and three days after this picture was taken (TODAY) the petals all fell. I picked them up and stuck them in the back of my diary :) Coincidentally, all the petals I find in good condition, I stick in the front of my favourite books :)

That's all for now!!! OH also I planted some radish seeds in a pot. We'll see how that goes.


Anonymous said...

Your wellies are WAY cute!
I want to see the watering can too! :P
and that poppy is BEAUTIFUL
so is the new sign XP ;]

Umber said...

And the radishes...oh dear.
You know, I think Olive is only glaring because she has no wellies. Poor kitty. :(